Probably far fewer explosions than you expect. Natali doesn't do "Explode"








Natali took a step back from the guildmaster, in case he decided he wanted to start the match now.

"Name a time and a place, I'll be there," She said, "Unless of course you want to start here."

"Right here is fine, Natali." The guildmaster said to the young woman. He hoped that Kori would understand why he was going to fight her personally instead of letting the wind mage do it. The smirk he had on his face stayed there as he took a small step back and began to drop into a stance. He wasn't going to use his magic just yet. He wanted to see how strong she really was.

Natali studied the man for a moment before her form shimmered and shifted, leaving her in a suit of armor and with white hair. She unsheathed the sword from her back and laid it against the wall of the guild, turning to her chalenger and mirroring his stance.

"Take-over magic. Interesting." He thought to himself as he studied the new form of the woman in front of him. He had seen her use the magic before, but now that she had showed off more than one form he was assured that take-over magic was her specialty. He would have to adapt to each for she used, so he had to be careful. "I invite you to make the first move, you are the challenger after all."

Natali looked warrily at the big man, then took off sprinting, directly for the guild master. Just before she reached him, she dropped to the floor in a sliding kick, aiming for his knees.

Talon wasn't expecting for her to drop down to the floor, and it was a little too late for him to fully avoid her. The large man attempted to jump into the air to get away from her sliding kick, but she still managed to hit his feet while in the air. His legs were pushed back and the man flipped forward, putting his hands on the ground to push himself back into the air so that he could back on his feet. This action did take longer than he hoped for, but once he was finished he simply looked at the woman he was fighting against.

Natali had paused in her asault, waiting for Talon to get back on his feet. As soon as he did, she was on him again, this time aiming a high kick to his shoulder.

This time Talon was prepared for the woman's speed, and blocked her kick with his forearms. In a normal fight, he would have been on the offensive as soon as humanly possible, but this fight wasn't about how fast he could win, but how good his opponent was. He still stayed on the defensive, and pushed her leg away with as much force as he could gather.

"Time to get serious then," Natali commented, and charged again. This time, however, instead of attacking her opponant, she jumped and shimmered in mid air, assuming the black haired form from earlier. She landed behind the guildmaster and placed her hand palm down on the wooden floor, drawing it up and a length of the floor with it. Now she wielded a six foot long wooden katana, not much more than a training sword, but enough for her purposes, her arm flashed forward and struck, lashing a red welt against Talon's blocking arm and sending the broken tip of the wooden sword skittering across the room. Two more flashes and Natali was holding nothing more than the hilt, which she discarded before jumping backwards, hand on the wall ready to make another sword.

When the woman jumped up into the air, Talon kept his guard up just in case she tried to pull anything, and he could only watch as she transformed into the form that he had seen before. Although he did brace himself for her attack with the wooden blade, it didn't hurt nearly as much as he thought that it would. Still, he grunted in pain every time she hit, and smirked at her once she jumped backwards. If she wanted to get serious, then he would do so as well. The older man crashed his fists together and called out the name of the spell he was about to use. "Stoneback!" He said as his skin began to take a dark grey color, his electric blue eyes were the only things to keep their original shade during the transformation. "Let's get serious!" He yelled at her as he charged at her, his fist cocked back and ready to srike at anything that got in between him and her.

Another shimmer, but this time Natali didn't show up in a different form, she was just gone. A voice from above alerted Talon to her presence, hanging from a cieling rafter in an entirely new form. "You think you'll catch me in a clunky shape like that?" she jeered, swinging up to perch on the beam.

Talon said nothing to the woman above him as he took in her new form. It was true that his stoneback form was much slower than his normal form, but it made up for the speed with incredible power. If she was going to dancing around him with quick speed, he needed a form that could be just as fast as she was. He didn't have a 'featherback' form or anything like that, but he believed he knew the right one to take care of his oppoenet without having to resort to his second magic. "Come back down, or I'll come up there!"

"As if you could climb this high!" she called back, standing up. "I have an idea, why don't we play a new game? Hide and seek!" She suddenly leaped in the air and did a backflip, passing out of sight for a moment behind the beam she stood on... and not coming back into sight afterward.

"Can you find me?" her voice echoed from every direction, bouncing off the walls and obsticals in a way that made it imposible to tell where the original voice came from.

The moment she disappeared, Talon's original plans were shattered. While the form he was planning to use was light and durable, it wouldn't help in his current situation. His diamondback, form might be helpful in his current sitaution, as he really did become a giant moving diamond in that form, but he wasn't entirely sure. The man simply stood in his spot and thought out what he could possibly do next. He needed to lure her out somehow, but he didn't know how to do it.

Talon smirked once more as an idea came to him, and the man simply transformed back into his normal form. "You're a lot smarter than I thought you were, and I set high expectations when I first saw you. You have an amazing magic, and I'd be honored to allow you into Mystic Ram."

"Aw, that's no fun," Natali said, stepping out from behind her pillar. "But I suppose a win is a win."

His movements were subtle, but with a keep eye they could still be made out. The man toushed both of his fists together as he walked over to her ans whispered something under his breath. He hoped that she didn't have perfect hearing, or his plan would have been ruined. As soon as he could feel his magic working, he sprinted full force at the woman with a speed that could possibly match her own. He then launched his fist at her, hoping to hit her in the gut.

With the grace of a cat, Natali stepped back behind her pillar and twisted around the other side, coming back into sight as the armored form and bringing her elbow down hard on the guildmaster's back.

"Your magic isn't exactly made for subtlty," She said calmly, watching him warilly. "The fact that you have to bring your fists together belies your intentions, no matter how smoothly you do it."

With Natali evading his surprise attack, Talon was both furious and joyous at the same time. She truly was a good fighter, and obviously knew how to use all of her forms well. He wanted to welcome her into the guild right then and there, but they were in a fight until one of them lost by defeat. She was right, his magic wasn't made for subtlty, it was made for crashing through three foot thick walls with his own body. If he wanted to come out on top, he was going to have to use his second magic, despite how much he hated using it. He was now more focused on winning the fight rather then testing Natali, but he already saw that she was an amazing mage so he didn't need to hold back as much as before. "Turbo magic." He said simply, his now dark grey body becoming more bulky than usual. He looked at her with a calm expression and nodded at her. "This was a good fight, and I'll probably remember it, but now it needs to end."

Natali backed up a step, wanting to run but finding herself glued in place. "What is this feeling? Is this fear? She could practically feel the magic radiating from this man's body, and she had no idea what it was for. She was rooted in place, raising her arms to cover her face. "Whatever this is," She thought, "It's going to hurt."

"Let's get this over with, this magic will be the death of me." Talon thought grimly to himself as he charged at Natali with impossible speed, his arm cocked back and ready to hit her in the gut like last time. Once he made contact with her, he quickly deactivated his turbo magic and jumped back. He didn't want to use that magic any longer than he needed to, and if he thought about it he shouldn't have used the turbo magic in the first place. He hoped that she was okay after that hit, and quickly went to check on her. He didn't smile at her as he looked at the woman, and instead hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry for using that magic. It tipped the scales too much and sometimes I don't realize how hard I hit. Are you alright? In any case, you're in the guild if you still want to join."

The large man stood there for a moment with his head hung low before looking at Natali. She hadn't said anything to him or even made a vocal responce after being hit. Much to his surprise, he had knocked the woman out. He sighed deeply as he picked her up and took her into one of the rooms that the guild had. He was sad for many reasons, and the main one being that he had said all of those heartfelt words for nothing! He didn't just act all calm and normal every day, so for him to act like that was a sight to see! How dare she not be awake to see such a rare moment!