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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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This is where you join the role play. Please wait for my approval of your character before you begin role play on the main. c: Also remember when creating a character :

- No one's perfect so don't be afraid to give them a few flaws here and there.
- There is currently 0 spots open for S-class wizards.
- There are currently 4 spots open for Dragon Slayers.
- No cannons or cannon relations.

Here's a link back to the main page ~ Home Page
Name :


Appearance : (Pictures accepted)

Personality :

History :

Magic : (Be thorough. Include strengths and weaknesses.)

Family / Relationships :

Other : (Can be anything. Include S-Class if the position is wanted.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name : Darren Sloane

Age: 16

Appearance :

Personality : Darren can usually be calm during most situations, but there are times where he will act out and become louder than he needs to be. He knows when the hold himself back, though, as he knows that he will always be at a disadvantage against enemies. He had always wanted to read books, as from what he had heard there are countless stories out there that have been written, many of them that have seemed to have captured his attention, but due to his blindness he cannot ever read them. He absolutely hates it when people talk about his disability, or pity him for not being able to

History : Being born without any vision whatsoever, Darren had a difficult childhood. He was forced to use his other senses to make up for his lack of sight, and only gained a cane to feel things with at the age of eleven. With all of his live being housed by people who felt bad for him, the young man became tired of hearing the same things over and over again, so he went to train himself to be as useful as he could. His family understood why he suddenly split away from them, and for his eleventh birthday they gave him a Katana used specicifally for being used with magic. His whole family was able to use magic to a fair extent, and their abilities were passed down to him. Being able to control magic wasn't that difficult for him, as he didn't believe that being able to see was needed for creating magic, and without his sight he relied on "feeling" things more, so that helped with his case.
Growing older, Darren decided that he wanted to live by himself to show that he was fully capable of living by himself and still be blind. Of course he had to use his blade to see a few things, but it was only a short time before he got used to living in his own space, where he fully took care of himself.

Magic : Holder magic: Sword Magic:
Magic Vibrations: Magic is poured into the sword and picks up smaller vibrations, allowing him to see attacks if at a close enough range. The sword can be stabbed into the ground to pick up footsteps and other things on the ground with a greater radius.
Piercing Vibrations: Costs much more magic than the standard vibrations. The sword vibrates at an incredible rate, causing it to create a piercing sound that will hurt the ears of anyone near it. The frequency can be changed to a limited extent to harm more than just humans, but required ever more magic to tune it correctly.
Tsuranuki: Can make the blade much more durable and even longer. Requires a constant flow of magic to be used correctly.
Demon Blade Crimson Sakura: All of the users magic is poured into the sword to use for one single devastating attack. If the attack misses it will leave the user completely defenseless in terms of magic.

Family / Relationships : He has a mother, father, and older sister that all live in the city as well.

Other : He often uses sword as a cane, feeling around the immediate area as he walks. He often used his magic to enhance what he can feel through vibrations, but doesn't use it too often because of how draining it can be. His other senses are enhanced, but his hearing seems to be the best out of all of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Name : Eden Alard

Age: 19

Personality : Eden tends to be on the quiet side. She rarely speaks up and tends to isolate herself from others yet she seems to carry the same Fairy Tail pride as much as anyone else in the guild. It is rare for her to be anything less than serious with people. So far, it seems she is most comfortable with the characters she summons than anyone else. However, once she gets used to a person she tends to open up more and is able to express more emotions around them despite how quiet she may be.

History : Eden grew up alone with her mother. Her father was usually never home since he was a very busy man, trying to establish a new business of his own that seemed to continuously fail. However, life was normal for her. In fact, she had yet to learn of her magic abilities until she was the age of ten. Upon her tenth year, her mother left to help her father, leaving Eden in the care of a local and retired mage who was busy running a magic shop.
Spending most of her days in that shop, Eden developed a new fascination with magic and aimed to become a mage one day. While looking through the different items, she happened to stumble upon a glowing book. She opened it to find a single name written across the first page : "Robin Goodfellow". Reading the name out loud sparked something and before she could even realize what was going on, the fairy trickster was summoned fourth at her unknown command. However, she immediately fainted due to the new magic that had been put fourth and the amount that was used up.
After that, Eden truly dedicated herself to mastering her magic and gaining more friends to work with. She took an interest in fairy tail partly due to it's name since the first character she summoned was a fairy.

