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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Although the voice was deep and very manly, it sounded like a whining child. To those who lived in the town of Middlemist, they knew who exactly the voiced belonged to. It was none other than the leader of Mystic Ram himself, Talon Caine. The tall and muscled man was currently in his own small office in the back of the guild hall. His manly voice echoed through the hall, causing a young woman to rush from her spot at the bar over to the guild master's office. The well built man didn't even have a change to close his mouth before Kori practically kicked open the door and looked at the guild master with sheer determination. Although it wasn't official, Kori acted at Talon's secretary in various ways, and is usually ready to carry out any order that the guild master might have for her.

When standing next to the taller man, Kori was obviously smaller, but in all actuality, was a fairly tall woman herself. Her bright blue eyes glistened with determination as she awaited Talon's command. He could always count on her to do as she was told, and was glad that she was as loyal as she was. "Yes Talon!" She practically shouted, saluting to the guild master.

Talon rose from his desk and walked over to her, handing her a fancy looking paper. The most notable thing on the paper was the large numbers on it, which took up about half of it. If one were to look at it, it would say REWARD: 100000000 JEWELS, which was quite the sum of money. "I just got this job request this morning. Could you go and put it on the S-class board since you're out there?" He asked her, but knew that she would gladly carry about the request. "That's al-" He didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence as Kori rushed out of his office in a pale blue blur, making her way to the second floor to put the request up on the board. She was one of the few S-class mages that they had, and they were lucky have her.

With that taken care of, the lightly tanned woman walked back behind the bar and looked at a pale green eyed young man with slight curiosity. "So, Darren. What were you saying about your most recent job?" She asked him casually, as if she hadn't just answered the call of a whining grown man and kicked open his door at the speed of sound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"*sigh* Look, Noire, I appreciate it, but no." Jayce said as he blankly stared at his canine companion who was sitting on top of his chest, he'd been resting comfortably in his hammock until Noire had rudely interrupted his nap time by jumping right onto him, her bushy tail flicking back and forth as she held a small rubber ball in her mouth, which she dropped right onto his windpipe before letting out a swift bark and jumping off onto the wooden floor of his tiny abode. Place was decent enough, had a place to sleep, bathroom, not enough room for a decent bed, so he made due with a pretty sweet hammock. Rising from the hammock so sit rather than lay, Jayce gave a sigh as he held his chin in the hand of his artificial hand, looking again at the beast which was staring at him expectantly. "Ah come on Noire...I just got up, gimme a break will ya?" A simple glance at her eyes let him know that he wasn't getting off easy, she wanted play time, and she was getting it if she had to rip off his other arm.

Almost breaking out into a cold sweat, he swiftly rose to his feet to grab the ball which had rolled to the center of the hammock and gave it a quick toss, the large black hound bounded quickly after it, and brought it back without a sound aside from the soft sound of panting. A few dozen tosses later, some of which actually went out the window (Didn't stop her from jumping after them), she seemed satisfied, and Jayce gave her a pat on the head before sighing slightly and saying: "You're always such a handful in the mornings...let's get going. We don't work, we don't eat." At the mention of food, Noire bounded ahead of him, sprinting off full speed to the guild. He followed in turn, manically running to keep up the pace with his hound. "Why can't I ever just sleep in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Getting up early in the morning to get the most our of the day, that was what Allyson thought and always woke up pretty early. Since the morning, she has been training, not only with her magic, but also her body. What good is it if you get good at magic and you have a weak body? As she runs through the park, she has in her belt a little stuffed bear, dangling around as she moves. A little training partner, so she doesn't feel as lonely. After jogging for a while, she finally stops and wipes the sweat off her forehead with her arm. "Uff.... Now that that's out of the way, it's time to go to the guild!" She starts to head towards the guild, but then she remembers she still has her teddie bear around her waist, as well that she is covered in sweat. "I... can't really show up like this in the guild. They'll think I'm disgusting." She changes her course and heads to her house, to take a shower and leave her trusty stuffed friend in a safe place.

She puts on her favorite red clothes and fixes her hair in a ponytail after taking the shower. She takes a look at herself in the mirror. Flawless as she can get, not a single wrinkle or torn in her clothes. "All right! I'm off!" She uses her magic to run out of her house and rush to the guild, so she can greet everyone.

