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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

And Magus does the smart thing and sends ninja's to retrieve his target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Angus "Black Thunder" Tower

Age: 53

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male


A tall 6'7" giant of a man, he has huge muscular arms and a stomach to match. He has a thick bushy beard that runs from his chin down to his shoulders. His skin is often blackened by soot and smoke but underneath is relatively pale. Black hair and brown eyes with a scar running over his nose he's a fairly intimidating sight. Usually seen wearing a simple white shirt with the sleeves torn off and then brown pants with his smith's apron around his waist along with a tool belt.

Theme Song:

Personality: Friendly, cheerful, protective, stubborn, resilient, tough

Backstory: Born and raised in Kakariko village Angus was told stories of strange and wondrous people and places in far away land and as a boy he aspired to become a traveler and see them for himself. His mother helped out around the village doing odd jobs while his father worked as a trader, mostly dealing in fine food and drinks with the odd exotic item thrown in for good measure. Not long after his 14th birthday Angus started traveling with his father, castle town, Lon Lon ranch, the Goron and Zora settlements, Angus saw it all over the years. At about 20 years old, after working for his father's company Angus went to castle town and became an apprentice blacksmith.

After 10 years Angus' raw potential had been polished and perfected and he was renowned as a master black smith but he knew that he wasn't the best, he knew there was room to improve. He traveled to the Goron home and swapped tips and techniques with their finest, after a year or two living among them he was accepted as an honourable brother. Next he moved to see the Zoras who taught him to use blue flame along with regular fire to craft nearly unbreakable tools and weapons. Aged 35 Angus took over the castle town blacksmith and using his newly learnt techniques became renowned as a master blacksmith forging tools for farmers and weapons for guards and adventure, he also picked up the nickname "Black Thunder" after the crashing noise that echoed from the smithy while he worked. After a long while Angus decided to leave castle town and set up a proper business, out away from the busy and noisy town life, with the help of some craftsmen he set up a smithy out in the mountains east of his home town, from here he would forge tools then travel by cart to various customers and sell then equipment and he's been doing that ever since. Every now and then someone would come and stay with Angus, an apprentice seeking training, an old friend, a traveler looking for a place to stay, a lot of faces and a lot of friends.

1.Smithing/forging(PS)-Creating powerful tools and weapons and working in intense heat.
2.Extreme strength(FS/PS)-Years of smithing have given Angus great strength slowing him to use things like blunt objects to great effect.
3.Durable(PS)-It takes a lot to bring Angus down and his jolly personality is almost infectious.Thick skin and hardened bones give Angus a high pain tolerance.
4.Gardening(PS)-Living alone Angus relied on growing his own fruit and vegetables. Using gardening tools became almost second nature to him.
5.High stamina(FS)-He can keep going for a long time, be it swinging a hammer or hiking up a mountain.
6.Cooking(SS)-He's never read a cook book but he can cook a lot of tasty meals.
7.Mining(PS)-Often the best materials are deep underground and Angus has learnt to dig down and find these.

Goal(s): Find a worthy apprentice.
Find someone capable of wielding his most powerful creation, the Black Thunder Blade.
Have a grand adventure.

1 wallet
1 smith's hammer
1 flint and steel for lighting fires
20 nails in a pack

A bag containing:
A loaf of bread
Two bottles of water
3 prices of dried meat
A small block of cheese

A stall containing;
1 claymore
1 short sword
1 shovel

Wallet: 150 rupees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


Member Offline since relaunch

Hello, I'll be putting my first IC post up soon. Looking forward to RPing with you guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

slow down O_O wait till you're accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

He's been accepted. We worked it out via PM. No worries, brah~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

oh, okay ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 24 min ago

All this lovey-dovey stuff is going to drive Cain nuts.

Welcome, Guy. I'll look forward to playing with you, and seeing any more characters you might come up with.

In other news, both Nuttyjigs and Mizos have rebuffed my invitation. We'll be seeing neither of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Just a friendly reminder: it's not midday. It's like three or so hours before midday. The RP started at sunrise and only like an hour has passed
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Captain Epicoron
Age: 45

Race: Cliff Lord. Or as the gerudo call them, Dark Nut

Gender: Male

Under his armor he is an anthro canine, just like all cliff lords. He has short black fur on all but his belly, which has steel grey fur. He is eight and a half feet tall and three feet wide at the shoulders. He weighs 348 pounds in pure rippling muscle. His eyes are a brilliant green. The fur around his muzzle has started to go grey from age.

