Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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The blond man had introduced himself as Straw, a traveling adventurer who had had the good fortune of acquiring a map to a ruin of a great castle some 5 days travel north, in the middle of what was once a glorious kingdom, but was now untamed and dangerous wilderness.

Could those ruins still contain lost, shiny treasures of precious metals and rare gems? Although he claimed competence with a sword, Straw said it was not smart to make that journey alone. And so he needed to recruit a few able bodied adventurers that would be willing to make the trek, promising equal shares of whatever wealth was found.

And so, for dreams of riches, fame, or reasons of your own, you have accepted. The members of the small party are to meet outside the town gate in the morning, packed and ready to depart.


Straw arrived early and tied his packhorse to a hitching post. Then plopped himself down on a large rock nearby and hummed to himself as he waited for his recruits to show up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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Khoran canters up on a sleek black horse, dismounting smoothly. The horse and his fine clothes practically reek of wealth, but the absence of jingle in his pockets suggests that he's short on money. He strolls up to Straw, coolly taking in everything around him. His manner and bearing are that of a man completely at ease, without a care in the world.

"Am I the first to arrive?"

He tosses a backpack onto the ground and lies down with his head resting on it, showing no regard for his clothes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheObsidianWolf


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Icies arrived through the town gate leading a buckskin gelding who was packed lightly with only one full saddle bag and a bed roll. Icies herself was dressed for travel in durable clothes fitted well to her form and a dark cloak. On her back hung a elvish bow made of dark wood, and a quiver of arrows to match and at her hip sat a simple dagger.
As she came into the vicinity of the other two she gave a curt nod to Straw and completely ignored Khoran preferring to wait to make introductions for when all arrived. Settling the small gelding with a few soft words she proceeded to check all the straps and buckles of her tack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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"You are indeed," Straw said to Khoran, giving the man a nod in greeting. "That's a mighty fine animal you have there," he said, admiringly, giving the sleek black horse a pat on the neck. His own dusty brown packhorse looked to be of solid, but average build. "Where did you come by such a worthy steed?" Straw asked before his attention was drawn to another approaching.

"Ah, but here's another that has promised to join us now," he looked at Icies. "Ice.. right?" he said, making sure he had remembered her name. An appropriate moniker, he thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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The giant bear of a man rode atop a draft horse, as it was the best horse suited to carrying his weight. The man has been famous for crushing small ponies and wearing out normal riding horses. Draft horses made him look even scarier than he was. He was still a frightening man, not just for his shear size, but by the fact of his very barbaric appearance. He didn't look civilized at all, but looks can be deceiving.

This man went by the name of Hugh Van Halder. A name he would have abandoned long ago if he was not so intent upon preserving a little piece of his lost homeland. A kingdom of men feared far and wide for their brutality. warmongering, and barbaric appearance. The history of the destruction of this kingdom is long and complicated. Its actual reason for its fall is difficult to comprehend, but it was 50 years in the making. 50 years of brutal and relentless war that Hugh was born into. He never talks much of his old homeland, but wishes to lay in its grassy fields once more with his lost love.

Hugh rode towards the meeting area he was told about by a stranger, whom was gathering a group for a journey. He was never really afraid of many people, as he was confident in his own ability to rip their heads off from their shoulders, so he accepted the man's offer. Hugh was packed and ready to go. His bags were filled, waterskins aplenty, packed dried food of different sorts, extra clothing, blankets, and weapons. All that was left was for him to arrive at the meeting spot and meet up with the group.

He arrived at the gates to observe several other gathering members of the party. He came up to the hitching post and heaved himself from his horse, making a loud thud, without regard to noise discipline, when he hit the ground. He tied his horse's reins to the post and turned to greet the group.

"Hugh Van Halder. Present and ready." He said, bluntly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

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A small, rather old elf followed shortly after Hugh, heavily burdened, a well-loaded pack on his back, and a bag of something or other tied to his staff, which he held balanced over his shoulder. He wore a bright red robe and a yellow cloak. His dark leather boots were scuffed and worn. He wore neither hat nor hood, and the breeze gently rustled the tangle of gray hair atop his head. The little fellow stepped lightly, in spite of his load, and whistled softly between bites from an apple in his spare hand. A few score coins jingled in the purse at his belt- the sum total of his cash assets. Without undue haste he made his way to the rest of the company.

"Well met and hail, lady, gentlemen, and assorted beasts of burden." he said, setting one end of his staff on the ground, the sack tied to the top swaying somewhat. He gave a slight bow of his head to each person present- and to the horses.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Straw turned toward the two newcomers and one corner of his mouth turned up slightly in something that might have been a smile. "Ah, good! We're all here and I'm pleased to see you all look prepared to begin our journey right away. So, have any of you met?"

