Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kazuto – Living room of his house

Kazuto silently sat in anticipation, he looked up at the clock countless times over and over, he was anxious and could not sit still, he got up from his seat and paced back and forth from his kitchen to the living room and then back again to his kitchen. The wait was painful, Kazuto had felt similar feeling, to his current situation, in the past when he had to wait for the servers of SAO to come up, but compared to now, the wait for SAO was nothing. He tried to calm himself down but was just way too impatient for that. He finally sat back down onto his couch huffing somewhat annoyed.「It should be here by now...」He looked up at the clock and the second slowly ticked away. He pulled out his phone and started to scroll through some things.「Come on delivery person, you are late!」Simultaneously he stood up and screamed out, but at that moment the doorbell to his house rang, he froze up and a wide smile shown across his face, he quickly made his way to the door practically ripping the door off of its hinges in the process of opening it. The man that stood at the doorway was holding a box in front of him, it was a rather small box as it didn’t contain much but Kazuto knew exactly what it was. 「Hello would you ple-」Before the man got to finish his sentence, Kazuto took a hold of the clipboard singing it furiously and then proceeded to take the package right out of the delivery man’s hands. The delivery man gave Kazuto a weird look but before anything more could be said Kazuto slammed the door and ripped into the box without hesitation. Wait lie inside the small cardboard box was an even smaller box but on the front there was clear rugged text that read ≪GGO: Gun Gale Online≫. Leaving behind his mess he rushed up the stairs stumbling on a few of them, right away he entered his room closing it immediately. His younger sister, Miyu, poked her head out of her room and then sighed going back into her room.

Opening the games case kazuto found the game itself inside, he quickly took it out and booted it up. Without a single moment wasted Kazuto sat down onto his head and slid his AmuSphere onto his head, he laid down onto his bed and then proceeded onto to saying the two words that would send him into this new world of GGO.「LINK START!」

In that moment flashes of all colors appeared before him, before actually getting into the game he was presented with a question as to whether or not he wanted to transfer a character from a guy that was on the The Seed engine. Kazuto quickly entered in his information for the transfer, within seconds he was presented with a screen asking him to enter a username. Right away he inputted the name: ≪Kaz≫. At this point on most of the initialization was done, he didn’t get a character customization option as the game of GGO randomly chose an avatar for each character upon creation. Once everything was pretty much set in stone, everything went dark within a matter of seconds the darkness turned into a barren, depressing, and lifeless scenery of a battle field.

Kaz - Tutorial Starting Area

Right away he was presented with a message in big bold letters in the middle of his field of view. It read: ≪Tutorial Start≫ The UI in front of him started to show various little pop ups explaining the basics of the game. Kaz had already read up on the game prior to actually playing so he knew all about the game and its mechanics but there was no way to get out of the tutorial as it was one of those tutorials that were mandatory. He sighed as he followed along with the on-screen instructions opening various menus that correlated to inventory, skill points, and equipment. On a side noted Kaz had noted that he was already level 5 since he had transferred his character that was back with him since the death game of SAO. He continued along with the tutorial, after a while Kaz remembered that there were a quiet a few tutorial missions, he groaned loudly and continued on with the rest of the tutorial.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlueBravado


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I hope you understand your father's intentions for you."

"Are you going to stop me from playing this?" Korie said, flipping the case the read "GUN GALE ONLINE" over and over in her hands, Absent-minded to the ramblings of her step-mother.

"No. No. We know that you love these sort of...things. But just because you do doesn't mean it should be everything you do. Take me, for example. While your father is away, i...-"

On and on she rambled as they reached home and parked their Cadillac inside of the in-house garage. Korie had shut the door to her room before the automated garage door reached the ground. She was lying supine before her stepmother could tell her when dinner would be. Her eyes were fixed on the machine that made her new world.
The colorful spectrum started to meld together Her senses were lost and found. the only thing left of her was pure excitement.
She forgot about her old "self" and the world "she" lived in as soon as she entered the information.
Her name was little different though.

