Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Storage of Character Sheets for the RP :
The Shadows of Aeios.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name :
Alicia of House Tinath
Nicknames :
Gender :
Age and birthday :
She is 8 years old, born on 8th of May in the year of 1294.
Origin :
Born as the daughter of Breena and Richard of Tinath, her origins is of the Lesser House of Tinath.

Length and build :
1.23m and a slim build.
Weight :
35 kg.
Sexuality :
N/A, too young.

Appearances :

Occupation :
A member of the House of Tinath, with the dream of becoming a knight or a wood walker, like she calls the profession of her father.

Favorite phrase/saying :
''A bird can fly, but doesn't mean he is free.''

Favorite Food :
Sweet tasty food. She doesn't have a real favorite dish.

Favorite Weather and Season :
Snow and Winter.

Patron God/Goddess :
Miri, for the myths and legends she appear in. That and after hearing Griffons are her servants, she loves to hear tales about them.

Personality :
Alicia is a quite stubborn person. She doesn't easily let somebody persuade her, as she is the kind of person that first want to see something before believing it. Though she doesn't judge people for their beliefs, but for their actions. And if she disagrees with somebody, she let's them know it. This often causes trouble with other people, not to mention the language she sometimes uses. Not that it's too foul, but to see a young girl that is supposed to be growing as a member of nobility to use words as 'bloody' and such makes some people gasp.. or chuckle.

History :
Born into the House of Tinath, Alicia was born to the hunter/woodsman Richard and the owner of a tailor shop, Breena of Tinath. With neither of her parents too rich, Alicia never made much of a problem from it. She was at a young age already very curious. Often she asked either her father or mother why something was like that. Why birds could fly and such questions. After having been taught how to read, Alicia discovered a whole new world, in her experience. She became more and more interested in nature as well, finding it the best thing when her father would tell tales about the gods or of his adventures. Or before going to bed, hearing her mother's sweet voice, spinning tales.

When she was around a year or six, her father took in a companion. The big hound, Mitch, was something she thought was the best animal ever. Seeing how the young pup grew that quickly made the little girl realize she would also grow. And that she would have to chose something she would do with her life. The decision was made faster than anybody likely could anticipate. Alicia's dream is to become a knight. Why? Cause she could then prevent from having to be saved. She could protect her father, mother and Mitch. Besides, everybody likes a herioc knight that saves them. With that rather naive and childish view, she continued to read more about what was all about knights. The chivalry and such wasn't attractive to her. Already, she had figured out that was killed most knights in stories. Being too chivalrous.

But for now Alicia also shows interest in her fathers work, clearly thus not wanting to become a lady-like figure. After all, who likes to be the person that needs to be saved all the time?

Theme song :
Your hand in mine.

Clothing and/or armor :
Often wears clothes that are for the low nobility, not that expensive dresses. Though in her 'rebellious nature' Alisa also has managed to get some pants and clothing that make her sometimes look like a tomboy. But she does feel more at ease in such clothing. Most of the clothes she wears are handmade by her mother, something that causes Alicia to often walk with pride.

Tools and weapons :
Name :
Alicia's dagger.
Description :
A slim dagger that she carries around. As a gift of her father, she is carrying it hidden away and only uses it when she is forced to.
Appearance :

Name :
Description :
A young pup of around 4~5 months old. After requesting it for more than a year, her father bought and arranged a hound for her too. Sarah is always spotted with Alicia, the two being always near each other. The bond she has with Alicia is one that might even be better than her fathers, Richard, and Mitch. Often, Alicia talks to Sarah, as she considers the dog her best friend. Which is actually the truth.
Appearance :


Skill/Abilities :
* Has little strength,
* Is a fast runner for her age.
* Has learned how to move with making not to much noise, thus being a good sneaker.
* Great in analyzing situations and most of the time how to react to stay out of trouble.
* Know how to read and write,
* Is able to ride on horseback, but is not that great due her fear for heights.
* More cunning than smart.
* A fast learner.
* Is afraid of heights.

I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire.
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

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I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire.
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Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

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I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire.

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I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire
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I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire.
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I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name :
Patrica Rynir
Nicknames :
N/A so far.
Gender :
Age and birthday :
Born in the year 1282, on 9th of September.
Origin :
Born in Hials, as the granddaughter of Girvus Rynir. The youngest daughter of her family.

Length and build :
Around the 1.65m and though a fit and trained body, slim.
Weight :
Around 62 kg.
Sexuality :

Appearances :

Occupation :
Currently has graduated from the Academy in Deliar and serves in the 16th Legion, with the rank of optio.

Favorite phrase/saying :
''It takes a single man to lead an army to victory, but it is the army that bleeds for it.''

Favorite Food :
Fruit, specially apples.

Favorite Weather and Season :
Weather that is dark of clouds, indicating a storm or rain hail is approaching. Her favorite season is fall.

Patron God/Goddess :
Rolor, due her profession, but Irtan for luck. As she sorely misses that last one.

Personality :
Patricia is a woman that has suffered quite the misfortune in her life. But never the less, it also showed her stubbornness of not giving up on something as she had managed to go through the Academy in Deliar. She is straight forward, to the point she can be considered very blunt. Unless she is forced to bow her head towards a superior in rank and status, which is something she despises. Some say it is because she can track her lineage back to the Rynir House, but she says its because her own pride. One that holds little fear, she values no virtue like that of the knights of honor do. Instead, she values pragmatic views on the world as she deems honor and chivalry something to the past.

