Always Open"There once was bandit named Jesse James, who was the no doubted King of the Desert.
He had fame, power and wealth beyond your wildest dreams.
Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said.
"My fortune yours for the taking, but you'll have to find it first. I left everything I own in One Piece."
Ever since, bandits, desperadoes and looter from all over the world saddled their horses for the grand desert searching for One Piece, the treasure that will make their dreams come true."
This shocked the world of Dahl, which is only covered in 30% water. From the green fields towards the ghastly and deadly desert everyone heard that message.
It has been 3 years now since that happened and people from all over the world decided to search for that treasure but with such a huge competition danger is also involved. Many people formed groups to increase their chances and even more are willingly to step over anyone who stand in their way.
The government couldn´t allow such a rough act and also took counter measures. They agreed on so called Death-dealer, criminals who are getting a second chance by now working for the government, also increased law-enforcers and rumors are spreading of armored vehicles with brand new technology which are able to set whole cities in flames in just minutes.
The world is about to change, an old era is about to end and when it ends, it will end in fire and flames~ but what will your role be? Are you acting against those increasing numbers of law-less fools, anarchists who are standing in the way of the government and so the progress of the Republic?
Or are you one of those who are opposing the government? Those with a wish of freedom, those who are rather dying than to be enslaved by rules or heritage?
What is your role? What is your will?
Well welcome to my roleplay~
As you can see this a One Piece Roleplay with a twist!
This isn´t a pirate´s life, This is the wild wild west!
Devil fruits will be around even though a white sand called~ celeste blanco~ less is known about that substance but it does robs the power of devil fruit users and leaves them paralyzed. While in small amounts it does lesser harm, a devil fruit user has to look out for greater deals of that sand when accumulating on his body since that sand is partially also contained in the everydays sand ones come in contact with.
While one thinks that only keeping you clean would helps one hasn´t seen the white deserts~ Places which are consisting only of this so called "celeste blanco".
Showing great effect on Devil fruit users the Government hired researchers who forged that sand into metal, creating an alloy called "Celeste Zero"
It is a rare alloy since creating it is rather expensive and comes with huge cost of time and resources but never the less have the government and it´s enforcers some "Celeste Zero" in store.
Concerning IC Posts
In light of recent discoveries, minimum post length is now a paragraph. Proper knowledge of spelling and grammer is expected in the in character (Run your posts through a spellchecker and you should be good). Wait till there are three posts after yours to post your next post. 3rd person posts only please.
Rules1. I assume you are all mature and know the normal rules (ie. no mary-sues, gary-stues, god-modding, etc.)
2. This is not a completely serious roleplay, humor will be involved things such as the ridiculous devil fruit powers and weird personalities are allowed and to an extent expected, but don’t bog down the roleplay by putting jokes where they don’t belong or being downright offensive.
3. Absolutely no canon characters or copycats! Similar abilities is allowed, but original is encouraged.
4. No Haki without good reasons~
5. Each Player is allowed one character at the current time.
6. Remember a weak character allows more potential to grow~ Sure they do not have to be a little good-for-nothing but i do not want Shanks growing out of everywhere.
7. Feel free to add things to this world~ I want this to grow beyond yours and my imagination~
9. If you have questions about the One Pice Universe, check out the Wiki !
10. Remember have fun and help make this an enjoyable roleplay!
Character Sheet Skeleton:Name: (Birthname + Nickname)
Age: (How old are you duh)
Gender: (Male, Female or anything in between or completely outside the box)
Appearance: (What do you look like? Picture or description)
History: (What happen to you so far? What brings you to this point?)
Personality: (What are you like?)
Other: (Anything that does not fit in above)
Bounty: (if you have any yet?)
Weapons: (...yep...just do not make yourself a walking armory)
Devil Fruit: (If any!)
Abilities: ( What can you do? Skills are also categorized in that!)
Equipment: (What else you got?)
