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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name : Sasha Greyhound

Age: 22

Appearance :

Personality : While usually happy and at sometimes even giddy, Sasha uses the appearance of a cheery and always happy girl as a front, hiding a quieter and more thoughtful side of her. She always wished the best for the guild and the people that are a part of it, and when things go wrong the will mentally blame herself for things, while she simply sighs or something much like that outwardly. Her tendency for blaming herself came from when her parents decided to travel around Fiore without her, trusting the guild to look after her while they were gone. She misinterpreted the message and believed that they were leaving her, and not simply traveling like that actually were. She uses requip magic out of the memory of her late idol, Erza Scarlet. The reason that she is so happy is because she doesn't want to see others sad, and will do whatever it takes to keep her friends and guild-mates happy.

History : Sasha Grew up with both of her parents in Magnolia, both of them telling stories about the golden days of Fairy Tail, which, her father was a part of that guild. He never knew any of the old members personally, but he knew of them, and always told their stories to her daughter. She was fascinated by the tales of the members of Fairy Tale, and looked up to Erza, finding her use of magic 'awesome'. She also like how Erza was able to endure just about everything thrown her way, and soon started to study requip magic in hopes of becoming a mage like her father and Erza.

Growing older and becoming more experienced with magic, Sasha was surprised by her parents when they suddenly told her that they were going to be traveling around Fiore. Of course, she wanted to go as well, but her father told her that he believed that she would much rather be in the guild, becoming a better mage, rather than walking around endlessly. She believed that she had done something to drive them away, and despite how smart she was, she didn't see that they wanted to enjoy their abilities while they were still fairly young. With a little work, she applied to go to the guild and began to make her money there, doing any jobs that they had available with a smile on her face.

Magic : Caster Magic - Requip
Velocity Saber: The Velocity Saber is the lightest one out of the three, meant for quick slashes and good combos. The sword is meant for ending fights just as they start, and isn't meant for prolonged use. With magic, the sword can be used to create whirling winds that can become quite a force if enough magic is used in them. It had a long lightly green tinted blade, and a deeper green handle with a red gem in the center of the guard.
Inferno Saber The inferno Sabre is the most devastating, as it can ignite at the user's will, but requires a steady flow of magic to keep the flame sword up in flames. The design has many flame-like marking all around it, as well as a red handle with a gold trim on it.
Frost Saber The most recently acquired in the collection, the Frost Saber has an ice affinity, as the blade can become more than twice as sharp while in it's ice form. Much like the Inferno Saber, is requires magic to keep it in it's ice-like state. The sword has a pale blue color to it, as well as a white tint to give the sword some variety.

Family / Relationships : Both father and mother travel around Fiore, sending letters to Sasha every so often, sometimes even with little trinket and findings that they got on their journey. His father is a guild member, but has taken more time to spend with his wife rather than being at the guild.

Other : Guild mark is on left forearm, and is also engraved into her armor on the same spot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ha, I can see Caroline constantly bugging her to study those swords.

Also if you were wondering, Catiline's guild mark is on her left shoulderblade, only visible when she's not on a mission (and by extention not wearing her armor). She's currently spending all her free time developing a false artifact armor to replace it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What? Caroline has been there the whole time, I don't know what you're talking about. Remember that time she did there thing to the person? Yeah, good times.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

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Name: Celia Lutece

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Celia has a roaming spirit that hates to be tied down. This mindset may seem to be in conflict with joining a guild for one's foreseeable future and getting tied down, but to Celia, it's quite the opposite. When she's with her guildmates and friends, she feels even more free than ever more. And it's a good thing she has such people around her; the poor girl is often oblivious to danger and keeps on with her happy-go-lucky attitude and airy nature straight into the lion's den. Thankfully, she realizes it at the last second and scurries away or pelts the lion or similar danger in the face with condensed bullets of stardust, should there not be a large rock to hide behind. Because, really, fighting isn't fun. Unless her comrades are in danger, Celia will often just make a show of wearing the opposition out with her never ending stream of energy. She could probably power the whole of Magnolia.

