It was a brilliantly bright day, without a cloud in the sky and a cool breeze that ran through the air, carrying the scent of summer into the city streets. It was early on a Friday, most people were so preoccupied with weekend plans that it was hard to ignore such magnificent weather. Students out of school flocked to the parks, taking advantage of the fact that there was a full weekend of city planned events ahead.
Sanderson Park was particularly busy, nestled between the Boardwalk and the golden Sanderson Hotel, an extremely well manicured green jewel in the center of a sea of glass and steel. A crowd was tightly packed around a stage set near the fountains at the entrance of the park, two loud speakers, scarlet curtain and a massive banner hanging across the center that read 'World Premier!'. A dozen reporters and cameramen craned against the stage for a better view at the podium and whatever stood behind the red curtain.
When Eudora Carver walked out on stage, the small crowd erupted in a roar of cheers and applause. She waved politely to the attendees, dressed to perfection in a nave dress and blazer, pearls and sunglasses. Not even the breeze seemed brave enough to put a hair out of place. The corporate tycoon approached the podium, inspiring the crowd to instantly fall silent.
"My fellow citizens- my friends; we stand together on a revolutionary day." A clear, crisp voice rang out through the park.
"This magnificent city has been a beacon for revolution in design, engineering and pure-and-simple hard work. We've built this old fishing harbor into the biggest social and technological leader in the world; something that isn't done by lying down on the job." She stopped for another sweeping agreement of applause. "Which made me pause and reflect one afternoon: with a population so deserving as this, why are they not able to gain some assistance in an otherwise busy lifestyle?"
Eudora stopped and looked in the faces of the crowd, speaking to them without a speech written in hand, as she always did.
"That is why I went to our top team with an idea. I'm proud to say that today, I can present you, and the world, with that idea." She said, turning and extending her arm as the curtain parted.
In the middle of the stage was a robot, standing at just over six feet in height, holding a small silver serving dish and a linen towel with an "EC" sewn elegantly into place. The robot bowed at the sight of Eudora, then to the rest of the crowd, who again, erupted into applause. Eudora turned back to the microphone and continued with her speech.
"This is The Sentry, a fully functioning personal assistant and the first life sized robot designated for home use." She smiled broadly as a wave of photographs flashed in her face. "It is equipped not only with a wide range of artificial intelligence interfaces, but it is also a centralized home security device as well. With all these new reports on prisoners walking through walls, we can never be too safe with our city's children."
The Sentry took a few surprisingly graceful steps forward and took the lid off of the small silver serving platter to reveal a chilled martini complete with two olives.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I'll let the top engineer for this program answer your questions- I believe this is for me." She said, jokingly as she took the drink and stepped off stage, the crowd chuckling at her usual humor.
As soon as she was out of sight, Eudora downed the actual martini before dropping it in the hands of the nearest assistant, who still managed to drop and break it on the floor. Her limousine was already pulled up to the entrance of the park, so she waved at the dozen or so joggers and dog walkers on her way out of the small patch of nature. Ducking into the elegant automobile, she reached into her side console and retrieved a cigarette, lighting it quickly before taking a slow drag. Turning her head to the side, Eudora's eyes had finally adjusted and focused on another Sentry sitting in the back of the moving car with her.
"Jesus Christ, another one." She said, the robot completely unaware of what she meant.
The pair rode in the car in complete silence for several minute through the main section of downtown. They approached the tallest building in the skyline and pulled into the entry of The Tower. Eudora waited for the door to be opened and helped out by the driver and poked her head back into the limousine one more time.
"Stay here, you overgrown iPad."
Moments later, Eudora had given her name to the front desk, ridden dozens of stories on the elevator and approached one of the highest floors of the building. Eudora Carver was never one to wait for someone to fetch her, so she was never satisfied waiting in the lobby before being escorted upstairs for a meeting. There was plenty of time before the board meeting was set, but the two had a brief discussion scheduled off the record. Her face sprouted a sweet grin as she approached the executive assistant's desk.
"Now, my little chickadee, I'm in quite the hurry." She began, her tone light and airy once again. "Mind to point me in the direction of the fine Captain of this vessel?"
Across town and fairly different from a corporate board room, Finn Regel leaned against a dumpster in an alley just off of Franklin Boulevard. Eyes closed and banging his head lightly against the metal, it was somewhat soothing considering his state of mind. There would be only a few minutes before his brother would be back and then it would be time to start. Something that, until a week ago, he never thought he would do.
"It's easy." Finn said. "No big deal. Five minutes- tops."
Running hand through his hair, he finally stood and stretched, cracking his back in the process. He wore a black, short sleeve fishnet shirt, black pants and steel toed boots. His hood and mask were pulled down to avoid drawing any unwanted attention, but he still caught some stares as a probably alleyway drug addict. Walking toward the back of the alley away from the street, Finn went over their poorly constructed plan one more time in his head.
For the first time in years, the stress was pushing him to want a cigarette. The fact that he didn't want to be caught on convenience store cameras was the only reason he wasn't puffing away at an entire pack.
At the dead end of the alley, Finn turned and watched the target of the day. Wentworth Bank stood proudly near the center of the financial district; it was an old rough granite building that had been built to last as skyscraper three times its sized popped up around it. Customers walked in and out of the building, happily going along on their business before the start of the weekend. Some of the straggling workers were rushing in late, drawing his attention from focusing on where his brother was. Michael was just supposed to sneak into the alley next to the bank and cut the security alarm's wires. Simple as that.
"Just snipping a wire and coming straight back." He said. "No big deal."