Accepted Characters
Name: James "The Wild man" Hook
Age: 21
Gender: Male
James is about 5 feet and seven inches tall and has a slim figure. His rather ordinary but slim athletic build makes him surprisingly quick on his feet.
James is a rather many fellow despise his slim build, a strong jaw-line would be topped with a edged face, the strong jaw-muscles are standing out a bit but are hiding my a fancy beard he keeps in shape.
His facial hair and normal hair is mud brown and so really ordinary but all in all he´s not a person one would forget since a charismatic but still mischievous aura is surrounding him.
History: Alan Hook was a gambler, County Deputy Sheriff, and Deputy Town Marshal in Tombstone and took part in the Gunfight at the Corral during which lawmen killed three outlaw Cowboys. He was a good and loyal man towards the government and had a beautiful wife, Elisabeth Lawman who was later Elisabeth Hook.
During the years Alan Hook grew quiet famous and got promoted to be an official part of high ranked government group called the "CP". Less is know about that group but when they are involved it always ends messy!
What Alan did not knew as he left his wife behind to follow his career is that he left her with an unborn child. Quietly, not wanting to disturb the man she loved, Elisabeth gave birth to a boy, a boy she called James, a figure of her favorite novel.
As she gave birth to him complications made her sick, yet not the verge of death but forcing her to the bed. Thanks to that James grew up with no father and soon had to take care of his sick mother. He came independent quiet early and also grew quiet because he outsmarted and outgrew most boys his age.
Anyways, during the years his mother rarely spoke of James father but also often scolded James if he started to speak ruthlessly about him. he could not understand how he could have left his mother in such a situation, he wondered what a coward he was and never wanted to meet him.
It was a though life for James who early had to take different kind of jobs, he sold his body for simple tasks like chopping wood, to creating traps to even hunting or washing dirty clothes. Yet in ended abruptly as his mother died when he was 18 years old. It was during the world wide message that Jesse James got killed and that the group who captured him was a so called "CP" who therefor trampled over many innocents just to get this single man.
James mother recognized her husband and wondered how such a wonderful man could have become such a ruthless man? When she once knew him, he would have never believed that he would walk over innocents lifes to just get a single man. Her heart skipped....and never started to beat again.
As James returned to his home there was a bunch of people waiting for him there and what they wanted to say to him hit him hard. Without looking back, because he was not able to he left Tombstone and headed west....
James did many things after his mother died and took a path which leads between the two fronts which are getting ready for the war. He is a bounty hunter with no official affliction towards the government and also did the one or other crime~
Yet the ties of fate have to decide which side he will take~
Right now he´s in Western-town. A small lovely village and gathering man for a dangerous job which will change his course forever.
Personality: James once was a quiet and introverted child, this was the cause of growing up with no father and acting as the man of the household way too early. After his mother´s death he changed dramatically and does not really know how to react to certain things since he never really faced his mother´s death. Yet he is a charismatic person who is always up for a joke or two but also is very sensitive~ Yet being sensitive he does not like to show that side since he feels uncomfortable with it, this also comes to the prize that he does take his time to fully trust people, for him trust has to be gained by actions instead of words~
Other: James is a horrible cook~ NEVER eat something he cooks! He will just let it boil so long that everything has the same color....and really everything does taste the
same then as well...plain and...plain!
Bounty: -none yet even thou he did the one or other crime but none of these were actually reported to the government yet since they were too small-
Weapons: -a larger-caliber Springfield Model 1863 he is calling Lucretia Borgia after the legend of a beautiful, ruthless Italian noblewoman Lucrezia Borgia. This weapon is strapped with leather belts on his back
- a small two barreled Derringer pistol, he keeps that one under his armpit.
-Two bowie-knives, where he is one hiding in his boot and the other on his belt.