Anger and sadness are also somewhat lost on her, the former more so than the latter. Her patience is vast, and her willingness to cheer up others at her expense is legendary. However, there are just those times that bring down even the highest flying kite, and when those times roll around, Celia is seen to be just as vulnerable as everyone else. She just makes a good show of burying it.

Celia was born in the City Without Sound, before the curse was enacted and Hidden was set in place. She never knew her father, as he went off to travel the world, and hasn't come back. The young girl was instead raised by her mother, Lotus Lutece, and her older brother, Cedar, and her grandparents. Being a city steeped in magic, and since her family was skilled in magic, as the rest of the citizens in town, it was only natural that Celia followed suit. At around the age of 11, after the curse had been lifted, she had begun to show potential, bending the sand around the city outskirts in subtle ways as she played. As she got older, she wanted to pursue this magic further, but decided that just plain sand was too boring, Instead, Celia began experimenting, pouring magic into the sand, to change it's properties. By infusing the grains with magic, she turned them into sparkling bits of raw metals, along with turning the impurities into shimmering dark mists which fluctuated colors. Thus, her Nebula Magic was born.

Reaching her mid-teens, her family saw that staying in the City wasn't going to cut it for Celia. She was always looking up to the horizon, to see the lights of surrounding cities from the hills. There was no denying that she wanted to soar, and experience everything Fiore had to offer. With a bit of a heavy heart, her mother sent her brother with her to take her to one of the surrounding guilds. Fairy Tail was famous, but they were always getting into giant predicaments, so she was steered away from there. They wandered until they found the town of Middlemist, and seeing as the guild there, Mystic Ram, seemed a bit more low-key, as they were just getting their start and rebuilding after Deliora's rampage. Celia bid farewell to her brother there, and applied to Mystic Ram. Now 19, she's been around for two years, and she's never been happier.

Magic: Nebula Magic

Type: Caster

By infusing sand and earth with pure magic, Celia refines the metallic particles and charges them, giving them new properties and making a new substance which she dubs, 'stardust'. This stardust, which is very bright itself, radiates a dark and multi-colored mist that is the impurities of the earth, creating a nebula gas cloud effect, hence the name.
It becomes able to recharge one's magic energy, at the cost of the caster's, be turned into dense projectiles, barriers, and has quite a few other uses that makes Celia a versatile member on a team, even with her peaceful disposition. Her magic is a bit slow, as she has to infuse and breakdown earth and dirt on the spot, but she's become so adept that the process takes a matter of seconds. Those seconds could cost her, however.


Nebula Rain: Celia compresses charged stardust to form a slew of small, dense spherical projectiles that she sends forth at high speeds to pepper the target. A small magical charge can cause the bullets to dissipate, much like the one radiated by wizards naturally, making this attack a lower-power attack, and more of a stun.

Charge Cloud: Placing a fraction of her magic power into a cloud of stardust, Celia sends this cloud over her allies, where the particles touch their skin and diffuse the magic into it, revitalizing their magic power stores slightly at the cost of a chunk of Celia's. The more people there are, the less each one gets.

Starboost: By creating pockets of stardust beneath her feet, Celia can glide across the ground with grace and speed, making her much more agile. It takes a small but steady stream of magic to maintain, so while she can use it for distance travel, she tends not to. She can create a larger cloud beneath her feet and propel herself upward as well, to make large jumps, but it takes a slightly larger portion of magic.

Nebula Razor: When told to get serious and fight, this is Celia's go-to spell. With more power holding the particles together, these projectiles slice through magic to hit their target. They can only withstand so much before breaking apart, but they can save Celia in a pinch.

Skybuster: Celia condenses a large projectile, supercharges it, and fires it off in a powerful beam. A heavy spell that she hasn't used outside of training, it takes a lot of power and time to prepare.

Heavenwall: Celia creates a barrier of stardust, which can shrug off physical strikes well, and take a few magical attacks. It is far from being an impenetrable wall, but it provides defense when greatly needed.

Assimilate: Through intense concentration, Celia charges stardust with her own consciousness, essentially becoming the cloud and leaving her body in a sleep state. She can wander quite far without repercussions, but her body is completely vulnerable and a sufficient magical discharge to the cloud could leave Celia in a coma while her consciousness reconstitutes. It's for emergencies, such as if she gets lost or trapped, or when stealth is paramount and her team needs intel badly.

