Name: Dahlia Bramble
Aka: Dendrobate
Age: 24
Appearance: Bio: Dahlia Bramble was kidnapped as a small child by Hydra and put into one of its many secret programs. The particular program was created in order to engineer deadly assassins capable of handling the deadliest of poisons and toxins with little risk to themselves. Subjecting to cruel treatments and testing over the years they built up her immune system through the use of exotic poisons and drugs. Through consistent doses of poisons and rigid training, Dahlia’s body grew accustomed to toxins and eventually her body became virtually immune to every kind of poison known to man.
At the age of 13 the testing facility where she was being held and experimented on was taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives and she was freed; however, since she was trained to be an assassin from such a young age she really did not feel she could live a normal life and therefore took up residence with S.H.I.E.L.D. and before long was a special SHIELD operative. Due to her body’s immunity to poison SHIELD decided to capitalize on that so aside from regular SHIELD training she has been made into an expert on toxins and poisons. With her specialized training she excels in creating antidotes, administering dangerous toxins and chemicals, and potentially one of SHIELD’s most dangerous hitmen alive.
Due to her unique background she is often put in the field on threats deemed too dangerous for normal agents to handle. Often times her missions include biological threats with the potential to wipe out entire populations but she can more than handle herself. Even at times supervillians have to beware her poisons or meet an untimely defeat to her exotic devices. Human or alien, foes have to watch out for her sting.
Personality: Dahlia is a unique one to be sure, some think that her personality is a bit warped due to her early childhood of HYDRA upbringing which is probably true to a certain extent. Quite eccentric, Dahlia knows how to have a good time, be it with booze or battle she tries to enjoy life to its fullest. Dahlia adores dangerous work as she feels the most alive during such battles of life and death. She also has a bit of a dry wit and her humor can be a rather tasteless at times.
Powers/traits/weapon(s) : Poisonous Body: Through HYDRA’s program Dhalia Bramble’s body is quite full of poisons, especially her blood which prevents her from ever being a blood donor since it would kill the recipient. She cannot transfer her natural poisons through casual contact thankfully so you will not get poisoned just by touching her; however, if she manages swap bodily fluids with a target the poison will easily enter their system.
Poisonous Arsenal: A large majority of her weapons are coated with various poisons, ranging from neurotoxins to pain enhances and sleep inducers, this Dendrobate is more than ready to bring on various aliments to her foes. Throwing daggers, darts, knives, certain kinds of bullets, and even gas grenades of various toxins are at her disposal. She also sometimes brings along special vials of concentrated acids though she has to be careful with these as her body is not immune to acid.
Marksman: Just because she likes using fancy poisons does not mean she neglected more conventional fighting. She is well trained in small arms, grenade launchers, and sniper rifles. She is a very good shot and has been known to snipe enemies with just a pistol. Her marksmanship skill translates well to her thrown weapon ability as well.
Combat Styles: Ninjutsu, Silat, and Krav Maga are her main fighting styles though she is proficient in many others. She uses her combat style to end fights quickly and decisively. A fight is a fight so there is no real meaning to fighting ‘dirty’, anything goes when you’re taking down evil.
Other: Due to her highly toxic body, Dahlia has to keep in top physical shape to make sure her body’s toxic levels stay at livable levels. Dahlia therefore has a very strict training regiment to keep up her form and abilities since if she slacks off her body might lose ‘containment’ of its toxic culture. Also due to her poisonous body she is unable to have children since nothing can survive for very long in her body, including viruses.