Devil Fruit: -none yet-
James is a skilled marksman with every large-caliber weapon, gibe him a rifle and he shoots you a feather from a bird in 100 yards distance. Yet he lacks close combat experience and enough force to actually damage an enemy. While he has a slim athletic built he puts it to use and so is naturally quick on his feets and easily out runs his enemy.
He is good at setting desertions and so confusing the enemy while playing a "hit-and-run" game. Furthermore he is good at foretelling the changes of weather which comes as a natural gift and he can so easily predict if there is a dangerous sand-storm coming or if it is going to rain soon~
He is a rather good trapper and hunter, yet he lacks experience and knowledge but sure knows his fields around them, same goes with explosives. He sure knows how to use them but everything going beyond that is out of his league.
Equipment: James wear heavy leather boots, his trusty duster and his desperado-duster-hat as a common outfit weather it might be official or not.
Furthermore he has a pulver-horn filled with black powder for his Derringer (it is an old Model)
Some rods of dynamite (x3)
And a backpack filled with food and water for 3 days worth (Not wanna get hungry out there would you?)
Name: Natalie "Nate" Jones
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Natalie is 5'6", has blue-black hair, and blue eyes
History: Life isn't always fair or kind. No one knows that better than Natalie Jones. Orphaned at the tender age of six, she became part of a group of orphans in the small town of Ladonia, that stole from everyone and everywhere just to get by. If they got a loaf of bread and cheese, it was a feast for all. She learned to be wary of others, but she still kept her child like naive way even if she is twenty-three and knows a bit about the world from growing in the slums of it. She learned self defense at eight because some of the elder men were looking at her strangely, and she had asked her 'brother' to teach her. She learned the way of a gun by just watching others shoot down others during a quick draw. She had to get out of Ladonia when the sheriff: Basil had her against one of the taverns. She was lucky enough that he had a Dan Wesson M1911 ACP pistol, and her quick thinking got it out of his holster and she shot him thrice in the chest. She has been running since, knowing that to return there and to her other 'brothers' and 'sisters' was to sentence them to death as well. She wouldn't do that, not to the only thing she has as a family.
Personality: She might have a temper of a fire cat, and tougher than a cactus around strangers, but once she warms up to someone and calls them her friend, she will fight for them even if the fight looks hopeless. She's loyal but once her trust is betrayed she will hunt you down like a dog and make you beg for mercy.
Other: She has a quick intelligence that can understand how something works or even a new language if she put said intelligence to work. Her days as being a thief have taught her to be quick and quiet on her feet so she can pretty much sneak past even the best of hunters, and trust me, she has done so while stealing a bucket of water.
Bounty: 1500 {most of it is from her days as an orphan and stealing things. The rest is because she shot a sheriff and got away}
Weapons: Give her a Cobra [a type of gun], a Dan Wesson M1911 ACP pistol, a knife, a rope, or even leave her bare handed and she'll fight if she has to.
Devil Fruit: -None yet-
Abilities: Being alone and 'finding' things to cook up for ten people, Natalie is the best cook that you could ask for. She can turn just about anything into a mouth watering feast with the right ingredients.
Equipment: Natalie wears clothes that are a few sizes too big for her, a pair of well worn deer skin boots that can be used for sneaking or running which she's also very good at, bullets for her guns [two separate bag fulls so she doesn't confuse the two bullets for the different guns], and a backpack with food and water to last someone like her, who is a hoarder to last for at least two weeks {Street smarts will teach you a lot about surviving in even the most bleak of circumstances.}
Name: Doc Raven
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Standing at 6 feet and 3 inches, Doc Raven is a tall, emanciated and rather unsettling figure. His lanky body is covered almost in its entirety by a one-piece black bodysuit, a tight-fitting garment made out of an unidentified material with full length sleeves and legs, as well as a built in gorget, helmet and boots, and seems to be completely sealed from the outside world and attached to Doc's body via sewing, nuts and bolts. The only detachable parts of the bodysuit seem to be the sturdy black gloves, which can also be sealed and attached to the suit to prevent even air or liquids from making their way to Doc. The only thing not pitch black in Doc Raven's attire is his mask, a stark white bird-like thing with a prominent beak and large round eyeholes that seem completely empty. The mask is strapped to the suit's helmet and can be removed. Doc's appearance is topped off by a black duster worn over his bodysuit which gives his figure some much-needed volume and a black wide-brimmed hat. So yeah, tldr a plague doctor.
