Hillan said
I studied spanish in junior high for four years.
Hillan said
I studied spanish in junior high for four years.
Blackthorn said
So I sent my CS to Skittlez and Nightrunner. Hopefully they get back to me soon. I also noticed something about almost all of our characters: Tragic backstory go!
Hillan said
I studied spanish in junior high for four years.I should know this. I don't, but I should!
Marrow said
Ah man... i just have 5 sentence history and i can't come up with more D:wait what?our character doesn't need a history?SWEET!
Nightrunner said
There, there. Let it out. It's okay, Hilly.
Hillan said
Shaddap, you've got pleb-tier blue unicorn. #Pinkunicornmasterrace.
Zacharius said
Finally been convinced (it took about a sentence) to write up a CS for the new version of this rp, not using my usual x-men character, instead going 'back to my roots' and making a lovable English rapscallion (at least, he thinks so).
Ruby said
Don't be in a hurry. <3
Zacharius said
Pfft, hot and cold on me taking part much...<3
Blackthorn said
*raises hand* I sent mine to everyone, but I think only Hillan has approved it so far.
Ruby said
The same as Blacky: Hillan's already stamped me. Waiting on the two others, YOSHISKITTLEZ AND NIGHTRUNNER.