Magic : Summoning Magic - Book Magic
Eden's magic can be closely related to the magic used by a celestial mage except instead of dealing with spirits, it's book characters instead. These fictional characters can be summoned from their nonexisting worlds to aid her in any way necessary. They live only when summoned but, like the spirits, they never truly die. However, fictional characters are much less 'alive' than the spirits but tend to have ok bonds with their masters since they are always able to remember them.
Since a contract isn't needed, in order to be able to summon fourth such characters, Eden must first enchant a book to make a connection with the fictional character. The enchantment power depends on the character one wishes to summon. For example, the more powerful the character the more magic that must be used to bring it fourth. (To show the power used I will be using a scale of 1-100. 1 being the least and 100 being the most.)
After the first summon is made, Eden needs only to spell out the character's name with her magic quil in order to summon them into a battle.

Family / Relationships : Her mother and father are both off in a far city trying to start a business. They send letters back and fourth monthly.

Other : N/A
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


Member Offline since relaunch

Looks good Pyroman. c: I'll try to get the main page up before the night it over. I was just trying to fit in my characters first though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Name : Kage Matron

Age: 39

Personality : Being the first master of the completely new fairy tail, he as a few obvious traits. Kage is bold and wise, making him a great speaker and fairly good persuader. However, with the heart of a Fairy, he is never afraid to start a fight. In fact, he's quick to jump to conclusions and try to start one half the time. Despite his age, Kage tends to act much younger than he really is. He's brash, impulsive and cares more about the guild than anything else.

History : Kage grew up the son of a very rich man. He was always treated with both fear and respect by people of lower class, which was something he couldn't understand until later in life. As a child, he heard stories of the guild called fairy tail. Most were heroic until he learned of their fate and was utterly devastated.
However, he grew up with the dream of changing the guild's fate, believing it never truly vanished. So he committed himself to try and become a great and worthy mage in order to become the appropriate master of fairy tail.
At the death of his father, Kage inherited a great sum of money. Nearly all of which he put in the effort to reconstruct the guild. A few years later, after gathering together a small group of mages, He was able to put together and restore the Fairy Tail guild.

Magic : Nightmare Magic -
With the ability of nightmare magic, Kage is able to read people's deepest fear and bring it to life before them. It's rather powerful magic that can be used to freeze enemies in their tracks. Due to his extensive training and perfecting of his magic, Kage is able to use it to it's upmost abilities but some fears may be a little more difficult to create than others. However, he does face one weakness. When people manage to accept their fears for a moment and attack, he may find himself vulnerable since the magic isn't able to slow them down however he is still able to fight.

Family / Relationships : None. Treats everyone in the guild like his family(more like siblings than children though)

Other : Is the current master of Fairy Tail. (He'll be a little less than a main character and a little more than a side character)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Name : Calla Reed

Age: 20

Personality : Partly due to her power, Calla is a very tough acting and out going person. She isn't afraid to speak her mind or do things her way. Of course, this means she isn't always one to play by the rules. Calla is an open book when it comes to emotions, her face says it all even if she tries to hide it. She's one of those people who seem like they never cry or feel pain, so it's rare to ever see her depressed or sad. Due to her back ground, Calla is a natural liar and one of the sneakiest people you'll ever meet. Despite how it may seem sometimes, she is loyal to her guild through and through.

History : As a child, Calla grew up as the daughter of a dark guild master. Naturally she was expected to have amazing power but this didn't exactly work out. When she was ten and developed the ability to weaken or strengthen someone else's power, there was great disappointment in her. After that she was looked down on by her father and the rest of the guild. Deciding to try and make her useful, they forced her to master the art of combat, hand-to-hand, swordmanship, and some archery. After training for more than eight years, Calla became exceptionally skilled in fighting. However, when fighting another mage, there was always difficulty but now she was an official member of her father's dark guild at the age of 18.
It didn't last long though. The next year her father's guild was destroyed by the new official guild of Fairy Tail. She found herself lost on where to go or what to do. That's when Kage offered her a position in the ranks of Fairy Tail despite her previous involvement with a dark guild. After hesitating, Calla eventually joined.

