Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lin had reservations about having Tenzin get involved and when Korra’s presence was made known, she folded her arms and turned toward the Avatar. Lin’s mood dropped considerably as she immediately regretted her decision to agree to Tenzin’s request. She didn’t consider Korra would bring her new found knowledge to the public but it still left her feeling very vulnerable and full of regret. She didn’t think she’d want to involve Tenin. She had been on the fence about it and with Korra having eavesdropped, it only solidified her concern that doing something off the books would endanger her career and possibly Tenzin’s life. Lin would have rather left before she had to deal with Korra and Tenzin’s exchange as it was awkward and tense and more of an annoyance than anything else.

”Alright, goodnight.” Was all Lin could tell Tenzin as her scowl remained present. She was quick to take her leave, not feeling up to saying anything else.

- - -

"Oh Mako." Asami rolled her eyes. He had grilled a rather good steak but it had been a while since she had anything like that since she began to bunk with Korra and the others on Air Temple Island. She was fond of the idea of having something easy to cook and chicken fried rice fitted the bill perfectly. As they started chopping and cutting the ingredients, Bolin kept thinking about Korra and the others back on the island. Asami could tell he wanted to be more persent though and when Mako suggested Bolin handle the chicken, she brightened up. ”Yeah Bolin, I’m sure you’ll be great.” She smiled and glanced to Mako, glad he was trying to encourage his brother to branch out and try new things, even if they did involve fire. She was pretty sure he wouldn’t burn her house down.

”Wow really? Alright, sure!” Bolin brightened up. Asami gestured to where the indoor grill was and Bolin hurried over and stood beside her. She showed him how it worked, since she wasn’t fond of bringing bending into the kitchen since it wasn’t something she felt was easy to control. And since Bolin wasn’t a fire bender like his brother, she figured that he might want to stick to something basic anyway. Asami told him what the controls did and how they worked and she stepped back to let Bolin grill the chicken. She walked back over to Mako and got the rest of the ingridents. The rice was almost done and soon they could combine everything, sit back and enjoy. As Bolin set to grilling, Asami fetched a bottle of sake, it being a delicate beverage from a far away island.

Asami stood by Bolin again, making sure he was doing okay but she really wasn’t too worried. “I could set you up with one of my friends, if you’re looking to get back out there.” Asami offered gently. She knew Bolin was pretty good with the ladies and she wanted him to be happy. If he kept holding out for Korra, she wasn’t sure if he’d ever get a happy ending. It was clear Korra had things to deal with and Bolin needed to have more friends to talk to and hang out with. Asami didn’t mean to imply that Korra wasn’t good for Bolin but she knew how much she had damaged him, deep down. All she wanted to do was give him a new, perhaps refreshing relationship. It didn’t even have to be romantic but since Bolin was stepping out on his own, she figured he might like the company of one of her friends. Of course she wouldn’t push the matter if he wasn’t interested in meeting new faces.

As Bolin turned the meat over, he glanced to Asami, still seriously considering her offer. He loved hanging out with Korra, as well as spending time with the air bending kids but he could sort of see where Asami was coing from. He had been so focused on Korra that he almost lost sight of himself. And the same could be said for his own attachment to his older brother. “I think it could be fun, we could even go out on a double date.” Bolin laughed and then remembered that Mako and Asami weren’t together anymore. “Oops, sorry.” He said nervously and looked to where his brother stood. He then looked back at the meat, happy with how it was grilled and seasoned. ”It would be nice to spend time with some other people, what do you think Mako?” He asked as Asami took the meat and began to cut it up and mix the rice, sauce and other vegetables together.

He wasn’t necessarily looking to Mako for approval as to whether or not he should go out with someone since he knew it could be friendly and nothing else. Bolin was more asking for encouragement from his brother. Bolin was sure Mako would understand both his and Korra’s situation and Bolin didn’t want to make Korra uncomfortable. Asami noticed his uneasiness and glanced to Mako before putting her head back down. She wouldn’t set anything up if Bolin was really hung up on Korra, as she didn’t intend to hurt someone’s feelings. She just thought Bolin would like a change of pace and maybe it would help him make his own friends and forage his own path. ”How’d I do?” He asked, changing the topic.

Asami stepped back and turned around, holding the large bowl of their finished product. ”Pretty good, I think if you and Mako hadn’t become pro benders, you two could surely have become great chefs in any of the top restaurants.” Asami complimented.

Bolin grinned and did a small cheer just as they heard several loud bangs. A servant answered the door and allowed Korra in. When she entered the kitchen, Bolin smiled gently. ”Glad you could make it.” He said and picked up the bottle of chilled sake. ”We were just getting ready to eat.” Bolin said. Asami nodded and said there was certainly enough for her to join them. The four moved into the dining room to enjoy a nice cultural meal together. Bolin was still mulling over Asami’s offer, knowing it was harmless and well intended. HIs mind felt conflicted. He knew he shouldn’t keep waiting for a girl to like him, and that if he felt like checking with Korra about it, that he really did need to move on. He couldn’t base his life choices on the idea of a future that might never even be.

Now wasn’t the time to talk about love though.

As everyone helped serve themselves, Asami noticed how Korra had become rather bothered by something. She took a sip of sake and glanced to Korra, not sure if she could help the troubled Avatar. Asami still wasn’t ready to be friends but she was trying, hopefully Korra could as well. ”Bolin and Mako helped, I think they are pretty great cooks, maybe we can do something special for dessert.” Asami commented, maybe something with chocolate. Chocolate was a great way to lift a mood or feel comforted. Bolin was eating and humming, rather pleased with the food turned out. And he was also proud that he hadn't burned anything and now he had Korra, with her around, he wouldn't feel like a third wheel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

As he made clear, Mako would stand by and keep a close eye on Bolin’s work in the kitchen. Asami was very supportive of his efforts and she had even looked his way once she expressed it; Mako was already looking her way, resulting in a very short but meaningful stare of appreciation before they had returned to keeping an eye out for Bolin. Asami had guided Bolin very well in the purpose and use of the tools he’d need to prepare dinner, leaving Mako to just keep a watchful eye. After a certain point Mako believed there would be very little to worry about, not that he was very worried to begin with. Bolin still had the occasional stretch of naivety to him but he was always eager to learn, and to never quit. Trusting that he’d handle that task with ease so long as Asami was strong in her support and Mako being a comforting presence, he’d finish this without incident. After Asami had went to retrieve a bottle of sake, a drink considered a delicacy among higher social classes, the easy-going time they had in the kitchen was disrupted by Asami’s offer of setting Bolin up with one of her friends.

Mako’s stomach tightened, which was beginning to be a common occurrence when it came to Bolin and women. Not too long ago he was head over heels about Korra, something he had come between like a complete idiot, and the subject of Bolin finding a new girl brought discomfort to the point Mako had averted his eyes for a second. It was a reminder of his failure as a brother and a boyfriend, matters made worse because they didn’t really resolve it. That line about girls during the pro-bending match that day, that resolution he made with Bolin, it lacked substance. Amon was the bigger priority, and now without that distraction he wondered if Korra too felt as he did. There was a rift between everyone, only Bolin and Asami were innocent in it all. Even now, Mako would note, he was thinking more about his own distaste for how that question made him feel when it wasn’t about him. Some brother he was. His gaze returned to Bolin, surprised to find that he was considering Asami’s offer and not immediately dismissing her request. Going on to actually believe in the suggestion and throw out a joke about double-dating, Mako’s cheeks burned red, his hand rubbing the back of his neck because no verbal response would really do the awkwardness of the situation justice.

His opinion on the subject considered by Bolin once Asami had taken over. With Korra he was happy, so happy in fact that for whatever stupid reason he had lost his connection to Asami along the way. He was working on atoning for his mistakes, but with Korra he believed that Bolin could still have a chance. All it would take is a little effort on Korra’s part to express how she really feels, and the timing couldn’t be worse. She had the excuse of Tenzin’s family and that was a very valid one to give, but it was Bolin who was sticking by her through this as a good friend would. Maybe if they stuck together more, she’d come to realize that Bolin was a man worthy of affection and her kiss, unlike him. “I think it’s good for you, I really do. You deserve to be happy, bro.” Mako replied, biting back any comments related to Korra knowing full well that it was problem just as much on Bolin’s mind as it was his. Asami’s eyes went to Mako, and his eyes met hers before once again they parted. Thankfully Bolin had moved the conversation elsewhere, Asami having taken care of the final preparations held the bowl out for them to see. Smirking at the image of him and his brother wearing chef hats and wielding kitchen tools, Mako was about to throw out a name or two they could have used until several knocks to the front door had cut that thought off. With a servant moving to the front door, in had come Korra, who was following the aroma of the meal just prepared.

Korra waved at the trio, smiling at them each individually in spite of what was really on her mind. The food smelled great and she was in the company of her friends, but there was just plenty of nagging in the back of her mind; did she just blurt out what she heard and get it out of the way, or does she just keep it to herself and dismiss it? Mako took quick note of how different she had appeared, but wanted to dismiss it as pure imagination. Perhaps she was just trying to adjust to a happier setting after getting back from Air Temple Island. Joining them in the dining room and fixing their own plates, Mako had savored the combination of efforts by Asami and especially Bolin, quietly moaning in satisfaction. Asami was crediting him when it was really Bolin and herself that had deserved all the credit. Mako waved his hand dismissively and smile at her, directing a fork her way. “No, you and Bolin did this, I was just the lookout. Not that you needed it, this tastes great.” Praised the fire bender, looking to Korra and seeing if her reaction was equally a combination of satisfaction and, for Bolin, impressed.

Korra was content with stirring the meal together; it appeared delicious, it smelled delicious and it was likely to taste the same too. Her appetite was dulled by the idea of Tenzin getting involved with what was likely the result of Amon’s conquest for ‘equality’. It wasn’t the fact that Amon still being out there scared her, well it did but that wasn’t the center of her fears. Tenzin was eager for what seemed to be payback, and when you were upset revenge and justice blended all too easily. Lin was smart enough to know the risks and Korra was willing to trust her, but it was the result of that quest could change him forever if things continued as they are. Katara should be arriving in the morning and might help soothe Tenzin’s fears, and also leave enough time to let Bolin and herself focus on other priorities. For him it was becoming a man of the law, and for her it was becoming whole again.

“Korra,” Mako said, hoping to gather her attention. Something did seem wrong with her, so much so that she didn’t even seem to notice Asami’s comment on dessert. “Is everything okay?”

Korra looked up from her meal. To Asami and Mako together, and then to Bolin enjoying his meal in peace, Korra recognized her company and was glad for it. It was clear to her that she couldn’t keep her feelings bottled up like this, especially when she was doing such a poor job at even pretending to be normal. She stood up from her seat and placed her hands firmly beside the plate, shaking her head. “No, there’s a lot on my mind recently and I don’t know how to talk about it with you. I’d excuse myself but I can’t really go back to the island tonight.” She glanced to Bolin; Tenzin had included him in saying they should stay, but if anyone would be welcome back it was him.

“Why can’t you go back? Did something happen with Tenzin?” Mako inquired.

“Yeah, that could be the best way to put it. I heard things I shouldn’t have, and Naga made noises … that look he me was pretty self-explanatory: Don't go back for a while.” Korra hated to be on anyone’s bad side if she could avoid it. Tenzin was like family, and Lin was …well, Lin, but being enemies never got anything done. She knew that everyone deserved a better explanation than that, but she was unable to muster the courage to admit that shortcoming in front of everyone. Her eyes went from Mako and Asami, then back to Bolin. He was easier to talk to than the other two; Mako and her still had some intensity to them after earlier, and Asami didn’t need to be explained. Kissing her then-boyfriend wouldn’t exactly make her the easiest to be alone with for a while, and Bolin always had something good to say. He had agreed and excused himself, following Korra back into the main lobby and leaving Mako and Asami to themselves, the former shrugging his shoulders at the latter.

With her back to the dining room and Bolin directly in front of her, Korra’s sullen stare had softened a little. It was easier when it was just Bolin she was talking to, he wouldn’t judge her so harshly then.

“Okay, when I went back to the island with Naga I heard voices, Tenzin and Lin were outside. They were talking about what was going on in the city, and Tenzin asked to join her on an investigation into it. That’s all well and good, except I think Tenzin might make this more about revenge than what it’s meant to be about: Justice. People are suffering, and I’ve barely got earth bending back in my arsenal.” Korra rubbed her left arm and looked towards the door, finding herself as powerless as she was when she was at the edge of that cliff back home. “I know it was wrong to eavesdrop like that, but it was the most I heard Tenzin talking in weeks. I was thinking that maybe you and I should try to help; we’ve been the closest to Tenzin and we’ve seen the toll this has taken, and if we’re close maybe he’ll be encouraged to take things one step at a time?” Her eyes returned to his, hope brimming at the very center. Mako and Asami were a part of Team Avatar too, but maybe this wasn’t a Team Avatar problem.

“Asami has to save her company and Mako should be that shoulder for her, I don’t want to be there as a reminder that I made it fall apart. I've felt pretty detached from being the Avatar, almost like I'm broken, but the city is going to need me. What do you think?”

Mako in the meantime was watching them from a distance, curious as to what was so important that Asami and himself couldn't be in on it. He respected her desire to keep it private, but there was no helping him being so curious about it. His meal consumption was at a standstill when Korra was concerned. "She said she couldn't go home, you think we could let these two stay here for tonight? It'd be no different from a sleepover." he lightly proposed. Asami was the one in charge here, and he did not want to come across as the boss by any means. If Tenzin needed the space, maybe they should allow him that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

While everyone began to eat and make light conversation, Mako’s attention soon drifted over to Korra who seemed a bit different than her usual self. Had something happened with Tenzin and his family? Had they taken a turn for the worse? Asami knew if that had happened though, Korra wouldn’t be so jovial and would instead inform them of any news up front. She glanced to Mako when he began pressing her for information. The long haired beauty went back to her food, not because she wasn’t interested or didn’t care but she she decided to let Mako handle the questioning. Though she hoped he didn’t step on a landmine the way he had in front of the cafe earlier.

Bolin looked from his brother to Korra, unsure of what might happen. Unlike Asami who knew how to shift awkwardness in dinner situations, the earth bender wasn’t as smooth around building tension. Before he could say anything of comfort or value, Korra got to her feet and soon asked for his company away from the table. Giving Mako and Asami a small timid wave and smile, he got up and followed the Avatar off to where she felt safe enough to open up about what was on her mind. The pair moved to the foyer and Bolin stood in front of her, trying his best to appear understanding and soothing. He hated seeing her so upset but the only way he could help is if he had more information.

The dark skinned girl then began to let it all out. She explained what she did and how it all happened. Korra said how Tenzin and Lin were getting involved with the city’s biggest pending issue and he frowned, not sure if he felt comfortable getting involved with his boss and her teacher. Still, he let her continue as she mentioned her lack of major progress with earth bending as well as how she knew it was wrong of her to eavesdrop. She rounded things off by trying to rope him into the issue and explained how Mako and Asami were already preoccupied with their own thing. He frowned, not sure if he thought that meant he had nothing going on or what but he felt the need to give Korra some tough love, as he could tell she was mostly looking for comfort as usual and for once, he didn’t want to be the nice guy who was wrapped around her finger.

”Korra, I owe Tenzin so much and that’s why I can’t meddle, I can’t get involved. What he’s doing is his own business.” Was what he first said as it was something he needed to make absolutely clear, that he wasn’t going to bother Tenzin when he felt it wasn’t his place. ”You know him more than I do but even so, you don’t know him like Lin does, she would look out for him. She’s known him her whole life and you need to have faith in her judgement and his. They were in love once, she even has a picture of him in her office, I mean it’s in her drawer but she does look at it, I saw her take it out yesterday after a long boring meeting-” He then realized that he was on a tangent. He rubbed his neck to collect his thoughts before moving on, ”Anyway what you did was wrong, you shouldn’t have eavesdropped and Tenzin should be mad at you, not just because you’re the Avatar but because you’re like a daughter to him and you betrayed his trust, you violated it by not speaking up or just walking the other way, Korra. To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed in you too.” Bolin admitted. ”And your earth bending isn’t going to just click the way it did before, you haven’t forgotten to bend, it’s inside you, it never left. You just need to get the mind and body to match up again but you won’t until you focus on you and stop trying to fix everyone’s problems. I know you’re under a lot of pressure to be the city’s shining icon and it’s great that you’re taking responsibility but you have to pick your battles.”

Meanwhile, Asami had had enough waiting and leaned over to tap Mako on the shoulder to get his attention. ”I suppose they could.” It didn’t give her much comfort to have Mako and Korra under the same roof since the last time they were, Asami was ignored and she didn’t want history to end up repeating itself. She didn’t want Korra’s presence to make her feel detached again, especially not after she and Mako were making steady progress. ”Come on, I want something sweet.” She smiled and got up and collected her plate, as well as Bolin’s and Korra’s. She moved into the kitchen through the dining room and set the dishes by the sink to be cleaned. Since she had company, Asami saw little point in doing them herself so she turned back to see Mako joining her.

She was thankful that he wasn’t asking about what Bolin and Korra could be discussing since it evidently wasn’t a concern of theirs. Making her way over to the fridge, she pulled it open and saw a frozen tub of chocolate ice cream. Since it was a bit of treat, she didn’t have much of a variety and she made a mental note to go to the store at some point since she and Mako were running low on groceries. She smiled a bit at the notion since for a moment, she could have sworn she was happy and that she and Mako were actually a normal couple together. If only it were that simple. ”We should go to the store soon.” She commented, trying to pull herself back to the present. She pulled out the ice cream and motioned for Mako to get them a bowl. ”I think just one would be fine, we can share.” She smiled softly and grabbed two spoons and began to serve them up some hearty scoops of chocolate goodness.

Bolin hoped he was making sense and not speaking out of place but she was a friend and he was trying to help her. ”You need to help this city, of course you do...but you can’t do it the way Tenzin and Lin are. Mako and I were going to talk to her and offer our help but you should know that whatever Tenzin does, he’s doing it the right way, he’s smart and wouldn’t jeopardize his family for revenge. You know that’s not him. You need to help the city rebuild on the surface but also on the inside too,” he touched his heart. ”you need to make a public announcement or something and get everyone’s attention focused on reconstruction and becoming stronger than ever before. Let Lin handle whatever is going on, you need to focus on bending and being there for Tenzin, not acting like a brat and causing him more stress.” He said to Korra. ”I care about you but you were acting out of place and to be honest, you have been for a while. I know it won’t be easy to change, you’re not the only one trying but please think before you act.” He said.

Just then the other door opened from the kitchen and Asami poked her head out, carrying two small dishes of ice cream. ”I hope we’re not interrupting anything, we got you two some ice cream, we’re gonna be in the pool, I can set aside a suit if you guy wanna join.” Asami offered and hesitated as Mako had their shared bowl of ice cream in his hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
Avatar of SoleAccord

SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Avatar had expected some reassurance from her earth bending friend, and the glimmer in her eyes had reflected deeply on that hope. Bolin was becoming a firm pillar in her life, Korra believed that he might understand her feelings and agree to some extent on what her opinions were. What had actually come to pass was the exact opposite; Bolin was against her, an eye opener if there ever was one. Just earlier he had been the neutral force in a dispute between Mako and herself, yet now he appeared very much the opposite. Her gut tightened at his words, the hand grasping her arm tightened. It was all she could do other than tighten her jaw and, for the sake of her friend and most importantly herself, keep silent. Bolin wouldn’t help her when it came to Tenzin’s pursuits, going far to express trust in Lin’s ability as a friend since childhood. That was something Korra couldn’t have over her; she knew Tenzin even more than his own wife did, and if anyone was qualified to keep an eye on the elder air bender it was his old flame. A transition to the contents of Lin’s desk which contained a very precious picture of Tenzin followed. Korra had become less tense and moreso confused at Bolin’s priority in the conversation, and were it not her being chewed out she may even have cracked a smile in that moment. Three words were stated that had hit her hard, not because of what was said, but who had said it.

This was Bolin; Bolin, of all people, telling her these things.

Her eyes widened in awe as the torrent that was Bolin’s harsh truth came at her in waves. It had been true that Lin knew Tenzin better than her. It was also true that Tenzin had trusted her to be better than that. Korra wanted to cut in, wanted to place a defense in favor of herself to try and justify why she did what she did, but Bolin was relentless. Going as far as to express his own disappointment in her, not just Tenzin’s, the Avatar was at a complete loss of words. Being who she was, being the Avatar, meant solving the problems of others. Bolin may be right about everything else, but that was just something she couldn’t concede on. No matter how much sense he was making, some stubbornness was holding out in the back of her head, preventing her from losing all ground. She was the physical and the spiritual representation of balance and basically the bridge for both, the world was to be protected and remain peaceful, it was her duty to make sure someone as influential and affectionate as Tenzin didn’t get caught up in a road of vengeance. Could Lin really prevent that alone?

Mako ate in silence, but every now and then he had his eye on his brother and Korra, wondering how things were going. His plate was cleaned off without a scrap left, just in time for Asami to gain his attention and, noticeably reluctant, agreed to keep Korra and Bolin for the night. Mako was no idiot; the history with Korra and himself was not so easily forgotten and Asami wasn’t willing to let the relationship they were both struggling to reform suddenly relegate in the face of the Avatar’s stay. He wanted to reassure her that his eyes were only on her, but there was no perfect way to do such a thing at the time. The mention of something sweet being on the mind and a gorgeous smile following, Mako did not hesitate in following Asami to the kitchen, quietly taking Bolin and Korra’s plates in place of herself. Bolin had consumed much, but as he noted before it was Korra who had hardly touched it. Setting aside the dishes that had little to no food scraps remaining, Mako was quick to retrieve plastic wrap from one of several drawers and quickly wrapped Korra’s plate. The meal was good, and hopefully when those two resolve whatever was being discussed she’d be hungry for this more around lunchtime tomorrow. Asami was fixated on the fridge and the contents that were frozen inside. She had retrieved a tub of chocolate ice cream, making the mention for groceries. In that moment Mako felt as if things had returned to the way they should have been. No more betrayal, no more fear of his being stupidly unfaithful, only each other. The urge to come forward and press his lips against Asami’s cheek and refer to her as something sweeter had been strong, but he had decided against such a bold move and found it best to treat her well without overstepping his boundaries. “Yeah, let’s do that. We can form a list together later.” Scooting by her to place Korra’s untarnished meal in the fridge, he had closed the door behind himself and listened to Asami’s suggestion of sharing a bowl. His cheeks turned a light shade of red, warm as the day he first laid eyes on her. This was a good sign of things to come in their future, and Mako was only capable of grinning like a fool as she drew the scoops for them.

Meanwhile, Korra was still trying to piece together the things Bolin was saying, piece by piece. Korra could feel herself trembling, not out of anger, but by complete disbelief. He probably didn’t intend to, but the 180 was something she hadn’t been prepared for, and of course it did hurt to hear these things coming from him. She had meant well, even if it didn’t seem like it. The things he was saying weren’t entirely false, but what made them cement in her head was that her way of handling things was no longer being tolerated. Bolin was taking a stand on the matter and, for better or worse, working to try and help her see that she was not only failing as a student and a friend, but even seemed to imply that she was failing at her duty as the Avatar. Speechless, completely and utterly speechless was what Korra was left. Her bottom lip quivered slightly, mouth going dry. Words wanted to come forth and protest, but nothing was coming out. That was a level of honesty the Avatar wasn’t prepared for, it had left her in a state of complete loss. What does one possibly say after all of that?

