Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Eh I said screw it, a new OOC connected to the IC seems a bit easier than going back to PMs for stuff. But feel free to totes PM me still. XD

We can make our CS here, I can copy n paste our timeline of plots, things that have happened, are happening, and we want to happen. I can also muck about with making a hider for all the posts I've managed to collect, I had pages 1, 2 and then part of 4 or 5, I know it skipped around for some reason, go figure. Which sucks, cause I really liked re-reading what we had done. >___< Oh well. I'll work on getting a rough CS up for Ten as well as Jen.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

This works. This new method of the IC and OOC right next to each other is pretty cool.
Don't worry to much about posting up old plots and stuff. We'll work it as we go. (Though I do like going back and reading what we've done. It helps keep me on track with the character development and just knowing what we have done :) )
But if you can put up the last posts you made in the IC we can just keep going from there OR just go off what I messaged you about. :D

I'll work on my CS for Summer and Nine. Now to find Summer's picture....again. lol.


Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

I could have sworn I had the list of episodes and plots in my emails and now I can't find it. I'll start the IC once we've been able to plot and once I've collected everything useful. But it does annoy me since we made a list of plots and now I can't find them. >_>' I have about 75 pages of our RP saved in a word Doc, I don't know how early, er recent I can find ours.

We had Jen and Nine meet with the plastic men.
They got stuck inside a killer reality tv show in the future.
Then they went to a university to go undercover.
Then they found more weeping angels in the cruise that crashed into that cave.
And then they went to the slight future in Berlin to see her ex.

And Summer and Ten met when she had been taking pictures of undercover Slitheen.
And then they went to Venice I believe.
They then went and did Waters on Mars.
Summer almost got turned into a Dalek in the middle ages.
And then they are in her parents' past on x mas.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Let's see:
Seems like we might be missing one but I can't remember. We just finished the angels (that was the "season finale") so we are just starting Berlin and the ex.

They did Slitheen twice (first and then after Venice they went back and finished it). Then Water on Marks and then Dalek in the Middle ages.
I believe we just wrapped up (or were wrapping up) the Daleks (also season finale). We have not yet started the Christmas one.

Future Episode:
- Crossover
- Mini Summer (if I remember correctly).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Yeah it felt like I was missing one for both, Venice was hard enough to remember it was so long ago. >_<'

I know the Slitheen came back again for Summer and Ten, that was when they went to the present. Ish.

I know we wanted to do:

Nine x Jen:

Beast Below

Ten x Summer

Christmas with her parents

I know we wanted them to switch bodies for another "fun finale" as well as do a timeskip where both Jen and Summer were young and the Doctors go back and meet them, do something important for them. And then we did want to do a crossover. But I forget with what? Or rather, why. I know we had a really good reason for bringing them together too. Oh I think we both wanted to do 42 with Nine and Ten and then somehow it would sort of mirror both events and that would make the dimensions collide...or something like that?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

- Yes 42 was going to be with her and Nine. That was going to be a fun one.
- Can't remember about the Beast Below but that works as well

Shakespeare. - That works.

Crossover - I think we were talking about it: maybe something for them to see each other but we can actually think about that. I don't remember our exact reason or how we were going to do it.
As for 42 on both Nine and Ten - we can do that. This way when we do have a crossover there will be some obvious differences between the universes on how it turned out.

Also, I just put up a basic CS for Summer on the first post. Still got to fill in some parts. Couldn't find the photo I originally used...
I'll finish hers and get Nine's up. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

I kept my CS pretty barren for the time being as we already know the characters, I may flesh it out if I have downtime tomorrow at school.

At any rate we do clearly need to re-plot if we can't recall what we had (which was a long list, I swear.). What did we want to do after our current "episode?" That's probably the best place to start.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

That's alright. We have an idea of who they are. :)

I do remember it was a long list. We had several episodes in advance planned.
For the episodes:

1. Berlin (Current)
2. 42
3. Empty Child/Doctor Dances (Everybody lives. Just this once, everybody lives :) )*
4. Beast Below

1. Christmas (Current)
2. Shakespeare
3. Midnight*
4. Blink*?

*Ones I added.
(though I believe Blink and Midnight were both planned. We were talking about using Blink for Summer).