Despite his sinister appearance Doc Raven is a rather amicable man. Calm, polite and good natured, he takes his duties as a medic quite seriously and will gladly treat anyone that needs it. At the same time, he's also obviously unhinged. Doc Raven goes through life immersed in some kind of haze, prone to muttering to himself and marvelling at the strangest of things, as well as missing the perfectly obvious or forgetting things repeatedly. He also has a rather...nasty habit of engaging in dangerous experiments regarding his abilities and medical skills on whoever he deems deserves it.
The records of who Doc Raven used to be have been lost to the public and possibly even himself. What little he will say and all that people know is that he apparently graduated from a Government-sponsored Academy of Medicine at some point in his life, which is at least somewhat credible going by his skills as a doctor. Whatever his past was, the truth is that the life of the man now known as Doc Raven was generally unremarkable until he consumed a strange Devil Fruit known as the Sick Sick Fruit, a powerful but double-edged Paramecia which allows its user to remove almost any kind of ailment from others at the cost of suffering it in turn.
Interested in the Fruit's potential and seeking to overcome its extreme drawback, a secret division within the World Government captured Doc and engaged in extremely unethical experiments with his body, seeking to create a human that would be able to absorb any kind of malady without adverse effects. Against all expectations, Doc's body survived the seemingly endless barrage of experiments and the research was deemed a partial success: Doc's body had gained the ability to absorb seemingly any kind of illness and even survive all kinds of traumatic injuries via accelerated regeneration. The reason it was only deemed a partial success was that though his body held together and always recovered to an extent, the process was limited and left Doc both exceedingly feeble and turned him into a breeding ground for toxins, viruses and bacteria of all sorts, a toxic wreck cursed to live in constant pain and forced to wear an especially developed isolating suit lest the ailments within him spread and infect others.
Who knows what would've happened to him had the Government's plans had come to fruition? Perhaps he would've been disposed of and his regrown fruit given to other test subjects, continuing the experiments until they were deemed a complete success. Or perhaps he would've been deemed satisfactory and subjected to some form of mind altering, to be used as an extremely effective doctor in service of the World Marshals. Whatever the case, it was not to be. An unexpected development occurred, an unknown variable that led to Doc's freedom and the facility's demise. As it turned out, the Sick Sick fruit not only grants its user the ability to absorb maladies but also allows him to project them outwardly in the form of Miasma, a poisonous gas. Though he was held in confinement, a few infected workers were enough to spread the disease across the facility, allowing Doc to escape.
What he's done ever since none can say. All that is known is that he's wandered the world acting as a doctor, his peculiar appearance garnering him his current name.
None, he's regarded as an upstanding if extremely odd and sinister-looking doctor by and large and the few people who know of his origins are either dead or work covertly so a bounty isn't posted.
None as such. He carries some supplies which could potentially be used in that manner, however.
Devil Fruit:
Doc Raven consumed the Sick Sick Fruit, which allows his body to absorb all kinds of maladies on contact as well as spread them to others by projecting them as Miasma, wispy emissions of black poisonous gas, making him a Disease Human. The Miasma is produced at will from the user's hands and can carry any kind of disease the user chooses, from a light fever to horrendous combinations of multiple poisons, but has its downsides as a form of transmission: it cannot spread far beyond the user, requiring close proximity to be truly effective, and the user lacks control over the Miasma, meaning any allies should take great care whenever it is released. As long as Doc wears his full suit he can only transmit diseases via direct touch, as the Miasma remains sealed within, limiting potential friendly fire incidents but further reducing the reach of his abilities.
