Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Okie day, everybody-- here's the deal.

I'm going to be pretty swamped with things I need to get done this week so until Saturday I most likely won't be around. In the meantime, however, I have something for you guys to fill out. A bit of an RP survey, if you will. In the future I may offer some sort of IC reward or mysterious plot-related post for completing these, but ideally you guys will just be awesome and do them anyway win or lose, right? It's partially for fun and partially a way for you guys to give me feedback on how the plot is going thus far.

I know we’ve only just gotten started, but I’ll ask some of these questions in future surveys to see how answers have changed. In case you guys haven't noticed, I've been keeping an updated list of characters in the first post-- so that should make things easier for you.

1. Where do you think each of the characters (other than your own!) fall on the scale of Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic and Good/Neutral/Evil? Try to provide a brief explanation to support your choices.

2. What would your character(s) overall opinion(s) be of each of the other characters based on a first impression (assuming they were being introduced as partners to achieve some sort of goal)?

3. Going back in time, if your character(s) were 6 years old, what would they say if asked about the following: Favorite food? Least favorite food? Favorite animal? Favorite person? Talents? Dream house? Dream job?

4. Do you have any favorite characters so far? Player characters, NPCs, whatever? (Try not to pick your own character, you narcissistic punks!) Provide a brief explanation as to why you like them so much.

5. What are your predictions for the story thus far? Any comments, concerns, or things you’re hoping to see?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

What Fun! I will, however, be excluding all characters whose players have abandoned the rp.

Felicia - lawful good - seems like the average civilian, nice and considerate to others and without any hint of malice
Kaiver - neutral good - a positive force for humanity that despite being an upholder of justice might resort to more dire acts to protect those he cares about
Naklov - lawful good - the classic elderly wise man who aids the heroes in their stand against evil
Jira - lawful neutral - no real affiliation but to himself and his trade, but clearly stands on the more righteous end of the scale given his demeanor and actions
Izzazz- chaotic neutral - a tendency for violence and isolation put Izzazz close to the spectrum of evil (particularly when feral), but he really isn't a bad guy
Idris - chaotic good - though obligated to the royal family, Idris's personality -including his wanderlust- would indicate that he is far from a paragon of good
Mila - lawful good - the very embodiment of innocence and good intentions, though not naivety
Veitaru - lawful evil - a thief, capable of dark deeds, but bound by an innate sense of honor
Magus - true neutral - abstaining from the normal scale of good and evil, Magus's struggles are with himself and the world, and while he is definitely not nefarious he doesn't lean toward the good side either in my opinion. Somewhat like a machine.

2. (From Cain's standpoint)
Felicia - useless civilian
Kaiver - respectable warrior
Naklov - liability
Jira - goofball
Izzazz - dangerous, untrustworthy warrior to keep an eye on
Idris - loose cannon
Mila - child prodigy
Veitaru - little sister
Magus - a way to further Cain's agenda

3. (From Cain's--Frore is, after all, only three years old)
Favorite food - "Back home, we have flowering plants called Inkhearts. When their bulbs are harvested and properly seasoned, there is no cuisine as fine."
Least favorite food - "Whether roasted, fried, boiled, mashed, or otherwise prepared, Shadow Vermin are nothing short of abominable."
Favorite animal - "The Gohma present in my homeland; I guess they remind me of me."
Favorite person - "Definitely my mentor, Udo. Though he was unloved by most, the previous Royal Spymaster taught me everything I knew from stealth to claw fighting, and I valued him immensely. My only regret is not being able to learn his dark magic spells; I remain limited to close-quarters combat."
Talents - "I pride myself on my ability to gather information. When it comes down to it, I am also an excellent fighter if I do say so myself."
Dream house - "When I was young I always wanted to live in the Twilight Palace. As the Royal Spymaster I've explored every inch of it; it is a dream come true."
Dream job - "My first aspiration was to become a shaman. The magic of my people enraptured me when I was young, and I wanted nothing more than to become our tribe's greatest practitioner of it. This passion faded away in time...though recently forgetting my desires hasn't been so easy."

I really like Mila so far. Lance is doing an excellent job writing for her. She seems so genuine. Not much more can be said than that.

