This thread will always be open to new applications. (Be warned: this is my first time making an RP thread)
Deep in the mountain ranges, far from human civilization, there is a mountain. This is the tallest mountain in all of the mountain ranges. At the very top, there is a giant nest, where a dragon named Soreth is said to be living.
In this RP, you play as a child of Soreth, and you have just hatched.
If your application is accepted, unless you have special permission, you must start RPing as if you just hatched.
No Godmodding
If you are confused about something, ask me
if you have any ideas, please share!
if you disagree with anything, feel free to discuss it with ME
No two dragons can have the same ability.
I don't care how Macho your dragon is, they cannot break out of the shell without their mother's help
Dragon's can't cuss until it grows older, this is because to cuss, you'd have to hear it from another person, and they can't hear anything in the egg
- Name:
- Appearance (image suggested):
- Dragon Ability:
- Personality:
Accepted Applications
- Name: Soreth
- Appearance:

- Dragon Ability: Breathing fire
- Personality: Cunning and brutal. Loving and protective towards her children.
- Name: NaiSky, or just Nai (Nai means Night)
- Appearance (image suggested):
That's what I look like but I have the night sky under my wings, like this:
But I am skinnier, as I am a girl. - Dragon Ability: I am described as "the night sky coming down on you" if I am to attack from above. I move unseen through the shadows and blend into the night, which gives me a fearful reputation and make me more deadly. I can also be described as being able to melt into the shadows, I becoming invisible. I have mind reading and telepathy. I can also beath fire. Eating decayed food doesn't affect me either. I am also usually more awake at night.
- Personality: I am fascinated by history and reading, and I am often a source of frustration to the others, due to a tendency to give long, semi-boring lectures. When it comes to fighting, I am quick and clever, yet sometimes when I feel scared, I freeze up like a stalagmite, This makes me a bad fighter some of the time.
- Name: Leas-Celyn (Lees-Kuh-Lyn)
- Appearance:
The prosthetic wing will come much later, if at all in this RP, but don't worry she's born with normal wings.
- Dragon Ability: Scalding steam as a breath power and some minor healing abilities.
- Personality: A big softy, will grow up to be very sweet and maternal but is also ditzy and quite lazy despite being an intellectual. Is also a huge spaz when it comes to emotional things and quite a romanticist/sentimental type.
- Name: Gelu (Latin for ice)
- Appearance (image suggested):

- Dragon Ability: Can breath ice, which can freeze enemies.
- Personality: Usually very cold (pun intended), and doesn't talk much. Is more of a strategist, rather than going head on into battle. Tries to study the enemy rather than attacking them right away.
- Name: Sol
- Appearance:

- Dragon Ability: Can illuminate himself to blind his enemies, Sol also has long claws.
- Personality: Not very fond of his sister Nai, but he has to work with everyone. He's seen as a beautiful and mature Dragon, much like the sun which is where he got his name from. When fighting he doesn't hold back and will try and protect his siblings all the same.
- Name: Yin&Yang
- Appearance:

- Dragon Ability: Controls Space & Time/Good & Evil
- Personality: Yin&Yang are two entities sharing the same dragon body (confusing right?) They are both dragons, twins to be exact one girl(Yin-Space/Evil) and one boy (Yang Time/Good) For some reason they were born in the same egg and shared the same body. In the morning Yang is in control and at night Yin is in control. Yang likes to take care of animals and is a happy spirited baby dragon, while Yin is a evil mysterious little dragon brat. They have strong powers in them but they need to learn how to control their powers and work together for them to work.
- Clarified:
- Name: Kristall
- Appearance (image suggested):

- Dragon Ability: Control over Earth and rocks. and a crystallizing breath.
- Personality: Calm and relaxed Kristall loves her solitude and often detaches herself from others due to her dislike of social interactions. Kristall is cunning when it comes to fighting and prefers to burrow under the ground and strike her enemies when they least expect it. Kristall likes to grow various gems and rocks which in turn gives her more wealth that dragons like her crave.
- Name: Echalis, nicknamed Echo
- Appearance (image suggested):
Scales constantly shift colors but when they're not, this is what I look like

- Dragon Ability: Can camouflage my scales to blend into my surroundings (which is also used to express emotions), spit venom and use my tail for climbing (better in forests). Sometimes I get random bursts of information.
- Personality: Echalis is caring towards her siblings and can usually be hurt pretty easily. I also like to sleep more during the day then night because I 'recharge' on sunlight. Sometimes she doesn't hear what others say and has to repeat it, hence the nickname Echo.
- Name:Qodovah
- Appearance:

My underwing color is bright blue and my markings are curved lines like the hatchling has
- Dragon ability : He is an ace flier and can control lightning. He is able to create a small lightning ball surrounding him, and he has a sparky breath and if you are hit by it you will getting a shock.
- Personality: Hyper, dreamy, can be brave and sometimes very funny
- Name: 美奇 Měi qí(My-Key)
- Appearance (image suggested):

- Dragon Ability: She can shapeshift, mostly into animals. But she has a human form she tells no one about.
- Personality: Shy and slightly loud mouthed, she is very curious and wants only the best for her family, it doesn't mean she will always do the best.
- Name:Aidan (Fiery in Irish)
- Appearance:

- Dragon Ability: Poisionous green fire, Can disguise scales from the texture of the object he's standing next to or on. Glows green while flying full speed, Aidan can turn into a deep green winged lizard at will.
- Personality:Fiery, brave, funny, crazy. Empathic and loyal. Aidan will never betray any of his friends, although it's hard to earn his trust.