User said
im sorry im not perfect. we learn as we go.
Exactly your not perfect, the character is also not perfect,
In my eyes the best way to role-play is, to have a crappy lame insignificant character, that way you get the emotional connection and a struggle that makes a role-play keep moving.
Take for instance Steph she is a small framed woman who isn't tough or strong and she couldn't shoot anything directly in front of her. She has been injured and scarred and emotionally traumatised but does this stop her? No she fights on because that is what she has to do. She has ticks of killing people for her own good but most of the time her morality keeps her from doing so.
Is she an amazing character? No
Is she a realistic character? Maybe, I have aimed for that anyway.
I feel that creating a character that everyone hates is not a good thing to go for.
People like good guys.
If you want my opinion,
I feel you could make your character great.
But to make your character rise up, he needs to fall.
Charles needs to lose the bus, his weapons, his power.
He needs to be on the brink of death when, suddenly, he survives! He lives ! Somehow he is given another chance!
Maybe on the brink of death he sees his son, he sees the error of his ways!
Whichever group you want to band with will have a hard time trusting you but you could slowly become more trust worthy until you finally become awesome and powerful again. Kicking zombie ass with the good guys !
This is just me not telling you what you are bad at, but trying to help you.
If you want any help on a story plot that could make the above reincarnation happen I have hundreds I could think of.
Just drop me a PM.
Instead of me being angry at your character making
Lets make him into something awesome !