Ones that would be fun to look at:
- Pompeii
- Doctor's Daughter (Ten and Summer?)
- Dalek (Nine and Jen?)
- Impossible Planet/Satan's Pit

I think I just remembered something - Crossover had something to do with the Cyberman.
Three universes: - The cyberman from one, Nine/Jen from another, and Ten/Summer from the last. (Not exactly sure about the third universe or what we were planning).
I think that might be a good crossover and doing Cyberman would be pretty fun.
- Both TARDIS's accidentally get knocked into the Cyberman universe (Like in "Rise of the Cyberman").
- Jen and Summer run into each other first (?)
- They all meet up and track down the Cybermen and defeat them.
Though Nine and Ten in the same room.... This is going to be interesting... :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

I can't wait to get back into RPing Ten and Jen to be honest. ^^;

Oh yes you're right, man I feel so old and forgetful. I guess this just shows, you gotta keep a log someplace else. Hey Jen and Nine went to see JK Rowling. That's what I forgot I think, along with Ten and Summer seeing the Slitheen again, I just wasn't sure when. Okay there we go.

Nine x Jen:

1. Berlin (Current)
2. Dalek
3. Empty Child/Doctor Dances (Everybody lives. Just this once, everybody lives :) )*
4. Beast Below
5. 42

1. Christmas (Current)
2. Shakespeare
3. Midnight
4. Blink?
5. 42

Therefore we can have 42 be the catalyst for our next "finale"? And then maybe the Cybermen could take advantage of the pairs being in the same vicinity of each other and knock them into a third dimension on earth where, as you said, Jen and Summer run into each other? I could suggest pulling Eleven and Clara in for fun but we should probably just stick to our two doctors and their OC companions. The idea would be to have the cybermen want to upgrade all four people because of their usefulness and the fact they have two TARDIS' to take and use to their advantage? Does that work?

And possible other things we could do:

I'm not a huge fan of Doctor's Daughter just because it makes his daughter canon, I'd probably pick the other three over that to be honest.

Fear Her (Ten and Summer?)
The Curse of the Black Spot
End of the World (Nine and Jen?)
The Rings of Akhaten
A Town Called Mercy
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Vincent and the Doctor
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I forgot about Rowling. :)
Yeah, I liked how we had everything set up. It made it easy to go back and remember.
Oh well. Good news is that I was able to pull up my the second page of my Minions so I got Summer's and Nine's Bios. :D

1. Berlin (Current)
2. Dalek
3. Empty Child/Doctor Dances
4. Beast Below
5. 42

1. Christmas (Current)
2. Shakespeare
3. Midnight
4. Blink
5. 42

The episodes work. I'll make an edit to my first OOC post and place them under there. As we go along, I'll update it.
This way we have quick access to our latest plots without having to go through all the posts

The question on the crossover though is will the Cybermen drag them over or will it be an accident (like in the episode)?
Technically the Cybermen were not announced until afterward. But either way, we can make it work.
Also - Adding Eleven and Clara would be pretty interesting. I have no objections. Do you want to be Clara and I can be Eleven?
Can you imagine the three of them. Ten and Eleven was pretty cool but all three? Nine would probably get really annoyed with them.
If we do bring them in - we need to decide when.
- Idea - maybe Jen and Summer get separated from their Doctors, find each other and both run into Eleven's TARDIS. :D -End Idea-

Genkai said
I'm not a huge fan of Doctor's Daughter just because it makes his daughter canon, I'd probably pick the other three over that to be honest.

What??? That's just wrong.
No that's fine. We can drop that. The plot itself wasn't the best and they never really did say what happened to her...

Fear Her (Ten and Summer?) - That works
The Curse of the Black Spot Oooo... That might be fun. Let's see, Nine and Jen or Ten and Summer? I think this might work better with Nine/Jen. What do you think?
End of the World (Nine and Jen?) trying to get Summer in trouble again??? I can see her being the one trapped... *Sigh* :D In all seriousness though, if we did this would the ending remain about the same?
The Rings of Akhaten This works.
A Town Called Mercy Nine won't put up with them. Nine/Jen
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
Dinosaurs! On a Spaceship!

