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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Collab: Rayvon and Andrea Intermission

Rayvon runs her hand through her hair, chewing her lip as she drums her hand along the edge of the table, reading up on history of foreign countries. She furrows her brow, trying to reread a sentence once more. The aasimar could not even recall what this very volume was about anymore. Her mind was so distracted by thoughts she did not know she could even possess. Her time with Mikan the night of the ball had been... Relieving in some way, and she felt a weight taken off of her, but she was... Bothered. In a number of ways. She felt restless, for something to happen. She longed to talk to Gabriel, but he seemed to be preoccupied with preparations to head to Liveria. And she was furious with the drow. She was, oddly curious about the Spymaster. And her mind was swimming with thoughts about people in general that she did not hold before. She swallows and shifts in her seat, closing the book with a heavy sigh. Why even bother. She should just occupy with something to work off all this excess energy, a good spar, perhaps. Alicia had offered her one once, had she not?

Tracing her hand gently over the head of her snake whip which slithered up around her hand and squeezed before turning back to her side and it's handle, resting and guarding in case a threat would appear. The ball had been eventful, the festivities after that even more so. Andrea purred and stretched her body briefly, she felt wonderful, relaxed even. All she needed was a piece of home, some of her culture to regain the strength to face whatever the surface would throw her way. She entered the library, running her hand over the covers of some of the tomes on display and paused, hearing a sigh and the closing of a book. Walking silently towards the origin of the sound she smiled when she saw the back of a familiar figure with a closed book in front of her, "Greetings paladin warrior. Enjoying what the library offers yourself now?" She smiled, cocking her head.

Rayvon tenses and bites her lip, not turning her head around but shakes her head, "Not really. I cannot seem to focus on the texts this evening..." She looks down at the table and lightly picks up the book, getting up from the table and moving over to place it upon a rack so one of the bookkeepers might return it to its rightful place. "What about you. Enjoy your time with... That... Valsharess?" She tries to keep from spitting out the word. She could not quite figure out why she found saying the title so hard. She just did not like the woman or anything about her from what she had seen that night. It had not been hard to notice her at all. The woman had a presence everywhere she went.

She raised a eyebrow, something was different about the aasimar woman, she seemed... well angry at her, was this another surface cultural oddity she had encountered? But she had not spoken to Rayvon yet and last time they had parted she had thought it was under cordial, if not neutral terms. "It was... enjoyable." She slowly said, frowning, studying Rayvon. "It was good to be back in touch with a piece of the homelands..."

Rayvon closes her eyes briefly as a memory surfaces, a moment when she had caught sight of Andrea through the crowd when she herself had been talking with Gabriel. "I suppose. I should have taken a chance to talk more with thoseof my homeland, but I was called off for some other duties." She flushes and turns about to look at Andrea, beginning to feel a bit silly and rude in her behaviour, "I think its left me a bit weary and scatterminded, sorry."

"I see... I actually got the impression you were mad at me? Like you were before when I brought up some subjects you took offense to." She cocked her head and frowned, then blinked. "Although... the way you said her title, you problem is with the Valsharess? Or am I being rude and offensive again by asking this?"

Rayvon screws up her brow. She did feel a bit of bitterness towards the Valsharess, but it made no sense. "I do not like how the woman presented herself as a leader, but that could be said the same about the masters of the Free Holds." She idly shrugs, "I do not know the woman, how could I have any true offense to her as a being?"

She was confused now, "I do not understand but..." She cocked her head again, narrowing her eyes. "You seem to be angry at me... and the Valsharess, angry at both of us? Why?"

Rayvon flushes and scratches her cheek. "I am not angry at either of you!" she blurts out quickly. "I just... am not feeling myself, I am sorry if I am... behaving oddly, I... Perhaps I should go." Her gaze, which had drifted to the floor begins to gravitate up slowly, following over Andrea before she awkwardly averts her gaze. Even though it was not as bad as when she was with Mikan, this was becoming quickly frustrating.

She frowned, now she was truly confused, Rayvon's behavior was nagging at her, she stepped forwards and in front of the Aasimar, blocking her way out of the library, or at least make it so that she could not ignore her presence standing in her way. "Something is definitely wrong... if I didn't knew any better..." She blinked, she had thought about it but discarded due to her earlier conversation but with the way she acted. She just had to blurt it out, mostly due to her surprise. "Are you jealous!?"

Rayvon flushes and takes a step back. "I-- What!" She shakes her head, "Why would I... No! I'd have to... to, be interested in you to be jealous." She snorts and tries to step past Andrea. She should have stayed in her room until the corruption faded. This was ridiculous. It was messing with her mind. She could not actually have feelings for the harlot priestess who would make such a public scene like that at a the ball, after all!

She reached out and placed her hand on Rayvon's chest to stop her, looking at her with confusion still. "Then why do you seem to be angry with me? I thought last time we parted cordially and yet now I get the feeling you seem to once more be angry with me? Are people on the surface just confusing as a rule or have I missed another cultural thing?"

Rayvon shuffles uncomfortably, all too aware of that hand over her heart. She inhales sharply and looks upon Andrea, "I... I exorcised someone of demon taint, and it is... affecting me... Do not speak of it... It will fade, soon... but... it has me..." She grasps Andrea's hand, holding it a fraction longer than she intended as she draws it away, "Not myself."

Frowning she glanced at her hand and then back at Rayvon's face, "Exorcising someone of demon taint that makes you... not yourself? In what way?" She asked carefully but also intrigued at the same time.

She frowns and wrings her hands, a bit embarassed. "I... I haven't figured out how to do it perfectly, but I can cleanse small bits with no problem, but, large amounts, some of it washes back into myself. So whatever realm of taint... It affects me til I purge it from within." She shuffles her feet, casting her eyes down, "Any other realm, perhaps I would be more adept at dealing with, but... lust is..." she shakes her head, "It is... troubling me. I don't know what to think of how the reactions it incites."

She blinked and suppressed a laugh, succeeding as she nods slowly, "So... in your current state you are... easily receptive to the effects of lust." She looked Rayvon over again. "If that is so... that does not explain the anger... unless I was right? But if you were then why..." She blinked and cocked her head again. "Ah... you saw something that in your culture is intimate and only restricts to two people in a relationship between myself and the Valsharess at the ball, did you not? Is that why you were, are, angry?"

Rayvon crosses her arms, "I am not angry!... Just... a bit confused..." She bites her lip, her nails lightly digging into the cloth of her sleeve as she looks at Andrea. It was making a little more sense, though, as Andrea spelled it out. "Perhaps... In this state it, it proved vexing to me."

"Hmm..." She tapped her lip with one of her fingers slowly, "I do wonder... and this is just me musing here, if this means... you actually have... a attraction towards me, deep down and this merely... brings it to the surface?"

She furrows her brow, "I... Do not know. I never think about such things, to be truthful." Rayvon watches Andrea tapping her lip, biting upon her own. "I do not think now is a good time to explore that, though... I... still do not know you very well..."

She couldn't help but smirk, "Why? Afraid you cannot control yourself while in this state? Ah... that's why you went to the library of course, to avoid other people. Still..." She clearly did not want to let a particular matter go and let out a purr. "I will take it as a compliment then, I have heard that jealousy, over someone you find fetching and seeing him or her kissing another is a sign you like her, so I will assume you indeed were jealous about that and find me attractive." She grinned.

Rayvon rolls her eyes, "You simply enjoy making me uncomfortable, do you not?" She reaches out and awkwardly ruffles the priestess' hair, giving a lopsided smile. "If you must think that, so be it. Until further evidence, it is just the taint, though."

She smirked and arched at the touch of the aasimar and let out another purr, almost trying to nuzzle against her hand but refrained from that, pulling back and looking at Rayvon. "Hmm... you are... vulnerable now though, yes?"

She bites her lip before nodding, "As much as I hate to admit such... A little... Yes." For a moment the urge to let her hand caress along Andrea's cheek passes through her mind before she draws away her hand, almost frightfully. "Which is why it's foolish for me to be talking to you about it, isn't it?" she laughs a little nervously, a faint flush passing over her cheeks.

She chuckles softly and changes her stance a little, tracing a hand over her own side, almost as if caressing it before letting her hand rest on her hip. "Perhaps, do you think that you are not able to resist... the call of lust with me?"