Next she was falling - no wait - she was getting up. She stood and stared across a bleak and war-torn scene. "Awesome!" She exclaimed, only wielding a smile at the moment. That dangerous face vanished at the moment <<Tutorial Start>> appeared across her field of vision. "Ugh, alright. Bring it on. Bring it all on!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It had been an okay day at school, Alix had of course refused meeting her friends at the café so she could get home. Just last night she had gotten it, her new copy of the game <Gun Gale Online>. There was no way to describe her excitement save for the fact that it had been the only thing on her mind all day while she was at school. Running from the bus stop to the gate of her family estate she greeted Donovan her butler with a quick but polite hello as she rushed through the door, immediately heading up to her room she paused "Um.. Don-" "Dinner will be at 6 tonight." He interrupted, knowing what she wanted to ask, her habits were predictable. Smiling Alix walked into her room and dropped her bag on the floor, on her bed was the game box, the packaging she had left strewn about cleaned up by the maid earlier, the girl's grin widened as she picked it up and took the game out of the box, setting it up so it was ready to play she dressed into more comfortable cloths. Readied up she laid down on the futon in her room, using her usual pillows to get comfortable she laid back with her Amusphere on her head, letting it boot up before she spoke the command "Link Start!"
Colourful lights filled her vision and she entered the virtual world.

The first thing that she saw was the option to transfer her character, She had spent some time in ALfheim Online and other VRMMO games so she knew what this was all about, clicking yes on the little menu that popped up, a voice explained that her Avatar would be randomly generated and she was told to enter her username. 'Aalis' was what she chose, pronounced 'Alias' it had a mysterious vibe that she liked and she had used the name in all her other games as well. The system accepted her input and everything went white.
[Tutorial Start]
Big red letters filled Aalis' vision as she focused on her surroundings, standing by some ruined buildings she had finally entered the world of GGO online, before even reading the tutorial message she opened her menu, looking at her stats and Avatar appearance, she was a red head with bright blue eyes, she liked the look she had, it was awfully cute and her level was already at lvl.2 with her stats carried over from ALfheim Online. Closing her menu it was time to do the tutorial, the game giving her some sort of laser pistol it began to explain the aiming mechanics with a few target monsters before going into depth about bullet lines, simple stuff really but helpful since this was the first game Aalis had played with firearms.
She went through each one, taking in the information so she would know what she was doing when she finished the tutorial, she had heard this was a big PK game and did not want to get ganked seconds into completing her first mission.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

“Hey Alex.”

“Hey Luke,” Alex replied to his next room neighbor as he passed through the door and unlocked the second door for his dorm room, past the shared bathroom and Luke's room. He held a box that he had just picked up from the postal office under his arm, and he had a fair idea of what it might be. It was about time too.

Fortunately, Alexander lived alone in his dorm room, his supposed roommate living in an apartment with his girlfriend or something. Alexander couldn't really remember and hadn't seen him since the beginning of the semester in any case. He didn't talk much with his next door neighbors either, so that left him with the few friends he had in the dorm, clubs, himself, and video games.

Inside, he walked over to his desk and got out scissors, cutting away tape to open the box, which revealed his new copy of Gun Gale Online. He'd kept away from VRMMO's, but now it was time to break that trend. Hopefully this would be fun.

He sat down on the bottom of the wooden bunk bed and slid in the game. He'd read the manual, but there wasn't really any way to prepare for this...so he'd been told. Synchronization done, he said the words that would send him on his way. “Link start.”

Programming activated, and Alexander found himself flying down a tunnel of color that seemed a split second away from an epileptic seizure or something. Then he was there, at the intro for the game. He passed by the importing option and put in his username (the first few he wanted were already taken, of course). Then straight on it seemed, with no character customization option. He could only hope he looked good.

Everything went dark, and then he suddenly found himself in a ruined, desolate battlefield. He stood there in awe for a few seconds at the sheer graphic and detail of this, blown away by the actual feel of everything around him. It was really, really incredible.

Fortunately, it was hard to miss the phrase “Tutorial Start” that popped up, and he grinned to himself. Tutorials, boring, but necessary. He wanted to actually know how to do things after all. He followed along with the instructions as he found his anticipation growing. “Alright, let's do this,” he said to himself, wondering just what would happen next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kazuto – GGO Tutorial

After a good five minutes of reading all sorts of informational text they finally had moved onto actually introducing the actual weapons. Starting off they gave Kaz an optical weapon, which was basically a gun that doesn’t use live ammo but instead used high tech technology causing it to shoot lasers in a sense. Well that was how Kaz had processed it in his brain. The female voice that was introducing the optical weapon had mentioned things such as it not requiring constant reloads as live weapons did and such. Kaz drowned out voice and instead of listening inspected the gun in his hand during the time. The voice finally quieted down and in front of Kaz were targets, basically his job was to go ahead and test out the gun to get the feel of it.

As with every gun he undid the safety and pointed the gun forward at that moment the bullet path showed for the gun it was rather big as his heart was still beating at an accelerated rate because of how excited he was, but for a moment he calmed himself down narrowing the bullet path to just small enough to get an accurate hit on the head. Right when green path was small enough he exerted pressure on the trigger and a laser came shooting out.

