The world is a new place. Ever since the Avengers took down Loki and his alien army, the world hasn't really been normal since. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't really have to conceal super humans anymore... or hide themselves for that matter. The world has a sense of protection. A hope when there's a worse case scenario... Which might be sooner than people think. It may be months after The Battle of New York, but it has been over 70 years since Steve Rogers has left his own world. He left everything he knew and loved and woke up in a country he barely recognized. Now a covert S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, Rogers travels the world stopping potential threats to not only the United States, but the world... But he isn't the only one who has been sleeping.
Old foes of the Sentinel of Liberty are coming back... and forming together to take out the one who destroyed their plans, or future ones. Enemies like the Red Skull, The Winter Soldier, and Baron von Strucker will do anything in their paths to kill Rogers, and everything he stands for... But Rogers won't be alone. S.H.I.E.L.D. will personally give him access to form a team of his choice to take down the super villains. Under his legendary leadership, They might be able to take them down...
1) this is a Captain America RP, so i wouldn't like major Avenger characters like Iron Man or Thor in this. Although Black Widow and Hawkeye and people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are accessable
2) You can create your own hero, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent! but don't make them OP'd... just be fair
3) You can be a hero/villain, but i would HIGHLY recommend being a hero. Villains kinda have to wait around, and they usually just cause action
4) Not only will this be a action RP, but also a kinda drama-ish one... Cap is a deep character believe it or not haha. He had morals that aren't that common in today's society, and also has a sense of loneliness.
Aka: Optional
Powers/traits/weapon(s) :
Name: Steve Rogers
AKA: Captain America
Age: over 80 years old, But appears 22
Bio: (gonna use the Movieverse since it fits more in my opinion haha)
I was born in Brooklyn on July 4th, 1918. My Father died in The Great War, and my mother was a nurse who died of pneumonia. I wasn't a strong kid... at all. I got bullied, and picked on, and beat up. Lets just say i really don't like bullies. One day I was in another one of my fights when a much stronger, and cooler kid came to help me. He beat the snot out of them. He told me his name was James "Bucky" Barnes. And we were friends for life from that moment on. After watching propaganda for World War II, i desperately wanted to help fight the good fight. I tried multiple times to enlist, with different stories, and different names. I was always rejected. One of these attempts i was confronted by a German man named Dr. Erskine, asking me questions and why i wanted to join so badly... he gave me the opportunity to enlist.
At boot camp i went through hell. I clearly wasn't cut out for it, but i kept telling myself this was to help others...And Peggy Carter's face made it worth while too...When i sacrificed myself for a fake grenade, i passed the test. I was the first, and only experiment in Operation: Rebirth. It was very painful, but after the experiment... I was taller. Stronger. And felt like i could actually do something... but that was short lived. I started to sell war bonds for the army. I wasn't in the front lines sacrificing my life like others. I was punching a fake Adolf Hitler in the jaw... until i rescued P.O.W.'s behind enemy lines, one of them being Bucky. That's also where i saw the failed experiment of Dr. Erskine, The Red Skull, or Johann Shmidt.
After that i was a war hero. A man people trusted to follow into battle. And it felt amazing. I got a shield that could block anything, and with that and my squad, we started taking out the Axis Powers and H.Y.D.R.A... One mission Bucky fell off a train and into a large ditch... i never saw him again. It took a lot to get me back into action... but this was the one was to go after the man who took away my best friend. I went to Shmidt's hidden base, chased him into a plane, and we fought. He was taken into the mythical tool that gave him all his power called the Tesseract, and he left me to deal with a nuke carrying plane heading straight to Brooklyn. I had no other choice but to crash the ship into the ocean, taking me with it... saying goodbye to Peggy, and everything i loved.
I woke up later in confusion, and a completely different New York. I was told that i was sleeping for over 70 years, and we won the war... It was tough. waking up to a completely new country, with completely new views... and all the things that happened when i was out... A week later Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. tells me he has a mission for me to save the world along with other heroes of the modern age. At first we fought, and disagreed, and hit rock bottom... but in the end, Stark, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Dr. Banner and I stopped the threat. After the battle we all split up... But i stuck with S.H.I.E.L.D. I was a soldier, and old habits die hard.
Personality: Has an incredible sense of Honor, courage, and humility. Absolutely hates bullies. Always wants to see the good in people. Will do anything to help the weak and defenseless. Very shy around women, but once in the battlefield he gives off a strong sense of leadership and calmness. Feels like his ideals and morals are outdated, and misses the ones he cared for the most.
Powers/Traits/Weapon(s) : Peak human strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility, reflexes, and healing. He is as perfect as a human could ever get. Can dodge a bullet point blank, very flexible, a master tactician, photographic memory, knows how to use and operate any weapon and vehicle, and has mastered his own combinations of hand-to-hand combat, a mix of everything. He also can overcome any temptations, and gets the job done. Carries a vibranium-metal alloy mix shield that can absorb most of an object's kinetic energy, and can rebound of any surface. Can only be broken on a molecular level.