Rayvon's jaw drops and she staggers away nervously, "You are a terrible woman sometimes, you know this?..." She bites her lip and looks away, her cheeks crimson.

She grinned and shrugs, "Perhaps, but should I take it by that evasion that you cannot resist then?"

"Continue to jibe me so, I very well might," she pouts and takes step forward, quivering before trying to raise her gaze again. She swallows, "I have more resolve than that..."

She raised a eyebrow, "Perhaps, still... do you trust me?" Her face was serious as she said the last four words, her eyes locking directly with Rayvon's.

She pauses for a moment, considering this. Out of everyone here in Renalta the only person she knew she could trust more perhaps was Mikan or Gabriel, but she had divulged information enough to Andrea... She furrows her brow, "Why?"

"Because I am about to offer to stay at your side while this corruption floods your system and assist you in preventing something happening you might not want, at least not in this state when other thoughts and emotions rule you." Andrea replied calmly.

She offers a faint smile before reaching out and cupping Andrea's cheeks and kissing her upon her brow. "That... I would greatly appreciate..." She smiles, before blinking, realizing what she just did and stumbles back embarassedly. "If you can stand my company of a bothersome surfacer such as myself that long..."

She seemed not fazed by Rayvon;s kiss on her brow and chuckled, "I think I can manage Rayvon, I think I might actually enjoy it." She glanced around, "So where shall we both venture together?"

Rayvon pauses uncertainly, "Ah... Well... We could stay here... Or maybe you would like a stroll?... Or do you have anything you need to take care of before we depart?"

"Well, since we are going to travel together to this Angel enclave, I was hoping you could tell me more of what we might expect actually?" She smiled and gestured to the seats. "If you wouldn't mind of course."

She pauses before offering a slight smile, "Likely, people to be more rigid than myself... Angels I suppose are resolute in their ways... Gabriel told me angels represent order. Not really supposed to be good or evil... Just, ordered, as demons are chaos." She crosses her arms and shakes her head, "I did not like to hear that, myself, I would prefer to hear they were beings of justice and goodness, but, they follow what they believe in. But that was when they were sworn to dieties who ah, guided what representation of order they represented. Who knows what they have decided upon now, though I imagine it might clash with your culture..." She moves to a seat and relaxes into it, looking across to Andrea, "Just my own musings, of course..." She traces along the edge of the table before smiling. "Of course, dealing with these orcs, might be troublesome. I do not think it need come to violence if we play our cards right, they are not as mindlessly savage as some would have us think... I would see peace with them if we could manage."

She took a seat opposite Rayvon, purposely passing a empty seat right next to her, as she sat down she listened to what Rayvon had to say and nodded slowly. "Yes... clash perhaps but... with the grand upheaval, perhaps... some order might be nice." She grinned and shruged, "Chaos without purpose gets us nowhere after all." She chuckled and then pondered about the orcs. "Diplomacy might be possible, however... they often have a rather... warrior culture, might makes right and the strongest survive... and rule. So we might end up fighting, if only to prove our worth."

She shrugs, "If it comes to that to reach peace with them, very well, but there is enough war and death to come to not try anything."

"I guess we'll have to just wait and see. I do wonder though... one angel is already... quite amazing to uphold, a whole enclave... I can scarcely imagine how that will be like... a touch of the divine, even if it isn't my goddess." She smiles.

She sniffs and crosses her arms, "What? And what am I, hmm?" She smiles a tad and shrugs, "I admit... I am excited to visit the enclave, though... I never imagined so many could possibly..." She shakes her head.

Andrea grins and raises her eyebrows, "I thought you didn't want me to feel the touch of your divine..." She licked her lips and winked, "Well... perhaps later, if you aren't under the influence of this leftover corruption or whatever it is that is coursing through your body at the moment. And yes... I do wonder how they stayed while... the gods, were banished."

She shrugs and rests her head on her hands, "Perhaps angels who flocked together who were in this realm when the way home was sealed."

"I guess we will find that answer when we reach their enclave, though I do wonder... how they will feel about representatives... from the queen who banished their masters... coming to visit."

"That... Is a very good question," she frowns and shakes her head," she looks across to Andrea before smiling softly. "I admit, I might be a bit selfish in my reasons for going, though."

She grinned, "Hmm... a aasimar being selfish by wanting to visit a enclave of angels, I wonder why..." She mused out loud, raising her eyebrows at the aasimar in question and chuckled. "What reasons would those be actually? I admit I have selfish reasons myself... being a priestess and all."

"Kin, and my own religious ideas, I suppose. My father idolized angels and thought there were some principals we could try to emulate from them, perhaps not as they truly are, though... But still. I have enjoyed meeting and learning from Gabriel, I would like to meet and learn from others as well and come to understand my heritage and potential better," she flushes and ruffles her hair embarassedly.

"A worthy goal to aspire and strife for, I hope we both accomplish what we want from this quest." She smiled. "One step at a time though."
Liveria: Rayvon Krayvitch

Rayvon keeps her cloak around her tight as they traverse through the mountains. The faint chill, while something she should be accustomed to with her life in Liveria, was beginning to bother her with her time spent in Renalta... She had spent to long there and gotten acclimated to their weather. The prickle on her senses was beginning to bother her. It was like a red hot poker, burning at her, like nothing she had ever felt and screaming at her that the unholy was about. Gabriel's presence was only exacerbating it, but perhaps it was for the better, allowing them to know they had that much longer before the demon-touched presence discovered them. She licks her lips, keeping her eyes vigilante as she tries to figure out from which direction it might be coming from... Now, she was beginning to regret not honing her skill further to hunt these fiends. If they knew more precisely where it was, perhaps they could set up the trap instead of waiting in uncertainty.

Her fingers run along the grip of her sword as they reach the ambush sight and pass by the territory markers of the orcish tribes. She scrutinizes them uncertainty. Surely they were... primitive, but who were they to judge their culture. Who were they to deny able fighters in a time of demonic upraising. She pauses and listens out before raising her own voice, “Why don't we talk to the orcs... They have sense enough to mark out their lands, and there is a foe upon their lands of some strength. Perhaps we could entice their warrior nature for a hunt of sorts?... The longer I sense the demon without seeing it, the worse a feeling I get.”
Amazons: Maeven Lucre

Maeven lounges idly upon Fafnir's back in her saddle, using him as some glorified mount through the jungles of the Amazon. He huffs and looses a jet of stream as he raises his claws, snapping yet another set of vines that tangled in his cogs and joints and picked at the mossy soil that built under his claws with disfavor. She smiles, fixing her blouse as she taps him on his great metal neck, “Relax, Faf. You'll get used to it... I know I am...” And in all truth, she was... The weather, she found herself being able to afford herself wearing clothes she had not been able to since Tuleria. The humid heat of the jungle was pleasant, but she had to admit... The wildlife was something she was not accustomed to... The population, though... Her eyes roam over the Amazons, and she looses a pleasant purr as she realizes some of them were even giving her attention.

At the hut of the Elder, Fafnir was left having to listen at the opening, too large to enter, leaving Maeven to have to dismount and venture on alone. For once, she quietly listens to what the others listen... If only in part because she had no idea what to say about fighting drakes and uncovering succubi. Her expertise lay far outside that area. She raises her brows, shocked by the vehement objections of both Queen and Princess alike to Naream's logical suggestion and curiously nods along with the skeleton with his inquiries. As Esyllt speaks up, Maeven clears her throat, “We don't have a guarantee we'll expose the succubi with these fights... I'm all for our resident telepath taking the field, if she thinks she can handle it... We can fall back on the duels though.” She rasps her hands over Bloom with a smirk, “I mean, if all else fails, Faf and I can whip this demon broad no problem, I'm sure of it, but for the sake of the Blades, I guess we can try Esyllt's plan.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

"How about we give this kitty a cold dousing." -Maher Adonai, Page 3.
Imperium - Anima Aeternum

As Aslo and Raen asked their questions, Florence blinked in slight confusion, uncertainty seemed to reflect in his eyes. "I would ordinarily say there is nothing, however, seeing as how this place is in much better shape than predicted..." He then looks at Aslo more specifically, the confusion growing with the other half of Aslo's question, though slight irritation could also be seen. "I already told you, either path should take equal amounts of time to reach the treasure chamber, so far as I recall." Hesitating a few moments, his eyes then wander back to Raen, narrowing slightly at his more draconic features. "Fascinating..."

