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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

With the ring of the alarm clock, Celia rose and sat up in her bed, greeting the morning sun as it shined in through her bedroom window. The black-haired girl looked around her small room for a moment before stretching and getting out of bed, standing in her pale blue night gown. The room was filled with various stuffed animals and knick knacks she'd accrued during her jobs with Mystic Ram. "Better get going...might miss out on a job if I don't!" Celia smiled, sliding open the bedroom door to reveal the small living area of her apartment, with attached kitchen and a small bathroom on the other side of the room. It was a tiny place, but big enough for her. She saved space by just having a table, some seats,and a bookshelf in the corner opposite the kitchen.

After making herself some eggs and fruit for breakfast, Celia returned to her room to grab her clothes, then went to the bathroom to bathe. She'd decided to wear her short-sleeved white blouse, with the frilled bottom, some denim shorts, and sandals. Whatever job there was, she just hoped that it didn't involve climbing. Grabbing her cute blue bag off of the kitchen table, Celia began to make her way down the stairs and out onto the street of Middlemist. The town had been so lively since her arrival, and she was truly thankful her family allowed her to live there. Folks were out and about, and Celia made sure to wave to them as she passed by on her way to the guild hall.

As she approached the entrance to the Mystic Ram guild hall, Celia spotted a familiar dark, animal shape sprinting her way. A squint later and she made out that it was Noire, with her owner Jayce not too far behind her. The young woman stuck her hand in the air and waved, the white guildmark on the underside of her right forearm visible. "Good Morning Jayce! Hello Noire!" Celia greeted happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Jayce followed along behind Noire, keeping pace with the black beast, though he really wished they could move at a slower pace. Luckily, the citizens of Middlemist were swift enough to stay out of Noire's way, as the pooch didn't really care who got in the way of it's unstoppable one-track rampage towards the Guild. She did, eventually, come to a skidding halt as she saw Celia at the front of the guild hall. As she came to a complete stop, she barked happily before running up to Celia, and raising her paw to offer a handshake.

As Jayce caught up, he saw Noire offer her paw to Celia, the usual way she liked to greet people. That or just jump on top of their heads and bite their heads. Took him a while to get her to learn to do which when. Raising his artificial arm, he gave a clunky wave back, saying: "Mornin' Celia." Looking down, he placed his left hand on Noire's head and gave her a quick pat. He said: "I'll get ya one of these days, ya little fleabag..." Looking back to Celia, he held his usual casual smile and said: "So, got any jobs picked out for today?"

Noire gave a light growl at Jayce's pat, as well as his mention of her being a "fleabag" quickly lowering her paw and then holding the other back up to Celia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The tiny droplets of water filled the air in a puff as he carefully squeezed the spray bottle, lightly misting the dark blood-red petals the unique rose. Thin, elegant hands worked delicately to replace the glass case that had been heavily enchanted to maintain a perfect flower-growing environment within; an expensive piece designed for this one particular flower. Still, to Sevrin Creed it was well worth the cost for this simple, albeit beautiful, flower represented both his past and his future: the constant reminder of the one who had changed everything.,

The mage sighed as a rush of painful memories filled his mind but was pleased to find that they no longer sparked the intense rage they had previously. Sev was smart enough to know that such unchecked emotion would put him at a dangerous, and likely fatal, risk should he find himself in combat with a being like that and so had spent the last few years training his mind to keep focus. It was not all about revenge anymore, but rather about making sure that what happened to him would never happen to another: it was why he had dedicated himself to hunting down dark mages and putting a stop to dark guilds before they could do more harm. Running a leather-gloved hand through the whispy blonde hair that fell past his ears, Sevrin let his icy blue eyes drift out the 2nd floor window of his simple one room apartment, over the large boxes bursting with flowers of every size, shape, and color, and out to the lively city he now called home.

He still had a lot of training to do before he could really make a difference in that war.

Slipping a simple leather coat over his frilled white silk shirt, he grabbed the small bundle of flower cuttings from his small two-seat table and walked out the door, careful to lock it behind him. Down the stairs and on the street he passed by the grocery that filled the space below his apartment and spotted the owner of the building, his landlady. "Hello, Mrs. Larcy!" He flashed her a friendly smile, pulling several pristine lilacs from the bundle and handed them over to her. "For your table. I'm sure the ones I gave you last week are quite wilted by now!"

