Long after the Fairy Tail Guild we know is long gone. Most of it's members were wiped out during a final battle of good versus evil against the dark mage known as Zeref. In the end, Fairy Tail reigned victorious over the powers of evil but at the loss of loosing nearly all their members due to the great mage's amazing power and not to mention his strong allies.
Fairy Tail could never truly recover from it's loss. The members that remained standing seemed to have lost the will to keep fighting and were haunted by the battle that the rest of the country praised them for. Little by little, the famous guild was breaking down. Soon... Nothing remained of it except for an abandoned hall and scattered members.
As years past, the tales of their epic journies and heroic actions became nothing more but whispers in the wind. There was no more Fairy Tail. Now this is were our characters will come in... Or at least some of them.Most people don't listen to the wind but those who do discover stories of magnificent heros.
The heros of Fairy Tail. One such mage grew up hearing about the faries and has idolized them every since. He wanted nothing more than to rebuild the guild that was for gotten so long ago. Raising money and power, Kage became one of the youngest masters Fairy Tail ever had and has rebuilt it from the ground up. So now the guild will be purely faced around all the new guild members (our characters) with new opponents.
Magic - For this I would encourage creativity to develop new types of magic but I don't plan to exclude the types of magic we see on the show. Feel free to copy those types. However, I must set a couple restrictions. First off, no God Slayer or Demon Slayer magic. I find them both a tad ridiculous but maybe it's just me... As for dragon slayers, I plan to only accept 4 to begin with. I may open more spots in the future. Also, try not to go too over board on the powers. I doubt you will but I've been wrong before. xD
Family - I would prefer if we didn't have anyone related to the canon characters. To be honest, I don't want the canon's to have any role in the rp unless it's for some plotline. But even in that case, they will be temporary.
S-Class Wizards - Since this guild is suppose to be new we will have a very limited number of S- Class mages. There may only be 2.
The Board - I plan to keep a post were we can put different job offerings on the OCC page. That way if someone is having a writer's block on coming up with a mission they are able to simply use one on the board. And people are free to suggest jobs to put up on the board for others, or themselves, to use later.
Side Characters - Side characters are plenty welcomed. Some will even be needed for the Council and other Guilds. A side character can be anyone and you will not be required to fill out a form for them. All I will need is their name. Of course, should the side character become one of your main characters, a character sheet will be required.
Characters - I plan to make a character sheet page for people to join on. This way the OCC isn't cluttered with joining forums for characters. Also, I have no limits on the number of characters you create. As long as you don't over do it and create too many for you to handle. If that's the case, I will ask you to delete some of them.
Teams - Feel free to create teams. I'll try to keep track of them on here but make sure to tell me if and when one forms.
Overall - I'm not too strict when it comes to the role play but just remember regular forum rules ok? As long as you follow those, we'll be fine. :)
Interested in joining? Go here to fill out a forum! :) - Character Page