Glancing at Murderok and Gryff, he surprisingly didn't seem to disapprove of their vote for robbing the dead. "I don't think the currency of a ten thousand year old dead empire will help you a great deal, but I can appreciate the tenacious, if something morally questionable, thinking." It was at this point that air flowed out from the tomb, his eyes narrowing once more as he tried to look inside. The air smelled of rot, and carried with it the giggling of a small child. One of Florence's young recruits shudders as he looks around at all the foreigners there. He was no older than fourteen. The other no older than sixteen, and was a woman at that: An oddity even in the world of equality being forged by Renalta.

Finally, Gremlock spoke as well. Florence shakes his head at the mention of gunpowder. "We have access to it but in such limited qualities that we have focused its uses towards the front line... You make a good point, Doctor." He seemed a bit uncertain around the goblin, as back in the era of the original Imperium, there were no goblins. At least, none in the Imperium. Though his face lit up with a small delight as the goblin logically thought things through. "Excellent points! However, I see nobody is moving forward on them." The two imperial soldiers look to each other before looking to Florence, who motions to the entrance. "Nyla, Trom, caute praemoveo." Nyla, the girl, clears her throat and pulls out a torch at her waist, lighting it aflame with a whispered word. "At least the Mage's Guild spared us everlasting torches huh?" She whispers to Trom, who merely nods silently.

Florence looks around at his allies as his men enter the entrance. "Well, I was hoping you would go first..." He moves past them. "...But if you feel more comfortable behind me, then my gladius and shield shall lead the way." He, too, enters the tunnels.

Moving through them, it only takes a minute or so to reach the dining hall. There, the tables and chairs had long since been completely eroded away by rot, leaving only a few pieces of wooden scraps on the floor, some large enough to be impromptu weaponized clubs, though if they would hold up after all these centuries was a question left only for those who do not understand the effects of time. Several cobwebs that had remained undisturbed by centuries it seemed as well, though as Florence moves his hand through some of the cobwebs he grimaced. "Not that old..." He mutters quietly as he looks up at the ceiling. It was intentionally made dark it seemed, and it was higher than any average ceiling ought to be--at least twenty feet before fading into darkness. "We used to make tall ceilings to position archers to hold back hordes in the event of an assault by powerful creatures who otherwise had a hard time reaching our men in such places..." A chittering noise erupts from the ceiling as Nyla tries one of the doors, though it was locked. Florence unsheathes his gladius. "... It would not surprise me if those who occupy my dungeon of artifacts now use it for a similar purpose."
Rheinfeld - Scheideweg

As Zin quickly moved to accompany Davian, who moved out of sight and off towards the Republic side of the camp, the cloak wearing woman attempted to follow, only to be stopped by Kasim. Growling in slight annoyance she turns to face him, and it immediately becomes clear now that he was face to face with her that even with her face shadowed by a cloak, her skin tone was reddish in hue. She had demonic ancestry at the very least, possible more. Still, as he tried to tried to shake her hand she instead recoiled her gloved hands behind her back, bowing her head slightly. "Moira Drafitee, Crusader of the Templar Order. Please stay out of my way." That said, she turns away from him and continues to follow Davian at a distance, though she makes no effort to attempt to escape Kasim should he follow.

Still. Just before Kasim could react, he would hear an echo of his own telepathic message to his comrades earlier resound back to him. A strange phenomena to be sure. It meant that something in the local area had received and reflected back telepathic signals... It came from the general direction of the barn.

Laenaia on the other hand would find the Crusaders far more approachable as they bow their heads at her approach. "Madam. Fine day isn't it?" One of them says as he looks around the series of tents, seemingly still searching for something. "If you happen to find a tiefling masquerading as a crusader, let us know." He motions around to four other people with him. "We believe she may be a threat to either Taigyn or Davian, and needs to be taken quietly away before she can get the chance to get either of them alone." Still, examining them further, she felt something odd about them with her mind magic. Specifically, they didn't seem to notice that she had such a potent magical school at her disposal. Even she knew that Templar should have easily detected her.

Zayn's attempts to probe the minds of the Templar were reflected back at him. However, it didn't feel necessarily like a maleficent force was doing it, and the Templar seemed entirely unaware. He felt something drawing him towards the barn, that is where it felt like the disruption was coming from, but why did it seemingly selectively choose to stop him from reading the Templar and not receiving Kasim's message? Regardless, just by seeing the lack of a reaction by the Templar to Laenaia's approach, he already knew something was wrong.

Meanwhile, Davian and Zin reach the Republican camp, and quickly enough stumble onto a guard in leather armour who led them to her tent. Dismounting and entering the tent, Davian and Zin would see that Alida Spiegel was having her armour strapped on by a squire, a young girl who looked up with awe at Davian and Zin before going back to tightening various straps on the knees and shoulders. Alida looks up at Davian and smiles, pleasantly enough, though it was a hollow smile. "Ah. I see you didn't get lost on the way here. Unfortunate." Davian snorts and looks her over, with an almost sad look in his eyes. "You made for such a good Templar once. Still... Treachery gets its own reward. Eventually." Alida glares at him. "What do you want?" Davian glares back. "I was about to ask the same thing. You are aware of the strange feelings we have of the barn, no? Your detection skills haven't eroded away into nothingness, yes?"

It was at this point that Draza--who had been distracted by meeting several of her previous comrades--finally bumbled in and made her introduction. Davian looks back at her and rolls his eyes. "Apple. As in, a regular, run of the mill, bright red cherry apple. Like in the orchards back at my family estate. I don't suppose you could... Somehow... Bring one of those here?" He appeared unsettled still by the feelings he had about the barn, and Alida's face finally softened a little seeing it. "Davian, you and I have fought battles together before, so I suppose I can trust you enough to inform you that I am going up to the barn with a small detachment of Republican soldiers. We're going to investigate the barn as a surprise inquisition. Because nobody expects a surprise inquisition." She manages to have a halfway cocky smile as Davian laughs, seemingly at a memory of times long past, before his face suddenly goes serious, his tone authoritarian with his next words. "Go to the meeting."

Alida blinks in confusion as the squire finishes with her armour. Standing up slowly, she stretches out each limb to make sure it was done correctly. "What are you talking about? Of course I will, as soon as the barn situation is dealt with." Davian shakes his head as he reaches into his coin purse and gives the squire a small silver coin, then ushers her out of the tent. "No. You will go to the meeting. I will take care of the barn." Alida growls in annoyance. "Look just because you don't trust me anymore doesn't mean I'm--" Davian grabs her shoulder and squeezes it, causing her to drop silent as he looks her eye to eye. "You are the leader of a military faction. A military faction of rebels, and vagabonds. I may not respect you, or your cause. I may think these things foolish, or at least naive to the way things are... But you, you, Alida Spiegel, hero of the people, bringer of justice and equality... You're not a Templar anymore. You're a figurehead, a messiah, an artifact of a cause that cannot be lost lest the cause fall to infighting and violence. You no longer have the luxury of risking yourself, you're too important for that, and that is something that the Queens of Renalta, the women you aspire to be like, understand. Intimately. They go to the front only where necessary, not where possible."

With that said, Alida slumps her shoulders, unable to protest. "Besides. You're an old, raggedy woman with delusions of grandeur. Surely I, a meagre Templar, one of many, would be better fit to die pointlessly in a barn." His grin is smug as Alida rolls her eyes and pats his shoulder. "Don't press your luck." Davian then looks to Zin and Draza. "Stay with this woman. Ensure she remains safe until she and Taigyn are sitting together, then you may join me at the barn if you wish. Or stay and protect them, in case I fail." He then leaves the tent, leaving Alida there as she goes to grab her weapons.
Liveria - Heaven's Haven

As everyone debates potential options, Ceann would hear the conversation fade away into nothingness for a moment as her body traveled swiftly to the point higher up. In a split second she appears in the shade produced by further cliffs, and would spot a couple of small green figures hiding behind the boulders. Before her vision could focus and the short-term daze from teleportation could end to allow her a better look however her ears pick up on the distinct, haggard gasps of surprise behind her. Turning and then looking up, she would see ten foot tall green juggernauts--orcs. Not like the orcs of the Free Holds, which were more appropriate to human height likely due to a lot of interbreeding with said species.