While making her way there, she notices one of her guildmates, Jayce if she remembers right, along with his dog. It would be rude not to slow down and greet him. Though, when she does so, due ot the incredible speed she was going at, when she tries to stop by putting her feet on the ground she lifts great cloud of dust. After she finally comes to a stop, quite far away from Jayce, she turns around with an apologetic look in her face. "I-I am so sorry! And good morning..." She says, trying not to sound embarrassed in front of the guy. She shakes the uncomfortable feeling off and asks in a more natural way. "Are you on your way to the guild now? Would you like to walk together? We'll at least keep each other company."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jayce followed along behind Noire, keeping pace with the black beast, though he really wished they could move at a slower pace. Luckily, the citizens of Middlemist were swift enough to stay out of Noire's way, as the pooch didn't really care who got in the way of it's unstoppable one-track rampage towards the Guild. As they went along, Jayce and Noire noticed a red blur of a figure pass them by at great speed, and then stop a good distance away from them. Volumes of dust kicked up caused Noire to start sneezing, though Jayce took the preemptive step of raising the collar of his shirt up to his eyes to cover himself.

Once Noire had stopped sneezing, she irritably started matching Jayce's pace as he casually walked through the clouds of dust, her second eye lids closing rapidly to get the dust out of her eyes. They heard a rather familiar voice as they came out of the cloud, and upon coming out of it they saw one of their guildmates. Removing his shirt from his brow, Jayce gave a slight wave of acknowledgement before saying: "Mornin'. Hey, don't sweat it, thanks to you I get to take a breather." Noire let out a slight bark as she saw a friendly face, her bright red eyes now free of dust. At her proposition of walking together, he gave a slight smile and said: "Sure thing Ally, we'd love to. C'mon Noire, the jobs aren't going anywhere anytime soon." Noire whimpered slightly in acknowledgement, and began following along behind Jayce as he approached Allyson.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tracker


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"If you don't hurry up, all the good jobs will be taken by the time we get there..." Serena sighed, sitting on Bjorn's shoulder. He was running down the streets towards the guild hall.
"Maybe if you got down and ran by yourself we'd get there faster." he growled and turned right.
"We both know that wouldn't work. And if you hadn't slept that long, we wouldn't have this problem. You should just be happy that I came to wake you up and brought you breakfast." she continued. Bjorn just growled and kept going.
"Why did you sleep that deeply, anyways?" She asked.
"Dinner was a bit elusive. Had to hunt most of the night to catch anything edible." he said after a pause. "And when I finally found something, it kept running from me, so I had to trap it somehow..."
"You know you could have just eaten at the guild, or asked me to bring you something. But that's what you get for living all the way out there..." she sighed again, to which he just growled.
They continued back and forth like this for a while, until they turned onto a road where Serena saw a few familiar faces.

"Jayce! Allyson! Good morning!" She called out and waved. Bjorn also turned and waved. Shortly after, Serena jumped down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"As I said earlier." Darren said calmly, his head tilted down slightly so that his eyes were looking down at the bar. "I was just escorting a merchant to one of the nearby towns. He said that he wouldn't have talked to a guild that was closer to that town than we were, but he figured that a new guild like ours would need some big jobs." The swordsman explained, pausing as he heard two new voices from some distance away. One of the spoke out as he assumed that they reached the guild hall, but could have been closer for all he knew."I'm actually surprised though, he didn't talk about my blindness not once while we walked, which I was happy about. I never asked him why, but I assume the he had good reasoning."

Kori smiled at the swordsman and placed a glass of water right in front of him, placing it down with a bit more force than usual, just so that he knew it was there. Usually, she would place things down as delicately and quietly as possible, but she couldn't really do that with Darren since he probably wouldn't even know that it was there if she did. She saw that he picked up the glass and downed it's contents with his free hand while the other grasped the sheathe of his katana lightly. "Just water." She told him kindly, so that he would know what he was drinking just before he drank it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Heh, I'm glad I was able to help you." Allyson lets out a slight chuckle. "Oh, oh, you're going in a mission? Mind if I tag alone? It has been some time since I last went in one." She says. She figures that if she doesn't go in a mission any time soon, she'll end up poor and in the street and that, wouldn't be good at all. She hasn't gone in any missions recently since the last one was a complete failure, and she has been training hard to make up for it. Of course, that time she went alone and didn't have any back up, so it was most probably because of that that she failed. She lets out a sigh at the thought of it.

