Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Character sheets from this role play

Name: Tyrone Arthur

Age: 31

Previous Occupation: Was training to be a Police Officer before civilisation ended.

Nationality: Scottish

Personality: Tyrone is distrusting of other people, particularly people he has just met. Willing to sacrifice a person so others can continue living, especially those that are endangering everyone else.

Skills: Uses a fighting style that incapacitates his opponent though he sometimes adds killing blows if necessary, Can make his own arrows and fire a bow with great accuracy, Hunting skills, knows his way around Scotland, having been born there.

Weapons/Items: A Large backpack he found which he uses to carry food and supplies, a Bow and multiple handmade arrows, a penknife and a kazoo that he never uses which was left in the backpack.

Bio: Born in Edinburgh, Tyrone lived a relatively normal life for a middle class child in Scotland, his father being a police officer, he inspired Tyrone to also become one. Moving to England after passing secondary school, Tyrone began preparing for the job by volunteering and applied for it.

Having been accepted, Tyrone had to go through rigorous training, unfortunately before he complete this difficult process, the virus released by The Unity had reached England interrupting this, infecting and killing most of the other trainees, Tyrone got out before he could get infected and procured an abandoned car, heading south towards safety. Looting the corpse of another survivor and searching through the dead man's backpack, he found a bow, some arrows, a meager amount of food and most bizarrely of all, a kazoo.

Tyrone had spent the last Eleven years training with the bow, learning how to make his own arrows and wandering England for food and supplies, having recently heard of a safe zone located at the north of Scotland from another passing survivor, he is now making his way to it, despite the rumors of cannibals and raiders infesting his former country.

Other: [in joke]His kazoo is a tool of justice [/in joke]
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Kuzma Ghlukov
Age: 37
Previous Occupation: Former spetsnaz, farmer
Nationality: Russia
Personality: Kuzma doesn’t communicate with those he doesn’t like to put it bluntly. If he thinks someone is just a liability or is slowing him down he will most likely talk to them less than he would someone who helps the group. He often acts in a rather professional and calm manner but does let his emotions free more now that civilization has broken down.
-Knowledge of Systema
-Basic knowledge of first aid
-A hatchet
-One hunting rifle, although it has no ammo and used for threatening only
Bio: Kuzma was born just outside of Ryazan on his father’s farm. His mother died during childbirth and he grew up with his father with only his father for guidance who intended Kuzma to become a farmer and take over the family farm when he grew up. Kuzma had other plans though after he discovered his fascination with rifles. His father first taught him to use a rifle when a fox had gotten into their chicken coup; Kuzma took to the rifle like magic. He bothered and annoyed his father practically every day to let him use it even if it were just to shoot cans. His father often took Kuzma hunting when he grew older and soon after, Kuzma went on his own.

When he was able to leave his father’s farm legally he did so, much to the disappointment of his father. He left for St. Petersburg and lived there for a few months before joining the military. He excelled through the ranks as a sniper and was eventually offered a position within the elite Spetsnaz division. It took a lot of time for Kuzma to mull it over, he had heard about the rigorous and painful training. He did eventually accept though and later wished he hadn’t. His training was just as painful as he had heard, he learned a lot, but he also got hurt a lot. He was as ready as ever when he was put into duty. His sniping skills had been honed and he now knew how to defend himself in unarmed combat.

His military career went rather well up until a point. The squad he was in completed every mission to perfection mostly, up until their last one. They were doing a stealth ops mission in the Middle East to rescue a Russian hostage. They were ambushed just as they had captured the hostage, who turned out to be one of the terrorists themselves. They were captured and tortured for information. All but Kuzma died. He barely survived in time for rescue to arrive. He was airlifted out as another Spetsnaz unit eliminated the terrorists and was sent home as soon as he had recovered enough. He discovered that his father had taken ill in his absence and was close to death. He gave his blessing to Kuzma to run the farm and died a few days later. Kuzma decided to settle down in the farm and live a normal life for a while. That is until the apocalypse hit.

Kuzma wasn’t hit all that hard when the virus first appeared. As it went on though, it started to affect his animals. They began to die and spread their vile disease onto other animals. Soon enough, all Kuzma had were his crops, which weren’t nearly enough to pay for the running of the farm. He was ‘lucky’ that the apocalypse took its full toll before the bank could repossess his land. He left for greener pastures after he suspected that he could be infected if he waited around any longer. He has been travelling ever since.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Name: Micheal Finch
Age: 21
Previous Occupation: Was to young to have a job at the time.

Nationality: American

Personality: Micheal is pretty easy going. He is non-confrontational, so if something is wrong, he'll be the one to look the other way. He is shy, but not when it comes to girls.He feels more comfortable around girls because he was brought up in an all women household. His psychiatrist had diagnosed him with A.D.H.D, making anything that requires extreme focus a disadvantage to him.