Theme Song:

Personality: Kind to a fault, but ruthless when need be. Stubborn as a mule, as he never backs down. Holds honor above all else, as he'd rather die then face the shame of defeat.

Backstory: He was born in the Cliff Lord capital of Ontheon, located in the cliffs that are between the gerudo desert and the ocean beyond. He comes from a line of exemplary soldiers, and his father was a well trusted general of the Darknut Legion. His mother however, was the daughter of a Dishonored. So while he himself was never wronged by the military, growing up he faced rejection from his peers. He has proven himself worthy of being a soldier of the Legion, however, and now holds his place among it's ranks as a respected captain. He has lived a good life so far, but at one point he started wondering what's beyond the desert. He was getting old and he did not want to die in some fighting pit. So he decided to see what else Hyrule had to offer for him, and one day set off. He starts at the entrance to the gerudo desert, as that is as far as the caravan he hitched a ride on would go, as the Zuna are banned from being in that land by the royalty there.

1. Master swordsman: All darknuts train in the ways of the sword. He is a moderate swordsman compared to other darknuts, but compare him to hylians, and he is a master.
2. Tactical Genius: A military genius, he can find a solution to a situation on a battle field quite easily.
3. Survivalist: All dark nuts are forced to survive a week in the desert with nothing but their armor, and they must keep it on. This is to go from Adept in rank to Master. Epicoron can both withstand the pains of hunger and survive quite well in the wilderness.
4. Skilled Liar: He can lie quite well, but there are much better out there.
5. Moderate Cook: He knows how to cook a meal that goes down without much trouble, but don't expect much more.
6. Artist: has the talent, but it's not quite... there...

Goal(s): A good death in battle. Other than that, he wants to earn his place in the history of his people.

Darknut Armor: This armor is at it's thickest two inches thick, at it's thinnest it's half an inch.
Darknut captain's helmet: a sturdy helmet. It would take a balista to pierce it with a single shot.
Darknut Sword: Sharp enough to cut into stone, and enchanted to never break or dull.
Longsword: A simple longsword, masterfully crafted by a Zuna blacksmith.
Darknut Shield: Three inches of black steel, it can block most ranged attacks.

Wallet: 23 rupees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 24 min ago

Ah, a Darknut! Very nice. He seems very powerful, by kept from being overpowered by an uncharacteristic generosity and dogmatic sense of honor. We'll have to see what Baklava thinks; I'm pretty sure there are still two or so more spaces open, so availability shouldn't be an issue. You did, however, miss the 'brief description' bit for your guy's talents, as well as leave the character sheet exposition in there.

Look forward to playing with you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

oh yah.. ill fix that XD
Also plan to make a wizzrobe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Alrighty.... Just a few things:

-- Firstly, please glance through the other CSes and try to make his personality section emulate those. 4-7 words. I'm looking for a list of adjectives.

-- Considering the exact origin of Dark Nuts aren't really spelled out, I'm totally fine with your decision to make them be a race from some far away place. "Between the Gerudo Desert and ocean beyond" denotes that it's a part of Hyrule and that's not really something I want, however. I'm fine with the creation of small villages and towns, but the creation of a large city (which is what Ontheon sounds like) is a bit of a bigger deal. Especially when it's a city filled with dark creatures created and/or used by Ganondorf when he tried to take over Hyrule. Personally, I'm more in favor of them being creations of Ganon, but since it's neither integral to the plot nor crystal clear canon, I'm willing to bend.

"It should also be mentioned that shooting Light Arrows at a Darknut, even in full armor, will instantly kill the unfortunate Darknut, suggesting that Darknuts are followers, or perhaps even creations of, Ganondorf, seeing as regular, fire, and ice arrows will simply bounce off a Darknut's armor." (Zelda Wiki.)

It may also be worth mentioning that the Dark Nut tribe could have originally been created by Ganondorf but abandoned following his defeat.

-- Then there's this part:

"He was getting old and he did not want to die in some fighting pit. So he decided to see what else Hyrule had to offer for him, and one day set off."