The one in the middle was plainly the leader with the way he stood, covered head to toe in a motley clusterfuck of metal plates, leather and animal hides. The bear skin over his shoulders looked so small in comparison to him. He stood even taller than the other two--at eleven feet in height he dwarfed even the Drow. "KILL!" He howls in common, though with a thick accent that made it hard to understand. The howl could be heard echoing through the area as his large lungs allowed him enough air to potentially deafen them if he had the chance. He had a staff in his hands, and it too was covered in a motley assortment of animal skins.

The two orcs standing beside him appeared to be armed for ranged combat, though, through quick investigative talent, it seemed clear that their bows were all about penetration power and not about accuracy or speed in firing. If they could avoid the first shots, it would take a bit of time before they could fire again, despite their obvious strength advantage. Speaking of, through that same investigative talent, it was clear to Ceann that there was no possible way she was going to win this fight alone and had to think fast if she was going to survive, as shadow stepping again so quickly would leave her in a sickened state for potentially the entire battle.

Meanwhile, as the orc howled for the deaths of the group, Mila's horse would suddenly rear up onto his hind legs. Mila falls off as the boulder in front of her explodes, sending stone shrapnel everywhere. A few chunks pierce the horse's chest cavity and shred through his internal organs, killing him nearly instantly as Mila climbs to her feet, shocked and dismayed. The horse had instinctively saved her life knowing he could not escape. Still, the orc that emerged was the greater issue at hand, standing ten feet tall like the others, with thick green skin hidden underneath multiple layers of animal hides, leather, and orcish plate mail. In his hands were a pair of war axes, ordinarily two handed weapons for a human, one handed in his own. Stretching both of his arms out, he howls in an animistic rage, outright shaking the ground beneath their feet as a throwing knife flies out from behind the remaining boulders and rocks. The dagger slips through the formation, hitting the princess as her body slumps off its horse. Notable however, the group was close enough to see that there was no blood from the wound. It was a body double. Those with magical senses could feel the princess still near them, and her flying gecko seemed to remain near to her position, which was still close to her false body.

Mila didn't flinch as she prepares her magic for use. She remained silent, realizing that if they had done as she had told them to do, half of them would have died from the exploding boulder instantly.

Gabriel on the other hand, extends both of his arms and in one deep breath, a blade and shield made out of a luminescent metal form themselves into his hands. His blue eyes turn to a golden hue as he extends his brilliant, shining wings, flying off of his horse a few feet into the air he points his blade at the two orcs preparing to shoot Ceann before she could truly get her wits about her again. "YOU, WHO HATH INCURRED THE WRATH OF THE HEAVENS! PREPARE TO DIE!" The orcs flinch at the sound of the holy voice, feeling intimidated under the steeled gaze of the angel.

Now it was up to the group to decide what to do, and act quickly--one hesitation would prove fatal in a battle like this.
Free Holds - Devil's Children

The various votes for and against the dance moved about Mikan as she sighed softly. They all had valid points, but none seemed to agree, phooey, that meant she had to lead. With a second, overly dramatic sigh, she looks at Mars. Child had remained silent this whole time, and Mars, well, he was decently attractive... Had charisma... If she needed a backup dancer, truly... "Hm..." She motions for them to follow, as they couldn't just sit around anyway. Stepping into a shop, she looks around at the available options for masks. Pulling out a pair of plain white masks, she hands one to Mars, then keeps one for herself. The merchant hadn't even noticed her stealing them with the way he was paying attention to other slave girls being dressed. "Now we'll get attention simply by being an oddity." Her eyes then move to Mars. "You can simply make me look good, by being the lecherous fiend you are." She then looks to Aëyr and Abida. "We'll go in and distract him. When his eyes are on us you can get closer to him and hit him with one of these." She slips a couple of throwing knifes out. "They're poisoned. You have good aim, Aëyr. You can do it. Abida... Keep her safe and cover her. When the fighting starts against Deimos' men by our own, we'll slip out of the fighting and dive deeper into the keep. We'll have to move quick to find and kill the succubi second in command before she can hear about this and escape."

Finally, she slips back out of the shop before the shop keep could notice them standing there with his masks. "If nobody has any objections or anything to add to this mix and mash of plans, we'll head to the Inn and get dressed in more appropriate clothing, then slip inside and get to it. I mean after all, who would ever just walk in looking like this?" With a giggle, she twirls the mask around her hand. What was the worst that could happen? "Oh, and if you change your mind, and suddenly... Believe that... Maybe the spymaster of Renalta, who has been doing this for a decade, who has trained with top tier assassins and succubi... Might know a thing or two about disguises... Feel free to make that known."
Amazons - The Greatest Hunt

((NOTE: Tempest playing the role of Alexandria.))

Without a second word, Alicia received a spear from the older woman, who looked at Alicia warmly. "My if but I was ten years younger." With a scowling look from Ethlinn, she goes quiet, but keeps the smile on as her wrinkled hands go back to cleaning and assorting various goods in the small home. The spear itself was made out of the surrounding jungle wood, with a high quality metal at the end she didn't recognize.

Russel on the other hand didn't quite get the lustful looks that the others did as Ethlinn instead looks at him with a mixture of curiosity and appreciation. "I do not believe it to be intelligent enough to bring them back information in a manner they can use... Unless you mean, the succubi... In which case, well, if we -can- take her alive... I believe your... Queens, would probably like a word with her back in their kingdom." She looks at Alexandria for confirmation, and with a simple nod, she got it.

Without any further words, she motions for them to follow her. Leading them out into the amazonian village once more, she slowly descends downward into the village. Intentionally putting a little extra sway in her hips with some of the steps down, or the occasional 'accidental' soft brush of her hand against Alexandria's hand, her intents were still extraordinarily clear as they reach the clearing with the other amazons. There were at least fifty of them there, though only six were combatants standing side by side, armed with spears and daggers. The fashion of the Amazons, it should be noted, was practical for where they lived. It did show skin, but it was absolutely practical considering the environment when not going into battle. As Esyllt and the others are led to the combatants, she grasps Alexandria's hand and leads her to the front of the amazonian 'crowd', the small group that congregated to watch what they thought was going to be a battle. Slowly leaning herself up against Alex, she whispers into Alex's ear. "Do... You like it here? Do you like the sights?..." She whispers, curiously, though there was a certain tension to her.

Alexandria fidgets, a little uncertain at the proximity of Ethlinn but nods her head. "It is... quite a wondrous culture you have here, though I cannot say I know much about it... Something I wish to change with time. I do think, though, a younger me would have welcomed such a life with glee." She chuckles, shaking her head.

"Maybe." Ethlinn replies softly as she takes the cue for what it was, and slowly pushes off from Alex, though still easily remaining within Alex's personal space. "I'm just glad you're here."

She glances at Ethlinn, relaxing now that she had a little more space. "Of course... We wouldn't abandon you in your time of need," she snorts, placing a reassuring arm about her shoulders. "Now relax a little bit. We'll get this all sorted out, Ethlinn."

The princess grabs the queen's hand, and squeezes it gently, though adds nothing more as she now watches Esyllt be led in first. "Perfect." She mumbles quietly.

Esyllt on the other hand was led first to the line. The other amazons look to the princess at that point and she smiles a little. "Before we begin this trial to show our true natures, Esyllt, Queens Blade, is going to use her powers to see the passion within each of you. Comply, and you may duel with some of the world's finest. Do not, and feel the shame of being removed from such an honour by being afraid of having your true nature revealed." The amazons looked at one another, and begrudgingly, four complied... Two, however, did not. At the opposite end of Esyllt, two of the amazons remained where they were standing, then turned to face the princess. "We do not recognize your authority yet. You are young and have failed your hunt to prove yourself... Once you do, we will comply with your little... Test, within a test." The other amazons seemed mixed on who to follow, the one objecting and the one that stood with her, or Princess Ethlinn. "Esyllt... Start with them. Let them have their fears dissuaded through action, not through words."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Maxim


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Steven Gremlock~Imperium

The Doctor found himself sickened by the stench that came from deeper within the tomb, and the giggling that accompanied it. It was almost as though there was a creepy little girl running around a field of dead flowers. Granted, some of the things the goblins in his homeland brought in smelled much worse, but it was the...vibe...of this dungeon that helped make Gremlock particularly off in this situation. He questioned why a man of such arrogance as Florence wouldn't naturally take the lead. Seeing the others follow though, he shrugged his shoulders and followed after them.