Magic : Augmentation Magic -
Calla's magic is basically support magic. She is able to weaken the magic of enemies and strengthen the magic of comrades. The more magic she uses, the more affect it has. In close magic battles, it can be the deciding factor. The magic, however, has no form of being used to battle. This part of the magic is what makes Calla feel weak and useless at times, mainly since such feelings were drilled into her at a young age.

Family / Relationships : Father is currently in prison. Mother's whereabouts are unknown.

Other : She always has at least a sword with her and tends to wear nothing but armor on missions.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Where are the others?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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I'm not sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Approved! c: She can be S-Class, that's perfectly fine with me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I think she looks great!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Neat-o, thanks bruh
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name :

Age: 20

Appearance :

Personality: He is a joker and has an awesome arsenal of snappy comebacks. Quick minded and witty, he always finds a solution to a problem, but it can happen that the solution is a tad weird. Though he makes people around him smile he rarely does. He is open minded and tries to understand each person. He tries to view every situation from as many different angels as possible. Never lies and never hides his true thoughts. He dropped all of his hope about love and so he likes to spent lots of his time drinking and he frequently visits different brothels.

History: He didn’t have a taste for magic, but he always loved ropes. One day, when he was 15 years of age, he and his boyfriend went on an adventure through the forest. While they were walking through the mountains a large rock broke free and began to roll down the mountain. Bought off the boys managed to jump from its path, but a small chunk, that broke away, hit Sieben and threw him down the mountain as well. His boyfriend ran after Sieben down the mountain until he found him. Broken body and bleeding tissue of a body laid on the ground. Siebens boyfriend kneeled beside the body. Grabbing his lovers hand he gripped it and began crying. Then an unexpected thing happened. Where their skins touched veins began to spread out of Siebens body and penetrated into the others hand. Sieben began to heal slowly, and his beloved boyfriend could feel how his own blood and life force was being taken from his body. When Sieben awoke he found his lovers body beside him. His veins were still attached to his hand, but no blood was in the body.
When the village people heard what he did they banished him away. Sieben left the village and travelled alone, but not for long. After a month his brother joined him. Though Sieben was against it, his brother Eksodas insisted that Sieben should learn to use his magic. Eventually Sieben agreed. And so they trained. Now Eksodas again had a bright idea and that was For Sieben to join a mages guild. Again Sieben gave in and choose Fary tale. Knowing it’s once power and deed, he joined hoping to do some good.

Magic : Rope Veins magic.
Sieben can generate veins outside his body and use them as ropes or vines. He is most skilled with his hands, some unimportant place, and tongue, but can generate them from any part of his body. As a single rope vein he can make it hundred meters long and as thick as a climbing rope (14 mm), only it is stronger, since its living tissue.
He can also use them to connect with another body. He can either give it blood or take it. This transition though also takes life energy, feelings and memories of the being that’s losing blood to the person who is gaining it. Beside that it costs huge amount of magic power when Sieben isn’t the one gaining blood. This transition can also heal wounds and great damage, but at a cost.

Bloody web: Is similar to a spiders web
Sieben sits down and enters a meditational state. He slowly grows his veins into the ground and spreads them around. Longer he stays like this the larger is the bloody web. If any being lies down on this web Sieben can connect his veins to it. Once in this state, all of his senses are damped. He becomes deaf, blind and can’t feel a thing. He can only feel whatever comes in contact with his veins. If he is interrupted while doing this, he losses all of his magic power and falls unconscious. Out of his own power he can stretch the web only in ten meter radius. If he wishes to enlarge it he must connect to some being and steal its blood so he has a constant income of energy. The larger the web the great is the amount of the blood needed.

Family / Relationships : His seven years older brother.

Other : Some things he just doesn’t want to talk about.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


Member Offline since relaunch

Accepted! Although, because of the power he has, I must ask you to not be too gorey when he is using it. But other then that the character is fine. c:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hurray XD
and dont worry XD even if he had powers of a god id still only use them as much to make it interesting for everyone. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hurray XD
and dont worry XD even if he had powers of a god id still only use them as much to make it interesting for everyone. XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


Member Offline since relaunch

Ok, good. xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Took a while to throw this together, sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry if it's a bit jumbled. I have been adding bit by bit whenever I got the chance to get on my computer.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by themage


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Hello! Both character's are accepted. Feel free to start role playing whenever you want. :)
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