Just when she was about to continue her journey to the guild, she was greeted by a familiar voice. Serena and Bjorn greet both her and Jayce, though she finds it odd how Serena is sitting on Bjorn's shulder, she decides not to comment about it, after all, she is already down. She gives a hearty wave and also greets her guildmates. "Bjorn, Serena! Good Morning!" She says with a smile on her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jayce held his artificial hand up to his chin when Allyson asked if she could come along on a job with him. It was true that more people meant an easier time, but he would have to split the pay...With a bit of thought put into it, he turned to face her and gave a thumbs up with his right hand, before saying: "Sure thing, just make sure to pull your weight, and I'm cool with it." with a small smile on his face. Noire gave a small bark as she scratched the back of her left ear with her left hind leg, and then gave another bark as she ran around Jayce in a circle before he even got a chance to move, after which she began facing the two approaching figures.

Jayce gave a slight wave with his right hand, along with a short greeting of: "Mornin'! ". When Selena had jumped down from Bjorn, Noire quickly rushed over to where the girl stood, looking up at her with her bright red eyes and gave a happy bark as she held one of her paws up while balancing on the other three. Jayce could never figure out why, but Noire really liked her. Looking up at Bjorn's face, Jayce gave a slight look of concern and said: "You alright there Bjorn? Look a bit tired."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tracker


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bjorn yawned and stretched. ”Not much of a morning person...” he mumbled, then looked and Jayce and grinned. ”You don't look like you had the most gentle of awakenings either.”
He looked over at Serena and Noire. ”I think you should take her along on your job. It'll be good for her to work with other people. I'll find something on my own.” He said, then looked at Jayce again. ”Don't worry, she is a skilled wizard.” he said and gave a thumbs-up.

Meanwhile, Serena had sat down in front of Noire, shook her paw and laughed. ”Good girl.” she said and hugged Noire, then started petting her and scratching her behind the ears. Upon hearing Bjorn's words, she turned her head to look at him. ”You're not coming with us?” she asked.
He shook his head. ”I had picked up a job yesterday that suits my skills quite nicely. I probably won't be around for a while.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jayce scratched the back of his head with his left hand and smiled when Bjorn mentioned his rough awakening. "Guess you could say that, but hey, at least I got a living alarm clock." at the mention of 'alarm clock', Noire's head swiveled back to look at Jayce, her fangs somewhat bared, using the motion to feint as if she was leaning into the motion of Serena's scratching and petting. All the while, she kept her eyes closed, and whenever she faced Serena, her lip flaps were curved slightly, as if the beast was smiling.

Sighing as Bjorn made his proposal, Jayce eventually gave in, and gave off another smile, a bit wider than his previous, before returning Bjorn's thumbs up with his own, with his right hand. His smile persisted as he said "Alright then, three man and dog job it is. Good luck with whatever you're doing, big guy." Glancing at Noire, he made a small motion with his head, signalling that they should get going. With a slight droop in her ears, Noire wiggled out of Serena's hands and began walking towards her partner, her steps much lazier now that she was content with being spoiled. Turning to Ally, Jayce simply spoke a small phrase of: "You don't mind if she tags along, do you?" before he started sauntering towards the guild hall, Noire following at a decent pace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

When Jayce told Allyson that if she was able to handle it, Allyson answered him by showing her arm and bragging a little. "Of course I can pull my own weight! It's not like if I was that heavy..." That last part, she said in a low voice while pouting, but before someone could comment on it, she shook her head. "What I mean here is, I'm certain I won't slow you down, in fact, I may even give this some more speed." She said with a confident smile, though that same confidence had backfired on her before, but maybe with all her recent training, she may be able to really brag about her magic.

At Bjorn's suggestion, Allyson, rather than thinking about it and what it may mean to the mission, she turned to see Jayce's expression. Maybe he wasn't really planning on going with others, so she wasn't sure whether he would be upset or not. He answered with a smile, though, it seemed he wasn't too upset to have some girls barging in his mission. "If you don't mind, then why would I? They say that the more the merrier, right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tracker


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

”Well then, I hope you three have fun.” Bjorn said, and then walked over to Serena. ”You take care, all right?”
Serena had stopped petting Noire and had stood up, and turned to face Bjorn. ”You take care too. And remember to wake up in the morning.”
Bjorn laughed, then ruffled her hair. Then he walked past her and ran towards the edge of the city.