Mako and Asami had reappeared from the kitchen, the former holding the bowl of ice cream with care, spoons tucked under the mass. Korra’s face had moved to the opposite side of them, hiding it as much as possible from the pair. Mako’s curiosity grew, yet his respect for the conversation being purely between them did not waiver. Mako gave Bolin a good look, not really portraying any real emotion on his face nor asking the question of what he said to Korra. Trusting his brother to handle this was the best option, and while he hoped Bolin was giving her what she needed, there was also hope that he wasn’t pushing her too hard. Trusting him to know the difference, it seemed that Korra had not been interested in ice cream, nor a swim with them. “That’s okay,” Mako could tell that perhaps it was best to let Korra be alone with Bolin. “If you change your mind—“

“In a minute, guys.” Korra suddenly interjected, much to the surprise of Mako who had believed her mute. Her voice was noticeably dry, her eyes not moving to meet with the others. Instead she was only hoping they’d understand that a little time was necessary.

“No problem. Take your time, you know where we’ll be.” Mako glanced at Asami and nodded her head. They were only going to be in the way of this conversation, but from the tension surround Korra Mako would’ve compared it to a stance of pure defeat, almost as if Bolin was dumping her for another woman.

Korra waited until the footsteps of her friends vanished until she was somewhat comfortable to speak; her eyes were moistened, but not enough to suggest tears would soon follow. Her eyes returned to Bolin’s, not filled with hope, instead representing a plea. There were a number of actions Korra could take right now, and whether or not it was her place to do so, she had leaned against Bolin with her forehead against her rightmost shoulder. She knew he wouldn’t push her away, even if he was disappointed the earth bender couldn’t have been capable of such a thing, could he? She didn’t mean for this to get out of hand, to become so dramatic in the face of a friend who only wanted what was best for her. She was weak for this, and hated herself for it, but looking into the face of Bolin told her that she was at risk of losing everyone close to her. Asami didn’t trust her nor did she have reason to, Mako probably didn’t want to have anything to do with her because of the situation with Asami, and Tenzin looked down on her tonight just as Bolin was now. Before Bolin could shift his own body to either welcome or refuse Korra, she pulled away and rubbed her eyes. “Sorry, I shouldn’t be acting like this.” She muttered, sniffling a little and keeping her eyes cast down. Staring at him was painful, especially after being told what a fool she had been. What a fool she still was. “I messed up tonight, and I …I keep using you to tell me it’s going to be okay, to tell me that I’m still going to be okay. I’m not okay.”

Pained as she might be by confronting her own shortcomings, her gaze returned to Bolin. Though her eyes burned, Korra dare not peel them away. “I’m selfish. I’ve only cared about how I felt, never about others. I never gave Asami the apology she deserved and I’m the reason Mako isn’t happy. I didn’t apologize to Tenzin and Lin tonight for being a stupid little girl and eavesdropping.” Korra bit her lip, knowing that Bolin was someone who she had to paid respect to the most. He was pulling her up this entire time in spite of how terrible a friend she was.

“Life’s never been the same since I met you!”

His words and smile the day they returned were clear as day in her mind, and when comparing that expression of joy to this expression of disappointment it only resulted in a pain deep in her chest. Korra’s ignorance of his feelings and negligence of her friends altogether was haunting here right here and now, but the first person she had struck in the face was the one who was the closest. Compared to Bolin, as of now the others weren’t on the same level. They were careful of their words and, while Asami was bitter, she still tried to make some suggestions and put it behind her even now. If it was Asami who had kissed her boyfriend and never mentioned it, would Korra welcome her into her home? Would she be so willing to try and forgive? The Avatar lacked the strength and the will to think about these questions. The importance of it all now was that she understood because it was the one so close to her all this time telling her, to her face, what kind of a fool she was.

“I know I don’t have a right to ask more of you now than you’ve already given me, but I just need to ask why you’ve stuck around.” Her voice quivered, a shudder going throughout her body. Standing tall didn’t matter, because when bearing witness to all the mistakes she made Korra was aware of how much of a dwarf she was in comparison. It was impossible to escape it when everything was out on the table between them. “You didn’t quit on me. Asami and Mako still talk to me and still seem to care, but after I practically threw that night we shared away you just put it behind you. I couldn’t even look you in the eye and beg for your forgiveness, but you still stayed beside me.” Her defense was crumbling as she spoke; she had long since released her arm, hands balled into fists at her side and eyes remaining moist. This was what it was like when she was confronted with something she had no answer to. You didn’t go your entire life being a prodigy and then turn into a novice at something that should come so easy. Failing at air bending was a taste of bitter humble pie, and she was tasting it again. Bolin had humbled her, but it was because he humbled her that she was beginning to grow frustrated at how he could not be angry. “You had every right to walk away once the Equalists were beaten. I broke your heart and I didn’t even have the decency to …to…” she stuttered, shutting her eyes. Regrettably, a lone tear from her right eye had fallen. She hadn’t felt so vulnerable since Amon had confronted her for the very first time. With all of her will, Korra had steadied her voice. Her eyes opened, only imagining how pathetic she must look like this in front of someone she cared about so much. Why was it only now that she realized how important Bolin was? That everyone was?

“Why didn’t you yell at me? Or ignore me? I don’t want a drawn out explanation about how great I am anymore, I don’t care about that. What I care about is what kept you with me. Just tell me what it really is Bolin, because I can’t understand it. You put up with it, all of it! Why?”

To fall and get back up again is what she was taught, not only by her instructors, but by her past lives. Korra had fallen into a place so dark there was no hope of escape until they had returned to her, and when she returned it was this boy in front of her. He had given 110% for her, she had returned nothing, and she hadn’t even tried. What would an apology matter to him now? What did her word really mean after all this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

His words never meant to cause Korra grief or anger. Bolin's intentions had been to simply voice his concerns and have her do with them whatever she liked. He was happy to be a constant presence in her life but not if the only way he'd get attention, was if she needed a pep talk. Bolin thought high of Korra but he wasn't delusional, he saw her faults and knew he needed to stop being a cheerleader and be an actual friend. As he spoke, he watched to see how she'd react. he had anticipated some annoyance at most but she seemed to be covering her emotions well except for her eyes, those gave pretty much everything away. Bolin still refused to regret his actions and words as he knew standing his ground would not only benefit her in the long run, but also himself. The earth bender knew she wasn't expecting his reaction to be so against her view point but Bolin needed to be more mature which meant he had to consider the big picture while Korra seemed to only be focused on parts of the big picture.

If she was going to get her bending back, she needed to focus on that and not spread herself thin. And if she really wanted to help Republic City, she would rally their hope and courage together rather than meddle behind the scenes like Lin and Tenzin who at least knew what they were doing and what they were risking. Bolin didn't want to see Korra get hurt, emotionally or physically but he was realizing that he needed to stand up for himself which also entailed that the male make Korra find her own inspiration from inside herself, not just through his ramblings of admiration. She moved closer to him and pressed her forehead against his shoulder. He looked to her, not sure what she expect of him. He wanted to comfort her but at the same time, he felt like he shouldn’t, that she didn’t really need him to hold her and soothe her worries. Before he could do anything though, she moved away.

When she spoke without Mako or Asami around, her eyes were more downcast as if she couldn’t reach his gaze. Korra apologized and said how she knew she screwed up and how she was going to him for a morale boost. She finally raised her head to him and he held his breath, not wanting to see her like this but he hoped this could be a turning point for her. Then she came clean to her faults and then the topic took a turn he hadn’t expected. Korra asked why he stayed, why he felt a need to when things had been cleaned up. Without any danger, he didn’t have a real need to stick by the Avatar but it was clear she still didn’t get it. ”I am mad but somewhat myself because I should have just said how I felt, I just thought actions spoke louder than words. You kissing Mako didn’t have much to do with me, it’s not like I thought we were together.” He pointed out to her.

”I’m not the yelling sort of guy, nor would I ignore someone who wronged me, I don’t see that helpful.” He told her. ”If I stopped being friends with you, it wouldn’t help either one of us.” He said and then fell silent as he tried to figure out how to best answer her question. Why did he stay? Why did he put up with her after all this time? ”We’re friends Korra, I mean my feelings aside, I was your friend before anything else happened and you’re a good person, yeah you’ve made mistakes and some of them you haven’t really learned from yet but you’re my friend and I’m your friend.” It was a simple enough answer and hopefully one she could accept. Bolin shrugged and stepped forward. ”Friends aren’t perfect and sometimes they do hurt each other’s feelings but what matters is you don’t give up on each other.” He said and put his arms around her gently, not sure how she’d respond.

- - -

Back at the pool, Asami had finished getting changed into her dark colored one piece suit. She left out a set each for Bolin and Korra if they were so inclined. Mako already had his from when she let him burrow it a few days ago. She and Mako hopped into the pool and swam around before turning their attention back to the ice cream sitting on the edge of the side of the pool. Asami swam over and grabbed her spoon as she treaded water. She took a bite and quickly realized it was too much since a stinging sensation began to attack her head. She made a face and pushed herself off from the wall. She would need to wait a bit longer before she had another taste of ice cream. ”Might wanna be careful.” She warned Mako though he was a fire bender and probably never had to worry about brain freeze.

Asami dove under water and the painful sensation soon faded away and she resurfaced. Asami swam around again and then rejoined Mako at the side of the powl where they ate their ice cream. It wasn’t easy but it was better than sitting out and eating the ice cream like normal people. By the time they had finished, Asami was worried about Bolin and Korra. She wasn’t sure what they could be talking about though she had a few ideas. Either way, she kept her mouth shut, not wanting to deal with the drama after such a nice day. Asami glanced to Mako and smiled. “How about we go to the store tomorrow and pick up some groceries? I have someplace to be tomorrow morning, that meeting with the investors, but then again you and Bolin have training at the academy so at least we’ll both be busy.” She commented lightly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Actions spoke louder than words; Korra should have known that out of everyone in this household. Whatever blinded her to Bolin’s kindness had thankfully not caused him to drift away, instead he stayed close in spite of it. He was stronger than she had ever noticed before, and behind his boyish jokes and charm was this air of maturity she completely overlooked. Had Bolin always been this intuitive a person? His anger at himself was, in the Avatar’s eyes, misplaced. All he tried to do was be a good person, and that was dropped in favor of his brother? The mistakes she’s made as a human being were reaching the ceiling of this place, yet in her moistened eyes she read Bolin closely. He wasn’t going to quit on her, he was still going to be here. The best way for him to help her now was doing what he was doing already, and that left Korra to pick up the pieces and put everything back together with everyone. Asami, Mako, Tenzin and Bolin. She still had work to do, and much to accomplish with all of them.

After a moments silence he continued, but she was stuck on one part of his expressed feelings. His feelings aside, the very feelings she hadn’t been worried about when she kissed Mako, could still be there for her? Korra didn’t acknowledge it at all before but it was very possible that within his heart the earth bender had never lost hope in her as someone closer than this. Asami learned today what Bolin would have put together himself now: Korra did not understand a thing about real affection. The back and forth between the brothers wasn’t something she wished to repeat and at some point it was going to be buried. Not tonight, not yet. Korra’s lips quivered slightly as Bolin brought his arms around her, sparking a shudder of warmth flushing over her body. Concentrating hard, the Avatar worked to figure out how this felt from Bolin in another point of view. He was everything she wanted in a friend, but what was it that Mako had in the past that Bolin didn’t always have? Was there really a correct answer to it all?

Attention was returned to what was going on in the present, rather than internal debates on her feelings in the past and how they impacted her future. Her arms came around him, and like before she had brought her forehead against his shoulder and just took him in. She felt secure in his embrace, safe from the harshness of reality and just tucked away under a warm blanket. The mystery that was her affections, and the true nature of where Bolin wanted to be standing with her could all wait. Now there were another pair of friends waiting to be joined, so for tonight Korra could hopefully bury her questions and anxiety knowing Bolin wasn’t going anywhere. She deeply hoped that went the same for Mako and Asami. Without her friends, what was she? In the closing moment of this hug she had already known the answer: Alone. “Thanks, Bolin.” The Avatar would mutter, pulling her arms away closely followed by her head. “You won’t regret this, I promise. Why don’t we get some of that ice cream, head to the pool and just …have a nice time with them?”

Korra smiled, as did Bolin.

That sounded good.


In the meantime, the fire bender of the group was enjoying his swim in good company. Asami had left out individual suits for Bolin and Korra if they chose to get involved, Mako already more than aware of Bolin’s enthusiasm for this life. Growing up struggling and with only each other, having a pool to jump into when you pleased was a privilege they weren’t used to. Asami was fortunate to never experience that struggle and, minus a few key differences of opinion they shared with her father, was fortunate to be so well taken care of. With Mako and Bolin getting to enjoy a good swim in a pool that wasn’t after a defeat in the pro-bending arena was something rare growing up, he was always trying to make sure they were fed and had somewhere to stay sheltered during bad storms and harsh weather conditions of all kinds. For Asami, it was Tuesday. It was a life of comfort and dedication to helping others, a life he wanted to share with her if she’d allow him that honor. A breaststroke here and there had left Asami ready for some of that ice cream, and Mako had to stifle a bit of laughter at her reaction. “That bad?” he imagined so, based on how ready she was to swim it off. Turning to the bowl and drawing his own spoon he would have a taste of it himself. A spine-tingling shiver went down his spine, the flavor working wonders after that amazing meal. Fortunately for him, he was able to handle it a bit better than Asami. It would spare him embarrassment for finding it funny, only to suffer the same sharp pain she had felt.

Coming back beside him again, Asami took another attempt at the frozen treat, leaving Mako to watch her from the corner of his eye. Alone in a pool with Asami Sato, love of his life, and there was nothing appropriate to say. It didn’t take a genius to know that both of them were wondering what was up with Korra and Bolin, but it was between them. Asami still had her reservations regarding Korra, Mako was reminded every time he was close to her that he had unfinished business with her. All he could hope to do before that time came was help cement his affection for Asami and show her it was real; he’d never be able to take back that kiss, but what was one kiss compared to the dozen he wanted to give to the real woman for him? Asami had proposed that the shopping trip be done tomorrow, throwing in a quick mention about the investors she had to meet with in the morning. That left time for Bolin and himself to continue their training. In the back of his mind he wondered what Korra would be doing for the day, but it was only platonic. What he looked forward to most was comparing apples and oranges with the girl right beside him. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll throw in a mention to the Chief about Future Industries helping find a vaccine in case things get out of control.” Mako smiled warmly at her, having faith in her abilities as a new leader and face for the company. “Whoever these investors are, they’re making a great choice. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know, okay?”

As if on cue Mako had heard the familiarity of Bolin’s laughter, as well as Korra’s. The pair had entered, carrying the bowls that were left out for them and looking pretty happy as opposed to the tense gloom of just earlier. Mako wanted to ask but held his tongue, simply glad that they were looking pretty content in spite of themselves. Knowing Bolin he probably just told her a good joke or two, and things were better than ever now. “Well, look who decided to show up!”

“Sorry about earlier guys, it’s okay now though, everything’s going to be fine. I just needed a little help.” Korra lightly nudged Bolin before taking a good look at the suits that were laid out. She didn’t swim much in the southern water tribe for obvious reasons, and the garment that Asami laid out might have been something that she identified with. By no means was it a bad suit, but Korra just didn’t know if she could expose that much of herself in front of people, especially considering the internal issue they weren’t willing to get at yet. Clearing her throat and setting the bowl down beside her article of clothing, Korra took it in hand and examined it thoroughly. “Asami …do you think maybe in the future I could take you up on that offer to shop? This is nice, but I don’t think it would look as good on me as it does you.” Korra asked, embarrassment quite plain on her face. As the earlier talk would indicate for the heiress of the industrial empire, dressing up and looking good weren’t really her thing. Water tribe girls were a lot more reserved in their appearance. This level of skin was often reserved for someone special, but she wanted to have fun with them too. It was an exact copy of Asami’s and it did look amazing, the doubts in her mind weren’t clearing up any faster. Could she really pull this off? At this rate there was no hope of getting her in a dress.

“Well, Korra.” Mako was treading lightly. The idea of Korra in a bathing suit was appealing to anyone sane, and if he wasn’t very careful it might put him backwards with Asami. He wanted to reassure her that no one here would think less of her. “If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to do it. I think you and Asami spending more time together is great.” Mako would look back at Asami, knowing that the attention paid to Korra might draw some level of concern even if it may only be minor. There was power in words, the power in his words were for encouragement, not flattery. If things were going to get better, Asami and Korra should start trying to reconnect as friends.

“Y-yeah, I think we could do that.” Korra was on the fence; trying something new was part of growing up, and she was by no means a little kid. This may have seemed petty to anyone else and she understood why, things were just different where she grew up. Spending time with Asami, someone who could help her experience the joys of being a normal girl, might be what she needed. At the very same time, she didn’t want to just soak her feet. “Bolin, do you think I could pull this off?” she was holding it very far from herself, as though she had never held something like it before. Amusing as it might have been, Korra waved her hand in dismissal. Knowing Bolin, he might have given her the same answer as Mako, and that would have been good enough for her. “You know what? I’m going to do it. Be right back.”

Mako shrugged at Bolin, but was quietly relishing in how embarrassing it might be for Korra to do this in front of them. Bolin followed after her to get changed himself, leaving the already swimming pair to themselves. “You don’t mind hanging out with her more, right?” he mumbled. They had met earlier today and he had feared the worst, but they both seemed to be in perfectly good spirits. Mako believed it a great idea, but it was Asami’s decision to help out if she chose. Eating more of the ice cream they shared together, it had taken two short minutes before Bolin had come out, and soon afterwards Korra had reappeared. She was noticeably discomforted with how much skin of hers was showing, but Mako would be a liar if he said that she didn’t look stunning. Her exotic skin went very well with the already dark suit, showing off her toned legs and arms very well. Korra had always looked beautiful, very much like Asami, and the redness of her face had made that image even stronger. The most notable quality of the new Korra was that the accessories holding her hair together were gone, letting her dark brown hair fall down her shoulders. Mako broke his gaze off of Korra and looked to Asami, deciding it best that Bolin and Asami pay the credit where it’s due. He reached down and gave her hand a quick squeeze; these eyes were on her, now and forever.

“So …how do I look?” Korra asked sheepishly, eying Asami, Mako and Bolin respectively. She was out of her element, funny because she was meant to master all elements but still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The air had been very thin and frail for a while but when she returned the hug and brought her own arms around him. Bolin now felt the foyer warm up and brush off the chill of uncertainty. He grinned and rested his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them gently. ”I think we have some ice cream waiting for us.” He smiled to her. Bolin didn’t want to talk too much anymore, the heavy stuff was never his forte and instead he hoped he could have a good time with everyone now that it seemed like what Korra wanted too.

Back at the pool, Asami felt unsure if she could help with vaccines but if a cure was indeed found and proven valid, she would surely try to see the medical schematics for aiding the city in its vital recovery. ”Thank you, Mako.” She replied kindly which went for his words about him speaking to the Chief, as well as him backing her up and encouraging her to look into the investors, and that it may be a very wonderful avenue for her to get the company up and running, back on its feet and with a renewed glory as it deserved. She thought about her father and how he was missing. She had only found out a few days ago and that had happened right after she paid him a visit where he had been securely locked up.

Just then, Bolin and Korra made their appearance and things seemed to have improved but it wasn’t much of Asami’s concern since it was evidently some sort of issue Korra herself had to work on and Asami had plenty of other things to concern herself with. Korra and Bolin appeared to have been laughing as usual when they showed up and soon after examining the suit, Korra seemed to squirm a little and Asami just glanced to Mako, wondering what he had to say and of course he did have something to say, though in Asami’s mind she thought it was more wise for him to stop trying to get in the middle of whatever recovery she and Korra were trying to make in regards to their sullied friendship. trust and respect of one another. ”Sure, yes. It could be fun.” Asami said swam over to the stairs and sat down on the second one as she tried to fix her hair. If she and Korra were going to try and start over, it had to be without the outside eyes of Mako or Bolin since they were the causes of the problem, well Mako more so than Bolin.

When Korra had asked Bolin if she could pull the suit off, he didn’t say anything on purpose, not really sure she needed the push. If she wanted to put it on, she would, if not, she wouldn’t. It was simple as that. He picked up the spare suit and already knew he’d have plenty of fun frolicing around the area. Pabu was still back on Air Temple Island which was a shame since he knew his furry companion would have loved to scamper around Asami’s mansion again. The earth bender then headed off with Korra when she decided to give it a try.

”I don’t...but I have to wonder if me and Korra’s possible friendship is tied any future you and I may have. I don’t want to feel obligated to spend time with her because she is your friend.” Friend may be a light term and while Asami and Korra had been close at one point, it had all been unraveled and it wasn’t Asami’s burning need to stitch the holes back up. Korra was the one who did the damage and it was Korra who needed to make the effort to fix the damage. Mako had no place getting involved between them, not again. Mako hadn’t met any of Asami’s friends as of yet and Asami wanted to know that even if she and Korra didn’t patch things up, that Mako would be okay with it. When the pair came back, both changed, she stayed where she was and looked at Korra who seemed like a fish out of water, asking for everyone’s approval and encouragement and Asami wasn’t about to validate Korra’s insecurity by replying with too much encouragement. ”It’s just us here, appearances don’t really matter to any of us.” She pointed out.

For the rest of the night, the four hung out and talked, most of the conversation was light and casual since they were still trying to find a good balance that felt right among them. They all turned in around eleven or so. Asami showed her two guests to spare rooms and then she headed off to bed as well, ready to try and get some much needed peace so that she would be able to meet Xano and Xana face to face come morning. They said they would pick her up and she needed to be prepared with all possible forms of documentation and other patents that they may wish to look over. When morning came, Asami was up early and ready to go. Her attire was a touch more formal as she had on a dark pencil skirt and a cropped matching blazer. Under that she had on a dark red long sleeve blouse, as were her trademark colors. She asked the servants to make the others some waffles and fresh juice, as well as make sure that whatever pet Korra may have brought along was also tended to. As she applied some pink lipstick and gave her hair a flip, trying to decide if she needed to leave her hair down or put it up, she heard someone approaching.

It was Mako.

”...Morning.” She said quietly as she stood in the foyer and went back to looking at herself in the mirror, trying to tell herself that this was the start a brand new beginning for her and the company, as well as the city itself. What happened today was important, even if she had no idea what she was getting into or that the people were just luring her into a web of selfish lies and plans. ”I should be back by the time you are.” She said to him as she turned around and picked up her briefcase with her. The skirt showed off her long smooth legs, she even had on black heels and looked very professional but also very competent. The female still felt weird about Korra, unsure how much of a presence in Mako’s life she would be and if she was certain she wanted Korra back in her own life after the destruction of her last remaining family. ”I hope you do know that...I know you care about Korra as much as you would me or Bolin. I think it is sweet but my reservations still stand and they won’t change until Korra and I get space to work on things. You should work on things in regards to your relationship with her too, it might even give me comfort to be there…”

Asami brought up a hand and rested it on his chest. ”But I’m not going to feel any better about her if you’re trying to push us together and expect things to be forgiven so quickly. I hope you don’t think I have double standards in regards to wanting to be around you and Korra, should a talk happen, and wanting my own space to work on things with her. Korra is an amazing person and I just don’t want to feel like I’m being compared to her and I’m sure she feels the same way.” Asami glanced down as her hand moved from the middle over to where his heart was beating. Asami wouldn’t protest if Mako stayed friends with Korra and she couldn’t but he had to understand that Korra wasn’t the only one feeling weird about everyone and Asami’s sympathy and endurance of Korra shouldn’t be worn out so soon, so quick. ”I was hoping to get a pep talk before I left and I feel like I dug myself into a hole with dumping all this on you, I’m sorry.” She suddenly said and put a hand to her forehead, removing it from him as they stayed close together. ”I just had to say what needed to be said and I hope you have a good day today, you and Bolin.”

