why not?
Laggia said
little boy if your handeling women you have to treat them just right, firstly you get them to know you and you get to know here. Keep in mind to remember all things that make her lips smile or giggle, since you will have to try and make her like you. But for the sake of all the gods don't be to nice as that will prety much make you a friendzoned foul mostly. You have to find the balance to be a nice guy over her and being an utterly jerk also towards her in times to make her see your charcter and let her judge you.
manapool1 said
So I have friend zoned myself with practically every woman I have met. I need to find more women.
Laggia said
little boy if your handeling women you have to treat them just right, firstly you get them to know you and you get to know here. Keep in mind to remember all things that make her lips smile or giggle, since you will have to try and make her like you. But for the sake of all the gods don't be to nice as that will prety much make you a friendzoned foul mostly. You have to find the balance to be a nice guy over her and being an utterly jerk also towards her in times to make her see your charcter and let her judge you.
Vortex said
The Dutch are ever so wise
Laggia said
depends on if she isnt one of those women that likes the very nice guys
Laggia said
and that should be taken how
Vortex said
Name: JacksonAge: 15Hobbies: Reading, writing, gaming and (of course) RoleplayingPreferred type of Rp: Fantasy, Sci Fi, anything dramaticAppearance: About six foot, lanky, light brown hair, blue eyes with a strange yellow/brown pattern inside it. I also wear glasses.
manapool1 said
haha, wait your Swedish?
KatherinWinter said
You're all very strange.
manapool1 said
we look oddly alike
manapool1 said
yeah his wing chun skills were awesome sauce.
manapool1 said
I'm not Swedish but take offense to that