He was a bit disappointed that the first round he shot within GGO was that of an optical gun. There wasn’t much recoil, and didn’t feel strong enough, he knew right then that optical weapons were not for him. From that point on he advanced through the various firearm classes that was available in the game, he knew the basic handling mechanics of the different gun classes through the research he did in the real world so controlling the different guns came easy to him. By the end of it he had found his favorite weapon classes which were: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Sub Machine Guns, Pistols, and both of the melee weapons, Photon sword and Knife. He knew it wasn’t the greatest idea to spread his stats out over so many different fields but he couldn’t help it as he was the type of guy that wanted to be the jack of all trades, master of none.

After the gun section of the tutorial then came the several types of landscapes that the world had, the ones that the players would go through scavenging loot and gaining EXP
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 5 days ago

Carlos Castro

Cold. The first sensation that the room gave to Carlos. Standing on an open doorway, Carlos stared at the dirty wooden bench in front of him. The room was so small that the single bench along with the gear necessary for playing a VRMMO took up more than half the space. The wood in the bench was slightly rotten in some places, and the walls of the room were a light beige which had stains of various colours and shades on them. The edges of the layers of paint on the walls had fallen off a long time ago, and one could smell an insistent musky smell. But Carlos wasn't bothered by this at all. In fact, his face showed the contrary.

He had a huge, calm smile plastered on his face as he studied the room and the gear, then turned around to look at the man behind him--A tall, lanky man with a long beard and very unruly hair-- and shook his hand vigorously. "Oh man," Carlos said, "thanks for letting me in."

"Don't mention it," the man replied with a stoic face, "literally."

"There's a reason it was so hard to find us. Don't screw this up for the rest, will ya?" The man continued, nodded and walked off, closing the wooden door as he left, leaving a happy Carlos all on his own.

Some minutes passed while Carlos explored the room from the few cases containing games to the AmuSphere laying on the bench. Eventually, he took a single case out of a pile of disorganized games on the corner of the room -- Gun Gale Online -- and prepped everything up to play. Excitement and anxiety welled up inside him, as well as a sense of extreme nervousness. He pushed most of the feeling down, and muttered a single phrase... One he didn't know would be so important to him in the future...

"Link start."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RavenxVoid
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tommy sat at the his couch in his modest house, the headset for Gun Gale Online (GGO) held between his hands. Tommy only recently brought a new model for VRMO games because his co-worker suggested that maybe Tommy was working too hard and need find something to relax. His co-worker said that would allow him to relax in a game environment while keeping his skills sharp since the game is open world player versus player (PVP). The game was also highly realistic with many modern firearms present in the game in high detail.

Tommy used an account he had used when previously before Tommy was a police officer and his workload went up. Going though the procedures to transfer his character, Tommy was surprised that his high level character in another game was only level 3 in GGO. Nevertheless, Tommy did not mind since he was gonna play GGO for some relaxation and not to be the very best.

- Link Start -

Tommy started the dive into the virtual world, a nostalgic sight to him when he was younger and it was simpler life.

The tutorial was simple enough, though there were some mechanics to make the shooting of GGO fun, Tommy's real world training help him move swiftly though it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Alexander read through the informational text with characteristic speed and attention to detail. If he forgot anything, there was always a 'Help' button or something of the sort he could use, and he didn't doubt that experience in this game would eventually make him able to recall what he needed by memory. Not that there wasn't interesting stuff, but he had his own priorities at the moment.

Then, to guns. This was, to be honest, the first time Alexander had ever held a gun full stop, but it didn't feel too bad, and technically it didn't count since it was a video game. He listened attentively to the voice explaining the weapon, a bit of thrill to hear it was something like a laser gun meant for accuracy and such. Now, accuracy could be an issue, but he'd give it his best shot. Deep breathes, and once the voice had ended he thumbed off the safety for the weapon, pointing it down range. He was impressed by the bullet sight as it were, telling him where the shot would hit. Now that was useful. Lock on, and fire. A laser spat out and winged the target downrange, though not a direct, lethal hit.

He grumbled to himself but moved on, from pistols to shotguns to rifles, each different and with their own benefit and negatives. Eventually he settled on man's favorite toy, probably as a result of watching too many Michael Bay films. Explosives. It was just too easy to use them. Heck, aiming was practically optional as long as you hit somewhere near them. Grenades, RPG's, all the better.And he got to cackle evilly as explosions tore apart the targets.

Sadly he had to leave the guns behind, to move onto the landscape displays and such. He had to admire whoever did the graphics in this game once again. For being dark and gritty, they looked beautiful from a distance. Now then, on to see what came next.
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