Ah, the dining room. He was away from the stench for the moment at least. Alas, the room had rather little to offer, other than some rotted wood that was almost certainly useless for any practical purpose. The goblin did not much like the looks of this place, so he wanted to move ahead. After all, the quicker they got the Soul Gem, the quicker they would all be out of the dungeon. And the sooner that Gremlock could ask the Empress about his potion problem, of course.

However, his blood ran chill though as soon as he heard the chittering. "Great," he thought "giant spiders." He could not know for sure whether that was the source of the sound, but evidence was too lacking to make much else out of it. The Doctor took his trusty musket into one of his hands, then started some magic in his other hand. A bright, though not terribly hot, flame came into his palm, which he then tossed in the ceiling's direction. As it floated upward and towards the center of the room, the doctor put both hands on the musket and pointed upwards, following the flame. Once he saw something that looked hostile, he'd know to take a split second to aim then fire. The spell was an old parlor trick he learned in the Mage's Guild, part of their lessons that fire is not just useful for burning, but also for light. Gremlock took a deep breath, and waited.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kasim - Rheinfeld

Kasim was quite disappointed to be dismissed out of hand as an annoyance, but he did not let it show. The moment he saw the woman's face he knew that he'd been right to pursue this one. He was almost certain that the Templar Order would never allow someone of demonic ancestry into their ranks, so this Moira, if that was really her name, was surely not supposed to be here. The only question that remained was what exactly was she after, and given the way she seemed to be following Davian... Kasim followed her, resting his left hand casually on the hilt of his short sword.

He sent out a telepathic message again, while catching up to the woman. This time he directed it to all of the Queen's Blades in the group, Taigyn, and Davian. "This woman has red skin, some kind of demonic blood in her, obviously not a real Templar. Says her name is Moira Drafitee, probably a fake name. She's following after Davian. I'm going to pursue and try to distract her. Don't get caught with your pants down, Davian."

Message sent, Kasim hurried his step to walk beside the woman. "Aw, don't be like that. I've been on the road without any fun for too long, and I love exotic types." He lowered his voice, so only she could hear his next words. "I saw your red skin, and I know what it means. I figure you're not supposed to be here, but I'll just keep that between us." He kept on speaking with barely a break, voice raising back to a normal volume and in the smug tone he used when boasting. "I've bedded countless women, humans and goblins and orcs and even an ogre once. Short or tall, fat or small, I've fucked them all. You seem like you'd make for a lively roll in the hay, Moira, and I guarantee you won't walk straight for a week after I'm done with you." Kasim gave her his best charming grin. "So what do you say, wanna go find some nice secluded place and have some fun?"
Zin - Rheinfeld

Though Zin was unable to get a word in edgewise, the exchange between Davian and Alida went far better than she expected. The Templar fellow seemed to possess some tact after all, and his argument for Alida staying away from the barn was a good one. He could have done without the rude comments at the end, but at least it hadn't come to blows as Zin had feared it might. She opened her mouth to speak and was about to suggest they get going to the meeting when a voice filled her head.

"This woman has red skin, some kind of demonic blood in her, obviously not a real Templar. Says her name is Moira Drafitee, probably a fake name. She's following after Davian. I'm going to pursue and try to distract her. Don't get caught with your pants down, Davian."

She recognized Kasim's voice, but she was surprised by it nonetheless. In all the time the man had spent talking to her he had never mentioned telepathy as one of his skills, and he had boasted quite a bit about his various skills on the ride to Rheinfeld. Zin wasn't sure who else had heard the message, other than Davian based on the comment at the end, so she changed gears and shared the message instead of suggesting they get moving. "Kasim, one of the Queen's Blades here with us, just contacted me telepathically. He says there's a tiefling woman disguised as a Templar here, going by the name Moira, and that she's following Davian." That struck her as odd, that someone would choose Davian as a target instead of Taigyn or Alida, which led her to an obvious conclusion. "She's probably here to disrupt the meeting by harming the leaders. I think Davian also received the message, so he should be on guard, but we need to alert the rest of the soldiers to the danger so they can help find and capture the woman. Alida, could you take care of that? The Republic soldiers are far more likely to listen to their own leader than to a woman they do not know."

Although she wanted to rush out and make sure Davian was okay, Zin instead resolved to stay with Alida and do what she could to keep the woman safe. Davian himself had said that the Republic leader was more important than him, and he was right about that. She could only hope that the other Blades were keeping Taigyn safe as well, and trust in Davian and Kasim to deal with the infiltrator until the soldiers could be made aware of the imminent danger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aëyr, selkie. Free Holds.

Relieved that she would not have to embarrass herself in a dance of life or death, Aëyr accepted the knives from Mikan and was faced with an entirely new challenge. Assassination.

She had known it would come to this as soon as she had decided to join the ranks of the Queen's Blades. In her last mission, she had killed minions. Now it was time to kill the master.

And though she felt certain that she was up to the task, it nonetheless gave her a brief shudder as she wondered how it was that this was the path she had chosen for herself. What kind of sex-slave goes on to assassinate the lord of the very city that had taken her so many times before? Perhaps this was fate giving her a shot at revenge, to kill those who had abused her so, even if Deimos was but indirectly related to her enslavement.

Testing their weight and getting a feel for the throwing knives, Aëyr then quickly stashed them in her belt. She may have focused her training on the use of the stone as projectile of choice, but she was also well versed in the use of knives, either for throwing, stabbing, or—in very rare situations—fighting.

"So be it, I shall take his life." She looks over the group, Mars in particular—now more shrewdly than before. "Shall we?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Elrbetrt Westfeld
Liveria - Heaven's Haven


That one word was enough to make Elrbetrt alert immediately, her hand taking out her lance from its harness in one smooth practiced motion. There was not enough time for her to even properly think about what to do before another explosion sounded moments later, as a huge something she had placed in her mind as a boulder burst into sharp fragments moving at deadly speed. The hair on her neck stood on end as she realized she could have been engulfed in that if she was further to the front. Was that explosion by magic, or some other explosive thing? She didn't know; the smell of sweat, filth and a hint of death combined with the howl coming from the source grabbed her attention and drowned out other trace scents in the air. It was the smell of someone who had just finished exerting himself in padded armor that was worn by several soldiers over the years and had neglected to clean it after a bloody battle a few days ago.

It was obvious from the sound it was emitting that it was some huge fellow with mismatched armor, wielding what seemed to be.... something in its hands. Something big, huge and not very well kept. Two of them, probably with murderous sharp edges. Any warrior worth his salt would use only the finest Vincewick's oil to maintain his armor and weapons. Or did that apply only to her family?

The thing's choice of oil aside, from the previous scream above her and the howl from in front of her, they were most likely fighting on a single front with enemy archers above them. The sound of quick small feet behind the huge one, and the whistle of projectiles flying through the air convinced her there was likely to be a group of small feeted murderous people behind the huge one, just waiting for someone to try and flank it.

Which does mean, she, as per the honorable code of her family, would have to engage the huge one, if only to distract it long enough for the others to move. How Father and her brothers adhere to the code as long as they did without dying was beyond her.



Hoping the shout of Gabriel would distract the huge one for a moment, El took that chance to charge down the path towards the huge one, her shield raised to her body, planning to use the lance to impale it then make a turn to ride away post haste to give her time to draw her sword, and charge again if need be. Which she probably would need to. Something with that much smell would probably take a lance through the heart and ask for another.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Esyllt Boudica
Amazons - The Greatest Hunt

As called, Esyllt stepped forward. The familiarity with which the princess took her hand was puzzling, but soon she knew contact would be the name of the game. Even so, it seemed not all the amazons were obedient of their royal house, two of them going as far as to reject the princess' authority. What in the world was this kind of display, Esyllt wondered, to defy their princess so openly...