He glanced around quickly before trying to remember each of the adventurers' names. "No? So this is Khoran... Icies, right? ... Hugh... and... give me a moment... Ardel? No, that's not right. Auredhel?" He pointed to each in turn.

"Any objections to beginning our trek immediately and getting to know each better on the road?" Straw asked, already collecting the packhorse's lead rope. "We're taking the north road out of town..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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"No objections here. The sooner we get started, the sooner we get rich."

Leaping up from the ground and slinging his pack into one of the saddlebags, he expertly checked the horse's fittings (or whatever the riding gear is called, I don't know myself) before nimbly mounting and looking at the others with a grin that seems to promise mischief.

"Well... this looks like it's going to be fun."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheObsidianWolf


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Icies arched a brow hypercritically, "This? Seriously this lot is the best we could get?"
She pulled herself in to the saddle with a frustrated sigh, "The things I do for money."
She looked down at the others arching an eyebrow again, "Well are we going or not?" She asked, as if she hadn't just thrown a little tantrum.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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"No objections." Came Hugh. "Let's go." With that the barbarian of a man swung himself into the saddle of his large horse. He steered the reins to point in the direction of the north road. He caught Icies neat comment, that went like "This? Seriously this lot is the best we could get?"

In his younger days, he probably would have responded with a simple shut the fuck up, but caring about these kinds of things was no longer his fashion. Now, it was time to head out. There was one thing pressing on his mind, though. "So does anyone else have whiskey?" He spoke up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

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Auredhel glanced toward at the half-elf, a frown playing briefly upon his face, only to be replaced by his usual mild smirk. Clearly, she could see no further than base appearances. Certainly, the wizard did not look to be much of a threat- indeed, he looked more like a jovial tramp than a magician. But he would not begrudge her that, nor rise to challenge her dismissive attitude. She would see soon enough how capable was Auredhel of Aldabar, whose wisdom had aided kings and commonfolk alike, and before whom creatures of unthinkable dread had fled in fear. Taking up his burden once again, and walking humbly alongside the riders, he glanced toward the big man called Hugh. Ah, a drinking man- and one after his own heart.

"I've no whiskey, good Sir-" he replied with a shake of his head, "but a fair bit of wine in my pack. It is yet early for drinking, I think- but I'd be inclined to share a drink or two this evening, if you should oblige me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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Hugh was happy to hear confirmation of another drinker in his midst, even if it was wine instead of whiskey. Hugh always enjoyed strong alcoholic beverages the most, but would still enjoy the sweet ones. "All I have is one bottle of whiskey with me. Wine will be an excellent supplement." He said, surprisingly jovial. "Then this evening, we enjoy some wine!" He ended. This elf was probably older than Hugh by hundreds of years, and hopefully the elf hadn't grown a large tolerance for all drinking, because Hugh would surely challenge him to a drinking competition some day. Hugh had only won to a few younger dwarfs in drinking competitions(usually losing to dwarfs), but hadn't versed many elven kind, and those he had could not hold their liquor well at all, but this new friend in drinking looked like a true drinker.

"I think we may also require some good food to drink it with! Any good cooks among this party?!" He spoke up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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Khoran frowns at Ice's comment.

"Come now, appearances can be deceptive. For all you know, I could be the world's most powerful mage."

He crooks his fingers in a spellcasting fashion, then grins.

"I'm not, but if I was you might be a pile of ash by now. You should be careful not to cause offence to unknown quantities, in case there turns out to be more quantity in them than in you."

Turning at the talk of food and drink, a much bigger smile crosses his face.

"Ah, food! I'm not a bad cook. I can probably knock us something up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheObsidianWolf


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ice burst out laughing, a light hearty sound that was completely the opposite of her demeanor, "You think me that daft as even to speculate that you could be the worlds most powerful mage?"
Her laughter continued for a moment before before she contained it.

"Offense is all I know, so take it with a grain of salt for now if you will." The closest thing she was ever going to say that might resemble an apology.

As the topic changed to food and drink she listened quietly, she wasn't about to put anything into that. Her cooking was atrocious even to her, and to even get a drink into her would in most probabilities get her into a lot of trouble even with this lot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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As the small party left the town behind and ventured north along the rutted road, Straw set a relatively easy pace. Although he was rather tall and lean, one might get the impression that he was not often inclined to hurry. His age was hard to judge, but definitely a few strands of gray could be picked out among his messy blonde hair that appeared long overdue for a trimming.