I tried to get creative and I came up with super cool magical dirt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

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pyroman said
Lupus your character is in.


chukklehed said
Lupus, old buddy old pal old friend old chum old amigo old compadre old mate old... uh... I ran out of words for friend...

chukkles! Old chukkster, chukkmeister, chukkcity, chukktastic, chukklebro.... Ummm.... chukkle... monkey...
I'm sure there's more I can't think of!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dust, you're fired for incorrect Mayushi quoting. The correct quote is "TOO TOO ROO!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Super cool magical dirt is cool, Celia Lutece is in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Excuse me for watching the dub and thinking that she says "DO DO DOOOOO". Either way, Mayushii is life, son.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

No, Mayushi is love. Okarin is life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Gonna try to get a post up today, though I'm writing on my phone from work.

Also, made this villain for a previous Fairy Tail RP. Not sure if he could be of use but figured I'd throw him out there.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Really cool villain, I'll see if I can put him in this, because he'd be really cool to have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dunno if you guys still want people but if you do I'll try and come up with someone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We're always accepting people!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cool! I...shall try and come up with something vaguely useful?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So um...I was thinking maybe a guy who uses magic based on Animal Styles of Martial Arts and gets different boosts and stuff between styles, but each one has a drawback to it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

That wouldn't really be magic. Even if you somehow use magic to power the attacks, it still wouldn't really count. The closest thing to what you're thinking of that I can think of is takeover magic, but that's pretty different to what you have in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Yeah, dunno what I was thinking, but it's late here. Will come back if I actually have any ideas but otherwise guess I'm out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LupusIntus
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LupusIntus Your Inner Wolf

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He could use a form of self spirit-possession magic, maybe?

Like he casts a spell that harnesses a spirit to power up regular fighting attacks (adds an element damage type to his physical attack?), i guess it would be similar to Udyr's "stances" from the game League of Legends, if you're familar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This is my entry for an S class mage, since you said there were a few of them in the guild and I figured "why not?"

Name: Artemis Nexus
Age: 27
Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, Patient and Intelligent. Not necessarily 'kind' or 'warm', but he has his own way of helping people. There is nothing he loves more than sharing or gaining knowledge.
Magic: Holder
Artifact: The Dreamtide
A book that, in anybody else's hands, is nothing but a block of paper with unreadable symbols on it's pages. When held by Artemis, however, the book becomes a deadly weapon, with many magical properties, some of which he doesn't even know of.

Dreamspace: A pocket dimension inside of the book, capable of storing nearly anything, similar to a Requip mage's space. Currently there is only one thing in the book.

Magic Sword, Shimmer: A sword which Artemis found inside the Dreamspace when he opened it. The blade can cut through anything, provided that object has no thoughts.

Dreamcatcher: The book can generate a shield that stops anything with thoughts from passing through.

Dreamreader: The main ability of the Dreamtide. Dreamreader can "read" Any spell that has been cast and display it on the pages of the book, allowing Artemis to examine and decipher it. Given time, it also allows Artemis to dismantle or re-purpose the spell. These spells can also be recorded in the Dreamtide, and cast by Artemis at a later date, though they take more time cast by him than they would cast by the original mage.

Along with these properties, the Dreamtide also provides Artemis with enhanced speed and strength, making him a match for many of the monsters in Fiore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

LupusIntus said
He could use a form of self spirit-possession magic, maybe?Like he casts a spell that harnesses a spirit to power up regular fighting attacks (adds an element damage type to his physical attack?), i guess it would be similar to Udyr's "stances" from the game League of Legends, if you're familar.

Actually that already exists and is kind of what I was thinking of a little bit, although due to being really tired when I was writing I don't think I expressed myself well. I it guess it might work if it sounds good. granted, the description sounds a tiiiny bit evil but I kinda wish or hope it just meant the wandering ghosts/spirits of animals and not that I have to kill animals to use it because that...makes my skin crawl.

If that sounds good I might use that, if not I'll come up with something else...
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