Regardless, she walked up to the line to meet the first amazon warrior; a woman taller than she was and openly baring her scars. Esyllt steeled herself not to focus on the scars and requested the woman's hand. Once locked, Esyllt's eyes closed, as she zones out her last thoughts before diving into the warrior's mind. The sensation was not new, but ever so unusual. The woman's thoughts echoed in Esyllt's head, from weak whispers gradually growing to a buzz of voices and feelings. Esyllt could feel how the amazon was torn between pride of her people and respect for the royal line and fear of the princess' lack of strength as a leader. Esyllt could tell that, the same moments she noticed this, the amazon warrior grew more nervous, showing in all three her thoughts, expression and grip within a matter of seconds... Esyllt couldn't blame the woman's reaction to the invasive method she applied, but at the very least, it was proof she was not a demon...

“Your spirit is commendable.” Esyllt spoke as she let go of the warrior's hand and opened her eyes. This seemed to relax the amazon woman somewhat, even if that was hardly the sort of feeling Esyllt had searched for. The diving process rarely left anyone comfortable, so feigning her perceptive abilities to be weaker was Esyllt's way leaving their minds more at ease...

Esyllt repeated the same process with the second amazon, but once again she could find no killing intent or demonic influence. “Neither warrior seems to harbour a demon.” She spoke telepathically to the princess and Queen's Blades. “If you would ask the others to step forward, your majesty, I hope we will be able to narrow down the suspects.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andrea


Member Offline since relaunch

Ceann and Andrea mucking about

Ceann blinked, trying to get the dizziness to fade that had taken hold of her when she shadow stepped, the presence of three giant Orcs, one shouting a very loud 'Kill' command, knowing that the time for scouting was over and that point blank was not a place to be with these giant orcs with her bow she was rather thankful when she heard the angel, Gabriel. Shout out his wrath at them, whats more it gave her an opportunity to escape which she gladly took. Hoping the angel would keep their attention she went over the edge and began climbing down, feeling more comfortable shooting arrows from a distance at the tall orcs, they would make good targets with their size she wagered.

Assuming she would make the climb down safely, of course...

Down on the ground below Andrea was snarling as events unfolded, so her bodyguard had gotten herself in trouble but the angel was going up there... good for Ceann, bad for them on the ground as a large brute came forwards and bellowed a warcry... well... these Orcs... were not like any Free Hold orc slaves in the Underdark... for a brief moment she wondered if every part of their body was larger and firmer than their smaller Free Hold kin, but she snapped herself out of it to pay attention to the battle at hand.

She witnessed one of their number, charge madly at the dual wielding orc and she snorted in contempt, if it was her wish to die so be it, if she survived she might be able to patch her pieces back together. To the others she just snarled, "Nobody else charge in like fools." She managed to utter before focusing her whole might, her whole power into weaving a spell, this was not going to be a spell about finesse or subtlety, this would be a fist of brute elemental magic. What she was aiming to do as she looked at the cliff faces on the sides of the enemy Orcs and whatever other spawn they had brought with them, was to bring forth a gale of fury from the wind in a attempt to dislodge rocks, boulders, granite anything and everything that had been gathered over the years, decades, centuries and shift it loose, making it pummel down on the orcs in that specific region. If she was successful then the orcs would experience falling debris, a rockslide right on top of them. Or at least the way cut off from any other reinforcements they might have that are as of yet unseen. She did worry for the way ahead where they needed to go but that was a problem for later, in this moment the big brute and his gaggle of minions were the immediate threat.

And by the goddess she wouldn't allow herself to be taken down by some Orc!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rayvon Krayvitch // Liveria – Heaven's Haven

Rayvon curses under her breath as the scene bursts into a flurry of activity. Battle was upon them once more. Things were happening too fast at first to make sense. Mila was thrown back as her horse is felled by shrapnel just ahead. A brutal cry from a guttural throat above and to her right to kill them all calls out. Gabriel takes flight and passes judgment to slay the wicked orcs, drawing her attention to the band upon the cliff where Ceann must be. Already, one of their own was making action to charge the monstrous orc champion ahead of them that had burst from the coverage of the rocks in ambush.

She takes a deep breath as she watches the ally take off on horseback, already seeing that perhaps it was a folly idea. The orc had already taken out one horse by sheer accident, the orc towered above Elrbetrt even on horseback, she was allotting herself no room to correct her course, she would be cut down at this rate. She takes in the scene and begins to take charge, “Mila! Princess Helene! Use your magic to disable the orcish attacker before us, now! Whatever you can to give us the advantage! We cannot fight it by sheer force!” Even as she says this, she draws in whatever magical energies she can and struggles to will it into her armour. The energy congeals and bursts forth in radiant blinding light that would hopefully disorient any attackers focused upon her.

With that she draws the longsword at her waist, preferring the speed over the greatsword still strapped to her back in this situation as she moves forward, still calling out commands even as she senses the magical presence of Andrea building for something, “Elrithos, flank the beast, look for an opening, strike at his weak points!” She begins to break through the crowd as she approaches the beast, not at a break-neck speed as the one before had. If there was an opening, given by the attacking Elrbetrt, she would strike, if not, she would challenge and take the attention off of the woman to give her a chance to get back and recompose herself after the charge.

“Gabriel! Keep those orcs on the cliff busy! We can't afford them striking down on us from two fronts!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Maeven and Alicia-In the Jungle

Alicia caught the spear handed to her by the old woman, quickly taking in the weight of the weapon and the materials it was made from. She was so distracted; she almost missed the Amazonian ‘Elder’ comment on her appearance, which caused Alicia’s eyes to widen in surprise.

Seeing Ethlinn’s reaction to the fiasco was its own little delight though. Despite whatever jealous annoyance she had before, it was quickly soothed by the Princess’ possessiveness. “Thank you for the spear. I hope I can prove worthy of the gift.”

Maeven watches the exchange with moderate intrigue before they depart from the hut, taking to walk aside Fafnir as they make their way to the clearing the duels were to take place. The little display Ethlinn put on, whether for the Queen or for the Blades, was certainly appealing, but unnecessary given the attractiveness of the princess, she decides. She listens to the announcement of the amazon princess to the warriors and the impending refusal before pursing her lips, looking over them. She nods to Alicia, “They don’t really understand they’d be in a lot worse state with two dead leaders, do they? Better she got out while she could; they’re in a better state now than if she had not returned.”

Alicia was surprised by her sudden conversational partner’s words. She had seen the dragon-riding woman a few times in their travels, and she even briefly recalled spying her in the ballroom itself, yet she had not shared words with her. The name, she briefly remembered though: You don’t really walk around with a mechanical dragon and not feature in the rumour mill. “I think ‘they’ understand exactly how dire the situation would be, should there be no ruler. We can only assume that our quarry is amongst the two down there.” The vampire turns to glance at Maeven, taking in the woman up close for the first time. She certainly did not find the sight unappealing. “Alicia Le’roux, by the way. We have not met yet. You are Maeven, yes? I’ve heard about the girl who rides a steel dragon, but I imagined it to be a rumour only. I see there is merit a plenty with that particular tidbit.”

“Oh, really now. Rides a steel dragon? She does not ride me, Night huntress. She merely plops her weighty rear upon my back rudely,” Fafnir drawls tiredly and cranes his head to peer at Alicia before looking back at the Amazons.

Maeven rolls her eyes and shrugs before looking back at the Amazons, “Whatever preserves your dignity, Faf…” She leans against the dragon, tapping her firearm anxiously, “You really think the succubi must be amongst those two? Then what are we really idling about here for? If they refuse the test, then what other way do we have about it? There’s just the duel left or getting sneaky to reveal them, right?”

“Unless...There is always the fear that one of those warriors is a thrall of the demon. Either that, or the succubi is among the four, and incited those two to open rebellion. A skilled manipulator would be able to incite rage in an Amazonian well enough: There passion is well documented.”

Alicia pouts, leaning against the spear as she watches Esyllt examine the first two Amazonians and give a clean bill of health. The situation was not an easy one to resolve without a bit of risk: it was minimising the risks that proved the real test. She glanced over at the mechanical dragon once again, picking out the casual nature in which it identified her as a vampire. Was her condition so widely known already? The rumour mill surrounding the Renaltan castle was a truly terrifying thing.

“Say, since you have that...device at your hip, I suppose that makes you a good aim: yes? If I were to go and do something a bit...risky, would you be able to watch my back?”