Skills: -Has some skill in close combat (Baseball Bats, Crowbars etc.)
-Knows how to set minor traps

Weapons/Items: At the moment he is carrying a steel crowbar, a sleeping bag, half a roll of toilet paper, His grandmothers necklace , battery operated lamp (With dead batteries), and enough can foods to last him a few more days.

Bio: Michaels parents were young, aspiring travelers who could never settle down in one spot. Michaels Mom, Rosanne, gave birth to him during an intermediary stage of their travels. but, she and her husband were to young to raise a child, and quite frankly, didn't have the time.Like all young, helpless moms, Rosanne had brought Michael to her parents house in France so she could raise him and take care of him while she wasn't around. Michaels aunt was also living there at the time. This was probably best for him. He was home schooled by his grandmother and aunt in a small cottage house just on the outskirts of Paris. Micheal was a happy child ,and like all others, he was care free.

Because Michael was home schooled, he never had a normal school experience. Having lots of friends, teachers, recess, these were all alien to Michael. All Michael had was his textbooks and video games. Day and night he played his video games and he didn't like anything more. His aunt and his grandmother tried introducing things to him like sewing, and sports, but he showed little interest. One of the things Michael did take interest in, was the outdoors. After beating a level in his game he'd go on an "Adventure", when he took a break from school work, he walked along the stream in the woods. This was his routine for years. It was a good life, until his grandmother fell ill from an unknown virus. Michael's Aunt did all she could, but it in the end it was for naught. The tragedy broke the hearts of many and left Michael and his aunt all alone.

Michael and his aunt stayed in the house , watching as society collapsed over the years. This virus hit hard, and it was all to lucky that both Michael and his aunt didn't get infected. Years had past since the death of Michaels grandma, and since then, Michael and his aunt survived in their cottage. fighting off scavenging raiders, setting traps for wild animals to eat, and all the other stuff that helped them get through each day . Him and his aunt heard rumors of a safe haven in Scotland from survivors who passed by. They decided they'd make their way there, and try to live without fear of infection or fear of their home being destroyed by raiders. They packed all they could, and made their way north. When Michael turned 17, his aunt came down with the virus. She passed away shortly after. Michael didn't know how to feel about the situation, so he didn't. He hid his emotions behind a facade and traveled on, making his way north and trying to survive on his own. Him and his aunt had just made their way to the heart of England before she passed on. And since than, he had traveled alone .

Other: The necklace his carries around is a three picture locket of his mother, his aunt, and his grandma.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

50 kg

Name: Anneliese Deichmann

Age: 25

Previous Occupation: She did not have a job due to the fact that she wasn't an adult at the time.

Nationality: German

Personality: Anneliese tends to come off as cold and brooding. She is an overconfident, cold, proud, snobby brat and she never smiles or laughs. She's usually bored, easily annoyed, somewhat angry, and pretty much hateable. Furthermore, she has no sense of humor and takes everything personally and seriously. Anneliese usually direct and upfront (and expects others to be the same). She's judgemental and biased, although she's been managing to become better lately.

Skills: During her travels with Heidi during the outbreak she learned how find edible plants(Heidi taught her). She has some combat skills since she has to fend for herself(and originally Heidi).

Weapons/Items: A leather satchel filled with tin cans stuffed with edible plants, and one can of beans(Though she is quickly running out, she can't figure out how to ration her food), a pocket knife, a box of matches(Temporary light, though it only lasts for a few seconds anyways).

Bio: Anneliese was born into a wealthy family, she was spoiled from the beginning and never lifted a finger. She was raised in Leizpig Germany and during her childhood, she was mostly taken care of by an elderly nanny named Heidi. Heidi taught Anneliese her rights from her wrongs and taught her values that would be important later on in her life. Heidi was practically her mother.
Her real mother however was rather skeptical of the old nanny, and often times ended up yelling at Heidi when Anneliese did something bad(Breaking a vase for example).
As she grew older, her family ended up growing rather distant. Anneliese's father secretly slept with other women behind her mother's back and came home late and when he did he wreaked of alcohol. Heidi grew weaker due to her old age, and could barely do the family's laundry without her hands trembling.

When Anneliese turned 14 the outbreak hit her city, people began dropping like flies, they were frantic to leave the city to find shelter. It had only been a few days and the population had already began to decrease. The citizens began to panic, and some sorted to ransacking homes in order to survive. Her mother fell to the virus and soon after, her father, which left Anneliese in the hands of the old nanny Heidi. The two fled the home, finding it no longer suitable for their stay(The house was practically asking to get raided). Anneliese took care of Heidi as they traveled, she scavenged what she could from empty stores/gas stations. But soon the old woman soon grew too weak to move and passed in her sleep from old age. Anneliese was now on her own, traveling to find somewhere safe to stay.

Other: N/A
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