I suppose you could sort of call me an 'oldguilder' as I suppose is the term that is being slung around the website at the moment. I first came to these forums around..2008 I believe it was? I'm not too sure, it was somewhere around there. Then I played around on the forums a little bit for a year or two before real life came into play..and then I had to abandon everyone!

If there was anyone that happens to remember having played with me (I went by the name koba_huszar or something along those lines back then), feel free to shoot me a PM, or even just reply to this topic..as I am actively seeking some decent roleplays. But as I get back into the groove of roleplaying, I am going to be sticking to mostly casual and one-paragraph posts for now. It has been eternity since I've done any real writing, and sadly it isn't exactly like riding a bicycle..my creative side has gone and ditched me in these past few years!

Though keep in mind that I prefer not to do fantasy-based or anime roleplay any longer. Now I try to keep going on with modern-day realistic stories. It's partially because of my infamous "Weaver" family that I've built up myself in the little bit of time I have spent writing all these years..but most of the reasoning goes to the mere fact that nothing else is able to keep my interest anymore. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have the creative mind of a teenager again.