With that, she gave him a smile and headed out the door as someone had just knocked. She was escorted out and into another car and then taken off. Asami hoped Mako knew her intentions were good when she said all of it to him and that it proved that she was giving a good deal of consideration to him, Korra and whatever future might bring for them, regardless of what happened.

Back inside, Bolin had woken up soon after Asami left and got changed back into his clothes. Had he known he’d stay the night, he would have packed a bit as well as brought Pabu along with him. But he knew Jinora and the kids didn’t mind looking after the little guy since it might prove a good distraction for them in this hour of need. He recalled Tenzin saying Katara would be arriving so he knew that the family would have help while he was off at training with his brother. As he trudged downstairs, trying to wake up, he saw Mako standing by the door. ”Man, I could have slept for at least ten more hours, those beds are way more comfortable than the ones back on the island.” Bolin yawned and patted Mako on the back, wondering why he was just standing around. Though it did seem as if the older one was thinking about something but Bolin was too tired and too hungry to care at the moment as he was sure whatever it was, would pass or get pushed aside. If they had any doubts or distractions when training, it would not end well for anyone.

”Hey, why don’t we head over the station with Korra? She said she needed to apologize to Chief Bei Fon right? It’ll be like old times, us hanging out together.” Bolin called from the kitchen. ”Oh wow, I smell waffles, come on Mako!” With the enticing aroma of food, Bolin’s drowsiness was quickly cast aside as he grabbed a plate, waiting for them to be cooked as a servant started the third waffle of what would surely be a dozen or so.

Back further in the heart of Republic City, Lin had arrived early to work as she usually did. Normal hours wouldn’t start for another hour or two but she had work to get done and since she hadn’t gotten to sleep after visiting Tenzin and getting blindsided by Korra, she thought it was a better use of her time if she looked into how the investigation was going. Lin was busy doing many things but now that she had Tenzin to deal with, she knew she had to be more alert than ever. His life could be put on the line and she refused to let him down or his family. As she got to her office, she began to sift through notes that had been left on her desk between when she left early and now. Most of them were pointless and petty and wound up in the trash. One stood out to her though. It seemed the investigation team had coyly left her a note as to a tip off of a water bender falling ill and having not recovered in five days.

It was interesting and maybe she and Tenzin could check around the area.

Sitting down, Lin wished she had gotten something to eat but it was early and most places were on the cusp of opening. Lin used her key to unlock her top right drawer and pulled out an old photograph of her and Tenzin, it had been their first year together as a couple and their anniversary together had been terrible romantic. Lin let out a dreamy sigh as she found herself wanting to revisit the past before all the trouble had started. Before both became unhappy but useless as to how to fix their problems. Lin brushed a finger over his face, wishing that she hadn’t been so foolish and stubborn, that she had done more and given him what he wanted which was clearly a family. Lin glanced outside, the sun still rising in the sky. She and Tenzin knew each other for so long and yet sometimes she felt as if they were just strangers with different faces and hearts.

The woman missed him, she sometimes wondered how nice it was to be able to come home to someone or to have someone coming home to you. Even now, with her bending back and career and health on the rise, Lin still found herself envious of the poor woman sick in bed. Lin had neglected to inform her old friend that those reported sick often died in under two weeks, as those reported so far, had not survived any longer. It was laughable and pathetic but Lin was jealous of a dying woman. Her heart began to ache and she closed her eyes, trying to imagine how wonderful it was to come home to Tenzin and perhaps Jinora, the child who annoyed her the very least. The vision itself was blurry but still inviting. She opened her eyes and rotated her chair back so that she was sitting in front of her desk once again, no longer willing to be a sorrowful day dreamer but someone grounded in reality who could do things, make change. Lin heard a knock and frowned. Most people were in bed and not many people arrived early to work and if they did, they knew well enough to stay away from her until she was good and ready for anyone’s company or usually, incompetence.

”Yes? Come in.” Lin said and looked to see it was Tenzin. For a moment, her chest became tangled in knots and she quickly put the small vertical rectangular black picture frame back in her drawer and returned her attention to the air nomad. ”This a surprise...is everything alright?” Lin asked, as her first concern was him and his family’s well being. She then remembered the anger she had when she saw Korra the night before. That child had kept her up late with worrying outcomes and she hoped Tenzin had set her straight. Lin was concerned that Korra could blow everything up. ”I hope you know that with Korra’s interference, I may need to reconsider allowing your involvement.” She said to him. Though she didn’t want an argument to be how they started the day. ”I did get a new lead, we could check out-is that coffee?” Lin stopped and tilted her head. Coffee or tea would be marvelous though black coffee always gave her what she needed and she wondered if Tenzin remembered that or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
Avatar of SoleAccord

SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Forcing Korra and Asami to try and bond before she’s ready and willing was a bad idea, and inside Mako knew that. His patience was varying in many difference subjects, but Asami’s feelings and Korra’s were two things he wanted to have resolved as soon as possible. Between them he could only try to help mesh them back together and work it out. The tension was discomforting and left the fire bender wondering just how many of these interactions were real or fake. With Korra’s changing and asking of an opinion while obviously a little insecure of her appearance, Asami wanted to claim it did not matter, as she was in the company of people who knew her and, at least him and Bolin, cared about her. He understood her negative feelings that resided inside, and shouldn’t expect the heiress to just forget that. Mako’s challenge was not only just appealing to Asami and hoping to connect with her on the level they had before his stupidity settled in, it had become helping Korra without jeopardizing his connections again. They swam together, they spoke together, and enjoyed the rest of the evening before they had retired for the night.

The next morning had come, Mako had washed early and wore his signature outfit. Leaving his room, his eyes had caught Asami preparing for her day. He was already conditioning himself for the shifts he’d likely be taking if he made the force, but had forgotten that a company didn’t run itself. The investors, Mako recalled, were going to help Future Industries get back on the map in spite of Mr. Sato’s mistakes with Amon. He took to her appearance, appreciating the efforts she made to look presentable. He held his tongue about it and approached, wanting to offer her a good morning and wish her luck. Wishing him the same first, noticeably quiet, Mako managed a soft smile. “Good morning.” He responded, still admiring her look. Mentioning the probability of her business concluding left Mako feeling hopeful, meaning they could still get together and shop once everything was taken care of. The conversation took a small pause, which Mako pondered by filling with the topic of what exactly it was she was hoping to accomplish today. Of course saving her company was the priority, but he realized he knew little about these investors and why they took the risk of teaming up with Future Industries after the fiasco. That conversation was better saved for another time, and Asami had luckily stopped this situation from feeling any stranger.

Asami made clear, much like last night, her opinion on the situation with Korra. She understood his care and wouldn’t blame him for it, but that wasn’t going to mean she would react the same about Korra given the history she had regrettably been informed of by Bolin. Working with Korra was sensible, and it was only because of Asami’s feelings that he didn’t start sooner. If she believed that his affection for Korra was still at a level beyond platonic, it would stunt things even further. It was a good time to make the change necessary, so when they all laughed together he genuinely believed it. Maybe Korra did feel the same as Asami, and maybe it was a good time to ask her today. In the midst of his listening, the fire bender had little to comment on, and all that would be expected of him was to understand her feelings and do his personal best to fix things without forcing it. Her hand was brought to his chest, making his face grow warm from the prolonged contact. No matter how much he was with her, it always seemed to bring a pleasant reaction every single time. Perhaps, he hoped, that would never change for as long as they were together.

Adjusting her hand to meet his heart, Mako reached up to take it, but her hand retreated before he could. An apology for the bad timing of the conversation was given, and Mako shook his head, getting a quick word in. “Don’t worry about it, you’re just saying what you have the right to. Just know that I’m listening, and you’re not going unheard.”

She turned for the door and he had followed. As if on a timer that only Asami had known, a knock had come, revealing someone to escort her to a car. He had watched until she was truly out of sight, and it wasn’t much longer after that that Bolin came, making a comment on the beds and comparing the quality to that of the ones on the island. Mako smiled and gave his brother a quick ruffling on the head, lightly screwing with his hair. “Only the best for Asami. Maybe she’ll let you have one as a gift when we become part of the force.” Mako expressed. Besides the great cooking, there were plenty of things that could be given to Bolin as a gift. Usually though, the food was enough. Joining his brother in the kitchen as a servant continued to prepare breakfast, Mako had done the same as Bolin and taken a plate. Joining beside him, his idea to go to the station with Korra was quickly considered. It wouldn’t hurt, and it was a convenience they weren’t entirely unfamiliar with. “Sounds good, if she agrees.”

“If who agrees?” Korra yawned, stretching her arms and stepping into the kitchen. The scent of breakfast was too strong to ignore, and from the pleasant look on her face had a similar resting experience to Bolin. She was in her common clothes, her hair damp from the shower she’d just finished taking. With the boys here but no Asami, Korra put it together that she must have gone off with those investors that she referred to last night. That left the original trio to spend some time together. The drowsy gaze of the Avatar fell on Mako and Bolin, expecting an answer.

“Well, Asami’s gone and we figured …you know, maybe we could head into town for a little bit with you and Naga? Apparently Lin was still at the island last night and you owe an apology?” Mako reminded her.

Korra’s eyes widened slightly. She hadn’t forgotten about Lin, and it made total sense that she drop them off at the station and then apologize. Two birds, one stone. “Good idea actually, hopefully she’s in a decent mood.” Her slightly sluggish gaze went to Bolin, and then back to Bolin. “You know last night I was wondering what we were going to do about the Fire Ferrets. If they fix the arena, the cities going to need something to help get their minds off of things. I know joining the force with Lin is going to take priority, but do you think we could consider, I don’t know, some kind of pro-bending event when they’re finished?”

Mako looked to Bolin inquisitively. This sounded pretty good, but it was a group decision and if Bolin wanted to put police work forward, it was his right to do so. “Not a bad idea actually, what do you think?”


When Tenzin had finally departed into his dreamland with a belly full of Lin’s meal and a plethora of thoughts clouding his mind, a miraculous fit of ease had settled within. Whatever triggered it for sure was unknown, but the air bender had come to realized he was hating himself for how everything was becoming so dreary as a result of his fears. He grew spiteful of how he had been acting and, before he finally did fall sound asleep, resolved to wake up the next morning and embrace the days to come to the best of his abilities. The children needed that. Pema needed that. When dawn had finally come, Tenzin had raised himself from his bed beside Pema and Meelo, being silent so as not to disturb them. Tiptoeing out of the room to wash, he lightly hopped on the heels of his feet and shook his head several times. Whatever powers that guide him, this fit of drowsiness would leave him, and so it did. A shower, fresh clothes, and a gentle kiss to Pema and his children individually, Tenzin had stood wait for his mother’s ship to arrive, meditating not in coping with his families suffering but instead the promise that the legacy of Aang would survive this endeavor. His family was eccentric and untamable, but the strength and potential of each of them was not to be underestimated. Not to mention the fact that his choice in women were tough, strong hearts and beautiful minds and bodies to go with it. Channeling complete positivity to release stress that had dug into his pours to cling to his very bones, Tenzin was in high spirits by the time his mother had arrived. Taking her hand and greeting her with a warm smile, the youngest son brought her to see the family. The children were still sleeping, but lucky Pema was roused due to the warmth of her husband being missing from her.

Assessing what Katara could do for him and the family until he returned, as well as giving her permission to direct the air acolytes, Tenzin would leave the home. Today he would try something he hadn’t done in years; generating a concentrated sphere of wind, he would hop atop it and carry himself across the body of water separating the island and the city. From there, Tenzin decided, no taxi service would be enough for him. The sun was coming out, air crisp with the promise of a good day, and he wasn’t about to let anything take this away from him. Heading to the station was priority, yet what was a day started without a good drink? In his haste he had forgotten to prepare something for himself, and if he knew Lin at least a little bit, she wouldn’t turn down a good cup of coffee and a light treat to go with it. Korra had mentioned the café that Asami was meeting her at, and so Tenzin took a gamble. With the way he smoothly crossed the still streets of an early morning Republic City one would think he owned the place. A funky little tune was playing in his head, with the world looking so much brighter than it had been for the past few days. Finding the exact café mentioned and pleased to find they had just opened, Tenzin had stepped in and purchased coffee and cinnamon rolls to come with it. Whether Lin had the taste for it or not, it hadn’t mattered, it would be taken one step at a time. “Thank you, have a good day!” he told the vendor, who still looked like he had difficulty being up in these early hours. With Tenzin's enthusiasm he stood a little stranger, finding that energy strangely contagious.

Humming a tune at random, he would enter the station without his joyful momentum coming to a halt. Knocking on Lin’s office door, the permission to enter was granted and Tenzin did not waste a single moment. Quickly entering, he caught glimpse of her placing something small and rectangular in her desk; he thought nothing of it, for all he knew it was likely some sort of trophy for a good bust she had back in her prime. Stepping towards the desk, Lin had found his new demeanor interesting, strange even. Tenzin couldn’t disagree with how odd things looked; these days he only arrived early with her for important matters related to Republic City, and that wasn’t even including how they chose to spend their time together before her shift started back when the flame between them burned brightly. While a stroll down memory lane was pleasant, Lin was instead focused on Korra’s interruption between them last night. Irritability was an immediate response, followed by a request for her to be reasonable, but neither of which came. He stood, smiled, and would nod his head as soon as she had picked up the notice of a tray of a small tray of coffee in hand, cinnamon rolls just beside it.

“That is correct – I’ve never forgotten one of your favorites, it was black, wasn’t it?” Tenzin would set the tray down on her desk delicately, taking the cup meant for her in hand and handing it to her. Gesturing towards the cinnamon rolls, Tenzin would take his own choice of coffee, a warm expresso. Due to his roots and rebuilding the air nation little by little, tea was ninety-nine percent of the time his choice for early morning renewal, but this morning would go a little differently. Bringing the expresso to his lips, Tenzin gambled on the walk from the café to Lin’s office would cool it down enough. Fortunately for him, he was right. The air bender hummed pleasantly; its sensation was not entirely unfamiliar, but just trying something new for one morning felt invigorating.

“Mmmn, sorry, just savoring it.” He cleared his throat, standing tall as he always did. Lin’s concerns with Korra were understandable, but he’d rather not go down that route right now. “I know how you must feel about what Korra’s done, and believe me, I express the same disappointment. However, I think you should relax yourself. Think of something joyful, and we’ll talk about leads after a healthy exchange.” Lin was always the hardest worker he knew. His mind was still on tracking down leads, but so heavy an exchange this early felt unnecessary. Just for now he wanted to keep the air casual, there would be time for chasing down this new lead of hers later on. “Mother arrived, and she is in good spirits in spite of what’s transpired. With her assistance, we might be able to work together more frequently to help crack this case.”

A bit of the Aang in him was jolting his memory to go back to what Lin was examining just a minute prior, and with a raised brow Tenzin looked to Lin’s desk. “What was that you were looking at? Relieving the glory days of your career in the force? Perhaps a keepsake of the biggest score of your life?” Lin took pride in her work, but Tenzin wasn’t entirely sure she just kept pictures of her achievements lying around. She had her share of awards but was never attached to being rewarded, merely the peace of mind knowing she made a difference was enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Bolin wasn't expecting much of a present from Asami when they got through training but he was sure it would be a generous gesture if she did get him something. Bolin let that thought slide when Korra showed up. It warmed his heart to have the gang back together like old times, before anything like Amon had ever happened. Of course now he was happy to consider Asami a permanent addition to Team Avatar. "Of course, I think that would be great. Not just for us but for the fans." He exclaimed. "We might wna to ask any of the other teams, maybe we don't have to have a match but maybe something more...unifying?" He mentioned as an afterthought. The boy scuttled around the kitchen and began to help fix everyone a plate of food. To him, he'd rather be in a cozy bed still dreaming away but he knew he should just go with the flow since he was up anyway. With the extra time given, the three of them could hang around the downtown area and take a look at the damage as well as progress that a week or so could do after having returned to normal.

The trio ate and soon headed out the door with Korra and Naga together, leaving Mako and Bolin to walk on either side of her. The day was a bright one and Bolin had a pretty good feeling about it. He and Mako were going to kick some ass together, Korra was going to make amends and Asami was going to get help with her company. In his mind, things were on track, as they should be. Bolin slipped his arms behind his head as they began to move out of the wealthy district and into the areas which was more familiar to him and Mako. In the back of his mind, he wondered if Korra had gotten what she needed from him last night. He wanted to make sure things were resolved. He knew he had more to say on his own behalf in regards to how he felt poorly treated by Korra but right now things felt good and he wanted enjoy them for as long as possible. Of course now he wasn't tricking himself like he may have in the past by ignoring problems or even reality itself.


Now he was finally able to take control of his situation and make it better. Bolin felt as though he had a good thing going. He could become an officer and do some good. While he did like to think he could hold onto the past like pro bending or trying to shower Korra with affection but he was steadily realizing that the past belonged where it was and that the present, not just the future could hold all sorts of good things and progress. "I can't wait to see this place picking back up. That guy had some great meat skewers." He commented as they walked down a street, having taken a right turn. He glanced to the small shop on the corner where there was only minimal damage. He could see the owner opening shop back up any day now. Bolin figured once he made it into the force formally, he'd get all sorts of chances to check out local places to eat. A steady income would be a big change for both he and his brother. A welcomed change. Maybe they could afford a real apartment and not have to worry about where their next meal was going to come from.

And on rainy days, they'd be inside warm and dry. Things were truly looking up in Bolin's eyes.

- - -

It was black, she wasn't fond of the sugar or cream with coffee when it was fuel. Sugar would rot her teeth and milk would just make it taste like water or something else awful. Lin was impressed with the gesture but she couldn't help but wonder if this was just to make amends for her sticking her neck out or to smooth over what Korra had done the night before. Before Korra had made her pesky appearance, Lin had been pleased with the evening thus far. She had been able to talk to the kids and check in and Tenzin and his wife. Things looked bad and she wished she could do more for them. She knew by catching whoever might be responsible would be the best way to put it to rest. of course it could be a real disease that could overthrow the city but something told Lin that if it was a new biological threat, that more people would be sick. Much more. Someone or something had to be behind it because it didn't feel random at all to her.

"Yes, Thank you." She accepted the offering.

Lin arched a brow at Tenzin telling her to relax. Relaxation was his thing, not hers. "When have you ever known me tor relax when you tell me to?" Of course she could relax, and when she was him, back in the day, it was much easier for her to let everything else go with him at her side. She took one of the rolls in her other hand and took a small bite. It was fresh. She then sipped the coffee, the combination of robust cinnamon paired with the coffee and sweetness of sugar was a good combination and she forced herself to stop falling down memory lane. "Glad to hear it, you could use the help I'm sure." She wasn't sure what else she could say in regards to Katara's arrival. it was indeed a good thing and Lin was sure it would lessen things for Tenzin. She took another sip and looked back to the nomad when he asked what she had been looking at. His follow up made her smirk which thankfully hid the shade of shame that flashed in front of her eyes.

She had been admiring something else entirely. Except that it was something she lost, not something she was able to keep a nice grasp on and now she regretted it. "I would never bring such arrogant filth into my office." She retorted hotly. She wasn't one for prizes or awards or any of that sort. Part of her wondered if she should show him but she decided against it, pretty certain that it wouldn't help them at the moment. He had enough to worry about and she refused to see her own regrets when it came to him and them. "Let's just say it's something valuable but nothing like an award." Lin smiled a little and finished her pastry and grabbed a cloth napkin from her other drawer and handed him one. Since she ate lunch alone or on the go, she was used to camping out in her office during odd hours, trying to work and feed herself at the same time. Her job was stressful and she had gotten used to be the times spent alone, trying to pretend it was dinner when it was really time when the clock would strike ten or eleven and people with families would already be tucked in bed.

"I suppose you're eager to get out on the town? It's been a while...hasn't?" She asked him as they lingered, both savoring their hot beverage of choice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

"What could be more unifying than pro-bending?" Korra looked from Bolin to Mako, the latter shrugging in equal uncertainty. Pro-bending was an event both benders and non-benders could come together and enjoy, and was one of the most popular things in Republic City. Uniting the city in any other form would be just as ideal, but after the events related to the Equalist movement there may be tension between both parties. Secret supporters of Amon would likely still be out there no matter the revelation of his actual status as a bender. He still stood for something, and while exposure as a fraud would cripple his movement he would no doubt pose a threat should he have returned. Leaving them to mull over what could be used other than the phenomenon of pro-bending, the trio had set out shortly together with Naga and took time to process the city's state, as well as the improvements being made. People were already banding together to help clean up what debris they could and some of the shops they passed would be up and running again in no time, something Bolin was quick to point out, especially with meat skewers being in mind.

"We'll get around to those, count on it." Korra pat Naga on the head, knowing she was salivating a little at the mention of said skewers.

Mako let out a small chuckle and came around Korra to place both hands on his brother's shoulders. "Just don't let the role of law enforcing get to your head, little brother. I remember when you wanted to play cop as a kid, and you put sticky notes on everything that looked out of place. Fake fines."

"What?" Korra laughed, "Little Bolin played officer, huh?"

"He played a lot more than officer. If you ask me, Bolin should be acting in stage plays!"

"I could see that, but I could also see him being the most dangerous cop since Lin was born." Korra joked, imagining Lin as a toddler with that same scowl on her face metalwhipping criminals into submission. She didn't know much of the woman's career, but you didn't become Chief being a passive buffoon. At least not in this city. "What if he was made Chief?"

"Chief Bolin?" Mako mused aloud, imagining his brother as hardened as Lin. He shuddered immediately. "I could see it, but if that were to ever happen, just promise me you'll keep your sense of humor bro."

Korra and Mako wanted to know Bolin's own expectations as far as his future, as well as his ability to become the chief in place of Lin in the future.




Two words, complete opposites, rarely can they be put together in the same sentence without confusion and curiosity. Lin's job brought stress. Lin and stress. Two words that could come together perfectly well. There was also enforcement, resistance, stubbornness, and ...cute. Behind all the strength and vigor that Lin carried with her each and every day, the qualities of an adorable Beifong were resting within her. The world could never know that the Chief of Police in Republic City actually had moments of intense sweetness in the past. She baked for him once, Tenzin looked back in his mind, and he recalled the sweet taste of her sugary treats. Yet what was even sweeter than the actual goods was the gesture itself. It was before they admit to themselves that attraction was undeniable, a necessity to continue their day to day lives. Lin knew love and had it in her heart. In the presence of a dear friend with a new, stronger outlook of the life he was living, Tenzin was becoming more and more elated. His fingers repeatedly tapped onto the cup he held, a warm smile idle but beaming as Lin spoke. Lin may not have preferred sugar, but she was undeniably sweet within, sweeter than any good on the face of this earth.