Maeven pauses, before grabbing her pack and beginning to swap out the barrels on her Blunderbuster, picking the long-rifle in place of the wide-mouthed barrel to improve her accuracy. “Sure, sure. I could watch your back. I normally like to know what I’m getting into ahead of time. But hey, I’ve got nothing better to do. And who knows. Maybe Faf and I here can rain fire down on an unsuspecting succubus…” She pauses and peers at the soul gem in place before deciding to switch out with the animal spirit stone to silence the weapon.

“Keep an eye on the Amazonians close to the Telepath and the Queens. If I was a Demon, I would be after the leaders: Not the soldiers that serve them. I will be able to keep an eye on the two dissidents well enough. If a scuffle starts, I’m sure you’ll hear it.” With that, Alicia lifts the spear and begins to walk over to the Two isolated Amazonians. “I’m counting on you, Maeven. If all goes well, I will owe you a favour.”

She smirks and looks up at Alicia from her weapon, “A special bedroom favor?” she winks and loads her weapon so it’d be ready to fire in case things did go to hell.

With a slight smirk on her face, Alicia keeps her eyes focused on the two Amazonians who were causing all the fuss. She made her intentions clear enough as she approached them, Spear in hand and tip in the air. She left a gap of about 10 feet between herself and the two Amazonians, before speaking up so that everyone might hear her words. “I am Alicia Le’roux, Queen’s Blade and Vampire. I stand as champion for the Renaltan people and for the rightful ruler of the Amazonians, Queen Ethlinn. If you would deny the right of this woman in front of a huntress of the night who recognises her right to rule, then draw your weapon.”

Alicia’s speech was all planned out, equal parts passion and posture. She meant every word she said, but she was keeping a Sharp eye on the reactions of the two women. She recalled the words of Ethlinn at the ball: About the position that vampires held in Amazonian society as proud, noble hunters. Surely an Amazonian might relish the challenge of facing one, or even react to how a vampire stood for Ethlinn’s cause. Her gambit was that A Succubus might react in a different way entirely, or perhaps even not at all. Either way, it was a risky enough gambit, that might end up backfiring and embarrassing her.

Not that it mattered. She either risked her own embarrassment or the life of a fellow Queen’s blade. This seemed a much more elegant solution.

Maeven stays back, watching Alicia’s display. Fafnir releases a huff of steam and glances at her. “She is asking for trouble, you know…”

Maeven lets her head roll from side to side, “Yes… Just a little bit… Why don’t you give her a little back-up, Faf. Couldn’t hurt, huh?”

Fafnir’s jaw works, grinding as Alicia finishes her speech before he spreads his wings in the clearing. Maeven stays back, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. If there was a time for anything to go wrong, now would be it and she would not be the one to miss taking her shot at the perpetrator.

Meanwhile, Fafnir beats his wings and creates a gust as he leaps up and lands beside Alicia with a heavy thud and screech of metal, letting out a metallic roar as he calls out, “I, Fafnir, Father of Dragons, recognize the Ethlinn as the rightful ruler of the Amazons.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

Naream Baenre,

He watched the proceedings, the telepathic screening as acceptable but not infallible, which was certainly not to the liking of the Drow Necromancer, not at all. But he went along with it, to watch and to observe. As they reached the area where Amazons seemed to fight their duels and mock battles he went to the side, observing from a distance, away from the others. Once Esyllt was called forwards Naream began his own work.

Muttering under his breath he grabbed hold of his amulet, willing the portal to open to his pocketplane laboratory, a brief tear came to his right and widened, revealing dark, cold stone with a greenish hue lightning before shapes emerged and stepped through. As soon as they stepped through the tear vanished, reality reasserted itself and Naream shuddered, taking a deep breath, opening his eyes and looked upon what he had summoned. The five skeletons, the five wights turned as one at his mental command and looked at him. Each was armed with a axe and dagger at their waist but their main weapons were spear-like polearms. Which looked more like flesh hooks than actual spears, their bladed tips curved and sharp, designed to stab into and keep hold of a fleshy mass as if one were a butcher sticking it into a pig carcass and dragging it. These wights did not wear armour, they instead had mottled gray or black robes, giving them the appearance of the human folktale and legend of a 'reaper' but without the ridiculous scythe. At his command they donned their hoods, obscuring their skeletal appearance.

Nodding, he looked the wights over with satisfaction and then with them in tow marched closer as Esyllt was beginning her work. At the edge, ignoring everyone but the suspects, he sat down, cross legged on the ground the wights fanning out to his left and right. Three to the right and two to the left of him as he reached back and pulled his hood over his head to watch the proceedings, studying the reactions of the suspect Amazons as they were telepathically screened. Or at least in this case the ones who allowed themselves to be screened, the ones who refused, some might think that the obvious sign of guilt that it was one of those two but he had his doubts. Let's just wait and see what the telepathic reading would reveal.

Or at least that was the plan... when one of the Queens Blades stepped forwards and issued a challenge to the two Amazons who refused to be telepathically screened... backed by no other than Maeven it seems, or at least her pet metal dragon seemed to support this Alicia Le’roux as he went into motion after her words and indicated his support to the Amazon princess. He rolled his eyes under the cover of his hood and placed his hands together in front of his mouth, leaning his elbows on his legs as he leaned forwards to see where this interruption would lead them. At a mental note of his his robed wights tightened their holds on their flesh hooks but did nothing else, awaiting his command. While he was tempted to draw the ritual lines and marks during this distraction, regardless of the Queens and Princess' objection there might be a chance that the succubus, if there truly was one among the host here, might somehow figure out what he was trying to do and prevent his ritual to yield any results, so he was determined to play the waiting game. For now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Icarus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago


With his attempt at rhetorics quickly put to rest by the good general Aslo continued forward in general silence, a smug looking grin upon his face. He listened half heartedly as the Draconian looking Raen made his snide remarks towards the mercenaries. Not altogether a great idea, but should he be found rended limb from limb later on in the mission... Well at least Aslo would know to give the pair a wider berth in the future.

Presently the presence of magic concerned him most. He was more or less prepared for whatever creatures may lie ahead, after all one does not enter into a tomb or derelict structure such as this without expecting to run into some kind of crawlies. Being no stranger to these dark kind of structures Aslo fully expected spiders and rats of giant proportion, magic however was always a game changer. The calls at the entrance now made even more ominous by the soft laugher of a child. How very clichéd. Ghost stories of countless campfires flooded to the surface of his mind, each teasing at what could lie ahead.

As they entered the dining hall, Aslo found himself towards the middle of the room, glancing casually about. It wasn't until the chittering began that the hairs on his neck stood on end. Like some of the others he looked towards the darkness above, drawing his sword, and throwing dagger, and mentally preparing his bag of tricks should the situation call for them. He took note of the webs around the hall, and deduced (brilliantly) that it must be spiders. As one of the Imperium soldiers, now looking much less experienced tried a door only to find it locked, Aslo sighed looking to the general "I don't suppose you have the key?" He said with a wide smile.

There were of course other exitside from the hall, but testing any of them himself didn't excite him. True there were likely spiders above them, but that didn't mean there weren't spiders lying in wait through them, or worse... it was then that Aslo chose to be vocal "Some spiders are known to lay traps, while we may expect them from the ceiling I wouldn't be wholly shocked to have them spring from those corridors, keep a watchful eye, Archer." He said addressing Raen in the doorway, but also everyone in the group as well. He stood prepared scanning from darkness overhead, to over his shoulders, as prepared as possible for danger to spring forth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch


"Tch. And here I thought you were mercenaries. Not thugs and corpse-pickers." Raen said coldly, his words aimed at Murderok and his four-legged friend.

Murd and Gryff looked at the half-draconian with something that might have been approximated as contempt. "We're Mercenaries. Not morons. But hey, if you want a rusty ten thousand year old blade be free to go back to the armoury, but in case your lizard-fucking brain is too small to grasp big words. Mercenaries work for COINS and people drop coins in halls, not armouries." Gryff replied.

Murd meanwhile was investigating the room. It wasn't an ideal fighting ground, especially not for people as large as he and Gryff were. Indeed being underground still made him royally uncomfortable as he prepared for battle.

