Roleplay: High School for the Unusual
Level: Free
Fate: Dropped out of the Roleplay.

"Ravens are my favorite animals…you can never tell what they are thinking, their eyes are so mysterious."
Corvo. Or as you may know him as, "Death".
Does not have one. Feel free to give him one.
Unknown. If he even has one. He often lies about his age and "canonically" goes by 17.
Takes the manifesto of a male.
Corvo doesn't have any special or remarkable abilities that can be utilized in combat. In fact, he can easily pass off as an ordinary Human being if it weren't for a few things -- a lack of aura, a lack of warmth, no shadow and the lack of touch or feeling. His passive abilities include seeing the energies (aura) of people around him as well as feeling emotions or energies. Another "ability" is to be invisible or non-existent to most people with an exception -- other "creatures" and those who have been surrounded by death/witnessed death (there is also a variety of other tiers that mix into this, but these are the major two, I.E: everyone in the RP can see Corvo as he makes himself known). When people are not looking, Corvo has the ability to "vanish", but otherwise, he has no other abilities while stuck in his human-like form.
Death. Or rather, the "persona" of Death.
He can often be seen as "cold" or uncaring, but this is only to be expected from someone who is intended to be serious all the time. He does not take his job lightly. However, this does not mean that he isn't without his own "touch", as Corvo can be quite sassy at times and may even appear as "cute". Despite his confusion for the modern day world, he can appear as very sophisticated and ... also very clumsy. Corvo is never without his own touch of curiosity. He is almost never seen without a glazed, serious or curious look. He is usually in a reserved state of mind and does not feel panic often -- if at all. He is primarily sympathetic, and when he encounters someone who has lost another, he can be almost pitying. Sometimes, he may even be caught as apologetic. He often takes a great interest in Human activities and often finds them "cute". His personality type would be INTJ while his "zodiac stereotype" would be Capricorn (he would also be likely to celebrate his birthday on December 31st since it is the last day of the year).
There isn't much to say, considering that Corvo is as old as life itself. Corvo has witnessed a majority of events throughout his "lifespan" (irony), but seems to lack a memory capable of remembering them all. Despite this, he remembers every soul he has ever collected. However, he doesn't seem to remember where he comes from or where he was created, simply that he has a job that needs to be fulfilled on a daily basis. Since the creation of Humans and creatures similar to them, Corvo has begun to gravitate towards them and has often taken the form of their fellow when dealing with them (only those with certain "eyes" can see his "true form") and slowly felt himself become more "human-like". It is known that he got his soul during Renaissance, Italy, where he pulled up a soul of a young girl who died of hypothermia and heard a local cursing off the ravens, who were associated with "Death" as it is.
Corvo is fond of sweets, experiences, Humankind and fellow kin (creatures), classic literature, mysteries, black, justice and ravens. He's basically a devoted H.P Lovecraft fanboy.
He is known for disliking loud noises, large crowds and doors (he has a hard time opening them).
Sexual orientation
It is rumored that the more Corvo interacts with people and similar, the more he begins to become like them (basically, he can become a fallen "death angel" as far as lore is concerned). Corvo is beginning to master his ability to touch and interact with objects. He's really good at trivia pursuit and spends time trying to decipher soap operas in his free time.
Dorm 4.
History, Art, Math, Lunch, Health, Science, Gym.
Level: Free
Fate: Dropped out of the Roleplay.

"Ravens are my favorite animals…you can never tell what they are thinking, their eyes are so mysterious."
Corvo. Or as you may know him as, "Death".
Does not have one. Feel free to give him one.
Unknown. If he even has one. He often lies about his age and "canonically" goes by 17.
Takes the manifesto of a male.
Corvo doesn't have any special or remarkable abilities that can be utilized in combat. In fact, he can easily pass off as an ordinary Human being if it weren't for a few things -- a lack of aura, a lack of warmth, no shadow and the lack of touch or feeling. His passive abilities include seeing the energies (aura) of people around him as well as feeling emotions or energies. Another "ability" is to be invisible or non-existent to most people with an exception -- other "creatures" and those who have been surrounded by death/witnessed death (there is also a variety of other tiers that mix into this, but these are the major two, I.E: everyone in the RP can see Corvo as he makes himself known). When people are not looking, Corvo has the ability to "vanish", but otherwise, he has no other abilities while stuck in his human-like form.
Death. Or rather, the "persona" of Death.
He can often be seen as "cold" or uncaring, but this is only to be expected from someone who is intended to be serious all the time. He does not take his job lightly. However, this does not mean that he isn't without his own "touch", as Corvo can be quite sassy at times and may even appear as "cute". Despite his confusion for the modern day world, he can appear as very sophisticated and ... also very clumsy. Corvo is never without his own touch of curiosity. He is almost never seen without a glazed, serious or curious look. He is usually in a reserved state of mind and does not feel panic often -- if at all. He is primarily sympathetic, and when he encounters someone who has lost another, he can be almost pitying. Sometimes, he may even be caught as apologetic. He often takes a great interest in Human activities and often finds them "cute". His personality type would be INTJ while his "zodiac stereotype" would be Capricorn (he would also be likely to celebrate his birthday on December 31st since it is the last day of the year).
There isn't much to say, considering that Corvo is as old as life itself. Corvo has witnessed a majority of events throughout his "lifespan" (irony), but seems to lack a memory capable of remembering them all. Despite this, he remembers every soul he has ever collected. However, he doesn't seem to remember where he comes from or where he was created, simply that he has a job that needs to be fulfilled on a daily basis. Since the creation of Humans and creatures similar to them, Corvo has begun to gravitate towards them and has often taken the form of their fellow when dealing with them (only those with certain "eyes" can see his "true form") and slowly felt himself become more "human-like". It is known that he got his soul during Renaissance, Italy, where he pulled up a soul of a young girl who died of hypothermia and heard a local cursing off the ravens, who were associated with "Death" as it is.
Corvo is fond of sweets, experiences, Humankind and fellow kin (creatures), classic literature, mysteries, black, justice and ravens. He's basically a devoted H.P Lovecraft fanboy.
He is known for disliking loud noises, large crowds and doors (he has a hard time opening them).
Sexual orientation
It is rumored that the more Corvo interacts with people and similar, the more he begins to become like them (basically, he can become a fallen "death angel" as far as lore is concerned). Corvo is beginning to master his ability to touch and interact with objects. He's really good at trivia pursuit and spends time trying to decipher soap operas in his free time.
Dorm 4.
History, Art, Math, Lunch, Health, Science, Gym.