"Oh you dear, Sev! These are lovely!" She was a portly 'grandma' figure with snow white hair and a seemingly perpetual smile, always quick with a kind word or a small gift. "The others are still as perfect as when you handed them to me: they haven't drooped an inch! I swear, I don't know how you do it..."

"Trade secret, I'm afraid." Sevrin chuckled with a sly wink.

She laughed heartily as she ducked into the back room and returned moments later with a cloth sack. "Well I just pulled a dozen meat pies out of the oven. Why don't you take them up to the guild and put a little meat on those bones?"

The blonde-haired mage bowed graciously, accepting the gift. "You're far to kind, Mrs. Larcy."

She waved a wrinkled hand dismissively. "Nonsense! Now you be careful today. Don't let that Talon throw you out into danger!"

"I'll try." He chuckled, turning down the road. "But you know how he is better than I do!"

It didn't take long to pass through an alleyway to reach the main road which wound all the way through the city. Ten minutes later, Sevrin had just pushed his way through the large oaken door to let the smell of freshly-baked meat pies flood the guild's common room when the guild master's shout made him wince. He watched Kori rush in and out the master's office, tacking a new assignment on the large, and somewhat barren, mission board, as he approached the bar and slid onto a stool. "Oy, Kori!" He gave a friendly wave, plopping the bag on the bar top. "A present from Mrs. Larcy. Please see that our lovely Guild Master gets one before the 'hounds' devours them...?" Sevrin smirked sarcastically. "Oh, that's right-" Remembering his other gift, his smile sweetened as he presented the small bouquet of mixed flowers: lilies, lilacs, and poppies. "For you... This bar needs a little brightening up, I think." Grown by his hand, they would last for several weeks before needing to be replaced. Noticing another mage by the message board, he plucked a single snow-white lilac from the bunch and twisted off his seat. "And that's not the only thing that's needing brightening..." Sev chuckled jokingly as he slipping the flower in front of Caroline's face. "Good morning, Caroline. Taking any interesting jobs today?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"As I said earlier." Darren said calmly, his head tilted down slightly so that his eyes were looking down at the bar. "I was just escorting a merchant to one of the nearby towns. He said that he wouldn't have talked to a guild that was closer to that town than we were, but he figured that a new guild like ours would need some big jobs." The swordsman explained, pausing as he heard two new voices from some distance away. One of the spoke out as he assumed that they reached the guild hall, but could have been closer for all he knew."I'm actually surprised though, he didn't talk about my blindness not once while we walked, which I was happy about. I never asked him why, but I assume the he had good reasoning."

Kori smiled at the swordsman and placed a glass of water right in front of him, placing it down with a bit more force than usual, just so that he knew it was there. Usually, she would place things down as delicately and quietly as possible, but she couldn't really do that with Darren since he probably wouldn't even know that it was there if she did. "Just water." She told him kindly, so that he would know what he was drinking just before he drank it. She saw that he picked up the glass and downed it's contents with his free hand while the other grasped the sheathe of his katana lightly.

Her head turned to Sevrin as he entered the building, and smiled at him as he sat down and placed a bad down on the counter. Her smile widened with surprise as he handed her a bouquet of mixed flowers, taking them and looking around for a nearby vase to put them in for the moment. There wasn't one on the counter, but she would be sure to find one as soon as she could. "Thank you Sevrin. I'll be sure to display them in a nice vase when I get the chance to find one."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline stared at the flower for a second, uncomprehending, then smiled and took it delicately between her fingers. Tucking the stem behind her ear so that the blossoms fell to the side of her face, her smile turned impish as she glanced sideways at Sevrin.

"You know, if you're not careful I might think you're coming onto me." She elbowed him playfuly in the ribs and grabbed a sheet at random from the board.