The road led almost straight north as it passed through mostly open fields where farmers tended their fields; using horses and oxen to turn up the dirt, with children following behind to cast the seed. Not far in the distance, the open fields ended and the road plunged into the forest.

"Ain't much of a cook myself," Straw admitted. " 'Less you count charring a rabbit over a stick." But he looked pleased that Khoran had volunteered for the duty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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The road north led the newly formed adventuring party into a wooded area and the morning passed by uneventfully. And it wasn't until the sun was past its zenith and stomachs were starting to rumble that they heard voices ahead on the road...
"Check 'er pockets," one man said, slightly out of breath, as he held a blood soaked rag over a nasty gash on his upper arm where an arrow had torn through his ratty shirt.

Two of his companions complied eagerly and approached the dark haired woman dressed in traveling garb, who was currently on her knees with her hands resting on her head, while a fourth man kept an arrow carefully trained on her chest. At the moment, she was weaponless, her blade resting uselessly on the ground a few feet away from her. But if looks could indeed kill, the two men putting their grimy hands in her pockets and pouches would have died instantly.

She hadn't been carrying much, so the highwaymen only managed to find a few silver pieces, an unmarked potion bottle, and a knife that had been concealed in her right boot.

Nearby, two bodies lie motionless on the road, one man and one woman. The female was dressed fine traveling clothes, presumably the girl's traveling companion, while the other wore tattered garb, marking him as another highwayman.

(Edited to make traveling companion a female)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Warrior in the Shadows
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Warrior in the Shadows The Unknown One

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Hugh smiled as he enjoyed conversation with the rest of the group. His smile faded quickly as he heard voices in the distance. He began to survey the road up ahead for movement and the source of the voices, but he would not get sight until they passed this corner and got further into the open.

"Everyone should hush about now." He spoke up."If these roads are as dangerous as they say, perhaps we should all get off the road." He dismounted from his horse, his dismount much more quiet from his usual loud thump when hitting the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Illogical Jim
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Illogical Jim A Bleedin Bard

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Hearing the voices, Auredhel smiled thinly. Travelers, maybe. Or bandits. Or cultists. Or... Something else? It was hard to say. He nodded as Hugh spoke, in full agreement with his caution. The old elf moved toward a tree, and removed his pack and his spare bag with a swiftness and a grace unusual in one of so advanced an age. Now unencumbered, staff in hand, he looked to the rest of the party.

"I suspect good Sir Hugh is in the right, my friends."

He thought for a space, glancing down the road. An idea occurred. He continued, speaking only so loud as he dared, lest he draw the attention of whatever lay ahead.

"If I might, my young comrades, I do believe I have a crafty plan. I shall move forward alone, posing as a lost traveler. You shall all follow behind. If it is trouble, we shall take them unawares, they thinking me some fool. If not... Well, if they be just merchants on the road, mayhap we have a hearty dinner with them, and dance beneath the starlight?"

He chuckled softly, going over which spells would or would not be helpful in his head. Fire, he knew, always had a certain psychological effect. It was scary, and common thugs in his experience could be run off with no more effort than that required to fling one or two bolts of flame in their general direction. Not to mention the presence of a deft archer, a veteran warrior, and a practiced scoundrel to round out the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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Khoran wags a finger at him.

"Now, my good mage, why should I let you do such a thing? I am far more experienced in the art of deception than you, and I'm dressed the part of a rich idiot anyway. You'll be more use where you can't get chopped to bits as you're casting a spell."

He makes a playful stabbing motion before addressing the party as a whole.

"Among all of us, I have the least combat effectiveness, so it only makes sense that I'm expendable. Wait for my signal."

With a grin and a wink, he canters forwards on his horse towards the scene. When he next speaks, his voice and manner are completely different. He talks with the breathy, supercilious voice of an arrogant young nobleman, and his bearing is that of the same.

"Goodness gracious! Whatever is happening here? My good sirs, shame upon you for accosting a lady and her travelling companions in such a manner!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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"Maybe we shouldn't..." Straw started, but too late. Khoran was already heading around the bend just ahead.


The men turned at the sound of the approaching horse, except for the bowman who still kept his weapon carefully trained on the woman.

The man holding the bloodied rag to his wound gave both horse and rider an appraising look, quickly noting the rider's fine clothes and the high quality animal. "Not that it's any of your business," the highwayman said, thinking quickly and weaving a plausible story. "But these two are dangerous wanted criminals," he gestured to the woman and then to the one lying motionless. "Pity we had to kill that one. The Lord Esmond pays more if they're alive."
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