I predict that everyone drowns in the end. I hope we see some excellent dungeons and fights, particularly bosses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

1. I'm going to limit this to people I think I could recognize even if they didn't put their name in a post.
Felicia- Neutral Good, is a nice person without any extreme tendencies towards always obeying some code of honor or being utterly unpredictable. She likes it when she's surrounded by stable nice people, and if they aren't, she'll be fishfaceslap of sensibility to help the situation. Her motto is "Can we all act like adults here?"
Elder Lyontus- Chaotic Good, He's a good person who cares about people, but doesn't care about law or nobility. His motto is "I'll do the right thing, would you kindly get out of the way?"
Kaiver- Lawful Neutral, he cares about protecting the town, but he doesn't care about liberty or justice, being quite eager to threaten and bully people based on only prejudice. His motto is "Guilty until proven Innocent"
Izzaz- Chaotic Neutral, he believes others don't have rights, caring only about himself and his curse. He'll mete out his own "justice" based on whatever he feels like at the time. His motto is "Disproportionate Response".
Rain Spider- Chaotic Chaotic Chaotic, because even after turning the Neutral into a Chaotic, he still needed another one. Do I really need to explain this one? I think he doesn't care about other people's rights, but at least isn't going to murder then, but mostly he's just unpredictable and makes a point out of being so. I'm not sure he even cares about the money as much as seeking money just gives him something to do. His motto is "Cornflake Hedgehog Flagpole"
Idris- True Neutral, still shrouded in mystery, he's more interested in maintaining said mystery than expressing himself. My assessment would probably change if I saw him roleplay more. His motto is "Can't see me, I'm a ninja."
Frore- Neutral, he doesn't seem to have a personality. When he's alone, he's naive and innocent like a child, and might grow to be a good person, but when Cain is around, Frore is a puppet to be controlled. His motto is "..."
Cain- Chaotic Evil, he has one goal, and everything and everyone else is nothing to him. If he could, he'd play us like puppets. His motto is "Master of Puppets, pulling your strings."
Mila- Neutral Good, she's got her ramble tendencies, but that doesn't make her chaotic. She doesn't disrespect her culture, but knows she stands apart from it and doesn't hold it against them too hard, though she wishes they accepted her. That strikes me as a very nice Neutral Good. Motto "Oh, sure I can help! I know of a good potion I could make or, wait, I've also got... *And on and on*"

Felica- "She's stable and reliable... I respect her. I'd quest alongside her any day."
Elder Lyontus- "I like him, and his knowledge is invaluable. But, if I brought him along for one of my missions and things went wrong, I don't think I could protect him."
Kaiver- "A guard, are you serious? Not only does he have the social graces of a Tektite, he's about as subtle as one. Please no."
Frore and Cain- "They're already married, I'm not into threesomes."
Idris- "I don't know. At first he didn't seem like much, but, meh, he is a Sheikah."
Jira- "I... I... What... I... How... Um... I'll work with him... As long as I don't have to stay within earshot. He's quite a distraction, and every thief knows the value of that. Just don't make me hold a conversation with him."
Lethe- "You have speed, but in circles. You're useful as a source of knowledge. I imagine you could be effective if you didn't dodge your own goals."
Magus- "... Something about him frightens me, but I don't think he means to.. I'd love the opportunity to know him better, but I think my fear will get in the way of being an effective team."
Mila- "I've never met a Kokiri before.. Hi, are you fast enough to take care of yourself on the battlefield of giants? If so, awesome, welcome to the team."
Izzas- "Why are you so bad at stealth if you're supposed to be a Sheikah?"

3. Warm, Cold, Gerbil, Me, Here's your wallet, Kakariko is my house, I want to be bigger.

4. Felica. With so many oddballs who have glaring weaknesses or abrasive personalities, Felica is an eye of the storm that only is disrupted momentarily be even the greatest of shocks. I think she'll end up holding the team together.

5. Question 3 makes me think there will be time shenanigans involved in the plot. And honestly, I'm dying to see that. :3

WIP but I'm taking a break so I might as well post what I've got.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

1. Where do you think each of the characters (other than your own!) fall on the scale of Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic and Good/Neutral/Evil? Try to provide a brief explanation to support your choices.
It's hard for me to keep up with everyone honestly and only have the gist of what's going on all around but here goes

Felicia - Neutral Neutral. She has yet to show any act of evil or good

Kaiver - Lawful Good. Hes very precise with what he needs and he seems to only want the best. Plus the guy has a wife and kids.

Naklov - Neutral Good. I see the potential for evil here but he's yet to prove otherwise. Not to mention he's a priest.

Takuma - Chaotic Good. We haven't seen much of him, but he seems to be a bit unruly even though he hasn't commited a highly punishable crime by his CS

Izazz - Neutral Good. He's a bitter guy but he somewhat reminds me of Snape from HP

Idris - Chaotic Good. Boisterous. loud, but overall seems nice enough.

Mila - Lawful Good. She's smart, and spends her time protecting others and the like.