"How's this sound?" She asked, glancing at it and handing it to him. The page proclamed in big text that a thief was on the prowl and needed to be caught. The reward was substantial at 200,000 Jewel. "Seems like it's simple enough. You will of course, be coming with me." Her tone wasn't questioning, it was a statement of fact. "I know you haven't done a job in a while, and two heads are always better than one."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Rutger sipped his tea, letting the steam tickle his nose with its herbal scent before he returned the cup to the table, never taking his eyes off the book in his other hand. Even all this time after leaving his snowy home, it just didn't feel right if he didn't start the morning off with something hot. Gingerly he took the edge of a page between thumb and forefinger and--


The fire mage cringed as Master Talon's shout rang out, accidentally tearing a small piece of the page out of the book. He looked from the book to the piece with an expression of pain...but at least it hadn't taken any of the text with it. He sighed and placed the piece of parchment into a pocket of his jacket, then turned his head towards the counter. Kori was already back from whatever the Master wanted of her, and speaking to Darren. Whatever it was, it seemed like it would be the S-Class's problem. Rutger went back to his book, adjusting himself on the bench that spanned the length of one of the guild's tables. Soon he was engrossed in the tome again, his eyes wandering back and forth over each page. The book's multi-colored cover displayed the title in flowing black script that had a distinctly oriental feel to it: The Basics of Rainbow Fire, by Professor Totomaru.

Vaguely he registered a sing-song voice of greeting, followed by a familiar bark, both from outside. From what little he could catch of the voices, it was probably Jayce and his animal companion, and the other one was...Celia? Probably. It took the creak of the oaken double doors to get Rutger to raise his head once more, as he smelled something warm and fresh coming from the basket the newcomer was carrying. It was Sevrin, who carried his own smell, this one of the flowers he always seemed to have on hand. The mage delivered the basket full of goodness to Kori, and Rutger gulped back his desire. Best to let the Master, at least, have the first pick out of politeness. However, he saw no problem with waiting to grab the next one available.

The fire mage carefully folded the corner of the page he was on and flipped the book shut, slipping it under one arm. Then he hooked a finger through the handle of his tea cup, taking another sip before he rose from his seat and made his way over to the counter.

"Good morning, Kori, Darren." he said, gesturing with the cup and giving them both a warm smile. Darren couldn't see it, but Rutger figured it was the thought that counted. "Sevrin's landlady send over some goodies again?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sevrin's icy blue eyes flashed Caroline a wink before flicking down to the paper she handed him. "Says here he's hit the gambling hall, the Jewel lender's, and half a dozen high class homes." It was an impressive list, practically every high profile target in the city besides the bank and their own guild hall. "Still, 200,000 to take down a thief? There must be a nice catch to go along with it." Carefully folding the paper, he stuck it into his pocket and looked back at the female mage with a sly smirk. "I am getting a bit close to falling behind on my rent and I can only buy off my landlady with flowers for so long."

Sliding his hands into his pockets, he leaned back against the message board and looked up at the ceiling in thought. "But where should we start?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Well, like you said, he's hit nearly every high profile target in the city." Caroline huffed and brushed an errant lock of hair away from her face. "That tells us two things. First, he's a show off. I haven't heard anything about normal shops getting hit like this. Second, he's running out of targets, so there's only so many places he can show up next. I say we do a stakeout on one of the remaining likely houses, since those seem to be his preferred targets." She turned around and started walking, looking back at him over her shoulder. "We'd better get started right away. We need to try and figure out his most likely target- oof!"

The last part was in response to her running headlong into someone, a side effect of not looking where you're going. As she almost toppled over, the young black haired man reached out a hand to steady her. "Easy there, Caroline." Artemis said, walking past her. "You could hurt yourself if you're not careful." He didn't react to her profuse apologies except waving a lazy hand over his shoulder. He flashed a quick smile at Kori as he sat down at the bar, placing his heavy leatherbound tome on the counter.

"Water, if it's not too much trouble Kori." He said, crossing his arms on top of the book and laying his head down between them, so only the top half of his face was visible. To people who didn't know him, he looked like he was moping, but really that's just how he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Celia happily shook Noire's paw with a giggle, standing up to look back at the man with the large device on his arm. She shrugged, "I dunno, I just got here. i figure there's gotta be something available. Maybe a stolen inheritance or someone needing their butt kicked. At least I hope so, rent's due next week." Celia scratched her head and laughed. "Well, might as well find out! Forwaaaaard march!" The raven-haired mage made a theatrical turn and march towards the door and pushed it open. "Gooooood morning Mystic Ram!" She announced her presence in her usual bubbly, excited way. A quick cursory glance showed Kori, Darren and Artemis at the bar, Caroline and Sevrin nearby, and Rutger reading at a table. The smell of delicious meat pies filled the air, but she was still full from breakfast