History :
Born as the youngest daughter in a Rynir Family in Hials, Patricia had an easy childhood. Even when she had several older siblings, she had little to fear as she would sleep with a full belly and in a warm bed. More than most people could say of their childhood. In Hials, she lived till her eighteen. Learning how to write and read, along with how to act in court were bestowed upon her. But Patrica wouldn't become a very important person. The most attention and grooming went to her older siblings. Like most youngest, she decided to take it up to the army, hoping to earn a name of respect there. Again, being part of the high nobility and her House willing to suffice, she was able to get to study at the Academy. Learning the theory of warfare and leadership, Patrica spent two years in training.

During that time, she had little to no contact with the High House. Neither she or them wrote a letter to each other. The only communication was that she heard rumours and such. But neither in that was she interested. The only objective that mattered was to graduate and show that she was capable of becoming a person. Not just a some fifth daughter of a family that was part of a High House.

Finally graduating, Particia entered the service of the Awom Legion, being appointed to the 16th legion as an optio. Though she has no experience on leading people, only having learned theory, she hopes her pragmatic view will help her while she tries to obtain some of the vital experience one needs.

Theme song :

Clothing and/or armor :
During service, Patricia wears her armor, from a good quality armor smith. It consist of a coat of plates, a vest of mail armor underneath it with the combination of a gambeson vest.. Next to that, she wears the standard leather marching boots, arm bracers and her helmet.

Tools and weapons :
Name :
An aiming sword.
Description :
Patricia's weapon of choice.
Appearance :

Name :
A shield.
Description :
Seems clear to me.
Appearance :

Name :
Description :
The steed of Patricia, trained to become a war horse. She has gained it with her House paying for it.
Appearance :
A rather imposing horse, true to the name of being called a warhorse. Often with a protective headgear, Patricia rides on him while leading her soldiers.

Skill/Abilities :
* Good swordfighter,
* Skilled horserider,
* Can read and write
* Is good at coming up with tactics and strategies.
* Good reflexes,
* Good stamina
Level headed,
Distrust many at first sight,
Inexperienced Optio
Is sometimes quite stubborn

I swear loyalty to the High King of the Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"I swear...that my loyalty lies only to the High King of the Empire. Everyone else I will crush beneath my feet."

Name :
Melisa Rynir
Nicknames :
Gender :
Age and birthday :
Age 26, Born in the year 1276 on the 14th of March
Origin :
Born in Hials, Granddaughter of Girvus Rynir, 2nd oldest child in her family.
Currently works/resides in Rehon
Length and build :
5'8. Toned, not too muscular.
Weight :
144 lbs
Sexuality :
Hetero. Widowed.

Appearances :

Occupation :
Three year graduate from the Deliar Academy. Currently an Optio in the Rehonian Legion. She has been told in the past that her rage and vengeful attitude keep her from becoming a Tribune or Legate.

Favorite phrase/saying :
"Don't stick to any one thing, you'll find when tested that you can no longer fly."

Tagline: "Move it. Else I will squash you like an ant."

Favorite Food :
Apple Pie

Favorite Weather and Season :
Summer. When it is so hot your skin blisters.

Patron God/Goddess :
  • Rolor

  • Skelatia

  • Brafald

  • Araos

  • Personality :
    Melisa can often be described as cold, uncaring, harsh...all of which would be true. She hates alot of things, likes few things, and often points out one's flaws. She is a strict leader but does her job well. A woman of few words who only speaks when barking out orders or complaining...she has no interest in getting anyone to like her. Her goal is to prepare her soldiers to protect the land, not grovel at a man's feet in hopes for friendship. Getting close to her is...unlikely.

    History :
    The second oldest in family with Patricia. She was not always the bitter woman she is at present. Her life was nice growing up. She was spoiled until her younger siblings came around and then she was expected to fend for herself. At a young age she dreamed of serving in the Legion, but neglected to join the Academy in Deliar because she fell in love. To a man she wed, she bore a son. Married two years before they were ripped from existence in a tragic bandit attack in a small villiage outside Hials. Her son and husband were both killed, but they spared her for a reason unknown. She was forever changed into someone viewed as cold and heartless. But really...her withdraw is the only way she's found to deal with the pain.

    That same tragic year she joined the Academy. She passed with flying colors, quickly surpassing her peers and finishing ahead of her time. Now as an Optio of three years, Melisa is known for her iron fist as she leads her Tessari's. Any soldier she deems unworthy she will squash the spirits of and send packing, without even a blink of sleep lost. Many stay away from her, and soldiers tease anyone unfortunate enough to be under her command. She now rarely speaks to anyone, let alone anyone in her family.

    Theme song :
    Evanescence: ~Made of Stone~

    Clothing and/or armor :
    Armor used in battle:

    'Casual' Armor worn around:

    Tools and weapons :
    Name :
    Description :
    Melisa's Sword. Made of the strongest, most expensive metal.
    Appearance :

    Name :
    Description :
    Melisa's shield. A gift from her Grandfather
    Appearance :

    Name :
    Melisa's Ring Necklace
    Description :
    A simple necklace that holds her deceased husbands ring.
    Appearance :


    Skill/Abilities :
  • Skilled Sword Fighter

  • Good at Horse Riding

  • Can read and write

  • Quite the tactician

  • Traits
  • Manipulative

  • Agressive

  • Perceptive of others feelings/emotions

  • A bit unorthadox...in everything

  • Expirenced Optio

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