Veitaru - Chaotic Neutral. A lot of potential for evil here too, but nothing acted upon.

Perigrina - Chaotic Neutral. A woman with much passion that seems neither good or evil.

Roruuk - Neutral Good. Seems more lonely than anything else, really.

Magus - Lawful Neutral. Cold, distant, Magus definetly would be considered the wisest of the group.

Cain - Chaotic Neutral. Nearly Magus' polar opposite. He knows what he wants and he seems ready to take what he needs at a moments notice. Intimidating.

Frore - Neutral Neutral. Frore is the most lost of the group. He's not sure what to do with himself or how to do anything with himself.

2. What would your character(s) overall opinion(s) be of each of the other characters based on a first impression (assuming they were being introduced as partners to achieve some sort of goal)?

(doing this out of rap format just to save time)
"My dear! I'm sooo happy to be with you again. Come, let me whisk you away and stroke your hair till you fall asleep with your head in my lap! Our Romance will be sung in all taverns of Hyrule!<3"

"Hey Muscles! Glad to see I got some brawn on my team. Up high!" *high fives him*

"Ugh. Don't slow me down old man."

"You keep your god damn hands to yourself, stay away from my wares. I like you. As a Person. But I swear to god if you take ANYTHING while I'm not looking I'll pump you so full of darts you'll be seeing The Hero of Time dance around in a damn tutu!!" *reference to hallucinations given by said darts*

*climbing on top of his wolf form, pointing to the sunset* "Onward my mighty steed!"

"...So.... You... ARE... a guy... right?"

"Well, aren't you a cutie? You wanna ride on my shoulders? ^^"

"Not a thief! Not by my shop! No!"

"Well um, You're quite elegant m'lady... but can you even fight?"

"Yo. You are SOOOO COOOL, and so fascinating too! What are you? Where do you get robes with those markings?! Yoooooo MANNNNN we should hang out more ofteeeen!"

*nervous beatboxing, trying not to make eye contact and sweats nervously*

"Yo uh.. you're kinda killing my vibe here... You... um... you got something on your mind, yo?"

*shiver shiver* "I'm... the... Rain.... " *shivering intensifies*

3. Going back in time, if your character(s) were 6 years old, what would they say if asked about the following: Favorite food? Least favorite food? Favorite animal? Favorite person? Talents? Dream house? Dream job?

Fave food:
Fish!!! Any kind of Fish!! Oh, and anything pickled!!

Least Fave Food:
Well... I guess I don't like cuccoo meat... I mean they're just so cute and fluffy... I'd want to hug em' more than eat em'....

Favorite Animal:
Cuccoos! I love the Cuccoos! -^^-

Favorite Person:
Mom! She makes the best cookies! And the best fish! mmmm.... *drool*

Check this! I can totally beatbox! *starts beatboxing*

Dream House:
Actually... No house. I just wanna go off and lay under the stars. Feel the rain as it falls n' stuff... I don't want a house, I just want to be comfy without being tied to anything!

Dream Job:
I wanna be a Nomad! To wander, and find new places and things, that'd be the best! *toothy grin*

4. Do you have any favorite characters so far? Player characters, NPCs, whatever? (Try not to pick your own character, you narcissistic punks!) Provide a brief explanation as to why you like them so much.

Felicia and Matt. Felicia for her reactions and I know that she'll be hounded by Jira for the rest of the RP; and Matt for his pure heart.

5. What are your predictions for the story thus far? Any comments, concerns, or things you’re hoping to see?

I'd really like to see everyone be forced together by some catastrophic turn of events. And I mean, everyone at once. It's so hard to keep up with all ends of the story when you have your own little part to keep track of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can anyone tell me what has happened so far? Please and thank you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


Member Offline since relaunch

I would agree with Lug's placement of the characters, but I'll add his own.

Cain - Neutral Evil - Cain might have honorable intentions, but his methods would seem dishonorable and deceitful to even a Gerudo. Not saying that he as evil as Gannon, but would do the same if given the chance.
Frore - True Neutral - Frore doesn't really have a mind of his own and thus acts more of a puppet to Cain's will. It seems that whatever good intentions he has would backfire without Cain's assistance.

