Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Does anyone else agree? The reason I am saying this is because it was being called the best Disney since the Lion King and I completely disagree with that statement. It is a really good movie but I have seen better from Disney. The fact that people keep hyping it up like this is actually ruining it for me. I am probably going to get hate for this post but I just was curious to see if there were others who agreed with me. Just to clarify, I am huge Disney fan and love their movies so this is not an attack against their movies as a whole.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kestrel
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I thought it went way too far too with it's musical which consisted of songs so generic and frequent there was no heart to it at all. And then there's the completely forgettable characters, except the worst comic foil I've seen in a while, but he ain't memorable in a good way.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sunflower


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm a Disney fan as well and have been since I was a little girl but I don't see why people are making Frozen into such a big deal. I don't think that it is the best movie since the Lion King, that seems almost wrong to think that most think it is. Personally Frozen seemed rushed with music that could have been better ("Let it go" was descent) and just...there was something about the characters that I didn't like at all. I think that for the most part they were kind of flat. The story line was good, just it could have been done differently.

I still have hope that Disney will bring back the hand drawn movies, or at least make another like Paperman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 21 days ago

I've seen it later than most people so my opinion was probably formed partly due to all of the hype. I didn't think it was great. It was entertaining and beautiful but I don't think it's something people need to be obsessing about so much. The music was decent, but the characters and message(s) that could be derived were a bit...I dunno, it just seemed like Disney tried a little too hard when it came to trying to be cute as well as "smart" with whatever lessons could have been learned from the movie. I didn't care a lot for Olaf much, maybe if I did, I'd find the movie more funny. I didn't care much for the romance in the story, even with the endgame as it was, I didn't really buy into the outcome. While I don't regret watching it and can see some of the appeal, it's not a movie I'd really recommend with as much vigor as everyone else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Touch of Insanity

Touch of Insanity

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thank god I wasn't the only one who thought that. I love Disney and have watched pretty much all of their movies more so the classics then the more recent ones, but it was months after Frozen left theaters when I finally got a chance to watch it. After hearing so much rave about the movie I thought the movie would have been much better then it was. I felt the plot line was rushed, and a little flat. They had amazing pieces of plot that if they were expanded on more would have made the movie much better in my opinion. However, it was still a movie so I understand the limited amount of time. I did find the characters interesting and well thought out in personality and such, but it was the plot that just 'eh'-ed for me. They had good songs but even with that I just thought that movie was okay. Maybe a re-watch once a year or less.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Thanks for all of your responses, and I too agree that the movie felt like it was rushed and poorly executed. When I watch a Disney classic like the Lion King, Tarzan and even Oliver & Company, I can tell almost from the start that Disney had thoroughly planned out the movie from the beginning of production, but with Frozen it feels like they took several ideas and quickly mixed them together to make a movie. The story and concept sounded really good but the final product just didn't do it right for me. And the characters were not that interesting to me, Elsa and Olaf are the only memorable characters but I have problems with them as well. As for the soundtrack, Let It Go is the only really good thing about it and one song does not make a soundtrack good. Me personally, I would choose any song from Phil Collin's Tarzan soundtrack over Let It Go any day, and I would also choose almost every song from The Hunch Back of Notre Dame soundtrack over Let It Go as well.

In my opinion, when it comes Disney princess movies, Frozen is only better than Cinderella and that is all. As for other Disney animated movies after the Lion King, Frozen is only better than Meet The Robinsons, Chicken Little and a few of the Disney sequels that came during that time period. Frozen is not a bad movie, but it is most definitely not the great movie that people keep raving about.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BrobyDDark
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BrobyDDark Gentleman Spidey

Member Seen 4 mos ago

After seeing all the hype and stuff, I made it my personal goal to hate this movie when I saw it. Then I saw it. It was a good movie, but it did not deserve the hype it got and it definitely did not deserve a whole fandom based around it. The music was about as good as any Disney song, and the animation was as good as any other big-budget animated movie but it still did not live up to the glory of the tale it was based off of.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BrobyDDark said
After seeing all the hype and stuff, I made it my personal goal to hate this movie when I saw it. Then I saw it. It was a good movie, but it did not deserve the hype it got and it definitely did not deserve a whole fandom based around it. The music was about as good as any Disney song, and the animation was as good as any other big-budget animated movie but it still did not live up to the glory of the tale it was based off of.

I remember when I used to do that too. You miss out on some pretty cool things with that approach.