She walked past Caroline and Sevrin, giving them a smile and happy chuckle in greeting, before heading over to the job board and looking over the paper. Her face grew inquisitive as her aquamarine eyes scanned the board, taking note of the places where jobs had been torn off. "Let's see...rent is 50,000 Jewels...maybe a job for 100,000 to cover for a while?" Celia stopped on the "Locate lost traveling party" job, taking it off the board. "Ooooh, this could work!" The paper had a map and description of the last area the party was seen. "I shouldn't go alone, though...hey, Jayce!" Celia skipped back, job in hand. "How's this for a job?" She smiled handing it out to the man and Noire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Noire barked happily at her handshake being returned to her, before catching a whiff of something as Celia opened the large door, something...meaty. Having not eaten this morning, Noire couldn't help but bounce inside to get a whiff of what smelt like meat pies...delicious, delicious meat pies. For a moment, a magic glyph appeared in Noire, and as she walked through it, several long, flexible appendages sprouted from her back, her fur growing somewhat more awry as she moved through it. Exiting, she was in her Spider Form, and promptly shot webbing from one of the appendages now moving to her will. She clung to the ceiling like a spider, and shimmied along until she was above the bag. With one swift motion, she shot webbing down into the bag, and pulled a single meat pie out of the bag, and quickly zipping it back up to meet her open maw. With the pie now in her mouth, she bolted out of the guild and returned to Jayce's side digging her face into it with a great deal of hunger-educed enthusiasm.

Jayce sighed as he saw his "faithful companion" lower herself to just kinda digging into a meat pie she's essentially stolen, but hey, he wasn't going to say anything. He'd managed to ween her off of trying to steal food from the market place, but if it didn't have a price tag on it, she considered it fair game. Well, as long as it wasn't Talon's. Because she just learned the hard way sometimes. Kneeling down and patting her on the back, he said: "Taste's good, huh? Really hope you didn't just steal that from somebody's plate."

Noire shook her head, only slightly raising her head to do so. Bits of meat and pie crust clinging to her face.

"...Just wish you'd brought me some." Jayce mumbled as he leaned against the wall next to the entrance, his stomach somewhat grumbling. Noire, in response to hearing his stomach gurgling, nosed the pie pan a bit closer to him, and removed her face from it. Looking down as he heard the pan slide, Jayce gave a wave of hsi hand, saying: "Nah, It's yours, thanks for thinkin' of me though." as he nudged the pan back to her with his right foot. Noire wasted no time in resuming her little feeast, until the entire pan was licked clean. Once Celia had returned, Noire was still in her Spider-Take Over state, a clean pie pan next to her. Jayce looked over the job Celia handed to him, holding his chin with his artificial hand. Giving a quick nod, he said: "Sounds good, oughta give the guild some more standing too if we find all of them." While looking it over again, he couldn't help but remember the town shrouded in fog, and so, looked to Noire and thought: "Wonder if she still remembers that too..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darren sat quietly as he sipped his glass of water, making sure to pick up as much as he could with the noises and conversations currently going on. It took a few moments for him to sort out each conversation in his head, and even then he wasn't quite sure exactly who was talking to who. All the voices at relatively the same time made it difficult to sort out conversations. He was also able to hear the footsteps to someone walking towards them, and wondered who it was. It wasn't like he could identify someone just by what them walking sounded like, although that would help a lot.

"Hello Rutger." Both Kori and Darren said, looking at the mage who had just walked over to him. Darren moved his head slightly to let Rutger know that he was paying attention, as it was pretty much useless for him to fully face the man.

Kori nodded at Rutger and set the flowers down, remembering that the had to get one of the meat pies to Talon before everyone else got their hands on them. Smiling sweetly to Darren and Rutger, she slipped a pie out of the bag and grabbed it with both hands. ", she did, and I'll be right back." She said simply, walking around the counter and heading back to Talon's office to hand the manly man the meat pie. It didn't take her long at all, as she arrived only moments later and another person had arrived at the bar. She couldn't help but to smile at herself as she made her way to the other side of the counter.