Felicia - Citizen (Kaiver), Honest Shopkeeper (Lyontus), Woman to woo and sleep with (Izzaz)
Jira - Shady, but honest merchant with a love-struck streak (Kaiver, Lyontus), victim, piggy bank, fool (Izzaz)
Idris - Good natured and honest Shiekah, but a bit untrustworthy until shown otherwise (Kaiver, Lyontus), misguided brother and tribefolk (Izzaz)
Mila - Kind and loving prodigy and potential master alchemist, Izzaz however might see a way to exploit her.
Veitaru - Thief and trained assassin with an oddly innate sense of honor (Kaiver, Lyontus), child to adopt and train into becoming a welcome member of Izzaz's tribe (Izzaz)
Magus - Dark, but mostly harmless and wondering hermit.
Cain - Mysterious shadow being that is lost, and could be a threat (Kaiver, Lyontus), Worthy opponent and ally (Izzaz)
Frore - Dangerous monster that means no ill, but should keep an eye on (Kaiver) interesting marvel of magic (Lyontus) Walking tank that might prove to be a bane (Izzaz)

Favorite food: Ordon Cheese (Kaiver), Pumpkin Soup (Lyontus), Pies from the Kakariko bakery (Izzaz)
Least favorite food: Goron dumplings (Kaiver), Reekfish (Lyontus), Deku seeds (Izzaz)
Favorite animal: Hawk (Kaiver), Owl (Lyontus), Wolfos pup (Izzaz)
Favorite person: Hans-Harker, Father (Kaiver) Elder Irontus (Lyontus) Master Izark (Izzaz)
Talents: Slingshot deadeye (Kaiver), Bookworm (Lyontus), Knife thrower (Izzaz)
Dream house: Kokiri Forest (Kaiver), Temple of Time (Lyontus), Shadow Temple (Izzaz)
Dream job: Adventurer (Kaiver), Wizard (Lyontus), Assassin (Izzaz)
Cain. I would like to see an expanded interaction between Cain and Izzaz surrounding the artifact that is bonded onto him, and can serve as a tool for surviving at night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Servery... That makes me think of butlers. And little silver trays. And tea trolleys.

Aw man, I missed the mark, Veitaru totally should have been a posh butler. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Now I really regret not doing my survey in character. I may redo the whole thing in that fashion just for fun.

xiledx said
Can anyone tell me what has happened so far? Please and thank you.

Well, if you're looking to join, I can tell you now that Baklava has closed entry. Personally I've never seen the point of closure, but the OP's word is what goes. If you want to experience the story, I'd recommend reading it in full, but I'll still give you a synopsis if you like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I have already joined. I have just fallen behind and I need to post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Oh. Whoops.

Guess you really need to post then.

Here's the scoop: Jira surprised Felicia by suddenly falling in love to her, getting rejected via a fish-slap to the face, and then hosting a several-hour long dance session in which he became monstrously rich but then got robbed. Frore was touched by a little girl who got minor frostbite and started crying, setting off the town. A fairy named Lethe, who is very plot related and is trying to recruit people to 'save the world', appeared and transported Frore and the being in his shadow into a graveyard. Veitaru stumbled into the graveyard and Magus is heading there after brokering a deal with the Kokiri potion maker Mila with Naklov nearby. Kaiver has pissed off Izzazz and an NPC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thanks. I'll try to think of something to post. At the moment, I can't think of anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'd say ask around for anyone who currently needs someone to roleplay with and have them set the scene/guide you to their last post so you can riff off of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Psst... hey, everybody still alive? Just making sure you all didn't die.

Geico, I'm putting you in charge. If anybody dies, it's all your fault.

xiledx... c'mon, man. Read the story. You're a part of it, aren't you? It's not that much.

Baklava out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alright, who wants to roleplay?

Post the character you want to use to interact, and if you want to PM me your roleplaying objectives (in case you have dreams of where you want your character to end up) PM me.

I will arrange roleplaying if you contact me.

If you have nothing you want to do, well, just wait till the CO gets back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Okay, now I think I'm being delinquent. It's an action-packed work week, so just bear with me for now. I'm hoping to have something up for tomorrow, but my internet connection is awful. I'll definitely have my response (and survey) up by this 4th of July weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

At the moment both my characters are struck in interaction, one of the pivotal characters in which is played by none other than our swamped OP. My apologies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I'm currently waiting for conversation in the graveyard to continue a little before having Magus arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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xiledx said
Thanks. I'll try to think of something to post. At the moment, I can't think of anything.

Who you telling?

I'll get do that survey..some other time. Would have to go through the list of characters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"At the moment both my characters are struck in interaction, one of the pivotal characters in which is played by none other than our swamped OP. My apologies."

Indeed, I'm sorry, but I can't do anything for thee. I meant my post mostly for those who had yet to find proper footing. Nor for Magus, who has already planned his escape to the graveyard, unless he wants a detour along the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Know what? To hell with sleep. Sleep is a crutch. Post might take a while, but here's yer survey!

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