He could see that embarrassed blush now, years and years ago...

"Yes, but I don't intend for her to be alone forever. Jinora will be a big help, as she's always been, and I can come home and take over when necessary." Tenzin responded, taking another sip of the strong espresso and exhaling quite audibly. A small tingle went down his spine, resulting in him laughing a little to himself in glee. He should have tried this stuff years ago!

The item of question on her desk was alluded to nothing dedicated to pride, but instead a fond memory. Were Tenzin younger he might have begun to pry, or at least if he had a few drinks in him. Instead the airbender had nodded just once before not pressing the issue any further. It was only in his interest to spark continued conversation of mutual interest, and lingering on something she did not wish to remain speaking of was the last thing he wanted to do. Finishing his cinnamon roll and politely accepting the napkin handed to him, Lin proceeded to discuss the idea of getting out on the town.

"A long time? It has been, family does that to you," Tenzin removed his gaze on Lin and took a few steps forward, staring off into nothingness just ahead of himself. "but I don't think I'd trade it. The days of my youth are very much behind me. I won't forget how much trouble we got in as children, I think Meelo and Ikki get their mischief from me." Tenzin chuckled loudly, recalling the amount of pranks he loved to pull. The wisdom and maturity he displayed now was quite the change from the lack of care he had in his younger years. Irony of his status as the son of the previous Avatar, Aang, was that he wanted to be more than a symbol at the time. Rebelling with Lin when they were younger and forgetting that they were the children of heroes known across the world, just for a day, was the greatest reward he could have in those times. "Eventually our lives took shape. You, a great keeper of the peace, and myself ..." Tenzin looked down at himself, wondering what he could possibly say. He was no legend. He was simply an airbender, one of the last in the world, who was meant to lead the way for his children to understand their place in the world. Traditions to be kept and techniques to pass down, otherwise maintaining Republic City was the objective he's held for much of his life.

"What would you call me? A stick in the mud, like when we were younger?" Tenzin returned his eyes to Lin, smiling in amusement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Even though they had grown up on the streets and had to struggle and steal to get by, that didn't deter Bolin from wanting to enforce justice and protect the innocent. In his mind, he wanted to do what Mako had always done for him. Bolin was happy to be able to finally do something good, something that didn't just make the ladies swoon, but actually made a difference. Korra was the Avatar, Tenzin was the best air bender in the world, Lin could bend metal, Asami had a big heart and massive fortune. Bolin wanted to be able to be proud when it came to his own way of life. He was tired of struggling when it came to relationships and life. Becoming an officer was one way to bring change and he was ready to do just that.

"Aw come on!" Bolin pouted. Mako was embarrassing him.

His brother then said how Bolin did more than play cop, which caused Bolin to snort. Mako and Korra then mentioned what it would be like if he would ever become Chief. They were getting ahead of themselves! But he did like the sound of it. Before he could refute their crazy ideas, he put a hand to his chin and thought more about it. Being the Chief of Police after Lin would be pretty tough. Not to mention that Toph had been Chief before her. Toph was his idol and he wished he could meet her someday, even just to say how amazing and inspiring her entire life had been to him as not just an Earth Bender, but a guy trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel when he and Mako spent plenty of hungry sleepless nights in the rain. "Well...when I do become Chief, you should expect the streets of Republic City to be fiercely protected." He said.

"Not that they aren't now." He quickly waved his hands. "But to continue the mighty Beifong legacy would be a dream come true! I'd be fair but firm, not as strict as the Chief but still enough to make sure no one tried to mess with us. I know the streets and every other corner, no one would dare make trouble in my city." He said before he threw a fist into the air. It wasn't his fault he was passionate about protecting people. He got that from Mako and in a way, Korra too. "Anyway...I'm glad you and Asami are talking more." He told Korra. He knew she had some other apologies to make but he knew she'd be able to make things right, not because she was the Avatar but because Bolin could tell even with her mistakes, she was a good person.

- - -

At the mention of the antics she and Tenzin got up to in their plucky days of youth, a small smile couldn't be resisted as it formed at the edges of her lips. She and Tenzin did roam the streets and often found themselves in hot water because of it. Her younger sister had been sent away and she only had Tenzin to lean on. Her mother wasn't a mother most of the time, which left Lin with a lot of time on her hands. Some of the time was spent working but most of it was spent with Tenzin. By that point, their relationship had been formed, neither of them bothering to deny what they had together. Lin was happy to follow her mother's footsteps but like Tenzin, it never seemed enough for their parents. At least it never felt like it was enough. Lin wanted her mother to be proud but to also love her.

Anyone who knew Toph, knew that she wasn't the most sentimental, despite being blunt about everything expect feelings.

Lin thought things were finally falling into place but then her sister fell into the wrong crowd and her mother covered it up. Lin was baffled by it and knew she couldn't talk to Tenzin about it because he would probably tell his father who would then confront Lin about it. And she and Tenzin were determined to be themselves, not just the children of their famous parents. For the next couple months, she found herself less and less happy. Her nightly walks with Tenzin around the city were less filled with delight, and more filled with bitterness and an empty void that sometimes catered to self-loathing when she wasn't looking. Lin was mad at her mother and her sister and felt so alone and defeated. She felt as though her choice to chase after her mother's legacy had been a mistake.

Suyin had done whatever she wanted and Toph seemed to cater to her more. Lin hated her sister, not just because she thought of the betrayal every time she looked in the mirror and saw the scars, but because her sister Suyin was happy without having to struggle or fight for it. Lin barely recalled the last few weeks leading up to her and Tenzin's breakup. Lin didn't want to remember more pain. She refused to tell Tenzin what happened to her face, finally she got fed up and snapped at him, saying it happened on the job and that he worried too much and that it was a risk she was willing to take. After that, they didn't see each other for four days. Even so, she could still remember happier times with him, times that weren't buried in a fog of deception.

"We did have some fun a long time ago." She agreed though her small smile fell quickly.

Lin told herself she didn't miss her family, that she didn't care. It was hard though, when Tenzin had his and was clearly happy. She wondered if Suyin had a family too, and why they could figure it out, but she couldn't. Tenzin mentioned how Meelo and Ikki had taken after him and how both of their lives took shape, though to Lin, hers still hadn't come together. It felt empty yet chaotic. She may be an Earth bender but she didn't feel connected to anything, not even the ground beneath her feet. "If I had any children of my own, I suspect yours and mine would also be up to no good." She considered. "You were a stick in the mud, you were stubborn like an Earth Bender." She teased him softly, inclined to think of their good times, as opposed to their petty arguments. "Eventually you came around..." Lin looked at him, remembering how much she'd twist his arm, before they were dating, in order to get him to spend some time with her past Aang's curfew. "And admit it, you liked a little a danger."

Tenzin had been the only one she had ever really cared about and she knew the past had been a complex one. Even if she couldn't hold his hand or steal a kiss, she would rather be near him, than truly as alone as she felt...confined in a tomb without any company expect regret. At least with Tenzin, in her office, she could remember how good things used to be before her sister was banished, before her mother quit her job and before she lost the love of her life to some plain woman who gave Tenzin the attention he deserved, while Lin threw herself into her work to try and forget about everything around her. "I'll be sure to check on Pema when you're gone and make sure the kids haven't gotten into any trouble. I know all the tricks in the book." She said. Dealing with a younger sibling, as well as criminals, had taught her well.

Just then there was a knock. Lin walked over to the door and opened it to see one of her men. He said the Avatar was asking to see her. Lin looked over her shoulder towards said Avatar's mentor. "Let her in." She said and walked back around to her desk and sat down. She motioned for Tenzin to stay. When Bolin and Mako arrived at work, they let Korra go talk to Lin and Tenzin as needed, while they went back to their usual paperwork, as well as other training which needed to be finished. The cops were short staffed but that didn't mean anyone could join and be sent off, untrained and tested. Bolin was eager to get back to fighting alongside his brother and hoped that they too, would be able to bury the hatchet. When Korra entered, Lin sat back and folded her arms, wishing she had more time with Tenzin before the present issues were shoved in her face. "This is a surprise..." She said, still not in the best of moods thanks to Korra's thoughtlessness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mako and Korra exchanged humorous glances at one another as Bolin narrated his fantasy. Protection of the city would always be on Korra's list, as well as the rest of the world, so she easily shared the enthusiasm of what Bolin was saying. Mako had only had to protect one person: Bolin himself. With his little brother growing up into a respectable man, all he could do now is offer some support while he tackled his own issues. Related to Asami were a few big ones, yet none were the fault of her. Faith in his brother was rarely misplaced. With Korra working with him and the support of Mako himself, Bolin was going to see his opportunities supported without fail. Not to mention it would offer him time to consider his own future. He had talent in Pro-Bending, yet his skills could also be applied to any job where bending and physical activity was a must. Not that he wanted to continue powering generators for Republic City for the rest of his life, but he knew his talents wouldn't continue to build if he remained idle. Mako was issuing a dare inside his mind for criminals to do their worst, while Korra herself was still picturing Bolin with a hardened face after years of law enforcement experience. Giggling to herself, her laughter had come to an immediate end on the subject of Asami.

The history between them wasn't exactly the best recently, and even if they were at least able to speak again it did not mean she would be any closer to being entirely forgiven. Talking was a start, but Korra could not see her endgame with Asami. If all went well, they'd be best friends, better than they ever were before.

Optimism was all she could have since crippling depression helped no one.

"Y-yeah," Korra spoke timidly, attention returned to the street ahead of them. "It's a good thing, and I want us to be on good terms again." Reverting to her excited nature, the Avatar drew both arms behind her back, holding her right wrist with her left hand. The bond between ladies was not the only bond of importance to her. Mako remained silent knowing what exactly brought all this tension up in the first place. Two pairs of lips meeting together that had no business to. Reflecting on that moment had been done so many times it was practically on immediate playback in her memories, yet she wanted something to be clear to everyone: she wanted new ones, better ones, ones with less drama and more joy between them all. Her life would come with hardship, but it wasn't hardship she wanted to endure with her friends. "You know, I'm glad we can talk again too, all of us. My relationship with Asami aside, I'm glad I've got you two with me, after everything."

"Whoa, hang on a second," Mako kept the mood lighthearted, having more than enough of his fill of the dramatic for a while. As long as Bolin was happy, and Korra was able to become happy, then Mako would keep things that way, at least for them. His feelings for Asami also had their own time and place, set aside until she could look him in the eye without flinching. "Bolin isn't Chief yet, you don't need to suck up too badly now!"

"Hey, I threw you in there too!" Korra beamed at Mako, gaze soon returning to Bolin. They were coming up on the station sooner than expected. She'd attribute it to the saying of time flying when fun was had. "But ...just in case ...it wouldn't hurt to have you on my side in the future, 'Chief'." Korra nudged him lightly with her elbow.

With the group coming to a stop in front, Korra motioned for Naga to remain outside and headed inside with the others, parting once Korra could meet with one of Republic City's finest. With the brothers to prepare for their own affairs for the day, that only left the Avatar's toughest duty since dealing with Amon.

Facing Lin.


"I still am stubborn like one, you know me." Tenzin was more than willing to agree with Lin about that particular aspect of his personality. As much pride as he had on being the one to usher in a new age for the world as the world's strongest Airbender, it was in familiar company that he could submit to his own faults as an individual, faults that were only reminded to him by the women in his life: Pema of course, Lin, as well as his mother Katara. Lin's lack of children did not phase him on the surface, yet deep within he had stirred at what Lin would be as a mother. Would the negativity surrounding Toph and Lin be passed down from Lin to her own child, or did Lin believe she'd be far, far different from a woman she spent much of her youth hoping to please? The question was not a frequent one on his mind when all idea of Lin becoming a mother was in the past for him. When he was still young, when she could still fall asleep in his arms, he wondered if they'd grow old and happy together with a family of their own. Yet Lin's bitterness and silence had a firm hold over their relationship; they began to talk less and could not bear the others company for long. Things were becoming different, and it was around that time that Pema had entered his life and made him happy. Still, he never hated Lin, and always hoped that she would find fulfillment in her life whether she was his or not. It appeared that following her mother's footsteps was her ultimate wish, one he gave his full support to.

The danger she spoke of had brought a reluctant smile to his face, one he had to surrender to entirely and display to her fully. Being the son of the Avatar gave him a lot of respect, yet the expectations that came with being the only Airbender were very tiresome. He was never a great rebel. The times he snuck out of the house when it was late were usually at Lin's behest, although Tenzin would admit with genuine happiness how it was nice to be yelled at together rather than alone. They shared thrills of all sorts, just the two of them.

"Yes, I'll admit as much: it was fun to be more than Aang's son for once, no matter how much trouble it brought us." He said, taking another generous sip of his espresso and still feeling the tingling effects travel through him. With Lin's offer to check on Pema while he was out, Tenzin relaxed further. The generosity of what she was doing was noted, highly appreciated, and yet he was not sure if she'd really want to be there. Pema and Lin always had a distant relationship after Lin had ...attempted to arrest her, after all. Being there for a woman she did not like felt like a gesture of forced kindness and it was something he did not want her to feel like she was obligated to do. "Lin, are you sure you want---"

A knock had ended his current string of words and caused him to turn towards the door. Before he could mention that he was more than happy to leave her to her work, Lin had motioned otherwise and opened the door. Who entered came as a surprise to both parties, but Korra had spoken up before Tenzin could.

As expected, Lin didn't look favorably on the Avatar's arrival, but it was nothing Korra could blame her for. Seeing Lin just stand there so disapprovingly was made worse by the fact she did deserve that gaze. She was mature enough to know that the longer this took the harder it would become, and so, with Tenzin silently sipping from his espresso and taking to another cinnamon roll in silence with the most droll of stares at the two women, Korra cleared her throat and began her attempt.

"So ...uh ...good morning," Korra smiled nervously for a moment, her expression returning to a mixture of nervousness and apologetic soon after that. "I just came by to apologize ...for listening to you yesterday, both of you. It was wrong of me to do that, I had no right to listen in on something that didn't concern me or anyone else but you two. I hope you can forgive me, Lin," she looked back at Tenzin who, in the middle of chewing another cinnamon roll, gave her a comical thumbs up before taking the last of his espresso and drinking it down quickly. "Tenzin-- err... y-yeah."

"Forgiven," Tenzin responded immediately, setting his empty cup aside and placing his hands on Lin's shoulders, gently -- incredibly so, even for him -- rocking her. "It's a new day Lin, and it was kind of her to come by this early and ask for forgiveness. We've done our share of mischief, remember? Hmm?" Tenzin's smile grew impossibly wide. "Water under the bridge."

Korra looked from Tenzin to Lin repeatedly, her brow raised in curiosity she dare not act on. Tenzin was acting different, and she was almost uncomfortable with the idea of how quickly he forgave her. No lecture? No additional chiding? She'll expect Lin to do it too, yet she'd have to admit this was easier without both of them scolding her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Initially, Bolin had considered Mako more of the police chief type but he didn't mind playing into the warm fuzzy fantasy now that Korra and Mako had brought it up. When they parted ways, he waved to Korra and said he'd see her back at the island for dinner. He had figured by then, she might be more willing to show her face around Tenzin. For now though, Bolin shifted his attention to police business, as there was always something that needed their attention around headquarters.

- - -

Lin Beifong was well aware of how hard it could be to own up to mistakes which is why she knew not to always yell at people and instead, let them have some kind of positive reinforcement so when they did make a mistake, they would be more inclined to admit it than to lie about it. As hard as she was on those who worked under her, she knew ruling with an iron fist wasn't the way to go all the time. Tenzin had moved over to her and put his hands on her shoulders, a thinly veiled attempt to soothe her though he knew her moods better than anyone else. She slowly looked to Tenzin, pressing her lips tightly together, though not due to annoyance but to amusement. She was already planning on forgiving Korra but Tenzin's additional assistance only made the woman want to have some fun, in her own way. "Oh yes, Tenzin I remember our many mischief filled nights very well." She said, tone dripping in amused sarcasm. "My mind isn't failing me." She looked to Korra now. "You shouldn't be out at night, even though Amon is no longer a threat, you still need to exercise caution." Lin wouldn't elaborate further until more proof was in her possession so for now she carried on, "You're forgiven Avatar Korra, we only want you kept safe."

With that out of the way, Lin was hoping to get back to her day. Though it was early in the morning, she had a lot to do. There were leads to follow up on and she needed to ensure that information regarding the mysterious illness was kept under lock and key. "Now if you two will excuse me, I have actual work to get done." She said and reached around to remove Tenzin's hands from her. All of the reminiscing was making her feel rather raw and wounded and she'd rather not fall into a trap of depression. She had other men in her life though, ones she could go out drinking who had also picked a career over a family. Nothing was too personal with any of them but it was nice to be able to blow off steam and not have to worry about idle conversation after a long shift at the station. If she wasn't going to canvas the city tonight with Tenzin, she would have pulled one of her comrades aside to plan to meet after work because she already needed a drink. "Thank you for stopping by Tenzin." She mentioned as he and Korra left her office.

The rest of the day went by fine, with her gathering information on the others who were falling ill just as Pema was.

When the sun had just finished setting, she was getting ready to go when Tenzin showed up again. She finished packing up and picked up her black leather and metal messenger bag which Katara had gotten her when she became Police Chief ages ago. Lin was ready to fill Tenzin in the information she had been busy gathering since he had left. It wasn't until the pair had exited the station and had put a few blocks between them before she pulled out the files she had complied which listed the other victims who were all benders of some element. "I don't understand why Pema is so sick, I hate to consider this but...her illness could be an accident." She said as they slowed their pace down so Tenzin could look over those who were sick. Two earth benders, three fire benders and two water benders, all of different genders and ages and backgrounds. "The only reason could have to do with her connection to you and the air benders." She finally stopped and looked to him, not wanting to give him such a bleak opinion but she had always been candid regarding her suspicions. After she took the files back from him, she put them back away, not wanting any of the public to panic over the issue until more information was under their belt.

"It doesn't seem infectious so that leads me to think that these attacks are the work of someone with some kind of agenda." Lin went back to walking with Tenzin by her side, flashbacks of their youth didn't cloud her vision thankfully but they did linger around the edges of her eyes, threatening to remind her of what once was, and what wasn't. "Because we can't find a real connection yet, there's no way we can predict where the next attack will happen. Three of the victims have already died...and based on interviews I've conducted, their bending seemed to be drained from their bodies which left them without the ability as they fell ill. I know this sounds like the work of Amon's supporters but this technology and skill is not something they could have come up with. Amon's supporters were glorified protesters and wannabe losers, whoever is behind this is more skilled and planning something more questionable." She said. The rest of the night was spent checking out the homes of those attacked. They spoke to the family and friends in the area of the attacks. It was around eight thirty when they decided to call it a night, as Tenzin needed to go back to Pema.

As much as Lin wanted to keep Tenzin longer, she knew she couldn't.

His place was by his wife's side, who surely had very little time left.

"Let me buy us some dinner at least." She said as she motioned him over to a food stand which was selling skewered meat and vegetables. She bought a pork one for herself, and a squash and carrot one for Tenzin. Walking back over to him, she handed him his and frowned. "It isn't really dinner, I know..." It sort of was for her, when she spent all night roaming the streets, she often relied on the fast food of the city to keep her going. Part of her wondered if she was getting too close to Tenzin again. The more she did, the more it hurt. But she also had grown oddly fond of his children, despite their mother. And deep down, Lin did want to find a way to help the woman but she also knew it wasn't very likely, not at the rate the others were dying. If she couldn't help Pema now, she at least would vow to find the woman, and the family, justice. Lin knew this was hard on her old friend and she wished she could be more emotionally supportive. She thanked her mother for those valuable life lessons of sincerity and kindness. "I don't mind checking up on your family." She suddenly said, starting the conversation they had begn back in her office that morning. "They're the closest thing to a family I have...with my sister in Zaofu and my mother hiding from everyone...I'm glad I at least have you and yours." She said as she began eat.

- - -

When the car came to a stop, Asami was helped outside and taken down into a compound which was located under a series of mountains behind Republic City. Already red flags were going off but Asami kept her cool and continued to follow the man leading her down a long hallway. Asami made notes of where she was and what things could be used a weapons, just in case. Unlike Mako or even Jinora, Asami felt absolutely useless in such vulnerable situations. A knot tightened in her chest and she quickly thought of Mako and how worried he might be if she just vanished without a trace. She also wondered if these people had been the ones to capture her father. The more Asami thought about it, the more uneasy she felt. By the time the pair made it to the end of the dark hallway, the woman had already accepted her fate and was ready to fight anyone she needed to, in order to escape with her life. The door opened and Asami tensed and found herself reaching out to punch whoever was behind the door. "Ow!" A woman's voice spoke out and Asami opened her eyes, and saw a woman with black hair looking at her and trying to pry Asami's hand off of her face.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Asami's face turned red and the woman gave her a timid smile before gesturing for Asami to step inside. Once Asami did, the large metal door behind her closed and she found herself in a cozy room decorated with velvet, wood and slate. There were two other doors, as well as a loft above them with two beds. "You must be Xana. I'm Asami, it's good to finally meet you face to face, I didn't mean to hit your face..." She rubbed her arm sheepishly. So far, she had been working at her own company's compound and any interaction with Xano and Xana had been done over the phone or by their other associates. Asami was nervous, these people were willing to help her and she would be happy to make things work. Xana gestured for them to sit down at the black wooden table which had round backless velvet chairs. Once they sat down, one of the other doors opens and revealed a similar looking man with the same long black sleek hair.

"Asami Sato, we finally meet. There is much to discuss. My name is Xano and you've met my sister, she isn't very talkative so I hope you forgive her." He said and shook Asami's hand before he sat down at the table. "We are so excited to be working with you and your company. The technological advances we can make together could be astounding. We have been working on an experiment that we'd love to show you, it's very exciting and there's no one we could think of that could use it to its truest potential." Xano said and got up and an assistant walked over and opened a box with a needle. "This is an injection that will unlock your fire bending."

"Fire bending? I'm not a fire bender..." Asami frowned.

"We looked into your lineage and your mother was a fire bender. It's very possible that you just haven't been able to tap into it yet. We want to help you." He smiled and took out the sleek object filled with orange liquid. "We would like to inject you with this and help you unlock your buried abilities, consider it our thanks for us being able to form a union and work together." He stepped back and moved behind Asami and handed her the injection to look at. Asami took it and looked at it, not too convinced that this was a good idea. The man could sense her hesitation. "Your friends can bend, can do extraordinary things...leaving you on the sidelines for too long hmm? You're not just a clever woman, Asami, you're also a strong one. Prove the world wrong and show them your strength that you'll use to restore your family's name. Show them that fire buried deep inside you." Xano whispered and put a hand on her shoulder. "Let us show you a bright future, Asami. What do you say?"