Kori looked at the three mages before her, ending with nodding at Artemis. "Sure, one second." She told him, getting a glass cup and filling it with water. She smiled as she handed it to him, looking around at all of the other mages currently in the building. It was currently filling up, and she always liked it when the guild hall was full of mages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Rutger nodded and smiled as Kori headed back to the Master with a pie in hand, and reached for one himself. Before he could take one of the warm treats, however, a thread of sticky silk zipped down from the ceiling. "Yipe!" The startled fire mage pulled back his hand and looked up at the ceiling, watching in fascination as the transformed Noire hoisted her prize up into her waiting jaws and then scurried away. He chuckled and shook his head before explaining the reason for his outburst, for Darren's sake. "Looks like Noire's just as eager as I am. Snatched it right out from under me." He took one of the pies for himself, and had just taken a bite when Artemis sat down at the counter next to them, laying his head down on his arms as if he were tired. "G'mornin'," Rutger managed, before swallowing. He eyed the heavy tome under the S-Class mage's arms. While it wasn't his style of magic, he was still greatly interested in the book's contents, but he had asked Artemis about it way back when they had first met and knew that, for whatever reason, no one but the mage who owned it could read it. He took another bite of the pie, chewing thoughtfully as Kori brought Artemis his glass of water. Something pricked at him, something about Kori and the S-Class mages...oh, right. He gulped down the piece of pie and wiped his mouth with the back of his glove.

"If you're looking for work, Artemis, I think a big job for the S-Class just went up." He looked over at Kori with curiosity present in his face. "That was what the boss was yelling about, right Kori?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Artemis raised his head a bit, his eaybrows almost at his hairline. "A new S-class mission, you say?" He lifted his head all the way and scratched it absently. "I haven't had a challenge in a while."

He started looking excited and turned to Kori. "What's the gist of it?" He asked her, taking a drink of his water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sevrin silently nodded as Caroline explained the plan, accepting her logic, only to stifle a laugh when he watched walk headlong into Artemis. Keeping a reserved expression, he nodded politely as the S-class mage passed by him, his icy eyes watching him go casually to the bar. Though they had never spoken of it, Sevrin had learned Artemis had been involved those 8 years ago when the Mage Guilds banded together and finally stopped him. It had been the battle that claimed the lives of his parents in the collateral damage; the battle that had sent Sev on his course as a mage. He didn't see Artemis as a hero, nor blame him for the countless innocent deaths from that day, but he had a powerful urge to question the man about that evil being but could not bring himself to dig up the past.

He would get stronger first and then one day the two of them would talk.

Elbowing the still stunned Caroline in the side as he slipped passed her towards the door, he flashed her a smirk. "Next time try bumping into the thief? That'll make this job go a whole lot quicker."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kori nodded at Rutger and smied at Artemis, knowing that he could probably complete the job. It was a pretty big job, and quite dangerous as well, but that was why it was up on the S-class board instead of the regular one. "I'll be right back." She said calmly, pardoning herself from the table to go and get the request. While she simply could have told him about it, she felt that it was better for her to show him the paper instead.

Using her wind magic, she jumped up to the second floor and took the job off of the request board, and used the same magic to jump back down to the ground. It was an important mission, as Talon had attempted to tell her, and it was best not to waste time.

Walking back to the counter, Kori could still see that Darren was just sitting there, making no attempt to talk to the two other mages next to him. Usually he would strike up some sort of conversation to keep himself from getting bored, but he just seemed so much more quiet than usual. While she wanted to ask what was wrong, she had something else to do first. The young woman handed the piece of paper to Artemis. "The job is to clear out a newly formed Dark guild. While they're still new, they're pretty powerful, and I think it would be best to have a surprise attack instead of just rushing in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Rutger finished the rest of his pie, half listening as Kori explained the mission to Artemis and handed him the poster. Taking out dark mages, sounded like typical stuff for the S-Class. Out of simple curiosity, Rutger peered at the poster over Artemis's shoulder. His eyes practically bugged out of his head.

"HOLY CELESTIAL SPIRITS!" he cried, pointing at the bottom part of the poster. "Kori, have you actually looked at the reward for this thing!?" He looked between the two S-Class mages, and Darren--bless his heart, the man probably had no idea what was going on--and began tapping the paper's lower corner. "A hundred million freakin' Jewels! A hundred million!" He stepped back and held up two fingers. "Some requests for full scale military action are only like, two million! The GRAND MAGIC GAMES, for crying out loud, the pot for that--for proving you're the best guild in the whole damn kingdom--is thirty million! This mission is ONE. HUNDRED. MILLION."