-Medical skills: Doc Raven is an excellent doctor even beyond his ability to absorb illnesses, perfectly capable of treating any sort of problem he cannot just assimilate with his devil fruit powers and holding a great deal of knowledge on treatments of all kinds, from the most advanced offerings of the world to centuries-old traditional herbal remedies.
-Regeneration: Due to the strange experiments performed on his body, Doc Raven is capable of surviving conditions that would kill anyone else and recover from them without treatment. This is the key to the effectiveness of his fruit powers, as he can absorb any number of diseases with a certain level of impunity. The biggest issue with this power is that it's limited in its scope: Doc's body survives, yes, but it's ravaged by more maladies than any one person should ever experience, leaving Doc in extreme pain from which he can never escape and rendering his body exceedingly feeble, to the point where he needs a cane to walk and physical exertion is near-impossible for him. The ability also had the unintended side effect of turning his body into a treasure trove for medicine: his blood contains effective biological defenses against all manner of things, with more being added every time Doc absorbs a new disease. A skilled group of scientists with access to his blood could potentially create effective cures for any disease in his system.
-Medical bag: An all-black (what else) doctor's bag which contains all of Doc Raven's medical supplies including surgical tools.
-Suit: A byproduct or perhaps an integral part of the process that granted Doc Raven his regenerative abilities, the black one-piece suit he wears underneath his duster is not only completely sealed from the outside world except for his gloves, which can be unsealed and removed, but also seems to regenerate along Doc's body, perhaps to ensure that the diseases within his body don't spread.
-Mask: Doc's mask is his own design, a stark white bird-like thing with a prominent beak and large round eyeholes that seem completely empty, and worn strapped over his suit's helmet. The beak section holds a combination of strong-smelling herbs which act as an anaesthetic of sorts, somewhat relieving Doc of the extreme pain his body goes through every waking moment at the cost of leaving him...a little bit addled, so to speak.
-Cane: A sturdy black cane, Doc needs it to walk. Could be used as a weapon, but it's unlikely and it wouldn't be effective in his hands anyway.
-Name: Watershin "Dani" Danielle a.k.a. Dani "Two-Shot"
-Age: 22
-Gender: Female
-Appearance: (Ignore the text. It doesnt apply here since Dani is a cyborg, not a zombie/frankenstein. Also, her skin is all the same color, which is a nice tan. Lastly, she also has another line running vertically between her breasts, in case she has to open the hatch for maintenance. And yes, she does have those sunglasses. She uses them to cover her eyes because the heterochromia tends to unnerve people.)
In the US her height is about 5'3" and her weight is 127 lbs, but that 127 lbs is for the charater Dani is based off of. Dani herself is actually 110 lbs.
Her clothes basically consist of bikinis and a duster (usually black). But she also has a tuxedo for fancy shindigs and a more modest outfit in case people bitch, or are scared by her... scars? ... stitches? No... ... ... ... Okay, those lines indicate where her skin opens to allow maintenance, but I have no clue what to call them. Oh, and she has a hat. Specifically: :this one.