Vincent and the Doctor I believe this one Ten and Summer might do as she is interested in art and photography

EDIT: Did you want me to start the IC or you?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Aw lucky you, I'll have to look at my history again and see if I can get anything. I could always send you the word doc with whatever I had collected from the IC if you want, but as I said, I don't think I was able to get what I last wrote, I can check again and see how close I was to getting the most recent things we've written. Did you say you had my last post? If so, you're free to write up a reply and start the IC, otherwise I have time today where I can get a general summary and post up. I'll also edit my first ooc post a bit with more plot and CS stuff. ^^;

1. Berlin (Current)
2. Dalek
3. Empty Child/Doctor Dances
4. Beast Below
5. 42
6. Cybermen crossover
7. Dalek
8. A Town Called Mercy

1. Christmas (Current)
2. Shakespeare
3. Midnight
4. Blink
5. 42
6. Cybermen crossover
7. Fear Her
8. Vincent and the Doctor

I know we also wanted the next arc of episodes to be more fun and less dangerous, yeah? Since our next finale was going to be them either switching bodies or something like that, with the timeskip back to them as kids could happen before or after?

It's almost a shame his daughter didn't make an appearance in Ten's finale. I was expecting her to. But then again she's kind of a mary sue which almost explains why I don't care for her much. *shrugs* Sorry.

Well I really don't want Summer to keep being a victim like all companions. ^^; We could always change the events of End of the World so that she's actually with the Doctor rather than separated from him. Though if we did that, we'd probably need to follow up with them meeting Lady Cassandra again later on.

And Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was tremendous fun, I loved that episode. It was so fucking random but so perfect. XD

We can have Nine and Jen have a pirate-esk adventure, that's cool with me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Whatever works. I don't have your last post. I didn't get around to copying it into word so I could respond to it. :(
However, I do remember that for Nine/Jen - Jen wrote finished her book and then asked the Doctor if they could deliver it. We can pick up when they arrive.
For Ten/Summer - I think they blew up the Daleks. However, I'm not sure they made it back to the TARDIS (or did they and she changed? Can't remember).
We can pick up when they get back into the TARDIS. Something comes up and the Doctor decides to take her back to see her parents.

The Episodes look fine. I'll update them :D

Yes - Our first round was a bit serious. I believe we are now working on them learning more about each others' past while we have light adventures.
Then after the Cybermen finale we did discuss something about maybe a body switch.

Yeah it was surprising that they just left it at that. There was some speculation that Clara might be Jenny but that was only after Asylum of the Daleks, before we learned more about her. It's one plot line that never went anywhere.

That works. I'm sure she appreciates the fact she isn't a villain. :D Otherwise, she might start thinking that nothing good comes when she is with the Doctor.
And I just realized I was thinking "End of Time" not "End of the World." Lady Cassandra makes more sense now. :D
In that case, yes - we'll need to follow that up. "Moisturize me".

And we'll somehow add Dinosaurs on a Spaceship for one of the pairs.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

> Nine and Jen made it Berlin and she had just set up a meeting point with her ex, book in hand. In the meantime it's Valentines Day and Jen is a bit made that it's such a romantic holiday when she wants to tell her ex to shove off.

> And Ten and Summer already escaped the Daleks and he had taken her to the small seaside town where her parents were staying. I believe they were now at an inn or hotel at night, figuring out where to go while being careful.

It seems I have a bit more memory there so I'll just make the IC sometime today (I have to make dinner and get up a post for someone else too but other than that, I'm pretty free.)

And yes End of Time is different from End of the World. ^^; But so far, I think we are indeed ready to start. *claps hands* As far as having Eleven pop in, I would suspect he'd boot them out or help track down the other doctors. But it might be too much, we could always just have Jen and Summer run into each other and then spot Eleven with Clara leaving in his own TARDIS and they just decide not to go near that can of worms and just continue finding their own doctors? Does that make sense? On one hand it'd be funny to see them all together but then the giant paradox might be too much and might attract more enemies and kill time and space, so it depends if we wanted it to be funny or serious and how we wanted to pace the crossover.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

That works. Last semester was fairly crazy so I'm not surprised I missed some of the stuff.
If you want to incorporate Jen leaving to visit her ex (was the Doctor coming along) and Ten just arriving at the time into your first post that will work.