Her eyes looked at the sleek thin cylinder and she wasn't sure what she was feeling. Asami felt nerves, excitement and dread. Could she really be a bender, a fire bender no less? Her father's animosity towards them only made her more confused and she wondered if her mother's death had been aginst a fellow friend, a fellow fire bender. Maybe his vision of his wife had been sullied and he never wanted to think of her as a fire bender, but a victim of one? "I'll...I'll do it." If she was a bender and hadn't shown any signs, maybe this extra push was what she needed all along. Asami would kick herself if she missed such an opportunity. Xano took the injection from her and took hold of her hand. He then guided her to a couch behind them and Xana helped roll up Asami's sleeve as she sat by the CEO. Xano reached down and injected her with the serum and for the next three hours, Asami struggled to remain conscious. All while she struggled to adjust and accept the medicine, Xana held her hand and stroked her hair, though nothing was uttered from the water bender's lips.

When Asami finally calmed down, the shaking and headache having finally subsided, it was decided that Xano would train Asami to do some basic bending. Asami was eager to get to work and by the time they took a break, it was evening. Asami checked the time and knew Mako would have to be back by now, or soon. She told the siblings she needed to go back home and they complied. She gave a wave to the reserved woman before Xano hugged her and congratulated her on her progress. Finally, he assured her they'd meet to do more training in the next day or two, but to call if the company or her, needed immediate attention, and for now to take things easy to be safe. The same car that picked her up in the morning, had dropped her off and she saw no sign of Mako outside, so she hoped he hadn't worried about her. After thanking the driver, she jogged up to the door and let herself in. She was too excited to stand still and went to find Mako. "Mako! I have something amazing to show to you!" She called out and finally found where he was. Unable to contain her delight, she ran over and hugged him tightly, finally feeling like she was actually whole, like she had a real connection to her mother again. "Come on, come on." Asami grabbed his hand and dragged him outside to the front yard.

"Okay now stand back." She laughed softly and waved her hands at him.

"Are you watching?" She asked him, feeling the way a child was when they wanted to show someone a simple magic trick they had painstakingly learned. Of course there had been plenty of pain for Asami today but after just a few hours, she had the basics down and she didn't regret her decision one bit. Now she wanted to share her new talent with Mako. The woman went into her fighting stance and threw a punch with her right hand and then her left, which emitted a long burst of feathery flames. Then Asami unclenched her left fist and a flame formed from her palm and she used her fingers to form the flame into a shape of a ring, then a heart and finally into an even higher and hotter flame. Suddenly it vanished and she turned to Mako. It wasn't much but considered she had just learned to fire bend, it was more than enough to her. "You'll have to teach me some of your smooth moves, Mako." She laughed. She would have asked Korra but she wasn't sure if Korra could rightly bend fire at the moment, and she didn't want to start a fight because of something petty like bending. Her heart was racing and she couldn't be happier. "We should go out and celebrate and go grocery shopping after." She then stopped herself. "I'm sorry...I didn't even ask how your day went at the station." She felt a little silly now and a little selfish.

- - -

After work, Bolin headed back toward the pier and took a ferry back toward the island.

He was pretty hungry but hoping to help around the house as needed. He felt bad for Tenzin and Pema and wanted to do whatever he could to help. Once he got up to the family's estate, he found out Tenzin was out for the night which was a little weird. He remembered what Korra had mentioned to him though he didn't want to get involved so he decided to see if he was needed to make dinner. He found Jinora trying to cook in the kitchen with Korra. Bolin washed up and joined them. "Ya know it's a guy's dream to come home to two pretty ladies." He grinned and looked at the soup and bread they were making. Just then, Ikki and Meelo ran in and he turned around. "I'm sorry, three pretty ladies." He laughed a little as he got Meelo to set the table. "So what were you up to today?" He asked Korra as he made a bowl of food to take to the lady of the house. "Meelo, stop trying to stick the spoon up your nose, trust me I've tried and it does not fit." For now, he figured he and Korra had to make sure things went alright while Tenzin was off doing whatever. Bolin was sure he needed his own space too, that as strong as the air bending master was, he needed support too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
Avatar of SoleAccord

SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Tenzin’s attitude upon his return to the station had been the exact opposite as it was this morning; the upbeat nature of a man seeking to tackle the day was overwritten by a much more serious, pressing demeanor. He was happy to see Lin, remaining pleasant and entirely respectful of her authority. Allowing him to join her on this venture was something he continued to be grateful for. It was for that reason that the airbender remained patient after they had left the station. Shortly after that, Lin had handed over detailed files of the victims suffering from the same sickness as his wife. The contents were examined thoroughly as Lin had admitted that she was confused, something Tenzin easily understood. The people listened in the files had no relation whatsoever. Their chosen jobs and career paths did not suggest they’d be a threat to anyone or anything, and he had never known a banker or a grocer to be entirely unhygienic either. His list of probable cause was rapidly diminishing, mind entering an overdrive to attempt and consider other meanings for why this was happening. Pema valued a clean, germ-free home. Meelo was a different story. Once Lin had stopped he had done the same, carefully resting the files back inside the folder and looking to his old friend. Taking the files from him, he allowed her to continue uninterrupted.

Infection was what he believed, yet there was never a sickness of any sort that targeted a set demographic. An internal attack by any foreign substance did not discriminate; if it could infect something, it would have, so Lin’s theory had some weight to it. Troubling him even more was the confirmation that it was fatal. None of the files he examined had implied that any of the victims were particularly sickly folks. It was a grim piece of news Lin offered him but he had to remain strong, not falling prey to his fears and doubts once more. As the details of the apparently failure to bend had emerged, the eyes of Tenzin widened in horror. Korra, in a short time, had difficulty coping with the idea that she could no longer bend as she used to. To be bedridden and suffer the fact that even should you recover you might lose a piece of yourself was a nightmare he could not imagine. The most he could do now was be thankful that Meelo had managed to recover, a feat both miraculous and astounding.

“A piece of advice Lin,” Tenzin gently offered once the question of who could have done this had risen. “Don’t underestimate anyone, no matter how innocent, no matter how unlikely. The man behind Future Industries had been allied with the Equalist movement the entire time, and you remember how shocking that was for the both of us. If a man like that can be on the side of the enemy, there is no telling who the allies of this new enemy are. Let’s keep our suspicions open, shall we?” A comforting squeeze on her shoulder had followed his opinions, afterward they had continued their evening together by meeting with family and friends of the victims. The worst part of this was that no answer could be offered to those questioned. Lin did her best to reassure them that they were on this case, but to keep the rambling and fear-stricken panic to a minimum as they did so.

Eventually this would come out, and when it did they would hopefully have something to offer the greater public than ‘we’re doing our best’.

“Well, that’s the best we’ll get for tonight.” There was very little that could be taken from what they were told. He wanted to sleep on what he discovered tonight, and most importantly get back to Pema and tell her what he’s discovered. Lin had offered him dinner in response, moving on a nearby food stand before Tenzin could politely refuse and suggest an alternative. Waiting for her to return, he reached out for a vegetable-centered skewer. Lin preemptively mentioned that the term ‘dinner’ was loose in this regard, making him smile. “No, it’s good, it’s fast, and it’s food. You didn’t promise me three courses.” He chuckled. To add emphasis on his thanks, he took three heated chunks of vegetables and chewed heartily. She offered to join him at the Air Temple and check on his family. Kind of her, but unnecessary, Tenzin had prepared to refuse until she had followed up the offer with the mention of her own family. Swallowing immediately, his eyes peered at her closely, face frowned and posture dropping slightly. Difficulty had always been a part of Lin’s home life; if it wasn’t her brewing issues with her sister, it was that her mother was …well, she was Toph Beifong, he could only put it that way. Growing up he had his own share of difficulties with his family. Jealousy from Bumi and Kaya when it came to the attention of their father was prevalent, especially when mother wasn’t around to lightly scold them about it. The two had their share of familial issues but there was no doubt that Lin had endured the hardest between them. He had a wife and children waiting for him, Lin had nothing but another day to wait for. It never occurred to him until that moment, until Lin had said what she said, yet Tenzin had begun to suspect that the Chief of Police was becoming vulnerable.

His heart wrenched in his chest, and had nearly prompted him to clutch it with his free hand. There were rare times when he could examine Lin lowering the guard she had spent all her life building up, yet he was having a glimpse of her offering herself emotionally to him, something she had not done in years. She may not have noticed it, or perhaps she had, hoping he’d indulge her needs.

“Stay with us tonight, Lin.” Tenzin asked of her, voice strong and clear so no mistake could be made. “After the sacrifice you made for us when we had to flee Republic City, after our history as friends, you are entirely welcome to come spend the night with us whenever you’d like. The kids might be asleep now, but you’d be a welcome sight in the morning for them. Besides, Meelo might be able to learn some patience from you.” He leaned in, bringing his hand to the side of his mouth opposite Lin. His voice went low, tone playful and warm. “I’d be careful though, he mentioned trying to chew through that armor of yours. Keep it guarded; if there are any teeth marks, just know you were warned.”

Lin would know that Meelo tried anything new and fun, especially when it came to chewing on foreign objects. Anything beat her leg, arm, or head. Standing back straight and quickly finishing his skewer, he took aim at a nearby trash bin and flicked the pick towards it. With a little airbending skill, he managed to let it soar directly into the bin despite its small, lightweight state of being.

“It would be nice to have breakfast with you again, like we used to. We can run to your home and get you some clothes, it won’t take long.” He paused to let her consider her options.


Mako awoke startled in one of the comfortable armchairs in the living room. Sitting on his lap was the police force’s version of an ‘employee handbook’ specifying exact details and demands of the job. He was tasked with reviewing the information and returning tomorrow; after a draining orientation with a self-referred ‘bad ass’ of a sergeant, he had come home immediately to eat a light snack and properly review everything without someone breathing down his neck about how he was not ‘man enough’ to be on the police force. Stereotypes aside, the firebender sat up from his slouched position as Asami came rushing into the living room appearing as if she had found gold. “I’m awake, I’m awake.” He mumbled sleepily, climbing out of the seat in time to be immediately hugged. Blushing at contact he hadn’t known for what felt like months, Mako was unable to ask what happened before she had taken his hand and practically tore it off leading him outside.

“Whoa—Asami!—“He stuttered. Asami’s enthusiasm was nothing new but this was a level of excitement he had never witnessed before. If he didn’t know any better he’d have thought she ran someone over and had their body in the back seat of a car. Inwardly he groaned at his own terrible example. The ‘drill’ sergeants list of horrific scenarios designed to dissuade newcomers to joining was still fresh on the mind. “Alright, I’m standing back. What’s the—“

Flame. It wasn’t new to him, it was a part of him, of multiple benders across the world. So when Asami had thrown a punch and fire left her fist, his eyes had gone as wide as they had been when he had first met her. He didn’t immediately question what he was seeing, even as she continued to demonstrate that this was indeed real and not simply a hallucination or an accident. She was firebending, effortlessly, and had enough skill to create an object out of it. Mako’s hands came to the side of his head, making clear his bewildered state. Teach her smooth moves when she could already do so much? Go shopping?

“Asami, do you have any idea what you just did!? YOU WERE BENDING! FIRE!” Mako exclaimed. “That’s …that’s unheard of! I don’t even know what to do right now, forget about my day, what have you been doing today?” A disturbing growl from his stomach had put their exchange on hold. In his excitement his body had been aware of how hungry he actually was, and a celebration with Asami usually meant a good meal and some excitement. He was shivering with confusion and excitement at her newfound abilities. “Okay, celebrate, then you tell me how you can do this!”

She was ready, he was ready, and so it took no time for them at all to hit the road together. The exchange of dialogue was limited to Mako’s awe at his discovery and Asami’s own childlike joy. A casual dinner together had involved a good meal, as well as the old firebender staring at the new one. Infatuation with Asami was not new to him. She was the happiest he had seen her since they had begun to date and before he had ruined everything. Over dinner, when his mind wasn’t still in shock, he managed to talk about his day. The stress of the one behind the recruitment process was covered, as well as the hefty manual he had fallen asleep reading. He made mention of Bolin’s small exchanges with the recruiter, prompting others that happened to sign up with the brothers to laugh. Once dinner had concluded, they had gone grocery shopping. Meat, vegetables, fruits; it seemed that nothing was going to be skipped over for Asami. Their choice of dessert was not premade. A taste for a cake of their own concoction was on her mind, complete with several different types of frosting that didn’t allow them to settle on one. By the time they had managed to leave, Mako found himself waddling out with the number of bags he was managing to carry, yet he didn’t complain once.

Lastly they had to pick up an outfit for Asami at her own insistence, all for the sake of training her. They had gone through several sets of outfit types that appealed to Asami, but Mako would shamefully admit to himself that he just wanted to stall for a little longer. There was no telling if she’d wake up this excited tomorrow, if she’d look at him the same as she did now. It was as if they were normal again and her trust in him was whole again, not to mention watching her try things on for his opinion was a pleasure. Asami had once again settled on buying a handful of outfits that, to Mako, placed some emphasis on the modesty she wanted to maintain, all while offering her the freedom of intense movement.

By the time they had gotten back home, the stars were out and shining against the dark background of a cloudy night sky. Thankfully the servants would get everything inside, leaving the two of them to convene in the living room for a short time before bed.

“Okay, I know you’re excited, but just don’t do firebending during any important meetings or calls.” Mako joked, rubbing the back of his neck and taking another moment to admire Asami brimming with happiness and the confidence to learn her new art. “Imagine if people found out about this. Do you know what it would mean for nonbenders? It could give them some hope. I mean if you can bloom this late, others might be able to. Talk about a miracle …and irony.” Her father’s hatred of benders was kind of laughable now considering his daughter was now wielding the power he hated so much. “We need to tell Korra and Bolin tomorrow. Imagine what they’ll say!”


“Oh, flattery, this late?” Korra smirked at Bolin once he returned from washing up. Managing the soup while Jinora had watched the bread, it was only a matter of time until the aroma of dinner had brought Ikki and Meelo to the kitchen, followed by Bolin quickly correcting himself. “Hopefully Katara or Pema won’t show up next, you’ll end up with a foot in your mouth twice.”
In the back of her mind the Avatar was thinking about Tenzin and Lin, yet there was something undeniably freedom-giving in allowing others to handle the investigation for once. Today, at the very least, she could spend some time with the family of her predecessor. Jinora had taken over her father’s duty and offered her some guidance on air bending in his place. Bolin’s interest was welcome, yet was diverted to tell Meelo that he had beaten him in finding the answer to the age-old question of if sticking a spoon in your nose was a possibility. She laughed quietly and assisted him in preparing a bowl for Pema, making sure the amount was enough to fill her but not overwhelm her. While Bolin handled the main course, Korra carried a glass of water and napkin for her. With Jinora to help her siblings and herself get their share, it allowed Korra and Bolin a little time alone as they moved to Pema’s room.

“Jinora’s filled in for Tenzin while he’s busy. I learned how to make an airsphere, and even ride one, but it took some falls before I could nail it entirely. And after that I just distracted the kids for a while if I wasn’t talking to Katara about everything that’s been going on with Tenzin and myself.” She bumped shoulders with Bolin lightly, leaning her head forward. “So, “Chief”, how were things today? You and Mako worked hard, right?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Lin silently made a promise to take them out to a good meal, with at least three courses, when the mystery was solved, though she wasn't certain when that would be, and what kind of person either of them would be by the end of it all. Something told her things wouldn't be the same. Then again...with them...things never stayed the same and yet somehow they didn't. But in the moment, casting away the doubtful future and past, Lin knew her words had been too much, at least for her. If it had been anyone else in the world, she would have been able to muster up a rebuttal, a defense-something to reestablish herself as someone strong and unmovable. But this was Tenzin, no someone else she could endure. Even though he was an air bender, she could swear he could bend rock sometimes, wear her down until she could crumble like sand. Thankfully for her fragile heart which she'd vehemently deny having, these incidents rarely happened, but when they did, it took days like these to remind her of the regret, the only thing she held onto and was left with.

His words had been quick and firm, much like one would bend earth and it almost made her smile, the kind of smile she used to wear.

Instead though, she glanced down at the concrete, wishing she could sink into it. Admitting faults, regrets, envy...wasn't her style. She didn't like it. Her mother didn't like it and so neither did her daughter, Chief of Police. She already knew she couldn't refuse his offer, as kind as it was, it hurt. It just hurt. People as forgiving as Tenzin were hard to come across and she found herself jealous of Pema, as opposed to her typical bitterness or anger. Pema was a lucky woman and she knew Tenzin had to love her, that Pema had to be someone special to be able to give Tenzin what he wanted. After he mentioned how welcomed she was, he then playfully mentioned how Meelo was looking to bite through her armor. His skill to make her feel less uncomfortable was highly noteworthy. Finally she couldn't hold back the urge to smile as she gave him a slightly worn out look. Well, he'd done it. He had weathered her down enough and she couldn't put up anymore of a fight.

Once he finished his meal he air bent it into the trash and she rolled her eyes, remembering the competitions they had when it came to shooting things into trash bins and other things. Sometimes even Aang and Bumi would join them in the fun. Those were days long since faded away. "Alright alright, you've made your point and I can tell this is one of those rare, rare instances where I'm not going to win." In her mind, she had lost, a long time ago. But in a way, not being alone tonight thanks to Tenzin's kindness, was another way to win, or to at least not be last and all alone. "Thank you." She smiled and finished her own skewer before she lobbed it into the trash though unlike Tenzin, she used a bit of earth bending to nudge the bin closer to where she aimed. Back then, it would be considered cheating but tonight was an exception to the past. "Let's go then...before I change my mind." She motioned for him to come along with her hand, struggling to internally rebuild her walls or while wanting to leave them down, just for a little bit and let some of that Tenzin Sunshine in.

They arrived at her house and she decided to let him in, there were some crazy killers on the loose after all.

Once inside, the door was shut, the lights were turned on and she headed up to her room, seriously considering her heavier armor if Meelo was keen on munching on her suit. She decided against it, not wanting to encourage the kid to ruin his teeth. She grabbed a duffle bag and put some clothes in it, as well as some other items before she came back down. If they weren't making it a quick stop, she would have offered him tea or something but they needed to get back, even if the kids were in bed. As they moved to head back into the cold dirty streets which were slowly being rebuilt, Lin turned around. In that moment, she saw her home differently, with pictures of her and Tenzin and their two kids, both air benders. She saw it more lively, lived in, as opposed to stoic. Shutting the door firmly, she locked it, checked it and grabbed her bag so they could get moving. Those walls were slowly being built again but with less of a foundation, unable to come back as sturdy as the time before. "Our parents got to see so many stars and yet this city hides them all." She said out of nowhere as she glanced up to the sky. "You should take the kids to the air temple sometime so they don't miss out, maybe some time away from here would be beneficial. I'm worried for them, as well as you and Pema."

She didn't mean to get rid of him of course but if Pema didn't last much longer, couldn't fight for much longer, Lin knew Tenzin needed to heal and the city was no place to do that. "I'm not suggesting it as a woman of the law but as a friend. You know I'd do anything to keep your family safe and..." And Pema falling sick did feel like she failed and Lin would do whatever she could, pull triple shifts if it meant bringing the criminal to justice. "I know you're looking out for me tonight, just make sure I can return the favor." She said and reached down for his hand, the harbor only ten more minutes away now.

- - -

If Asami had killed someone, Mako would probably be the first person to go to for a few select reasons.

Thankfully she needn't his street or officer skills, but instead something else.

Mako shared the same amazement she had when she first found out and then tried to fire bend. Xana had spent a good amount of time helping her to grasp fire bending and Asami was so proud of herself. She was surprised though, she would have thought she'd be disgusted that her father kept something so important from her, but it just made her feel more whole, more in touch with her mother. The spark she had been missing for so long, had been given to her like a blessing and she would do anything to make up for the years she felt she had missed out on. She could have done pro bending, she could have done more combat skills, she could have done a lot more than read and try to make up for her lack of bending. "I know!" She exclaimed with laughter at his own bewilderment. He was pretty cute when he wasn't sure what to say. Pretty soon though, his stomach chimed in and she was more than ready to hit the town.

She was quick to get changed and soon they were ready to go. She drove them to a casual place that was still well known for its good food. She didn't want to fuss with anything fancy but that didn't mean she wanted to skimp on the quality. During dinner Mako talked about how the day went for him and she glad to hear that things were going well, as most recruits ended up snapping and quitting or being kicked out. She knew he and Bolin would do well as long as they didn't let themselves be pushed around by the others, as it was the point to push recruits beyond someone's typical breaking point. She also filled Mako in how it happened and how the investors were able to look back into her genetics and see she was a fire bender and then they helped her tap into it with meditation and training. Asami didn't want to lie to Mako but she was worried if he found out how they managed to 'jump start' her bending, he'd get worried and want her to stop doing business with them. At the moment, there didn't seem any harm to it. What mattered was that she could bend, no longer neglecting a true part of herself.

Once dinner was over they went to get some more groceries since they were running dangerously low.

They bought a bunch of everything, different meats, produce, grains, spices and even some pastries for the morning. They even bought a custom made cake which they couldn't decide upon so it ended up taking on a life of its own. Asami didn't mind though, she had the money and she had the best reason to have them splurge. Mako was being quite the trooper, helping carry the bags and not complaining about the night. She knew he had to be at work but she would make it up to him by cooking them a big dinner tomorrow. Once the food was loaded in the car, they drove to get some outfits which would be their final stop for the night. She'd try to be quick for Mako's sake. Inside the boutique, she found some outfits that were flexible but snug for training. She found some outfits that had some style but also modesty. She wasn't the sort to bother with revealing clothes when she had an image to uphold. She was the owner of a business on the edge of rebirth, not to mention she just wasn't the sort of person to show a lot of skin, exceptions were made of course.

And once again, Mako seemed agreeable and encouraging to whatever she liked and what may not look or work as well for what they had in mind. By the time they were back home, it was quite dark out and Asami was ready to go to bed, very tired thanks to everything she had to endure. As they sat in the living room, everything was starting to settle down. Mako's comment made her laugh. "Aw I can't show off?" She joked. He then mentioned how amazing the news could be to other non-benders who were possibly late bloomers. "I wish I could talk to my father about all this." She admitted, wringing her hands in her lap. "Do you really think we should tell Korra...you know, given how things are with her bending?" Asami didn't want to add insult to injury with Korra, things were delicate right now and had the hope of resolution. Though there was the strong possibility that this could help Korra and the two of them could train together with Mako. "I really do owe Xano and Xana for all the research they've done to bring this revelation to light to help me." She said, feeling the lie sink further in.

Asami brushed some of her hair back over her shoulder. "I feel like this is a new beginning for me though. Like something is finally going my way...I'm glad you're here to share it with me." She smiled, finally feeling as though there could be another chance for her and Mako to start over. It made her nervous but she was sure part of, was a good kind of nervous, the kind she felt when they first met and went on their first date, that seemed like decades ago. "I don't want you to think this is just because I'm excited about fire bending...but I do think this is a good sign that you and I can try...again, there's less pain and these days with the space I've had...I know I want to still be with you." She said and looked to him. They'd need to take it slow but she was tired to teetering one way or the other, she knew which was she was inevitably going to go.

- - -

If Katara showed up, Bolin was sure he could smooth talk his way out of the mess.