-History: When Danielle was only a child (I'd say... around 11) she and her parents were attacked at their summer home. Dani took a severe beating from the mystery man, who shattered her lower ribs and knocked her out. She woke up to a burning home. Looking around she saw her 3 year old sister, Rosaria, cradled in her mother's corpse. Knowing she had to save her sister, Dani dragged herself to her feet, grabbed her Rose (who was eerily calm and intent, like she knew she had to remember this), and staggered into the hall. Making her way out to the deck, she rigged up a box to a rope and lowered her gently down into a crowd that had gathered. Just as she was about to jump down herself, the floor collapsed and she fell through the second, first, and basement floors, landing in the sub-basement that she never even knew existed. She had landed on a metal plate with her face submerged in a foul-smelling liquid. It was a tank of some kind. As she pulled her head up, she found she couldn't feel her legs. Looking behind her she saw a piece of metal stuck in the base of her spine. Adrenaline causing her to ignore the pain, she flipped over and began dragging herself to the stairs. Suddenly a beam fell on her chest, breaking her breastbone and causing shrapnel to pierce her lungs. Unable to escape or even move, Dani could only watch as a trail of sparks followed the beam and landed on her face, igniting the mystery liquid (it was gas) and burning her horrifically. Before the flames could consume her, there was a rush of water. Apparently the top of the house collapsed in such a way, that it created a path for the waterfall they lived next to to flow in. Quickly filling the room, the water put out the fire and lifted the beam, allowing her to escape. The cold also eased her pain and allowed her to remain conscious as she floated back up to the first floor, where she was rescued by some good samaritans. Only then did she pass out. She only survived thanks to the heavy training she did to be like her idol (a famous female outlaw) and the engineering genius of her grandpa, who was able to replace her lungs, fuse a metal plate to her ribs, and replace the charred remains of her face with segmented metal plates that could barely emulate facial expressions. Over the next decade, Dani trained in engineering under her grandpa, and constantly updated her body until she looked like a normal human again... well, minus the surgery scars (seriously, the fuck else do I call them) where her skin opens up for maintenance, as well as trying to locate her sister, who went missing that dreadful day. It was during this time that she discovered the cybernetics were too much for her heart. She would've died if she hadn't found the Sun-Sun devil fruit. Making several modifications, she managed to take advantage of it's ability to store solar energy to fuel her body and keep her heart pumping. After her grandpa died, Dani decided to take her skills on the road, building things for anyone willing to pay the price. Eventually she came upon the ruins of a fort about a mile or two outside Western-town. Deciding to sleep there for the night, she was set upon by bandits. Defeating them easy, Dani decided to spare them and took over as their boss, setting up and running the gang/shop she calls Bloody Evolution. Her reputation as a wild and dangerous gangster however, doesn't include the fact she's a girl. So most people who have the balls to come with a request (or to challenge her) are quite surprised that she is a female, and a rather small one at that. So, thinking they can take advantage of that... they get their asses kicked and have to pay double just to live. The government is torn between leaving her alone since she makes such high-quality goods and taking her out since she's a loose cannon. They are currently leaning towards giving her a bounty.
-Personality: Dani's a bit of a trigger-happy maniac. She the type of girl who shoots first and asks questions never (usually because the people to ask are now dead), so it's best not to give her a reason to do so. The only reason she doesn't have a bounty is because she's a phenomenal engineer and blacksmith, but that could change any day now. She'll build anyone just about anything she can... for the right price. Since she's a money hog, her prices are kinda steep, but people will pay for the quality, and if they piss her off, they have to pay double for their life and she gets to keep the merchandise. She's kinda hard to get along with at first because she's crude, rude, brass, and rash. But she's noble at heart. She can be very competitive if someone horns in on her turf, too. But she's loyal. If you've earned her respect and trust, she'll follow you into hell and drag you right back out. Oh, yeah, she'll also sleep with anyone that has a pulse, so don't expect anything out of it.
-Other: As you can see from her history, Dani's will to live is TREMENDOUS!! She's also a heavy smoker since, well, iron lungs and all that. Her goal in life is to find her sister, kill the man responsible for the death of her parents, and make money.
-Bounty: None, but she might get one if she keeps up her irrational behavior.
-Weapons: Dani always carries two modified (8-chamber instead of 6) Colt 45 revolvers (The White Tiger and White Lion) in shoulder holsters and an M1866 lever action repeating rifle with a gray finish on her back (The Lancer). She has no qualms picking up another's gun and using that, though. And if all else fails, she has her fruit powers, an arm cannon (that she calls her "Buster"), and two survival knifes (although her knowledge of bladed weapons really only goes as far as "The pointy end goes into the other person". And even THAT she only learned because she has to forge blades, too).