I haven't seen the movie yet, and to be honest? Probably will not. However, the talk of hype and people getting excited over a movie or whatever is up to you solely. I don't ever go into watching a movie or playing game right off the bat thinking it will be great, I go in with an open mind, with a few expectations(Not too many for the movie to be disappointing.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 21 days ago

My expectations were low when I saw it, I was dubious. I don't know there was some "self fulfilling prophecy" going on but I still felt rather indifferent about it even after watching the movie. I didn't set out to "hate" the movie but I was curious as to what everyone had been going on about.

Can expectations alter your perspective about a movie?

Yes. I was looking forward to Iron Man 3, had been following news and progress profusely for months and months (getting so hyped) and yet I came out of it, far less happy than I had intended to feel. It was good, I enjoyed it but it did not meet expectations and left me feeling a little void of something I had been looking forward to.

In terms of Frozen, if I liked it, I would be happy to jump on the bandwagon but instead, my curiosity had not been piqued as much as I had hoped and it ended up being a "meh" movie. So having an open mind is probably better than having any expectations at all. Had in not been for the outside hype for Frozen, I may have been able to like it without carrying a slight bias. Even so, the plot and characters would still be flimsy and who knows, I still may not be in love with it.

I wouldn't watch it again, there's no point to waste my time with a movie I don't like, when I could re-watch one I do. Emperors New Groove, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, Oliver and Company, Lion King, etc.

Be that as it may, I wouldn't try comparing Frozen or other movies to each other. They're movies but with plots so vast and tastes just as vast, it's like comparing bananas to crackers, they're all food but they make different people feel different things. It just seems unfair a bit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

How about the fact that it only had one good song (and not one exceptional song)?

Olaf's summer song was bad, Snowman song was bad, fixer-upper was atrocious, love is an open door was acceptable but nothing to write home about. Not to mention, no villain song! "Hellfire", "Be Prepared", "Gaston", etc. are marvelous.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Turtlicious


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

You guys aren't the target audience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Turtlicious said
You guys aren't the target audience.

what do you mean? we're Disney fans and we really like the Disney princess movies, the movie was overrated and lacked many things that would have made it better.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Turtlicious


Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

Yog Sothoth said
what do you mean? we're Disney fans and we really like the Disney princess movies, the movie was overrated and lacked many things that would have made it better.

I mean you're not the target audience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SailorMoon
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SailorMoon The Moon's Vial

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Turtlicious said
I mean you're not the target audience.

This is actually true. The reason it did so well is because children absolutely love that film. Little girls...and little boys go mad about that movie, the songs, and the characters. Not say we can't have an opinion on the film. I really like the movie, but I was disappointed with the songs. :< It's nowhere near my favorite Disney movie, though.

I like the message Disney sent, especially the little gay family Easter egg. A movie about sisterhood, independence, and being yourself is a win for me. Disney movies leave impressions on people, and I like little girls knowing they don't need to depend on a Prince charming to have their happily ever after.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Halo
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Half the reason we love old Disney films is nostalgia. If we watched many of them for the first time now, we'd not be nearly as intothem. And that's what happened with Frozen. Turt is right, we are no longer the target audience. We've grown up.
Despite that, I thought Frozen was pretty damn good. With the exception of "Fixer Upper" I really liked the soundtrack, in particular Let It Go, which is a whole lot of fun to sing and is catchy as hell. Is it the best Disney soundtack ever? No. But it's a damn good one. It's a cute family-friendly film with positive messages and a great soundtrack, what more do you want from Disney? Me and my friends all got drunk last week and spent a couple hours loudly and drunkenly singing Disney songs, and the Frozen songs were as hilarious and fun to sing as the others - which is, in my opinion, one of the marks of a great Disney soundtrack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I completely disagree, I loved Wreck It Ralph and Pixar's animated movies, and they are recent movies. Again my beef with Frozen was that it lacked proper planning that you would see all Disney classics and no villain song which is one of the best aspects of a disney animated movie. The messages seemed preachy and when things begin to preach then that to me smells like bad writing, and in Frozen the messages seemed to take over the plot. As for Disney princes, I would rather see a movie about them since they usually don't get as much character development as the princesses. And I will repeat it again, Frozen's soundtrack was sub par and only a little better than a direct to video Disney film. I'll take Beauty and The Beast over Frozen any day and if Beauty and The Beast came out last year then I would call a master piece and pick it over Frozen, my age has nothing to do with my criticism.

After watching Frozen I suddenly had the desire to write a script for a Disney about a prince. Me personally, i find the princes are not given the equal half of character development. I can't wait until How To Train Your Dragon 2 comes out and I will most definitely be enjoying it more than Frozen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yes yes yes. Yes. Frozen had sooooo much potential. It really did have the potential to be the best Disney movie since Lion King. But Disney fumbled the ball.