But if Pema showed up, Bolin would be too shocked to do anything. Of course as much as he wanted the wife and mother to be able to move about, he doubted it would happen, as awful as the thought was. He just laughed at Korra's words, wanting to just keep things light and cheerful for the poor air bending family. Bolin wished he could do more but for now, this was enough. When the food was ready to serve, the pair went to Pema's room. In the meantime, he was sure Katara could help wrangle the others up so there wasn't an impromptu food fight, Bolin would hate to miss out on that. While walking down the many halls, Korra mentioned what her air bending had been like and he was sure it was tough for her. Well it had been tough the first time, he just hoped it was easier now that she knew what she was doing. "Oh yes ma'am, we're keeping the city safe from psychos." He held his chin up and nudged her back lightly with his own shoulder. "It's tough work but it's gonna be rewarding, I just know it."

His voice quieted down as they entered the woman's room and crept over to the bed. She wasn't awake but still breathing at least. Bolin set his offering of food down and Korra did the same. Bolin didn't know much about his own family and Korra was so far from hers, for now Pema was the only motherly figure they had, Lin aside who was more like the cranky complicated aunt type. "She's been resting more and more. That can't be good." He whispered once they were back in the hall with the door closed. He wondered what Tenzin could be doing out so late with his wife sick. It had to be a good reason though, Tenzin wasn't the kind of man to shirk duties, much less family related ones. Bolin would love to become a family man like Tenzin but that would be a daydream for another day. For now, he didn't want to talk about the heavy stuff, there had been enough of that to fill several lifetimes.

"I don't know if I told you this already but I am proud of you, Korra." He spoke up as they slowly walked back towards the dining room where the faint sounds of eating and chatter could be heard. He stopped and put his hands on her shoulders. "I know it wasn't easy to swallow your pride and talk to Asami and well...then to Tenzin and Lin...what I mean is, you're being a good person, forget being an Avatar." He said, trying to figure out what he wanted to say and how to say it without sounding stupid. "Not that you're not uhh a good person. I just--you remind me of the girl I first met before everything...went wrong." He said and removed his hands from her, his face a little red. Sure, it wasn't the time for serious or morbid thoughts but he didn't know why he had to get overly mushy and sentimental. Why couldn't he be stronger like Lin and Mako?

"A-anyway I'm starved, I bet you are too!" He said and ran the rest of the way back.

By the time they got back, Katara and the kids had eaten and Katara said she'd get them to wash up while Korra and Bolin ate themselves. "Why don't we read you kids a story for bed?" He suggested as they left. Meelo seemed the most excited about that along with Ikki. Though they didn't have any books, he was sure he and Korra could make something awesome up. He then sat down beside Korra so they could finally put something in their stomachs. "Man, being a parent is tough." He sighed heavily and dipped the bread in the soup and took a bite. "Mmmmm that's so good!" He praised with his mouth full of chewed up mush. He swallowed his food and took a drink of tea. "You know what would be real fun?" He didn't wait for her to guess. "A BBQ! Imagine grilling up some meat outside and just enjoying the fresh air? It would be tasty but also entertaining." He suggested, eyes shining at her, wanting to do something even if it was just small things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Delight spread across the face of the Airbender. A rare occurrence was right – Lin was a boulder who was often difficult to budge. Unlike the experienced Earthbender that was her mother, Tenzin was rarely capable of taking her head on. To wear her down from all sides and strike when she was at her most vulnerable and accepting was his way of reaching her, as it had been since the day they had fallen apart as lovers. Acknowledging her thanks with a short nod of his head, his focus moved to the skewer that Lin had discarded while using her own bending to guarantee it made its way inside the trash. Tenzin’s lip quivered instinctively; he was not one to back down from a challenge by Lin in their youth, and to see her answering his method of disposal with a method of her own had brought temptation to his mind. Mischief was now beneath him, yet he did wonder if Lin had done it to add a bit of spice to her disposal as he had, or if it was a method of telling him that she could do what he had, only better. Competition was not new between them. In fact now that he was thinking about it, Lin was usually open about her emotions tonight. Assumptions did not serve him well, even now. Until it was fact, he’d just admire Lin as she was now, as she used to be, before their time was up.

“I won’t let you, not now,” He warned her with cheer, joining beside her as she led them back to her home.

On arrival he had settled himself in a corner and had done nothing, surprising even himself. Lin’s apartment had been visited before when matters of great importance had to be discussed that did not demand the council as a whole to be involved. Mostly, he remembered helping her move in here a long time ago, back when she would speak to him again. The apartment was without grandeur and fulfilled the only purpose Lin needed: A place to test when duty had ended. It could use some comfort, yet the Airbender didn’t believe it was his place to recommend what she did with her home. Still, as his eyes examined the walls while his ears remained perked at the sound of Lin packing just upstairs, Tenzin made a mental note to offer her something as the week progressed. A flower for life, a painting for some creative introspection – anything that was not purchased by her. When had been the last time he had offered her a gift, he wondered to himself.

When she returned and they departed together, the attention had somehow gone from the case ahead to the stars above. He was caught off guard, evident by the surprise that flashed on his features before his stoic, softened expression returned to his face. Lin suggested taking the children to the Air Temple in the future, something he had considered once Meelo had grown a little more. As well as that, concern was voiced for both Pema and himself. From that concern came further sentimentality from the least likely source he had ever known. It was in her face, her voice, even her posture somehow.

When she reached for his hand, Tenzin met her halfway with his own. His grasp was firmer than usual. He felt the texture of Lin’s hand in his own, quietly appreciative of the shared contact. The thumb of his hand brushed atop hers for just one stroke, followed by Tenzin’s thoughtful eyes leaving her hand to rest on her eyes. Standing there, just holding her hand, had somehow driven Tenzin to momentary speechlessness. Responding to the silence with further silence, Tenzin lightly tugged on Lin’s hand and brought her closer to him. Were it any other night in Republic City he would have expected an argument for his actions, or a demand of an explanation. Lin had that right, as she knew she did.

Amid the dust and debris of the alley they stood – a spur of the moment decision just prior to Lin’s last few choices of words – Tenzin managed to make out her full body and expression in the darkness. No pressure of upholding their title and tact. No eyes but theirs on each other. The rarest of moments they no longer shared was now theirs again, and it was in this moment that Tenzin felt the most connected with his youth. Surely, Tenzin believed in his mind, Lin could feel the nostalgia as well. Kept in his hold, his arms secured around her body and bringing her closer than she had been in countless years, Tenzin had found his voice once more.

“You’ve done plenty for me Lin, yet you’re still finding it in your heart to give me more.” The Airbender whispered dolefully. With each word his hold on her gave the slightest of trembles. It was beginning to ache inside, what he believed to be true of Lin’s motives were weighing on his heart and running rampant in his mind. “I don’t wish to pry, but is this …is all of this, what you’re doing, because you believe you owe it to me? I haven’t overlooked the way you’re looking at me tonight, the way you’re speaking to me – you’re troubled, somehow.” Tenzin stated.

If the fear of Lin refusing to speak to him about the matter was not so real to him, he’d have considered letting her go now. Unless threatened both physically and verbally, unless she could swear to him – to his face – that she was not bothered, Tenzin had no intention of releasing her. While he was a man capable of much, it had never been so easy to pick apart Lin like this. Lin let down her wall for very few. Whether or not she meant to do it, or if it was some sort of unintended cry for help, he was here now, eyes set on her lips for a sign her eyes were already offering him.

“I only ask that you trust me to be here for you, as you’ve been for me. So if there is any truth to what I’ve said, please confirm it.”


Asami mentioning her father made Mako almost consider laughing about the irony with her, but seeing her wring her hands told him it was a bad idea. For someone like him who wasn’t betrayed by his father, Asami’s situation could seem humorous. What he had almost forgotten was the lengths a man like Hiroshi would go for his beliefs, and rather than think about him and laugh Mako had the fleeting urge to practice some firebending himself. His jaw tensed for a few moments before he had eased back into the atmosphere; it was just him and Asami now, no Hiroshi in sight, and it was proving better this way for the both of them. She had moved the subject over to Korra next, expressing uncertainty due to Korra’s state. As far as the two of them knew, Korra didn’t have access to firebending like they did, so Mako could see where she was coming from.

“I don’t think she’d get upset hearing about something like this, but I’ve been wrong before …about a lot of things, actually.” Mako answered with a shrug of his shoulders and a glance elsewhere. While Asami expressed more appreciation for what Xano and Xana had done for her, Mako continued to keep his eyes anywhere but on her. He began to ponder if it had been a little too careless to suggest that Korra be told; this was Asami’s business, even if he had meant well it would still be her decision in the end. In the end he decided to point it out for her, but by the time he rested his eyes on her again she was just reaching the end of her next spoken sentence. Hearing Asami say she was glad that he was here to share this next part of her life made his heart clench in his chest, unable to tell if it was by pain or joy. As her expressed wishes were finished, Mako’s heart had begun to race like a beating drum.

Was this his moment?

Asami wanted to be his girl again, to go back to the way things were before one thing had led to another. He should be ecstatic about this news, and in a few ways he was. Yet for some reason he did not immediately return her smile, and his heart continued to twist in his chest while his eyes remained on her attractive visage. While he thought of something – anything – that could be said to express what he felt at this moment, he brought his hands together and squeezed. A smile felt far away when he had no reason to frown as he was now. The girl he loved more than anything was ready to try again – why couldn’t he act?

“Asami,” his voice came out dryer than he’d like, “I’d really, really like that. I know it doesn’t look that way, but it’s true.” Mako cast a downtrodden look towards the carpet below. Tonight had been going so well, and here he was acting so uncertain about the one thing he wanted. He did want Asami back – it sounded better than it felt. His eyes returned to her, this time appearing a little stronger than before. All this confusion and pain came down to her, yet there was a warmth, a promise that things could be better than they ever were before.

“I’m still holding on to what I’ve done, how I hurt you, and I won’t let it go any time soon. But for the sake of being a better man for you, I’ll need to forgive myself for that and love you like I mean to.” With great care Mako had reached over to Asami’s hand and, with one last look of acceptance from Asami, took hold of it. Rising up from the couch and coming in front of her, Mako had taken her other hand and lightly tugged on the both of them to ask her to rise. When she complied, the young man looked from the hands he now held to the eyes they belonged to.

“Maybe it’s too soon for me to tell you this, but …I want to be the man you’ll kiss goodnight every evening. A shoulder to cry on. A pillar to help you climb and be the best you can be, whether you bend or build. I want to be the man that Asami Sato can always count on, like I was before.” As he came to the improvised but truthful explanation, Mako’s cheeks grew so warm that the blush was impossible to properly conceal. In his guilt he found the truth of his own feelings, seeking to make Asami understand that this was not going to be a mistake. He believed his words and was ready to back it up with action, and hoped she did the same.


The Avatar beamed at her companion. The protection of the city was going to be a huge responsibility for Bolin, probably the greatest he’d ever know. Meanwhile, the weight of an entire world she had yet to explore was on her shoulders. In a way she was envious of Bolin’s luck in that regard, yet she wouldn’t trade her position for it. No disrespect to Lin, but it must have taken some serious buckling down to try and manage a city full of gangsters and thugs. The thought of Bolin taking out his share of criminals warmed her heart and made her smile that much wider. A big heart, hidden within a fierce man of the law. These brothers were going to be the bane of the criminal underworld, Korra just knew it.

Entering Pema’s room and joining Bolin in bringing her share of food to the nearby desk, Korra made certain she left as quietly as she entered. Only until the door was closed and they returned into the hall that Bolin broke the ice. Mentioning Pema’s condition and how much rest she needed now was a depressing reality. It was made worse by the fact that there were people in this home that she’d give her life to protect, but her life could not stop whatever was afflicting Pema.

“I know.” Was all Korra could muster in response. The duo made their way back to the dining room noticeably slower, yet had paused entirely once Bolin mentioned his approval of her now. He placed both hands to her shoulders now and continued, speaking of how hard it must have been to speak to Asami and Lin – especially Lin. Her lips parted in order to thank him, but had barely made a foot before he continued. Bolin spoke of who Korra was before her duty as Avatar. Without the Avatar she was only Korra, and Bolin saw Korra just as much as he saw the Avatar. But that wasn’t enough for Bolin. He had gone further by suggesting that she was like her past self, before the kiss with Mako had ever taken place. She squirmed a little after he released her shoulders, right hand coming to the back of her neck and favoring it while her eyes examined her friend closely. Bolin was changing the tone of the evening fairly quickly and Korra had no comfortable way to respond. Luckily for her, Bolin had then changed the subject for the two of them and ran back to the dining room where dinner awaited.

He wouldn’t have noticed it, but the Avatar lagged behind for just a moment longer, staring at his back before lowering her arm and going after him.

Upon their return she was unsurprised to find that the kids had wrapped up their meals. She thanked the elderly Katara for making sure they would wash up before taking a seat at the bowl that was left for Bolin and herself. The former had offered to read the children a story for bed, taking Korra by surprise. Paternal instincts were running strong tonight, and after everyone had left she did not waste a single second to point it out.

“Its work, but you’ve adopted the role really well. All I need now is Meelo chewing on your head like he does Tenzin.” Korra joked, laughing at her own image. She had sampled the soup and her eyes lit up in a fashion very much similar to Bolin just beside her. Partaking further in her meal, Bolin raised a question just after taking a large gulp of his tea, causing Korra to swallow and pause. Asking her what would be fun, Korra had no time to respond before his excitement took the lead. A barbecue. She wasn’t sure if it was just a ‘boy’ thing, but Bolin loved meat. Meat skewers earlier, to a barbecue now. It was enough to bring a smile to the Avatar’s lips. His eyes shone with an almost childlike joy at the idea, and it would not have been at all a surprise if he was smelling the grilled meat now.

“Were you thinking of doing it here, or at Asami’s place? You could invite some of your friends you’ll make on the police force too. Either way, it really does sound like fun Bolin.” Korra responded. Resuming her meal, she thought back to Bolin’s attitude before they came to eat. She hid her guilt well, yet it wasn’t going away any time soon. She gave him the time he needed to respond before she dared to look at him from the corner of her eye, voice going soft and worrisome.

“Hey… are we going to be okay?” Korra inquired gently, setting her spoon down and turning her head towards him entirely now. "You and I, I mean."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Any other night after any other day, Lin would have done everything in her power to keep things superficial between them without the dust clouds of history being kicked up again. And yet here they were, after a long night of collecting questions without any answers, under the stars holding hands as if they were teenagers again, just now realizing how time had caught up with them. And time finally had. Her chest felt heavy yet inside, there was truly an empty void, leaving her powerless against the gusts of emotion that fought within her for control. The pressure to find answers, a logical solution to the problem presented to her, was building and Lin was suddenly seeing that she couldn't be alone anymore. It wasn't just an inability, no, it was also somewhat of a refusal to go home to an empty wasteland and live within the mindless cycle of sleeping and working.

The man beside her, the one she hadn't ever stopped loving, had everything she never knew she wanted and it was being destroyed in front of their eyes, they were spectators to the wonderfully tragic and aggravating loss of an innocent life, as well as family. It wasn't fair but then again, Lin was well acquainted with things being unfair. Tenzin, on the other hand was not someone who deserved such a tragedy and even though she hated Pema, Lin could admit that the mother of four didn't deserve to die so soon without reason or someone fighting for her. So much helplessness had latched itself upon the city and its inhabitants and the Chief of Police felt the sickness spreading, wearing her down too. Tenzin tugged her closer and moved his arms around her slim form, the two of them sharing an embrace which left the woman unable to even recall the last time such a phenomenon had occurred.

How shameful.

His words were soft, as they usual were, however the embrace itself wasn't as delicate, as much as it was fragile. A timid inhale was made and Lin wished loudly to herself, that he didn't pry. No words surfaced to stop him from speaking though, and he continued to voice his concern about her feeling as though she owed him, that something troubled her. Hah. That was putting things very lightly. He was troubled, she was devastated. A wry smile tugged at her lips, he couldn't see it. He could never see it, even when they were younger and she was trying her best to flirt but also not flirt. Now was the worst time to let the dam break and yet, she was powerless to stop it when she was in his arms and he was begging to know what she was struggling to keep tightly wound together for his sake. Did she owe him though? No but in a way, she owed him for never being what she should have been for them back then.

She was so ashamed of herself.

"You could say I'm troubled..." Lin began to speak, trying to be careful but fully aware the flood would hit very soon either way. "That the only thing left inside of me is regret," She sighed. "and jealousy." Her hands pressed into his back, unaware of his unlikely determination to hold on, as she feared her words would be the wedge to make him push her away once he knew the truth. "Every night I have to go home to a building that's more like a holding cell than anything else, every morning I wake up and go to work until I have to go back home. There are days I could go without having a single conversation lasting longer than a minute." She said. Truthfully, he was the only thing that felt like home. "Before Korra showed up, it was so easy to stay in that sad routine but ever since she pulled us back on the same path, it's been more and more difficult seeing you and your family so much." Lin admitted. "Seeing you all so happy made me remember what I try so hard to avoid."

There was a pause.

"That I regret most of my choices in life."

Lin needed to be careful. "I regret pushing my mother away, I regret following in her footsteps, I regret not talking to you and fighting when things were crumbling around me all at once." She pressed her lips together. Every fiber was telling her to shut up, to push him as far as way as possible and to lock herself back in her house until winter. "You deserved much better and I'm sorry I wasn't...so in a way I suppose I do feel as though I owe you because I haven't stopped loving you despite everything you've made with Pema." Now was a pretty damn good time to be changing the subject, Lin mustered any hidden remaining strength she had and gave it a shot, "Part of me fears you and the others are in danger as well. I can't do anything to regain control." She needed to be in control. And she also hoped he hadn't noticed her slight confession, as she had done her best to brush over it, as it didn't deserve any attention, not to her at least. "Still, I feel like you need me less than I need you." Her grey eyes finally closed and the woman tried to enjoy Tenzin's embrace, fearing it would be the last one he would grant her.

- - -

This news should have granted her some more of a reaction from Mako and yet he looked rather uneasy about her words. Asami's smile faltered as the fire bender frowned and pressed his hands together, words failing him. Her thin brows dipped down in concern as she wondered if she had spoken too soon, if she had ruined such a good night between them by bringing up something that still needed time. Before she could try and back out of her declaration, Mako raised his head up to her and her expression shifted toward one that was nervous and guarded. She wasn't sure if she had said something wrong, by all accounts this felt right to her and she had thought Mako would have reacted better. His explanation however, made more sense and prevented her from saying anything else before he had said what he needed to, what she needed to hear. Her expression softened and she took hold of his hands while remaining more calm and patient as the pair rose to their feet.

Before Mako continued to speak, something inside her suddenly clicked.

Mako said he loved her.

He loved her.

Her eyes shimmered as she found herself struggling to listen to what else he even had to say. She found her lipstick coated lips slowly resume her previous smile as he said he wanted to be so much to her. So much. When he finally finished, his face matched her shade of lipstick but she was too moved to tease him about that. Mild tears were forming as she considered everything they had been through in such a short span of time. The ups and downs had somehow brought them back together, emotions tired and frayed but somehow still in tact. Her hands still held his and gave them a tight squeeze almost to prove that the present wasn't some mystical daydream or hallucination brought upon by the medicine given to her that morning. "Mako." She spoke up to bring his attention back to her, just in case his confession had caused him to fluster or space out. He had considered his words and she knew she needed to the same. It was the only way.

Breathing in the briefly silence, she blinked away the tears of happiness and relaxed. "You didn't react the way I thought you would," She admitted to Mako. "but instead you've given this serious thought and that means so much to me." She told him. "I forgive you and I forgive Korra." She finally said, it was difficult and she didn't feel like she needed to, but that she wanted to. "You need to forgive yourself too, we can't be together if you're beating yourself up over it. We have a chance to start over." She and Mako, Mako and Korra, her and Korra, Bolin and Korra, everyone. "The past was painful but I know we can do better." She smiled a little and glanced down at their hands, her fingers lacing together within his own. "Would you like to know why?" Asami asked him. After another paused she answered, "Because I love you too." She laughed a little, unsure if he even knew he said such a thing to her, not even a minute ago.

"I want to support you as well, I care so much about you and your brother and Korra and even Tenzin and Pema." Asami felt without a family but Bolin was like a brother to her, just as Korra was like a sister. And Tenzin and his wife were terrific sorts of parental figures. Asami made a quick mental note that she and Mako would need to visit Pema soon and see how she was doing. For now though, she wanted to look forward to what the future held for Mako and herself. "At any rate, I'm confident that we can make one another help, keep each other safe." She brought his hands up to her lips and kissed his knuckles softly before stepping closer and closing the gap between them. Releasing hold of his hands, she kept her right against her chest and used her left to cup the side of his face, feeling the warmth transfer from his cheek to her palm.

The both of them wanted to be careful but if they spent so much time watching their words and movements, they'd sink down as if caught in quicksand. Asami leaned in and brushed her lips against his own. It wasn't quiet a kiss but they weren't there yet. They were closer, but not quite. "If anyone tries to hurt you, they'll have to go through me and I can fire bend so...it'll hopefully be on hell of a challenge." Asami laughed a little at her own words and shook her head a little. Still, it felt good to laugh together. And to be so close.

- - -

"No! Not my hair, I don't want him to eat it and make me bald too!" Bolin exclaimed and put a hand to his beloved head, taking solace in the fact his hair was still in fact there. "I swear, that's how it happened!" He insisted. "Ah...hmmm probably wherever who lets me." The last thing he wanted to do was impose on either Tenzin or Asami. Both people had been so kind to extend a hospitable hand to him and his brother in their many times of need. Bolin knew he'd want to get a place of his own soon and fend for himself, as scary as it sounded, it also sounded really fun. He knew having a place would be a huge step but for once he and Mako actually had jobs, legitimate jobs.

After that, Korra grew oddly quiet and asked if they would be okay.

He pouted a little, trying to pretend he didn't know what she was talking about, but it was no use. He knew what she was talking about. He really did fall for her pretty hard and he wished he had been able to stop himself before his face smashed into the ground under him. It was far too late now. The pieces were slowly being reassembled but Bolin wasn't sure if things would be the way they once were, despite how much he wished they could be. He didn't want to be the same idiot he had been before, he should have seen the signs that she wasn't really into the way he was into her. Yet when it came to Korra, all of his logic flew out the window and he just looked at her and knew she had to be the one. And yet in a sense, she was because they were still sitting together like nothing had changed, like things between them could really be okay if he stopped holding on to things that weren't really there to begin with,

Bolin would always love Korra, think great things of her and even expect him.

But now he was also learning to not just say what came to his mind, but to think and not blurt out a stupid joke. He was also learning to speak up for himself and be more of a man and less of a boy. The revolution with the Equalists proved that life was all about change and he needed to grow up and thinking of the realistic future, not just fantasies. His brother was important to him, they were family but they were also best friends. And then there was Korra and Asami, two fantastic women who he held in high regard. Bolin was determined to be the kind of man he knew he could be. And to do that, it meant putting his feelings for Korra aside for the betterment of their friendship. She hurt him, plain and simple. The pain wouldn't last. Each day in fact, he could look out her and feel a little less of it. "Of course Korra." He nodded to her. It was a very sensitive area for them but he was certain it wouldn't be one for it.