-Devil Fruit: The Sun-Sun fruit. (Bear with me. I kinda made this one up as I went. All my others got like a day of thought. This sucker got an hour or two). This Paramecia-Type Devil Fruit allows the user to absorb, store, and project solar energy. This manifests as red-orange... well, energy. NOT flames, although there is a bit of heat to it. Dani uses this energy as ammo for her buster cannon, but she can project it from anywhere on her body. But she doesn't like to as it's not "cool". Due to the nature of her body, she can take the stored energy and completely absorb it, then direct it to her legs or arms, giving a temporary (like five second) boost in speed or strength. But this can cause a limb to fall off if she's not careful. It also gives the added bonus of photosynthesis. Basically, all the nutrients she needs, Dani can absorb from the sun (minus water. She still needs to drink. And she can eat if she so chooses), but this also means she can starve at night is she uses up her energy stores, which her buster will do if it's abused. This does NOT grant her accelerated healing though. Due to the cybernetic nature of Dani's body, she requires the solar energy to keep her heart going as it is faulty and will stop if she runs out.
-Abilities: Her left eye can slow it's perception (or is it speed up?) of time, making things seem slower, giving her a few precious seconds (three to be precise) to adjust her shot. Yes, this is how she came to be such a great shot, but she's not as reliant on it as you might think.
Rei Shot: Fires a ball of energy form her arm cannon.
Sunspot: Fires a Rei Shot point-blank three times in a row.
Apollo: Dumps most of her stored solar energy into her arms, giving her super-strength for five seconds. May cause an arm to fall off after.
Amaterasu: Dumps most of her stored solar energy into her legs, giving her super-speed for five seconds. May cause a leg to fall off after.
Red Giant: Expends all of her accumulated solar energy in a large ball around herself. Dangerous to Dani herself during the day but lethal to her at night.
-Equipment: A horse drawn carriage, with everything she needs to smith and engineer in it, as well as plenty of water. Not sure if they count as equipment, but she has her two horses named Teletha and Rosaria. Both horses are very intelligent and HIGHLY loyal to Dani. They pull her carriage and if she needs to scout ahead, she would unlatch Teletha.
Name: Tobias Dawson (Tobi): later known as Tobias "The Brawn" Dawson
Weight: 210 lb
Age: 20
Gender: male
History: Born in a small town to the north, Tobias came to a a town in the west famous for it’s restaurants to make a name for himself as a famous cook, but without any money, he soon found that to be an impossibility. He often stole food and broke into restaurants at night in order salvage a meal. one night, he broke into a small bar in order to fill his empty stomach and came across what he thought was heaven. the kitchen was full of all sorts of meats, breads, vegetables, and exotic spices. He was about to scarf down a loaf of french bread when the lights in the room suddenly turned on. he was caught red handed. he turned slowly towards the the door to see the bars’ owner standing there lighting a cigarette. she looked to be in her mid 30’s with strawberry blonde hair tied up in a bun and very fair skin. Afterwards, he was taken in by the owner as an apprentice. and i feel if i go into to much more detail this is going to be too long so, to sum this up he inherited the bar and is still running it to this day. He has come to Western-town to gather supplies and ingredients but fate may have other plans for him...
Personality: honest to a fault, believing that lying is pointless no matter what the situation is. He respects others and their privacy, allowing others to do as they please as long as it doesn't disturb him or his way of life. he is also very straight forward in his thinking and can never really tell if someone is being subtle or sarcastic. he has great respect for women as well, considering he was raised alone by a very strong and beautiful one.
Other: He has a tendency to be brutally honest and will often get hit for it. he also smokes.