There were two huge, huge problems with the movie:

1. Too much stuff and not enough space
- Romance, sisterly love, we did not need 3 sidekicks but there they were, and then we had 3 antagonists--two of which were utterly unnecessary, the trolls did nothing for the story, really only about 2 of the songs were relevant to the plot, and there was a lot of back-and-forth in travelling that could have been avoided

2. The misdirection with Hans. Instead of focusing on sisters they made the plot sisters, not boyfriends. It was a nice sentiment but the movie would have been so much stronger if they dropped Hans and Kristoff / Sven and instead focused on building, then tearing apart, and then rebuilding Anna's and Elsa's relationship. Instead the sisters only speak, what? Three times throughout the whole movie as adults???? There was a huge problem here with TELLING us "Hey they're sisters" instead of SHOWING us so we could feel a connection.

This led to the utterly...lacking ending. At the end of the movie, during a major reunion, I should really feel it. I'm a person who cries when I really feel it. I'm a wussy like that. But with Frozen? When Anna sacrificed herself for Elsa? I felt nothing. The fact that they can't get to someone as empathetic as me shows a lot was lacking in the film. If only they cut a lot of that unneeded stuff, they could have developed the sisters' relationship further. It would've made for a much stronger movie.

And I swear to God. If someone feeds me this again

You guys aren't the target audience.

I will be so angry. Children need and deserve to be exposed to quality movies. If we feed them garbage because we think it's "good enough for children," they're going to absorb that garbage. Children's media is where quality seriously needs to be top notch, but it so very often fails to be. Especially when targeted at little girls. Pisses me off when people tell ya to stop over-thinking a children's movie. No, no, no--these need to be analyzed and criticized more than any other genre.

I think you'll agree a lot with what these guys are saying.

Edit: I just want to add that, despite all this, I did enjoy the movie. uwu I very often enjoy movies that lack in quality, but it's important to be aware of what you watch and especially of what you like.

And here's an example of a scene that they SHOULD have been able to use, but they went with the whole misdirection and Weasel Town BS instead:

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Darog the Badger God
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Darog the Badger God Kawaii on the streets Senpai in the sheets

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Yog Sothoth said
The messages seemed preachy and when things begin to preach then that to me smells like bad writing.

I think if we lined up almost every Disney movie, they'd all be guilty of being preachy to some extent.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I really tried to stay away from commenting on this topic, I really did. But Kidd brought up a few points that really got me thinking.

Kidd is right: the movie is supposed to empathize on the bond between sisters, but they only talk a few times throughout the movie. They seem to exaggerate their bond, considering they were isolated for a good ten years or so. Surely, there'd be some sort of abandonment issues between the two that would need to be worked out, still that isn't enough to call the movie out.. entirely.

Actually, I want to know why Frozen got all the hype. Why not Tangled, which inspired children to reach for their dreams and to be strong? What about Brave that sent a message that people can basically write their own future? What about Princess and the Frog which presents one of the most achieved Disney heroines of all time -- so, I really am curious as to why Frozen got all of the hype when these wonderful movies were practically thrown aside.

One of the most overused excuses for this is that there it is the first Disney movie to show empathizes on sibling bond. No, it actually isn't. There's Lilo and Stitch and Brother Bear, which are two other good Disney movies (especially Lilo and Stitch, ah my heart).

That aside, yes, the music was half-decent at most. It was missing a classic villain song! Originally, the movie was intended to be much darker with Elsa as the scripted villain and "Let It Go" is the remains of the villain song from what I know (don't quote on me that). The animation though, was definitely top-notch and wasn't disappointing in the slightest. However, I still feel like it competes with Tangled which I feel was a much better Disney movie (in my opinion of course!).

Not saying Frozen is bad, not saying it's good. Each to his or her own opinion and open minds are the best of minds!

I just think I just agree with the overall saying of this topic: Frozen is overrated.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Darog the Badger God said
I think if we lined up almost every Disney movie, they'd all be guilty of being preachy to some extent.

you're right, what I should have said was to me it seemed like Frozen didn't back up the message with a good story like all of the other Disney classics and the message was too simple in my opinion, in Beauty and The Beast, the message was more meaningful and it also taught a lesson about how it important to be good and beautiful on the inside instead of the outside. and I have to agree with what one person pointed out in their post, if the movie was about sisterly love then why was there not much development and problems between Elsa and Anna? once again it shows that Disney did not think very thoroughly with this movie and it makes it feel like a Disney sequel. Most people who are hyping up Frozen seem to only look at the fact that it was movie about sisters and that none of the characters got married, that to me is a bad excuse to hype a movie that much.
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