"Everyone, get back! Don't be caught in the open, and DO NOT separate!" Raen roared, his Draconic heritage becoming more apparent as his voice picked up a primal thunder in its notes.

"Shut the fuck up you peurile maggot." Murd snapped, "Do not bunch up despite what this maggot vomits out of his mouth-hole. If it IS giant spiders you don't want to be in a position where they can splooge their sticky crap all over multiple people."

Gryff nodded. "Keep at least six feet separation if possible, and pay attention to where everybody is, we don't need someone getting impaled unexpectedly, at least not this far from a brothel." He chuckled. "And keep one eye on the ceiling." He added unecessarily.

He suddenly paused. "You know, Centaurs are not the only 'taur' species or similar.... i've heard of half spider half men. Driders... be prepared for more than pincers and venom. As Florence said, that's an awefully nice possible archers balcony up there."

"I don't suppose you have the key?" Aslo offered from the centre of the chamber.

Murd shuddered with a grin. "Does Minotaur count as a key?" He asked back.

"I wouldn't begrudge the attempt. Lord knows you'd have better luck than the child." Aslo said pointing towards Nyla, still standing close to the door.

"Well. Better earlier than late." Murd said looking at Gryff. Backing up several yards he checked the clutter on the floor and charged the door with his shoulder levelled to shove it clean off it's hinges or even just splinter it into a thousand pieces. After all, what was a metal doors hinges against a charging minotaur.

Murd would never admit that tiny voice in his head that went. This is gonna hurt.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rayn Night

Rayn Night

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Liveria - Elrithos

The a few options had come out, although it seemed none was thoroughly considered. A young woman suggested finding a new path, which would be great if it didn’t mean going back on their steps. Elrithos considered it for a moment and then saw one of the dark skinned elf walk off, saying see would scout out the area. He would have objected doing so when an ambush was clearly feet away, but it was too late. She had already gone to the cliff side and hidden within the shadows. Then came the suggestion to talk to the orcs. Again, would be a good idea if these beings were not savages. They probably had another way of doing diplomacy in these regions and Elrithos did not wish to know which one these people employed.

And, he was about to elaborate on a certain plan of action, considering what he knew of the group for now… There came a bestial cry for blood, which startled the Aavikkanian. It had immediately caught his attention, coming from atop the cliff beside them. Although he didn’t clearly understand the words, he had a good idea what he was saying. He quickly dismounted his horse, barely able to see the explosion and shrapnel of stone killing the horse. What he had managed to see was the dagger flying through the air to hit the princess… This almost made him freeze on the spot, knowing the importance of her life in this mission. Conveniently, it was easy to tell it was a double and Elrithos drew forth his two scimitars. The Angel, the celestial being, had bestowed his powerful voice onto the lot, making even the 500 year old desert elf shiver.

A bold move came from the young female knight as she charged, his eyes set upon the orc with two large sized battleaxes. A tall, powerful foe for sure, a warrior of might. It was to see if they had any finesse… The biggest worry was whatever would be behind those rocks. If they would just be throwing knives, then he had nothing to worry about, but it was whatever else they would throw or shoot at them that would be the worry. He started going forward, receiving a command from another Rayvon to find a weak spot within his armor and way he held things. He did not even nod, but approached rapidly on foot, ready to fight for the cause… He wouldn’t get too close yet, trying to analyze the orc in front of him and make sure that whatever was behind the rocks wouldn’t give them any nasty surprises.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Abida Qisaf
Free Holds

With no other changes to the plan brought forward, the group had made their way to the inn for Mikan's proposed clothing arrangements. Gathered together in one of the rooms, Abida leaned against the door, keeping an eye on the window. On an assassination mission, she was finding herself more and more wary of themselves being a target of another. She could feel the footsteps of people passing by in the hall outside through the door, but none stopped outside.

"You mentioned a change of clothes," Abida said, idly plucking at the high collar of her own dark brown surcoat. "Was there some shared uniformity you had in mind?" Hopefully the woman did not intend to dress them all in sparse and revealing affairs. The selkie had knives to conceal, and Abida herself would be hard pressed to pull off a pleasure slave with a greatsword slung over her back. A slave guard would be far easier to manage.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mars - Free Holds

"This isn't what I had in mind," Mars replied as he was handed the mask. He flipped the mask around in his hands a few times and gave Mikan a sly smile, "Lecherous fiend? You know me so well." As Mikan finished explaining the current situation, Aeyr chimed in and shot Mars a cold look, to which he replied with a tip of his hat. They then proceeded to the Inn, and along the way Mars spotted other slaves dressed in utterly revealing attire, both men and women. At the sight of some of the 'pleasure men', he uneasily rubbed the mask between his fingers and desperately hoped Mikan didn't plan a similar attire for him. Abida made a remark about what attire they should wear. Mars slightly shook his head, how had his plans turned on him so drastically?

"I have to tell you," Mars began as he turned his head to Mikan and shot a quick look over her body, "I'm torn between how much I want this," he then looked at his mask, "and how much I don't want to do this. I'm not the most coordinated dancer..."

"You said you trained with succubi? Does a Demon have free will?" What an intriguing concept.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 2 days ago

Rheinfeld Mission - Laenaia

A frown formed under her hood and over her relief over the lack of hostility as Laenaia noticed said lack of reaction. She expected a degree of hostility on her approach regardless for whatever reason the Crusaders could think of, be it from her magic or vampiric nature, that the apparent Crusaders waved it all and greeted her amicably was unsettling. Were they lying? It shouldn't be too hard to infiltrate the convoy this large after all. No need to do anything rash, though there might be something of interest in the main tent as they're focusing on it earlier. She should try to break them apart then...

"Yes, a fine day, I do hope the peace talk would proceed as the day did," she warmly replied. "Taigyn or Davian? Don't you suppose you should split up and go after Davian now? I just saw him going to the Republic side."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hellis
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Hellis Cᴀɴɴɪʙᴀʟɪsᴛɪᴄ Yᴇᴛ Cʟᴀssʏ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Child Freeholds

Child was not an assassin. She was a brawler, a good one at that. But now they dealth with demons, the deadly, immoral forces of hell. How they slayed a creature of its ilk she did not know. But if she it expected to face down Child, it'd find the gladiator quite resiliant. It was hard to seduce a person so numbed as Child, power nor greed nor lust held much sway over someone like her. She wondered if the Angels ties to her would affect the struggle any. She had remained silent about this however, silent as her allies scheemed. She was back in Free Holds. Here she had fought in the arenas, broken bones and slit throats for the enterteinment of others. She was not a person of many words either way, and free holds deserved not to hear a word uttered. But it could not be allowed to fall in the hands of demons. They would have to much material to work with if they did. The gladiators whos minds were broken would make exellent and ferocius demonhosts and the decadent upper class was more then succeptable to demonic influences she was sure. No she would purge and save this place.

”I know this place.” She bagan to speak. ”My mask is likely to be forgotten among the masses. It is not the same mask that I wore here years ago.” She spoke, her throat felt dry. Her voice was quivering slightly, at unease clearly. She took it off. ”And lesser will recognize my face unmasked. I never took my mask off. But if they ask, I know all the ways to speak to appear only another fighter here for the arenas. You do your dance, I shall see if I cannot handle things on my end aswell.” Her eyes swept the masses in order to spot anything out of the ordinary.

”When your plan is activated, and we go for the keep, we need to be fast, and decisive. People do not fight clean, nor pretty here. They are all a bunch of scoundrels, even the guards. And they are good fighters. I should know, I've killed a few dozen of them in the arenas."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Holmishire

Holmishire Ghost with no home.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Aëyr, selkie. Free Holds.

"You said you trained with succubi? Does a Demon have free will?" said Mars to Mikan.

"Does a man?" she muttered quietly, thinking of Mars's apparently less-than-noble intentions. It appeared he was just as worried about dancing as she'd been; she felt lucky in that her particular talents were better suited for other tasks, even if it was killing. She just hoped Mars was savvy enough not to mess up his part, while she would slink through the room to Deimos.

She was also grateful that she was not alone in being of the Holds; once the fighting broke out, she was counting on Abida and Child to pull them through to the exit. She might be good at running and hiding, but there is little room for such things in a crowd.

"I see no need for a uniform. I, in particular, must not draw attention. Clothes of the common folk would be ideal."
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