Once he had gone out of sight, Serena turned to Jayce. ”So, got any particular kind of job in mind?” She asked and walked up next to him. ”Ahhh, and don't worry, I'll also pull my weight. I'm stronger than I look.” She said and flexed jokingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jayce chuckled a bit as Serena flexed, he started walking backwards and gave her a small thumbs up, before saying: "Woah there, careful you don't give everyone in the guild a heart attack, showing off your guns like that. Anyways, I don't really have a job in mind...guess we'll see what Kori's got picked out on the board today." Noire barked a bit at the showing of Serena's "guns",and then mockingly rolled over as if to play dead. She got back up quickly though, and caught back up to the three as they walked along. Jayce turned back around just in time to come face to face with the guild, the same doors he entered every day standing before him.

As he entered the guild building, he propped the door open with his left hand to let the ladies in, and turned to see the rest of the guildmembers, albeit there weren't too many. Giving a wave with his right hand, he grinned a bit as he said: "Hey Kori, got any work for us today? Oh, hey Darren, back from your job already? You work quick."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kori turned to Jayce as he spoke to her, smiling at him and watching him make his way into the guild. He nodded politely to him and glanced over at the job request board, looking at the few jobs that were available. While turning back to look at him, she glanced over at Darren to see how he reacted to the new presence. His position didn't change much, but he did shift slightly in his seat after hearing the new voice. "Yes, Jayce. I think there are three of four jobs on the board right now. Darren was just telling be about how his job went. Apparently the escort mission wasn't anything too big." She informed the newcomer, getting a nod from Darren.

His head turned slightly in the direction of Jayce, his blank features not telling anyone what he was currently thinking about. "Yeah. The escort job was pretty simple. No attacks, no ambushes, nothing. The man said that he contacted us because we could use some bigger jobs."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Jayce nodded as he held a prevalent smile on his face, he always liked it at the guild, place felt cozy, and hey, for what members they had, most of them were pretty nice. Looking in Darren's direction, he said: "Nice work then, might bring in more work for all of us." He strode past the bar and looked over the job listings, curling his index finger on his right hand under his chin as he thought about which job would be best for the three. Noire in the meantime, sat down next to Darren and just...stared at him. She never really seemed to understand that he was blind, and found it more of a curiosity than anything. Oddly, she actually jumped up into the seat next to him and stared at Kori as if she were going to order something.

"...Lets take a here...Escorting...clearing a path...dadadada....Lost party...Praise the sun?" Glancing over his shoulder back to Kori, he held the job request in his hand and said: "Hey Kori, has Talon been putting joke jobs on the board again?" He took a closer look at the job and tried to make heads or tails of what the client was even asking for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kori giggled softly at the request that Jayce had in his hands. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't a joke request, and it was actually given to them by a man hoping to pass on his ways. She should have known that someone would ask that eventually about the strange request, but this is was of the few odd ones that weren't put up on the board by Talon. "No, Jayce. The man who put it up there, Solaire, I think his name was, was a really nice person, and he wanted to show people his ways." She told him, Darren listening in on the conversation without saying much of anything. "He was a really kind man, and he told me to give whoever picked up the job directions to where he will be staying until the job is completed."

In reality, he was kind of a strange man. He always seemed to be happy, spouting things about finding his own sun, or son, she wasn't quite sure, and had implied that he would be staying in the exact same place until someone accepted the job. It was odd, but he seemed nice, and that was all that really mattered. The job paid fairly well, which was strange, since the request never mentioned what was actually going to be happening, but money was money, and the job was a job.

Darren turned over to Jayce, sword in hand, and tilted his head slightly up, so that it didn't appear that he was looking down at the ground. "It seems like an interesting job. I'm willing to take it if you aren't, Jayce, and if you do plan on finding this man, then would you mind if I went with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shujin juddered and slipped. "Wha?" He almost fell backwards before digging his fingers into the table. He has been sleeping in the guild house, foolishly leaning back on his chair. When he gripped the table... he really gripped the table, with quickly formed iron plastered onto his nails dug into the wood. He was breathing heavily before checking around to see what had woken him up.