He took a few deep breaths, calming himself before looking seriously at Artemis. "I know you're an S-rank, man, but unless there's been a mistake at the printer's, this sounds super dangerous. And this is for some newbie dark guild? If they're dangerous or powerful enough to warrant this kind of reward, sounds to me like you're looking at dark mages on the level of something like...like the old Balam Alliance! It took four guild's top mages working together to bring them down!" Now he looked towards Kori, obviously worried. "I know you hate listening to the boss whine, Kori, but did you get the whole story from Master Talon about this? This sounds like it could be some major bad news."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mombaki crept over to the shouting man pointing at the request board. He was still fairly new to this 'Guild' business...and civilization in general, but he knew a good opportunity when he saw one. He didn't actually know just how dangerous things would be, but he had left home expecting danger, hungering for it even. The high prize clearly just meant that this was a dangerous job, one that would win acclaim for whoever took it and managed to succeed. The fact that the high prize was money just added to its' usefulness. Unless a better offer came up, it seemed like this would be his best chance to do something worthy of returning home. He wanted to say so, despite his nervousness at talking.

"Um...Um...Mombaki will go, and...hunt the dark magic users. I can help...I can! Hunt them and take them by surprise, like great and dangerous beasts, yeah? I can help do it! I want a job..."

He wasn't entirely sure of his skills with the language, and he hadn't known any of these people for very long, but hunting with them after Dark Wizards seemed like a chance to improve on both and win glory at the same time, if they succeeded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Artemis studied the paper for a few moments, then turned toward Rutger at his outburst.

"Ah, good, a volunteer!" he said when the new mage offered his services. "And you won't have any issues coming with me to guard my life right Rutger? You too Darren, I could use somebody with your skills on this one." He folded the paper and put it in his pocket. "It is of course, your choice, but thirty million each isn't anything to turn your nose up at, is it? Kori, yes, no? Either way, we can leave in an hour if you're ready." And without so much as waiting for an answer he stood up with his book and walked out of the room, presumably to prepare.

Caroline was startled by Sevrin's elbow, but quickly recovered. "Yeah yeah, whatever," She said with a wave of her hand, following him "Let's get to work already."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 1 day ago

"Dude, Artemis," Rutger said, gesturing with his hands to emphasize his words, "I know you're the eccentric intellectual type and a great mage; things that would make most people soil themselves don't phase you. That's cool." The fire mage then threw his hands into the air, his head somehow seeming to magnify itself in size as he shouted at the top of his lungs. "But are you COMPLETELY INSANE!? For a reward like this, these guys would have to be on the level of the Oracion Seis, or Grimoire Heart, or--Spirit King forbid, Tartarus! Plus, me and Darren aren't even S-rank mages, and--AND YOU'RE JUST WALKING AWAY."

Indeed, Artemis was already gone, the tail of his robes swishing around a corner. Rutger stood there for a moment, shoulders hunched, arms hanging, his head deflating back to normal size. He then turned to Mombaki and Darren--who was facing the complete opposite direction--and began to massage his temples.

"Am I the only one bothered by this?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kori shook her head at Artemis, not wanting to go on the mission with them. It wasn't that she didn't like them or anything, but the was just a lot of money for clearing out a dark guild, it seemed that Darren was thinking about the same thing, as he hesitantly agreed to go with the eccentric mage. Although he could head footsteps slowly getting quieter, he still nodded his head as if Artemis was there next to him.

After hearing Rutger's outburst, Darren shook his head and looked in the direction of the mage. "I'm not sure why this mission pay is so high for just a new Dark Guild, but I'm not going to be one pass up the opportunity for thirty million Jewel. I would have to be a madman to say no." He told fire mage, getting off of his seat at the bar and heading for the entrance to the guild hall. "I'll return in an hour to regroup. I'll see you all then." He said as he left the building, still carrying his sheathed sword in one hand.

"Goodbye Darren! See you soon!" Kori said sweetly to him, watching the vibration mage walk out of the guild. Something was odd about the job, but it certainly wasn't one of the jobs that Talon made and put up on the request board as a prank. It looked and sounded far too serious for one of the grown man's pranks, she did know of people in the country that did have that kind of money.
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