Bounty: none yet
Weapons: His fists
Devil Fruit:Tobias is the user of the Uddo-Uddo no Mi (Wood-Wood Fruit), it is a paramecia devil fruit that allows him to grow and shape his body into a variety of different forms, such as tools and weapons. Any damage done to the wooden parts o his body will be felt but he will not receive any wounds, unless he is set on fire, in which case the wood will either have to be removed from his body or soaked in water. He relies more on his pure brute strength and endurance than speed or strategy, plus he only uses his devil fruit when he feels it's necessary.
Attacks: Tenderize: Tobias shapes his arm into a giant mallet and swings down on his opponent(s)
Whip: Tobias grows his arms out thin and long to lash his opponents
Toss: grabs his opponents and throws them
Beat: growing his fists out, he unleashes a flurry of punches
Batter: enlarging his fists to the max size, he punches as fast as he can, destroying anything in his way
Abilities: An excellent cook, able to make almost anything edible.
Equipment: None.
Important NPC
Name: Andy "Matlock" Griffith
Age: 54
Gender: Male
History: Andy "Matlock" Griffith. Less is known about that man´s history yet he grew to a legend in no time. 3 years ago he was the driving force behind the arresting of Jesse James. Some people say he was once a simple lawman who fought against Jesse and so stepped over anyone to gain rank and power to get this so called "desert king".
Infact the back story of those two is far more complicated and well he had rank and power before and just decided to step into light because of Jesse.
Right now he is being the leader of the law enforcer and holds the position of the official adviser of the current president. The current president is sad about that since Andy holds more power than him and when he "advises"´s meant as an order.
Andy was the one who captured Jesse and also the one who hung him, he is right now leading a strict war against the bandits.
Personality: Highly intelligent and cunning~ He holds great grudge against bandits and will judge about them swiftly, strictly and with no regret.
Bounty: -none-
Weapons: It is told that he uses a pitch black 6 shot revolver
Devil Fruit: Not any that people know of
Abilities: Every fight he participated in was won....his allies speak of unmatchable speed and foreboding of enemies movements.
Equipment: unknown~
Name: Leroy "The Samurai" Kilkenny
Age: 34
Gender: Male
History: Leroy´shistory is quiet omnious. Some say he´s the brother of Jesse James but always griefed about his fame fortune and so turned into his greatest opponent.
Some say he was the son of someone Jesse killed but what is far known is he was one of Jesse´s greatest opponents while not being on the government side.
The rivalry between those two spread so wide that they even destroyed the wohle of Junk-town-city as they two randomlt met there.
as the government captured and hung Jesse, Leroy was weirdly the first one who appeared at his gr
ave and also the first one who paid respect to the dead bandit.
It seemed even while bing the greatest rivals in the whole desert, the two of them had respect for eachother.
Right now Leroy is the number one on the government bounty List with a bounty over 999.999,00$.
He is also the leading role behind the resitence as he is someone who gathers several bandits and groups under his banner to act united against the government.
While being seen as a hero by many, as many hate him since he used to be a ruthless and murderous person before Jesse´s death.
Personality: Leroy used to be a ruthless and murderous person who rarely speaks and who ruled over great parts of the desert with fear alone.
He killed, raped and pillaged everything in his sight and held a great grudge against Jesse out of unknown reasons.
After Jesse´s death he went from a murderer to a loving and caring person who suddenly values nothing more than the little freedom he stilhas in this world
While the fist of the government clenches tighter and tighter around the lands, Leroy is now someone who stands up and acts against them.
Other: Leroy NEVER used a gun in his whole life, he built up a hilarious bounty by just using the sword he carries around.
Bounty: 999.999,00$
Weapons: Leroy used a weird curved sword he calls "Katana"~
Devil Fruit: People do assume that he is using one but it isn´t stated but some say he has the ability to transform into a monster.
Abilities: He is now the number one bounty in this world~ This reputation doesn´t come from nothing. He is good, very good!Maybe even the best there is when it comes to agility and swordsplay.
Equipment: Nothing people know of~