"I mean, it probably won't be one of those times we'll look back and laugh about it...but I do think we'll be okay and then we'll be good and then we'll be awesome...then dare I say it? Super awesome. Yep." Bolin smiled at her. "I don't really hold anything against you, I'm the one who was reading too much into things. I should have been more clear." There was also blame on her and Mako but he didn't want to get into any of it. In his mind, they had done enough talking on the matter. "I just really thought you and I could have had some amazing and you liked Mako. I get it. I've learned to at least be more straight forward when it comes to telling a girl how I feel. Actions don't always speak louder than words." All the presents hadn't done much, but then again neither did the praise. It didn't matter now though. "It would make me feel better to know you've at least learned something too." He tilted his head a little and paused to see what she could consider.

There would always be a part of the earth bender that knew he and Korra could be a great couple. He would be so good to her but right now, being friends was probably their best means of getting over the negativity they both suffered. "It's not going to be easy, being friends at first anyway but I think we're doing good, all things considering. I want us to just move on, I wanna be able to look at you and see a good friend, not someone who broke my heart." He got up from the table, done with dinner by now. But he was also ready to move on if Korra had nothing else to say or inquire.

"Without someone trying to take over the city, I think there's a good chance things will work out for us, young Avatar." He then swung his arm around her neck as they headed back to check on the kids.

"Unless...you think I should go become a super villain, ya know to help you out." He smirked a little, already imagining his costume with Pabu on his shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Lin’s admittance of personal conflict was a brief but welcome moment of relief for Tenzin – it wasn’t going to last long. With every word he had begun to sink into the same dark pool of grief that he had exhausted himself trying to escape. The subject of Pema was a strong and sensitive one for him, yet as Lin began an ongoing struggle to open up to an old friend Tenzin found that he was growing sensitive with Lin as well. The Beifong line begun by Toph introduced to the world strong, impressionable women. Lin embodied many of the traits Toph held – often to her dismay – and the periods of this emotional weakness were few and far between. Always holding herself high, being the beacon of power and dominance that she was, he had asked Lin to lower herself, just for him, so he might understand the nature of her troubles.

He came close to wishing that he hadn’t.

Regret. Jealousy. Tenzin was no stranger to the feelings of negativity and knew how it could impact even the most respectable of people. He had witnessed it firsthand: her anger, pain, and frustration resulting in a violent meltdown that had torn the immediate area asunder. After that, they were unable to speak for a long time. Lin was angry, and he was angry as well. They were both bitter at the results of a relationship both once believed unbreakable– not by Toph, not by his mother or father, not by anyone. The brief pause in her monologue was underscored by her hands pressing against him, to which Tenzin did not flinch nor adjust himself. He stood, as he once did in her eyes, as someone she could be different with. Vulnerable.

His heart steadily pounded away in his chest as the confession continued. Continuing a day-by-day routine of working, then sleeping, then working again had brought his already concerned frown lower. Tenzin was not a stranger to Lin’s brash nature and was one of a precious few that were aware of her issue maintaining close relationships. It was because of their history that he knew it was no exaggeration; Lin was incredibly capable of placing barriers between people and herself. The detail about her home feeling like a holding cell had stricken him with a greater deal of pain than her earlier mention of regret and jealousy. His jaw was tightening, as was the hold he already had on her. Should he show weakness now he knew she’d manage to feel worse about coming clean, and that was something he didn’t want to allow.

Korra was mentioned as the initial instrument of their reunion, something Tenzin didn’t really consider until Lin said it herself. The troublesome young Avatar’s exploration of Republic City had involved the police force, involved Lin. Retrieving Korra from the station was one of the few times he went to see her that did not involve council matters. Everything that they once were had been gone for so long. Business was all that kept them communicating for the longest time, minus the courtesy Lin mustered to ask about his children when she could. Her jaw always tensed when she did, a quality he found cute when they were younger. Whenever she had to resist being too gushy with him in public to maintain her tough demeanor, he would always looked to how her mouth shifted. Her lips pursed and her eyebrow furrowed, with her eyes traveling to something insignificant just behind him, or to their side. Others may have found it discouraging, but to Tenzin it only meant that she was trying to express herself in a way she was unused to. Love had opened her up to a way that Toph never tried to, and he always managed to disturb her emotional wall and grasp at her.

Her regret had been evident long before the pause she took. Tenzin had felt it from her body, and seen it in her expression.

Detailing what the word “regret” meant for her brought him insight; he was understanding more and more that Lin was never the same again after they had fallen out. Becoming her mother, all while keeping her actual mother far out of arms reach, had not done her life any favors. The regret of not speaking to him was another failure on both of their parts. Effort to extend a hand to Lin after he had wed Pema was a trial full of error. Soon he had surrendered the possibility that they might be friends again, allowing her to dwell on the past while he made the conscious effort to do something with the youth and life he still had. When her lips pressed together again he did not miss it. She was struggling even now to come to terms with him, face to face, when he would not permit her to flee from this long overdue catharsis.

To say he had deserved more was enough to make his eyes sting with an onset of tears, yet none had spilled.

And the world had begun to look different to him when Lin had said to him, leaving no shadow of a doubt that she had been in love with him even after Pema. All mention of fears and of her inability to regain control were an immediate afterthought. With his throat beginning to seize, Tenzin had swallowed in somber silence as Lin concluded with a suspicion that his need of her was lacking.

“I can immediately tell you that you’re wrong about that Lin,” he whispered, “because were it not for your strength and care, I might be at home right now doing nothing except agonizing over an ailment I had no means of preventing. Instead, I’m right here with you …in a dark alley, holding onto you, trying not to crack under the pressure of a wife who is suffering now, and a woman I care for …who has suffered all this time while I remained ignorant of it.”

Concealing his heartache at Lin’s revelations was no longer a possibility. There was a strain in his voice no matter how well-mannered and gentle he tried to sound. Yet in spite of a fear unknown, Lin would be surprised to find that his grasp on her was only getting stronger. Tenzin, in the heat of this moment, held her as he did when they were in the prime of their love – as though she was the most precious thing on the planet, and that no harm could come to her. There was more love in this embrace than he knew what to do with, except continue as he was, with hopes that Lin could accept it after over a decade of its absence in her life.

“Deep down I always knew you resented Pema for entering my life how she did. Because I saw no way to bring you two together without the very feelings you speak of, I gave up on trying to be someone close to you. I chose what seemed to be the easiest option, at least on the surface, for myself. As long as you had something to look forward to I had faith you would eventually find someone to love you and keep you warm.” Pausing in the exact manner she did with him previously, Tenzin had quietly began to consider how to address the flying bison in the alley. He wondered if she had realized what she had told him, and if she even cared at this point.

“Pema and I managed to marry and have four children, all while continuing to love one another wholesomely. I won’t lie to you and pretend that we didn’t share the hardship or bumps you and I did. The biggest difference between the two relationships was that I had learned from a past failure, and I had no intention of repeating the same mistakes. When Pema was angry or upset, I did not let her taking it out on me stop me from asking the questions. If something I did hurt her, I identified it and made amends once we were in a better mindset. Those are just examples of things I didn’t do with you in our youth – not soon enough.”

Lin’s regrets were also his, yet after so many years of that past behind them Tenzin had always thought Lin was happier for it. Her passion was always related to the police force. To be Chief was, to her, one of the greatest things she could have asked for. Like a fool he believed that all her frustration with her mother and sister would be alleviated once she continued to advance. Encouragement was a constant part of who he was, and so he pushed her to pursue what made her feel complete. He now discovered it was never the job that made Lin feel empowered.

It was him.

As the night’s temperature began to drop lower and lower Tenzin found his huddling with Lin to be much more instinctive than it was for emotional comfort alone. There was still so much to say, yet they lacked an appropriate backdrop that suited them. This dreary alley in an otherwise beautiful city even under repair was not befitting of who they were as people. But now that he took in this atmosphere, Tenzin begun to wonder if this was an appropriate visual of their relationship now. A cold alleyway in the dead of night should have been a warm plain that was bathed in the glow of a full moon, unobscured by clouds and skyscrapers. Once upon a time he had dreamed of their future. He was even beginning to recall the small case he kept on his person the day that things had begun to change between them. Whatever negative feelings she still held for Pema would have increased a hundred fold if Lin knew that Pema wore the trinket that he originally picked out for her.

“I could stand here all night and tell you how much your companionship means to me, but I’ll make myself clear for you one last time: I need you more than you realize, especially now. With this sickness threatening my family and everyone in this city, I should be counting my blessings about Meelo managing to recover, especially as young and vulnerable as he is.” his expression fell more crestfallen as the subject drew to pain equal to Lin, if not greater. “I’m sorry I’ve had to rely on you so much, to the point I couldn’t tell sooner that you needed me a long time ago. As much as I remain optimistic about Pema’s recovery and about the successes we make in learning more about this sickness, I see her growing weaker day by day. Her appetite has disappeared, and maintaining a conversation takes a considerable amount of her energy.” he barely manages to admit, his face crumpling as this subject continues to darken. He knew Lin’s affection for Pema was miniscule – possibly nonexistent – but if she loved him as much as she admit, she’d understand how much more grim the world was going to become for him if Pema did not make it.

Suffering alone was painful, however losing family as you watch them suffer, being powerless to save them, was anguish that no word he knew of could describe.

“I will never be ready to face a world without her, or a single one of my children. But if we are too late to end this madness, if I lose Pema or a child, I know I won’t be strong enough to survive it alone without losing myself in the process.” The admittance burned his tongue and made his eyes sting with anger. To know that he was weak alone, that he needed support, was not the most pain-inducing part of coming clean with Lin. It was knowing that even when she poured her heart out to him, he continued to ask for more. Never had he felt more disgusted with himself than right at this very moment. To take what brought Lin pain and bury it beneath his own suffering was beyond despicable.

The difference between them was manifest; Lin was capable of opening up over a decade of a horrible lifestyle without drastic physical change, yet there Tenzin stood, stoic in stance, but broken from the neck up. A trail of tears descended from both eyes and dripped into his beard. His eyes were glossy and unclear, and once he blinked them away two drops had fallen onto her chest. In the midst of this turmoil he recalled the last time he was so choked up – his father’s funeral.

“I need you Lin…”


Approaching his ex-girlfriend so strongly might have inadvertently made her feel forced to accept his feelings, which sadly didn’t occur to him just as he finished. Asami had given him no time to fret about it, having muttered his name within the next moment. Combining that with the firm squeeze of her smooth, delicate hand had made him steel himself for the worst possible outcome. She may not expect them to ever be able to move on from this, or she could never offer her complete trust again after what he had done to her. In hindsight he should have prepared for that possibility even further, yet he chose to believe that Asami could see his remorse. The actions in the past deserved her cold shoulder and loathing, Mako would never argue otherwise. He had begun to suspect in the short amount of time Asami remained silent that she was looking for the kindest way to turn his feelings down. It wasn’t until she blinked did he take notice of how wet they were. It gave him hope for what would come next.

Asami had begun to express her gratitude as far as his thoughts went. It had taken much of his concentration and self-control not to jump for joy the very instant he heard her forgiveness leave her lips. The slate could be cleaned, which only meant that his chance at redemption could truly come from here. Forgiving himself was still an important part of their getting back together, because if either of them were still stuck in the past there could be no warm future. A future he was honest about wanting – beside her, holding her, and loving her. Mako would admit to jumping the gun a little with his declaration, yet there was no lie in his words, nor did they waver. Asami’s confidence was strengthening his own. He felt that their hopes were joined just as much as their fears, but it was the hope that they would have to make come alive.

She loved him too.

Mako inwardly cursed at himself for almost missing it, and once it registered in his mind the image of Asami Sato had begun to grow blurred. Like her, he too had to take a moment to blink away any approaching tears. He was a difficult man to make cry after what he had lived through growing up on the streets. Asami rendered every prior experience fighting back tears meaningless. There was no Bolin to be strong for in this situation. Instead there was only the love of his life taking the time to express just how much she wanted to support him, his brother, as well as Korra and the Airbending clan.

She raised his hands and kissed at his knuckles before closing the short distance already between them. His heart still throbbed hard within his chest, cheeks turning as deep a red as the cloth around his neck. She then released his hands and cupped his face, making him press his cheek closer into her palm as his free hand slowly came to rest atop it. So warm and ever beautiful, the intensity of her gaze was doubly intensified once she had inched closer to his face. Mako took in her pleasing aroma and desperately counted down the few seconds it would take for her to meet his lips. The free hand not keeping her hand pressed against his cheek wandered to Asami’s hip, and was nearly about to pull her into him so they could close that final inch together. But at the very last second she had stopped with their lips just barely managing to brush together. He was half a second away from finishing it himself, luckily deciding on letting her dictate the terms of this closeness.

It hurt, yet he completely understood her decision. Her lips would be sweeter, softer, and much more addicting once she gave one hundred percent of herself to him like she used to. Unoffended by the last minute barrier she had placed between their lips, Mako allowed the hand grasping at her hip to fall, fingertips brushing against her clothing until it had come to his side once again. He dare not release the hand he kept pressed against his cheek. Asami’s laughter had brought his denied, neutral lips to a heartened smile. This was the time for him to speak about how he’d protect her from any and all harm, how he’d take on anyone and anything.

The words didn’t come.

Mako was much too caught in the physical qualities of the situation, completely overlooking any possible verbal contribution in favor of just savoring this – savoring her. There was just too much he had to pay attention to at once when it was about looking at her. Not one piece of Asami was made unremarkable. It was through his eyes that he communicated with her now. Where words failed, that look of longing and admiration would tell her everything.

He took hold of the hand she still kept on his cheek, settling it just in front of his own lips and planting soft kisses along its surface. One became two, two became four, and four had resulted in seven, nearly becoming eight. Mako reluctantly released her hand and let his eyes wander below her face for the first time since this conversation all started, settling at her feet. Somehow, he was still managing to smile.

“I …want to cook for you,” Mako sheepishly began. “I don’t know what I’ll make yet, or if it’ll be any good, but sometime real soon I just want to come home and make you something special. We dine out a lot – I just really want to show you that we don’t have to be the couple that have to eat at the finest places around.” Just managing to look her in the eye again, his expression reflected that of when he first laid eyes on her: absolutely smitten, and undoubtedly caught off guard by her majesty. “It’ll take some time for me to find the right recipe, so how about …say … a week from now? We can call it a date.”


They were going to be okay.

Korra still had to see it to believe it. Bolin’s response was genuine, as she both hoped for and expected of him. The Avatar shuddered to think about how she might have felt if he said otherwise. Thankfully Bolin left no amount of time for her to dwell on what could have been, rather than what was happening in the now. He smiled at her, causing her cheeks to grow warm and her heart to flutter. The reassurance was made ten times better when he placed his charm behind his words. When the topic jumped to Mako and the matter of the feelings Bolin had himself, her smile waned. Korra knew it would never be a subject of comfort for the both of them, nor would it just be something they could laugh about. Even after what she had done he was willing to care about her and respect her, something she didn’t know she was big enough to do herself if the scenario had been different.

On the outside Korra was still engaged with Bolin’s explanation, yet in her mind she was thinking about certain pieces in particular, one of which was the subject of Bolin’s affection for her. It was more than clear through words and actions that the Earthbender still cared for her, but the question now was: did he still see her as he did before?

Bolin had paused, making Korra jolt slightly as soon as she took notice of the break. “Y-yeah,” she tried to recover uncomfortably. It might have been made obvious that something had been on Korra’s mind – a subject the Avatar didn’t think she was prepared to confront so soon. The most she could do now was confess that the idea of someone wanting her the way Bolin did was sending chills down her spine. Just sitting there was making her anxious, especially with him. “I can’t always put it into words very well, but I’ve taken something away from all of this. Don’t worry about that.” She offered a smile to complete her own response.

There was nothing more she could say in response to his feelings, only that she was sorry. It couldn’t be easy looking at her face, not after the dismissal of the feelings she barely understood him having at the time. What Korra knew now was that she owed it to Bolin to move on, just as he was trying to. No more holding onto the fear in her heart that he might always despise her for what she had done. All that was left now was finishing the remains of her dinner and nodding in understanding. After every last scrap was devoured, Korra had picked herself up and took care of the remaining dishes left behind – including his. She had rinsed them out hastily, setting the last dish inside the sink. Turning to Bolin and returning to his side, there was a brief reflection period for them. The city was no longer at risk of a hostile takeover, which left them time to heal.

Bringing his arm around her neck as they headed for the kids room, Korra had nestled closely against him during the connection, but had quickly moved an appropriate distance immediately afterward. To her relief it didn’t seem like he noticed how close she went in. She didn’t know what brought that response on, but was willing to chalk it up to fatigue and the desire for a bed within the next hour or so. Issue being that she didn’t belief herself when she thought that. From the corner of her eye she stared at Bolin and wondered if he ever got that urge. Upon wondering about that, the Avatar shook her head rapidly. With the quip about becoming a supervillain being the perfect escape from her awkward silence, forming a smile was easier than ever as long as he was there.

Her eyes widened by just an inch. “I don’t think you’ll need to go that far for me—“ he would, she knew he would. “—but if I ever need you, I’ll come running.”

She’d come running. Simple as the sentence was, she was abound with familiar warmth at the idea of hustling towards him if things ever became too much to handle. And, much like her question of if he’d see her like he did before, Korra had begun to think about what she had just said, and if Bolin would ever truly count on her like she was counting on him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Much like his father, Tenzin was able to be the bright beacon for many people in the city, including herself.

Even the heavy sting of him saying how his and her relationship's mistakes ended up improving the one he went on to form with Pema, didn't cause the radiating light to dwindle when she looked into his eyes. The hope and kindness which gave Teninz's soul a warm glow, was something she knew a lot of people could take comfort in. He was one of the few people left in the world who could see things as they were, but also what they could hopefully become. Someone as bright as him shouldn't have to live in the shadow of losing a loved one but no one in the world was exempt from loss and death. Life could be cruel and often times was.

Neither her, nor him were perfect people.

Knowing that he had pulled away and taken an easier route in his mind, saddened her but also proved why she and Tenzin had to ultimately part ways. They were both on different paths, somehow coming to a fork in their relationship and never trying to find their way together. For Lin, the blame fell solely on her for being so difficult and shutting down; shutting everyone out when she was faced with her family troubles. When she should have confided in the only person left, the one she loved, she pushed him away. Time couldn't be reversed and she was sure if it could, she'd still want Tenzin to just go on and live happily as he had the past decades. His happiness is what really mattered to her, even when she felt quite sad and empty at the moment, as the chilling breeze blew by, his hold on her tightening.

Her confession was poorly timed and Lin was already beginning to rebuild her walls quickly in hopes that given the situation the air bender was in, that it could be easily forgotten about. It felt so wrong to bring up the past when there was no was to resolve it, especially now. But then again, if Pema's time was truly limited, Lin knew she should at least try to talk to the woman again if for Tenzin's sake and nothing else. Still, Lin felt rather foolish for admitting so much to him, even if it relieved much of the weight resting on her shoulders. It was just humiliating to have clearly not moved on when Tenzin had, quite wonderfully in fact. The topic of Pema was quick to resurface and by that point, Lin was collecting her resolve once again. While she still felt somewhat rejected and deflated, she also couldn't help but feel slightly liberated.

In a sense, Lin had finally confronted what she thought she could continue to bury and ignore. She still loved Tenzin. She couldn't deny it anymore, as hard as she tried. What kind of love it was, was still uncertain but Lin knew her affection for him was going to push her to become someone other than the lonely woman who had resigned herself to dying alone. She was already beginning to change, better late than never. "You're stronger than you think." She finally spoke up and smiled at him, her own eyes struggling to contain her own bundle of emotion. Tenzin was more than someone's father or husband. And he was much more than Avatar Aang's son. He was his own person and Lin knew he could get through the impending hardship.

She wouldn't leave him.

History wouldn't repeat itself.

"And so is the rest of your family. I know my mother doesn't give you air benders much credit, saying you just evade problems and have thin skin but that's not true at all." Lin told Tenzin. "Come on, I believe I was promised a bed and some breakfast." She stepped back. The two old friends resumed their trek to the pier and were then taken across the bay. When they arrived, all seemed still, as if time itself had been frozen. Lin and Tenzin headed into the main part of the house and saw that Katara, the kids as well as Korra and Bolin had already retried. Lin didn't have much to say until they neared the master bedroom. "It might be best if we all had a talk tonight." She considered as she placed a hand on his shoulder. “All three of us.”

Upon entering the darkened room, Lin felt her stomach tighten but it wasn’t out of animosity.

She glanced to Tenzin who went to Pema’s side quickly, while she walked more slowly, with evident deliberation. Tenzin asked how Pema was and the woman mentioned how she finished the meal Korra and Bolin had brought her and that kids and Katara had recently seen her before they had gone to bed. Lin finally made her way over to the side of the bed and Tenzin rose to let her sit down. “I wish I had good news to you.” Lin told Pema while the bald observer stepped back, allowing the women talk. “Tenzin may not want me to disclose this to you but there are more cases of people falling ill.” Maybe it would help Pema feel better, maybe it wouldn’t. Lin just wanted her to know that her illness wasn’t isolated and that it was a progressing problem that she was trying to fix as quickly as possible. “But...how are you feeling?” She asked, switching gears. There was no light at the end of the tunnel which Lin could see into, so she knew it was best to move on and focus on something else.

The past cheekily resurfaced and Lin looked to Pema, the wife’s face was discolored and drained of her usual youthfulness.

“I’m tired. I’m always tired.” Pema said as she pushed herself up with the aid of pillows. Lin didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know what to do. Personal feelings aside, no one deserved this uncertain fate. “I’m glad you’ve come.” Pema continued, noticing Lin’s discomfort. “I’m also glad you’ve been looking after Tenzin and the children.” She said softly and reached for Lin’s hand. The earth bender began to look over her shoulder but stopped herself and simply took hold of Pema’s frail hand. Pema had by now let go of the hard feelings between her and Lin, the past was in the past and thanks to recent events, Pema was able to better understand Tenzin’s ex, even if it was just a little. “Knowing you’ll continue to be there gives me great relief. You will, won’t you?” Her children would need a motherly figure and while Pema would prefer Katara, she knew that Lin was a fine, more likely candidate. Underneath the woman’s gritty exterior, Pema was sure she could be loving and kind.

“Yes. Of course.” Lin said with a small breath. The idea of possible redemption was still fresh in her mind, even though she had already done plenty of bearing her soul. Pema was dying and it wouldn’t kill Lin to own up to her mistakes. “I’m sorry about the...rift that formed between us.” It was a big laugh to imply they could have been friends, even if she and Tenzin had parted on better terms. Still, Lin knew they needed to try and clear the air one last time. “I acted rather horribly and that was because of losing several important people all at once. I know you’ve been able to make Tenzin happy and I’m glad for that.” She said. Maybe there was a slim chance that they could have become friends, if they had though, Pema could have been a valued companion Lin could have relied upon. Alas, there was no sense in considering opportunities of the past. Pema looked to Tenzin and then back to Lin, slightly surprised by the way Lin was talking. Someone so closed off and brash wouldn’t be so free with their emotions but Pema knew that given the circumstances, it was understandable.

As well as appreciated.

