I am very well aware of the My Little Pony reference her name contains. :P

Name: Cadenza Mia Amoré
Nickname: Cadence
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Partner: Puttimon > Kyupimon > Salamon > Gatomon > Angewomon > Venusmon
Bio: Cadenza Amoré was born in Milan Italy. She grew up in a wealthy upperclass family. The Amoré family tree contains a long line of wealthily and powerful women. As the eldest child and the only female heir of her mother Lovina Amoré. Cadence would one day be one of them. Cadence lived a very extravagant lifestyle. Her parents showered her, and her younger brothers with love and affection, as well as whatever they wanted. Cadence loved her family and they loved her, it was as simple as that. Her mother read her daughter many fairy tales when she was growing up. They usually involved lovers overcoming all odds to be together. These stories instilled in her the belief that love can conquer any obstacle.
In addition to caring for her little brothers and making friends with others, she was also groomed to take over the family business. Her mother was the CEO of a large chain of flower shops Fiori D'Amore (Flowers of Love.) While she performed well enough in school, Cadence wasn't exactly interested in studying. She cared more about finding her one true love, and getting her own happy ending. Just like the ones in the stories she was told. One day, she met a handsome, blonde haired, blue eyed, young man named Valentino. She likes to say their meeting was love at first sight, but it took quite a long time of getting to know each other before they officially professed their love, and officially became a couple. The affair was passionate, and romantic. They were both certain that they were destined to be together, and that this was going to last forever.
Ultimately, it wasn't meant to be. Cadence had to move to America with her family because they wanted to expand their business, forcing her to leave Valentino behind. The two promised to keep in touch, and they even agreed to get married once they finished college. For a few months, the two exchanged letters, E-Mails, Skype chats, even occasional phone calls. It was like they never left. Then, the communication suddenly stopped. Months had passed, and Cadence hadn't heard a word from her boyfriend, and she was starting to get worried. She would come to find out later, that Valentino had died in a car accident where the other driver was drunk. It is for this reason, that she refuses to drink a drop of alcohol to this day. The death of her lover saddened and confused the girl. She was certain they were meant to be together, and when you're meant to be with someone you'll find each other no matter what, right? That's what the stories say. She refuses to believe that her mother's teachings were wrong, there must be someone else out there for her, or Valentino would find his way back to her. Although heartbroken by Valentino's death, she helps other people find love as a way to heal. She keeps a cheerful attitude, and is still searching for her happily ever after.
Personality: Cadence is a friendly, cheerful, and optimistic girl. Despite being from a wealthy family, she doesn't believe it makes her better than anyone else. She spends time around many kinds of people from different backgrounds, and tries to find good in everybody. While she tries to act like a proper lady, around others she can come across as silly and childish. However, while it may look like she doesn't take anything seriously, she's smarter than people give her credit for. Cadence is a feminine girl, and she has an affinity for cute things. Kittens, puppies, ponies, etc. They all make her squeal excitedly.
Cadence is a compassionate, nurturing girl. She is always there to help others, and is normally really sympathetic and empathetic with anyone who is in trouble. She cares deeply for others, is also very maternal. She sees her friends as her family and will do anything to protect them even putting herself in danger. In regards to this she can be a bit rash. If she sees something threatening someone she cares for she will rush in to danger not thinking of the consequences of her actions. While she is not stupid by any means, she is very much naive when it comes to the real world. She's easily tricked, and is prone to giving anything she has to someone in need in the name of love.
Cadence is the type that wears her heart on her sleeve. It is easy to hurt her feelings, but it doesn't take much to cheer her up again. Growing up she was always told romantic bed time stories involving a damsel in distress and a knight in shining armor. As a result of this, Cadence loves love. She believes it's the best feeling in the world. She believe's everyone, no matter how much of a jerk they may be deserves love. Her beliefs have been instilled into her since young, and she's very outspoken and passionate about them. She's a hopeful romantic, and often acts flirty towards men she likes, hoping they're Mr. Right, and find that special someone so she can get her own Fairy Tale happy ending. She tends to think every guy she's with is "the one" and takes it very seriously, making her seem clingy and overly dependent. She gets easily attached to people she's grown to like, and it upsets her when the object of her affections doesn't share her feelings, and will do anything to keep them around. She also likes to help other people find love as well, and plays matchmaker for people whether they asked for it or not.
Digivice Color: Pink