But yes - we can start. And then life will get crazy. lol Hopefully not.

As for the Crossover:
Having Eleven and Clara show up would be a bit interesting. The two were pretty good together.
However, having three Doctors could result in a crazy paradox - even though it is another universe.
But then again the entire season is being planned as more light/fun vs. serious.

However... having nine and ten meet - that alone might cause some repercussions along the timeline that is unexpected.

I have no problems introducing Eleven and Clara into the mix. However, it might actually be better to not include them. Which bodes the question: If we really want to include Eleven and Clara - do we want to introduce a brand new third universe?

Or not...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Awesome, I'm eager to get this back up. I liked our RP. And you of course lol *clears throat* I hope your semester is less crazy, but if it does, just try to keep me in the loop. ^^

I just figure Eleven and Clara should leave (if Eleven senses the impending calamity?) and only make a brief cameo. I wasn't suggesting adding them as a pair (since I never cared for Clara I guess) but since they'll all be in the same dimension I just assume we won't need to break them up like we've been doing? So when the crossover is done, we just go back to how we've been doing things before. If Clara and Eleven were involved more deeply (in the crossover) then we could break them up as you suggested if they are in varying locations. (I assume we're in London for this?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Nah you don't need to like me. Especially as I disappear forever
Though I am glad we are starting this back up. I enjoy the creativity we come up with. You are an awesome RP partner
Thanks for agreeing to start this back up again and I will let you know if I feel like I'm starting to get killed with school and work. :)

If we only briefly bring in Eleven and Clara it's not worth bothering. We don't really need them, it was just an idea we were tossing around (unless we were planning on running a new thread with them - which we aren't...)
How about we just don't include them? Two Doctors are enough and the craziness from that alone can suffice.
Unless of course we want more crazy and in that case... two Doctors will still be good. Unless you really want Eleven involved (he is pretty cool.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

I hate you so much. XD You keep leaving meeeeee. Well hey, you can back so that counts I guess. :3 Aw thank you, I'm glad you're still on board. I was worried you wouldn't know to come back or not with the site in limbo for a while. Or that school had somehow managed to kill you? But for now, don't die.

No no we don't need Clara and Eleven. Though we could just have Eleven pop in and tell whichever pair (Nine and Ten or Summer and Jen) where the others are. He'd be randomly helpful like that, otherwise nah we don't need him. And if he comes, the dreaded River is sure to follow. So either way, I just think if he's mentioned it should be brief and amusing, otherwise all hell will probably break loose.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Well originally it was school and then recovering. When I came back to check the forum I noticed it was down. Then I just periodically checked which is why I'm still here. :D
Though the irony is it comes back up just as school restarts. lol

True. Having Eleven just pop up would make an interesting addition.
And on the risk of "spoilers" - there was a point where the River arc ended (or I assume as it worked well and she has not been seen since.) So technically there was a part of Eleven's time where River was not around. But anywho... How far did you get on Doctor Who?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh great, guess RPGuild cannot exist without school existing? Hah.

Oh I actually got caught up with all new who. I'm so proud of myself. Now I can fumble with the old stuff but that'll take even longer. I'm glad River is pretty much out of the picture, though you can never be sure with DW. I hope we get a new companion for our new doctor, because I feel like Clara kind of ran her course a while ago.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Right. What's the point in having a guild if you can't use it to waste time during school. :D

Nice! I've seen all the new stuff and like four episodes of the old but I got away from it so I have to go back sometime.
Yes you can never tell on DW if River is gone for good. Technically, they haven't explained how she is linked to Clara (if they do).
As for Clara - I bet she'll probably stay at least for all of season 8 but you never know. We'll find out next August when it actually starts back up again (or maybe a lot later...)
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