Other: Loves apple pie, is a very good artist, and knows spanish, english, german, russian, japanese and some italian.
Old foes of the Sentinel of Liberty are coming back... and forming together to take out the one who destroyed their plans, or future ones. Enemies like the Red Skull, The Winter Soldier, and Baron von Strucker will do anything in their paths to kill Rogers, and everything he stands for... But Rogers won't be alone. S.H.I.E.L.D. will personally give him access to form a team of his choice to take down the super villains. Under his legendary leadership, They might be able to take them down...
1) this is a Captain America RP, so i wouldn't like major Avenger characters like Iron Man or Thor in this. Although Black Widow and Hawkeye and people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are accessable
2) You can create your own hero, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent! but don't make them OP'd... just be fair
3) You can be a hero/villain, but i would HIGHLY recommend being a hero. Villains kinda have to wait around, and they usually just cause action
4) Not only will this be a action RP, but also a kinda drama-ish one... Cap is a deep character believe it or not haha. He had morals that aren't that common in today's society, and also has a sense of loneliness.
Aka: Optional
Powers/traits/weapon(s) :
Name: Steve Rogers
AKA: Captain America
Age: over 80 years old, But appears 22

Bio: (gonna use the Movieverse since it fits more in my opinion haha)
I was born in Brooklyn on July 4th, 1918. My Father died in The Great War, and my mother was a nurse who died of pneumonia. I wasn't a strong kid... at all. I got bullied, and picked on, and beat up. Lets just say i really don't like bullies. One day I was in another one of my fights when a much stronger, and cooler kid came to help me. He beat the snot out of them. He told me his name was James "Bucky" Barnes. And we were friends for life from that moment on. After watching propaganda for World War II, i desperately wanted to help fight the good fight. I tried multiple times to enlist, with different stories, and different names. I was always rejected. One of these attempts i was confronted by a German man named Dr. Erskine, asking me questions and why i wanted to join so badly... he gave me the opportunity to enlist.
At boot camp i went through hell. I clearly wasn't cut out for it, but i kept telling myself this was to help others...And Peggy Carter's face made it worth while too...When i sacrificed myself for a fake grenade, i passed the test. I was the first, and only experiment in Operation: Rebirth. It was very painful, but after the experiment... I was taller. Stronger. And felt like i could actually do something... but that was short lived. I started to sell war bonds for the army. I wasn't in the front lines sacrificing my life like others. I was punching a fake Adolf Hitler in the jaw... until i rescued P.O.W.'s behind enemy lines, one of them being Bucky. That's also where i saw the failed experiment of Dr. Erskine, The Red Skull, or Johann Shmidt.
After that i was a war hero. A man people trusted to follow into battle. And it felt amazing. I got a shield that could block anything, and with that and my squad, we started taking out the Axis Powers and H.Y.D.R.A... One mission Bucky fell off a train and into a large ditch... i never saw him again. It took a lot to get me back into action... but this was the one was to go after the man who took away my best friend. I went to Shmidt's hidden base, chased him into a plane, and we fought. He was taken into the mythical tool that gave him all his power called the Tesseract, and he left me to deal with a nuke carrying plane heading straight to Brooklyn. I had no other choice but to crash the ship into the ocean, taking me with it... saying goodbye to Peggy, and everything i loved.
I woke up later in confusion, and a completely different New York. I was told that i was sleeping for over 70 years, and we won the war... It was tough. waking up to a completely new country, with completely new views... and all the things that happened when i was out... A week later Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. tells me he has a mission for me to save the world along with other heroes of the modern age. At first we fought, and disagreed, and hit rock bottom... but in the end, Stark, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Dr. Banner and I stopped the threat. After the battle we all split up... But i stuck with S.H.I.E.L.D. I was a soldier, and old habits die hard.
Personality: Has an incredible sense of Honor, courage, and humility. Absolutely hates bullies. Always wants to see the good in people. Will do anything to help the weak and defenseless. Very shy around women, but once in the battlefield he gives off a strong sense of leadership and calmness. Feels like his ideals and morals are outdated, and misses the ones he cared for the most.
Powers/Traits/Weapon(s) : Peak human strength, speed, durability, stamina, agility, reflexes, and healing. He is as perfect as a human could ever get. Can dodge a bullet point blank, very flexible, a master tactician, photographic memory, knows how to use and operate any weapon and vehicle, and has mastered his own combinations of hand-to-hand combat, a mix of everything. He also can overcome any temptations, and gets the job done. Carries a vibranium-metal alloy mix shield that can absorb most of an object's kinetic energy, and can rebound of any surface. Can only be broken on a molecular level.
Other: Loves apple pie, is a very good artist, and knows spanish, english, german, russian, japanese and some italian.