A few guild members had already come in for the morning, dressed and prepared for the day, whilst he remained shabby and scruffy from the night before. He stretched back into the chair before pushing out and up, into a stand. In his unmistakeably deep voice, he scowled "ehh..... some people are trying to take a morning nap over here." He shuffled over towards the more central part of the room before stretching his back high, yawning and scratching his hair. "aye Kori, sorry about spending the night in that chair.... I couldnt pay my rent this month."

Come to think of it, he hadnt done a real challenging job in quite some time. All he did now a days were simple requests. He needed danger... and money. "hey kori.... are there any.... dangerous jobs that pay well? I need to get back out there, and progress as a wizard." He grinned devilishly and clenched one fist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
Avatar of pyroman

pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Although the voice was deep and very manly, it sounded like a whining child. To those who lived in the town of Middlemist, they knew who exactly the voiced belonged to. It was none other than the leader of Mystic Ram himself, Talon Caine. The tall and muscled man was currently in his own small office in the back of the guild hall. His manly voice echoed through the hall, causing a young woman to rush from her spot at the bar over to the guild master's office. The well built man didn't even have a change to close his mouth before Kori practically kicked open the door and looked at the guild master with sheer determination. Although it wasn't official, Kori acted at Talon's secretary in various ways, and is usually ready to carry out any order that the guild master might have for her.

When standing next to the taller man, Kori was obviously smaller, but in all actuality, was a fairly tall woman herself. Her bright blue eyes glistened with determination as she awaited Talon's command. He could always count on her to do as she was told, and was glad that she was as loyal as she was. "Yes Talon!" She practically shouted, saluting to the guild master.

Talon rose from his desk and walked over to her, handing her a fancy looking paper. The most notable thing on the paper was the large numbers on it, which took up about half of it. If one were to look at it, it would say REWARD: 100000000 JEWELS, which was quite the sum of money. "I just got this job request this morning. Could you go and put it on the S-class board since you're out there?" He asked her, but knew that she would gladly carry about the request. "That's al-" He didn't even have a chance to finish his sentence as Kori rushed out of his office in a pale blue blur, making her way to the second floor to put the request up on the board. She was one of the few S-class mages that they had, and they were lucky have her.

With that taken care of, the lightly tanned woman walked back behind the bar and looked at a pale green eyed young man with slight curiosity. "So, Darren. What were you saying about your most recent job?" She asked him casually, as if she hadn't just answered the call of a whining grown man and kicked open his door at the speed of sound.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Never a dull moment," Caroline muttered, taking a drink from her tankard. As she leaned against the wall in herblack tanktop and pants, she scanned the room of familiar faces again. More an ingrained habit than any kind of wariness.

She finished her beer and put the empty tankard down on the bar. Briefly considering getting another drink, shedismmised the thought and isntead wandered over to the request board, trying to find something to take. Looking up at the second floor, she sighed wistfully. "Alas, tis the life of a normal mage."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
Avatar of The Irish Tree

The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"*sigh* Look, Noire, I appreciate it, but no." Jayce said as he blankly stared at his canine companion who was sitting on top of his chest, he'd been resting comfortably in his hammock until Noire had rudely interrupted his nap time by jumping right onto him, her bushy tail flicking back and forth as she held a small rubber ball in her mouth, which she dropped right onto his windpipe before letting out a swift bark and jumping off onto the wooden floor of his tiny abode. Place was decent enough, had a place to sleep, bathroom, not enough room for a decent bed, so he made due with a pretty sweet hammock. Rising from the hammock so sit rather than lay, Jayce gave a sigh as he held his chin in the hand of his artificial hand, looking again at the beast which was staring at him expectantly. "Ah come on Noire...I just got up, gimme a break will ya?" A simple glance at her eyes let him know that he wasn't getting off easy, she wanted play time, and she was getting it if she had to rip off his other arm.

Almost breaking out into a cold sweat, he swiftly rose to his feet to grab the ball which had rolled to the center of the hammock and gave it a quick toss, the large black hound bounded quickly after it, and brought it back without a sound aside from the soft sound of panting. A few dozen tosses later, some of which actually went out the window (Didn't stop her from jumping after them), she seemed satisfied, and Jayce gave her a pat on the head before sighing slightly and saying: "You're always such a handful in the mornings...let's get going. We don't work, we don't eat." At the mention of food, Noire bounded ahead of him, sprinting off full speed to the guild. He followed in turn, manically running to keep up the pace with his hound. "Why can't I ever just sleep in?"
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