“I know all of us should have handled things better.” Pema started to say. And while Lin hadn’t outright apologized for some of her actions such as trying to arrest her, Pema could tell Lin was trying to change things between them, better late than never. Pema knew she should have tried better to bridge the gap Lin mentioned but like Tenzin, it was a tough task to tackle and Pema often liked to assume she’d be met with Lin’s snappy comments, rather than someone so human sitting beside her now. “Thank you though.” She smiled. “You’ve done so much for me and my family, there really is no hard feelings anymore.” Pema said. One of the things she learned when she accepted Tenzin’s nomad culture and history, was how to let go of things like petty anger or memories. Meditating never really clicked for the busy mother but she did learn to forgive easier and enjoy life.

“I actually feel the same way.” Lin admitted. Yes, Lin was still disapointed by her own mistakes and even the thought of Tenzin brought great sadness, but she knew Pema had done something incredible and it couldn’t go unnoticed any longer. She had been a good mother and wife and Lin couldn't blame Pema for her own inability to communicate better. “I should give you two some time alone.” She said and got up to let Tenzin take her place. “Stay strong.” She said and let go of Pema’s hand before she headed for the door. Lin headed out and already knew where to find a spare room for the night. She needed a drink but for now, rest would have to suffice. She laid down and found herself far too drained mentally to even kick off her shoes as she let her brain finally shut off. Little did she know, the somber household was going to filled with heartbreak very soon.

When the door closed, Pema patted the bed to let Tenzin sit down next to her. When he did, she leaned against him and placed her hand against his heart. “It was good of her to check on me.” She commented. “And for your mother to come to help.” Of course she wanted to thank Korra as well but the energy it took to speak was steadily evaporating. “I love you and I always will, and I know you’ll always care for me,” Pema pressed her lips together. Just imagining her children growing up, her not being able to see them and guide them, made her heart overflow with sorrow and then break. “I just don’t want you to get stuck in the past and not...move on.” It was a painful idea to fathom but Pema knew that she wouldn’t remain on the earth for much longer and she needed to use that time to be with her family but to also give them comfort.

“I don’t want you to be alone.” She said softly and closed her eyes. For her, not much else needed to be said. "You won't lose yourself when I go." Pema told him and breathed in, the scene of home filling her weakened lungs. "Promise me...you'll find your way." She knew he wouldn't forget her, that Jinora, Ikki, Meelo and Rowan would remember her, and the way she loved them. Everything inside of her felt so weak, as if parts of her were about to crumble. "I think you should get the kids...it's not long now." Pema whispered and gestured to the cup of tea. Tenzin helped her take a drink and then he went to go get the rest of their family. For the next hour, Pema was able to surround herself with her children and husband, as well as her mother-in-law. Pema knew by now that she wouldn't be totally gone, that her spirit could remain elsewhere, which gave her comfort.

Before dawn, Pema passed away.

The next day was spent mourning.

Lin took the day off work to help where she could, however she could. She even spent time talking to the children but for the most part, it was crying which Lin couldn't really deal with. The Chief of Police handled the cooking and cleaning and at the end of the day, she made some calls into work and knew she'd need to ask Tenzin for some of Pema's blood to be handed over to her private investigation before the funeral. It was a tough request but Lin insisted it might give them a lead as to what really caused her death. The next day Lin finally left the island and Bolin also went back to work, as it was Thursday. The next next two days, Lin combed over the city as more and more benders steppd forward after having suddenly lost it overnight. As the weekend wrapped up, new reports were coming in that people were now starting to get bending when they hadn't shown any signs of being a bender before.

An odd case was a man who had developed fire bending when his entire family history showed now indication of having been fire benders. Lin immediately knew there had to be a connection between those who lost bending, with those who were now suddenly getting bending abilities. So far there were four cases of people waking up and finding out they can now bend. It had been a busy week as Tuesday night fell upon the city. There was a loud knocking and the woman's head snapped up from her desk where she had been using her arms for a pillow. The door opened and Lin quickly drew out her metal throwing knifes she kept on her person. Before she slung them at the intruder, she noticed it was Bolin. She sat up and set the small blades on the desk, her feet knocking into the several empty bottles which once contained whiskey. "Chief, there's um an, er--"

"Oh spit it out." She snapped as she peeled a report from her face which had gotten attached during her nap.

"Okay! Well someone's fire bending downtown. They're really freaked out." Bolin said. During the week, the young man had been busy with work and trying to help out with Korra and Tenzin's family. He wished he could do more but there wasn't a whole lot he could do. Working seemed to be the best way to help make things right, even if Bei Fong's personal investigation didn't disclose a lot of information. He did manage to visit his brother and Asami, who said she would do her best to help Tenzin as well. Lin hurried out of the office and used her metal bending to get her to the scene in under five minutes. When she got there, a lot of things were on fire and people were hiding while some were already burned to death. The man was screaming about how he couldn't control it and how he was just a janitor at a local school and that he never wanted to bend. Lin used her metal bending to subdue the man and he was taken to the station.

Now that she was so close to her own home, she saw no choice but to go back home and try to get some rest, aware that Pema's funeral was the next morning. She took a long bath and ordered pizza. She listened to the radio as she eat pizza and looked over the files that her officer had brought over about the recent janitor who had accidentally killed four people while injuring ten others. It was a sickening situation and the city was beginning to realize that something was wrong its people. Lin felt for both the victims without bending but also those who now could. Shaking her head, she took a pill and got into bed. During the past week, she had been over to see Tenzin several times. They did very little speaking but she wanted him to know she was thinking about him and his family.

- - -

The next day came and Lin dressed in the usual funeral attire, as a cop, she was used to dressing for dismal occasions. Lin left early so she could walk to the harbor as opposed to driving or bending. When she got to the ferry, she saw many others were waiting to be taken over as well. In the crowd, she saw Asami and Mako. When the boat arrived, everyone got on, many of them carrying flowers or pictures of the deceased wife. Ten minutes later and the silent crowd found themselves walking up to the island where the ceremony was to be held.

Asami had been busy during the week training with Xana and developing more business plans with Xano. She and Mako had trained twice since she harnessed her fire bending power but he was busy with work and by the time they got home at night, it was too late to train. When Asami and Mako found out about Pema's passing, Asami quickly made plans to pay for the funeral arrangements herself. She also ensured a catering company would be able to handle the food for Wednesday's service. Unbeknownst to her, Bolin, Korra and Mako, the city's people were losing bending as well as gaining it, much like she had at such a late age. If Asami had known Pema's death was carried out by her business partners and friends, she would have backed away and reported their medical abuse.

Since certain secrets were kept close to certain people, the focus of the morning could be spent honoring Pema's spirit.

Pema had been buried in a secluded part of the island where the family could still keep her close to them. After the funeral had ended, a reception began which allowed people to eat, drink and talk about whatever was on their mind. Thankfully the weather wasn't bad, considering it was beginning to get colder and windier. It was a blue sky with plenty of clouds and sunlight, with only a gentle breeze. Looking up at the sky as more clouds rolled past the sun, Asami took Mako's hand and laced their fingers together. It was now the mid-afternoon and the crowd was beginning to thin. By the time many of the mourners had left after speaking to Tenzin, Katara and the kids were ready to make the long journey back to Southern Water Tribe. Asami watched the kids and mother say goodbye to Tenzin as they headed down to the pier.

When they had left, she and Mako approached Tenzin.

"It was a great service, I know Pema is watching and very happy." Asami said, still holding Mako's hand. Losing someone really put things into perspective. It made small things look even smaller. And it made those people in your life, seem even bigger, more important. Life was short and could end unexpectedly at any moment. If you had words for someone, they were best shared soon, rather than never. It made her think of her parents and how she was lucky to have Mako back in her life, that Amon could have easily taken him or anyone else away. "You and Pema were so gracious." She told the air bender. "The both of you have been like parents to me, I know you're someone I wish my father was more like. And if my mother was alive, I know she'd be a lot like Pema; kind, warm and encouraging. If there's anything else I can do, please let me know." She glanced to Mako to see if he was ready to go.

Mako had said he wanted to cook for her tonight and at first, she wasn't so sure if it would feel right. But now she knew it would be. If someone was important to you, you would find a way to show it to them as often as possible. And this was Mako's way of showing it. The two of them needed a day together after being so busy. Heading down to along the dock, they waited for the next boat to come back so they could head back to Republic City and enjoy the rest of the day together. When it came, Bolin and Korra were also going across the bay but for an entirely different reason. They were going to the arena to do some practice together. Asami hadn't yet told Korra or Bolin about her fire bending. If she had, she would have gone with them. It just seemed ill-timed to have Pema die and then to announce that she could now bend fire. Asami was in no rush to say anything but knew she should soon. "We can give you a ride if you want." Asami offered to the two.

Normally Bolin would have jumped at the chance to get a free ride but the arena wasn't too far and he didn't want to intrude on the new couple who was giving it another shot. Bolin shook his head but then looked to Korra, not sure if she wanted a ride or not. It seemed like she was fine with walking so Mako and Asami headed to the car which was parked a few blocks away. Before they reached the car, Asami felt someone tap her on her back. It wasn't a normal tap however, it was insistent prodding and Asami already knew who was behind her. She let go of Mako's hand and turned around to see a blond girl with brown eyes. Asami's stomach feel as the blond threw her arms around her. "Asamiiii! Wow, like, funny running into you here!" She exclaimed and then pushed Asami backward rather hard. "I'm so mad at you." She glared and then went back to laughing. "You never returned my calls about vacationing on Ember Island, you bitch!" She waved a hand, still smiling wildly. "Oh this your new bff?" She looked to Mako.

Asami sighed, feeling a headache coming on. "No, this is Mako...my boyfriend." Asami said, figuring the best thing for Mako was to not be seen as single around Terrah. "Mako, this...Terrah." She said.

"Oooh, very cute couple." Terrah winked and looked back to Asami. "Glad to know you still love me, let's hang out again soon...maybe when you're not having a fashion crisis..." She said as she took a sip of her smoothie and looked them over.

"We came from a funeral." Asami narrowed her eyes.

Wasn't it obvious? Maybe to anyone else.

"Whatever, just call me so we can go to the beach, this city is getting so cold." Terrah pouted. "Can't you like...invent like, something so it doesn't start to rain and snow here?" She whined and then she checked her flashy silver watch on her wrist, nearly spilling her drink on her expensive looking outfit. "Aw I gotta go. If you don't call me, I'll assume you hate me and I'll have to start spreading rumors and trashing your yard hahahaha. See you soon!" And with that, Terrah pushed herself between the couple and continued to walk down the sidewalk, her tall heels clicking against the concrete. In Asami's mind, she thought it was miracle that Terrah could even tell time. Asami shook her head and gestured for them to quickly get going, thankfully in a different direction.

"She's one of my old...friends from day care." Asami tried to explain. "She's...a colorful person but not someone I have a close relationship with, if she wasn't a water bender, I would have shown off my own skills." Asami joked slightly. "She was always bragging about her bending when most of us didn't bend. After we went to different schools, we didn't see each other often but when my father hosted parties, she would show up." Asami said as they arrived at the car and she got in, ready to get going. "When we were kids in day care, she attached herself from me and refused to let me have any friends since she dubbed herself my protector with her water bending so-called superiority." She buckled up and rubbed her temples before she started the car. "I almost begged my father to move so she wouldn't know where I was living." She laughed a little. "We hadn't seen each other in over a year and I'm hoping she's forgotten my address...anyway, let's forget about her." She said, hoping Mako didn't mind that she had mentioned he was her boyfriend.

At present, they were taking things slow, tonight would be their first official date after all.

When they got back to her house, she turned off the ignition and turned to Mako. "Do you have time before you need to get dinner started?" She asked him. Even if he did, she wasn't sure what they could do. They could go for a walk around the grounds or do some fire bending, or just unwind with a drink and some good music. Her preference was something mellow and she pretty sure Mako felt the same way.

- - -

When they had got out of sight, Bolin let out a sigh and looked to Korra. Their training clothes would be at the arena, as would their equipment. For now, they'd have to deal with walking in black clothes but since the city had been notified of Pema's passing in the newspaper, the odd looks they were bound to get would be minimized. Locking his hands behind his head, Bolin began to walk and release a long sigh. It was difficult, even for him, to make any sort of cheerful remark about the autumn day. He just hoped Korra didn't wrap herself too tightly in the death, she couldn't have prevented it and she had done a lot to help out Tenzin. He had to put faith into whatever Lin was doing. Even though he and Mako worked at the headquarters, Lin's lips were still pretty sealed about her own investigation. All anyone knew, was to report any unusual cases to her and that she would handle them personally.

Bolin was able to get a general idea though. He had a feeling more people were getting sick like Pema but he wasn't sure how or why. Nothing had leaked about people developing new bending though, that new revelation was still close to Lin's chest. There were rumors circulating around work about what kind of people were falling sick. Each passing day, more people were dying or getting sick and Bolin knew Korra might be feeling more antsy if she knew what could be going on. Of course it was all speculation but Bolin thought it could be some kind of virus that was infecting certain people. Of course he only knew of a few cases and couldn't connect any of them. For the most part, he and the other new recruits were spent dealing with minor disturbances as the city was finally getting back to normal.

With the rebuilding done, he was interested to see the arena most of all. It still felt like home to him and held some of his favorite memories. Even with it being partially destroyed, Bolin didn't feel like he had lost anything because as an earth bender, things could be remade. Sometimes even better, in fact. The boy was enjoying his job and he was actually considering taking a big step: getting his own place. Pema and Tenzin had been so great to offer their home to him but he couldn't grow up if he was around kids all the time. Part of Bolin felt like he needed to stay and continue to help out but he also knew he'd be able to babysit sometimes, even if he found his own apartment. It was a concept that was still undeveloped in his mind but he was considering it when he saved up a little more. With Republic City rebuilt, he was sure he could find a deal somewhere. For now, he wouldn't mention anything. If anyone was going to be told, it would be Korra, Mako and Asami, surely they'd be able to help him find a place close to work in a price range he could afford.

Buying a place would be a huge step for someone like Bolin and he wanted to do it right and not end up back on the street.

"You said some really lovely things at the service." He mentioned to her.

The arena was quick to come into view and when they entered and made their way to the training gym. When they did, they saw a middle aged man trying to earth bend. Bolin gave Korra a look before they approached them. "Excuse me, are you...in the right place?" Bolin asked. He wasn't sure if the man thought this was open to anyone, but you had to be on a Pro Bending team to use the facilities, let alone be in them. "There aren't any matches coming up." He commented.

"I didn't know where else to go." The stranger confessed and put his arms down and turned to the pair, shoulders slouched. "I woke up three days ago and suddenly earth bended when I was outside in my garden. I daughter said I should come here and get some help." He explained, clearly a little confused as well as uncertain. "I'm sorry, I should go. I didn't mean to cause any trouble..."

"No, no you can stay." Bolin nudged Korra, hoping the grumpy man wasn't around today, who caught Korra in the very same room. "We can hep you get a handle on earth bending. But you're pretty...old to start bending." He couldn't help but point out.

"I never had until three day ago. No one in my family can earth bend, at least to my knowledge..."

"Well my name is Bolin and this is Korra, and together two thirds of The Fire Ferrets are gonna teach you everything we know!" Meanwhile, Pabu had already jumped off of Bolin's shoulder and scampered over to the mat where he could comfortably lay down and observe everything untold. "We just gotta get changed and we can start." He smiled. The man said his name was Watson and with that, Bolin and Korra headed out to their team's locker room. Once out of ear shoot of Watson, Bolin glanced to Korra. "Isn't it a little weird to suddenly discover you can bend when you're...well his age?" The man was probably in his late thirties or early forties. Bolin had never met someone so old who hadn't bended before. Most people discovered their talents by at the latest, their teenage years. They got into their locker room and he opened his locker and took out his uniform. "Learning to bend at a late age can't be easy...I mean living with the assumption you couldn't bend and then suddenly you could? That's gotta be hard to deal with." He considered. "What do you think? Would any of your past selves know about someone bending so late in life?"

He then turned his back so Korra could change without him being a perv. He quickly undid his black tie and went to unbutton his white dress shirt before slipping it off and grabbing a plain white undershirt.

- - -

By the time everyone had left, Lin was sure Tenzin would want to have time to himself.

But her findings couldn't wait any longer.

During the week, she managed to keep the new information to herself but she couldn't leave him uninformed any longer. Walking over to him, she placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. "That's the last boat to the mainland." She said as it pulled away and headed for the city. "Everyone's gone." She dropped her hand and turned back to face the island. "I have some things I need to tell you, regarding this city's state." She said. With his children gone for a week, it would give her and Tenzin an opportunity to discuss things candidly without worrying about someone overhearing. And Korra was gone for the rest of the day, which also gave them some privacy. They headed back up and saw that cleaning was already beginning so they headed inside. "I didn't want to bother you but it can't wait any longer." Lin said as they moved into the sitting room and sat down on the couch together.

"There has been an increase in people getting sick and dying." Just as Pema had, but Lin felt she didn't need to say that. "So far I've been able to count 74 cases and I'm sure others haven't reported it." She told him. "That's not the worrying part however." She told him. "Six cases have also just appeared this past week of people suddenly developing bending." She told him. "These people are at the age where previous bending should have shown itself. These people all lead seemingly ordinary lives..." She pulled out the files from her pack and flipped through them. "We have a janitor, a teacher, a man who donates his homegrown food to shelters, an elderly woman who runs one of the most sought after foster homes in the city, a librarian, and someone who just graduated college..." Lin handed Tenzin the files to see if he could make anything of them. One of the air acolytes entered and set down a tray of tea and some of the leftovers as a form of late lunch. "You hardly ate anything." Lin knew this because she had been keeping a close eye on him throughout the morning and early afternoon.

In her pack, she had also brought over some alcohol, figuring this would be a time where he wouldn't refuse a drink with her.

"Anyway I have a surprise for you." Lin mentioned as he looked at the files. When he was saying goodbye to kids and his mother, she had gone off to add something to Pema's grave. While there had been a tasteful headstone constructed, it wasn't very personal nor inviting. Lin didn't think it suited Pema at all so she ended up bending a bust of the deceased which connected at the top of the tombstone. Unlike the grey polished tombstone however, Lin's creation was made of a fine white marble which had small bits of pink, gold and grey running through it. Lin figured it would be more welcoming for Tenzin and his family, than something cold and generic. "But you only get to see if you have something to eat first." She used her finger to push the plate of food closer to him. She took the files back from him and put them away, her attention now turning to their tea. It was weak, far too weak.

Grabbing their cups of tea, she pulled out her bottle and added a hefty amount of whiskey to them both before putting the bottle away. In her mind, it was without saying that she would be staying the night to make sure Tenzin wasn't a total wreck alone. Aside from being worried about him, she knew Pema wouldn't want her husband to be without company on the night she was buried. Lin knew she'd need to go into work tomorrow but she was sure the only thing she'd be tasked with doing as dealing with more unusual cases and trying to keep the press at bay. The city was already rumbling with fear, she could feel it in the air. Tenzin hadn't been into the city recently so she wasn't sure if he would want to take a trip in or not. Whatever he wanted to do, she would try and be accommodating. "If you'd rather go out for some dinner later, we can. But if you'd prefer to stick around here, we can do that too."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Pema had said that he would not lose himself once she left, but Tenzin had never felt more lost. She would never know the pain of watching her slowly fade away. His optimism had failed him. As he looked back on the final days leading up to Pema losing the battle against this affliction, Tenzin could not believe how foolish he must have looked. Believing that this would go away on its own and expecting things to look up. It was a lie he had to tell himself just so he could get out of bed and do something with the time they still had left. Thinking about it now, as the last of the guests began to leave, as Asami had given him beautiful words with a stoic Mako by her side, as Bolin and Korra made their intentions clear and headed elsewhere, as Lin stood by his side watching the very last boat leave, Tenzin wondered… was it enough?

Like vermin attacking his mind as though it were a morsel, all of his regrets were coming forward at once. The air bender had begun to recall all the times he did not kiss Pema’s lips goodbye, mentally counting down the number of scenes that played out in his head. There was not enough time for the two of them in this world. The hours and minutes he spent not comforting her in favor of chasing a case that not even one of the finest officers Republic City had to offer had felt wasted. This was of course not on Lin, but on whomever unleashed this disease upon the people of his city. His anger was not enough to overtake his sadness.

Tenzin had just barely felt the hand rest atop his shoulder. Turning his head to face Lin with a blank expression, he followed her in silence back to the home to discuss whatever it was she had uncovered. Once inside, he had taken his seat just beside her and listened to every single word that left her lips. More sickness. More death. More cases than one woman could handle—even if she was a Bei Fong—did not comfort Tenzin any more than remaining silent during the funeral service. Even so, his lack of comfort was no excuse not to pay close attention to what Lin was telling him. With a firm face and a tense jaw, Tenzin struggled to put his mind into the latest details given.

All lives considered ordinary, yet developing bending at ages far beyond the normal revealing stages. A janitor cleaned up the messes of others, an often thankless job. A teacher devoted themselves to instructing others on jobs, history, and so on. Donating homegrown food speaks wonders for the generosity of the man doing so. An elderly woman with a foster home. A librarian. Lastly, a student getting through college.

Tenzin took the files Lin offered him and began to look through them. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but it did not hurt to give them an examination. These people all appeared unremarkable, with family histories not taking precedence over their current ways of living. Something connected them no matter how loosely. It was up to them to complete this before the world lost another like Pema.

Leave it to Lin to take notice of his lack of interest in the food and beverages during the funeral. It wasn’t as if she could blame him. The pain in the pit of his stomach could not be compared to losing his wife—there was no comparison to be made, really. But Lin wasn’t one to have it. She would only give him so much leeway before she put her foot down, something he had loved about her since they were just children. There was then mention of some sort of surprise, which would remain that way until he had eaten. At some point one of the acolytes must have dropped off the tea and food on the table, going completely unnoticed by him. She’d make him eat before it would be revealed.

“Typical.” Tenzin spoke for the first time in a long period, his voice dry and low. He took what food he believed he could stomach—cheese and crackers would go down easier, as well as a little ham—and grimaced while he ate. The files put away and the whiskey pouring into the tea, Tenzin had welcomed her initiative in that regard. Dulling the taxed, overburdened senses sounded like welcome relief, doubled when he took his cup and drank. It burned a little as it washed down the remnants of food left behind in his mouth and moistened his dry mouth. He only set the cup back down when it was completely empty, then turned to face Lin after she suggested grabbing dinner.

“No, no,” Tenzin waved his hand, head shaking from side to side. “I can’t do anything public right now. I didn’t have the strength to deal with it at the service either, but I bore with it—for the children, especially.” His children were as wounded as he was, but he could not let them see his tears any more than they already had. Their departure was for his own sake, so that he might be able to find some kind of strength, a means to bounce back from a loss so heavy. He appeared much weaker than he ever did before, a perfect reflection of his attitude now. For now, Tenzin was allowing himself to be meek.

He missed her touch far too much.

“Lin, this… isn’t easy for me to ask of you,” He paused. His eyes settled on hers and fought hard to remain there. “I don’t think I could handle complete isolation, but I’m far too… too unhappy to deal with much more than you or Korra. If my blubbering does not bother you too badly, could you stay the night with me?” He could use the drinks, but what he really needed was someone like Lin to recover with. It was selfish of him to ask his ex-girlfriend to help him deal with the loss of his wife, he knew that. But he also knew that Lin would not let this come between them, not when his pain couldn’t be described in words.

“If for some reason you cannot, I’ll understand.”
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