I... can't fathom why a Captain that holds honor above all else would just get bored and run away like that. Especially into a land that would surely hate his guts-- the Darknuts would NOT have a good reputation amidst other Hyruleans. So what would he think Hyrule could possibly offer him, I wonder? It would make far more sense for his kind to be banned from Hyrule as opposed to the Zuna-- who I highly doubt the King would have any reason for banning. Most likely he and most of Hyrule have no idea what/who Zuna are since (If the Desert of Doubt is to be seen as the equivalent of the Haunted Wasteland, which I think makes the most sense) races other than the Gerudo aren't typically permitted to go there. And most folks wouldn't be so keen to visit such a place anyway, I'd bet.

But anyways, why wouldn't him hearing a mysterious voice in the night be enough? By the time the RP has started he's been hearing the voice for a month straight. I think I also ought to mention that I really want everyone starting off in Kakariko. I'd rather not have to fabricate a whole other plot arc that's on the other side of Hyrule and only applicable to one person....

--I would probably relabel his skill as a survivalist to better reflect that fact that he has experience with only desert environments. If his tribe originated from the desert, I doubt they'd know much about Forests and mountains and other such regions. He's also going to need a slot dedicated to strength. Otherwise hefting around all that crazy thick armor would be nigh impossible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well the fact that I have a darknut comes from my recent playings of Hyrule Total War.
And he can start in the hero of time festival, sure. Plus, darknuts were only seen by link.
And the light arrow? the light arrow could kill lots of things of the normal world in one hit if i remember right. A hylian would be just as likely to die.
The zuna made the darknut armor last i checked. For free in fact.
Its hard to go by the game's lore because it doesn't give background to all the races. I'm following the most likely one. But if you want I can just fabricate it myself when there's already a good background for the dark nuts. I guess i'm going to have to make one for the wizzrobe i want to make too, huh? And i noticed that thing after i made the history, the voice thing. Really would be a good idea to put that in the first post.... not just as a link, mind you. I'll work on remaking his CS if I need to. But i'd rather keep the HTW version of the dark nut lore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 24 min ago

I've seen Hyrule Total War and I loved it. You could easily place the Cliff Lords' area of origin far beyond the Gerudo Desert, and rather than simply wanting to explore you could give him some sort of mission from the high-ups of the Legion. However, HTW isn't exactly canon, so if Baklava wants to take the Zelda Wiki as gospel there may be some problems.

On an IC note, I feel as if Christmas has come early. This situation could not have been crafted more perfectly for me, Baklava, so for that I thank you. Will you be wanting to control the two captors or can I? I'm not one for powerplaying but Cain has a pretty incredible advantage in this situation. I feel a good deal depends on when exactly 'the boss' is going to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

well i might drop him and craft up a wizzrobe geomancer. I play as that character better anyhow XD
And i found where you mentioned the voice in the original post... i must've overlooked it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ah, no. Darknuts were definitely not only seen by Link. You find several of them frozen within Hyrule Castle in Wind Waker-- thus Ganondorf obviously was in the habit of using them in his take over. He likely did so during Ocarina of Time although we never see them. Besides- he's 81/2 feet tall. That's inhumanly large. S'gonna freak people out whether they know exactly what a darknut is or not. Unless he tries to play it all off as a crazy costume.

As for the light arrow-- while it was imbued with light it was also an arrow. So of course it could still harm other things. It's the light itself that kills dark creatures so quickly. You can't deny that they were at least followers of Ganondorf for a time. I'm not going to push that they were created by Ganondorf, but judging by how Iron Knuckle came to be and the fact that they are dogs, I've just always preferred to believe Ganondorf bred Dauchsons and turned them into Darknuts-- manipulating their dog-like loyalty for his own evil purpose. But that's just speculation-- no more canon that HTW.

With the Zuna, you have to keep in mind that I'm going strictly off the Wiki and not Hyrule Total War. (I'm not much of a war RP kinda gal and this is far from a war-like RP.) But either way-- only Gerudo would likely know of them.

I don't mind if you want to base the Darknuts off of HTW. I understand that the game leaves many things unexplained and I'm pretty flexible. Really all I'm asking is that the city be outside of Hyrule. Something like what Lug suggested would be just fine and I doubt it would affect much for Captain E's background.

As for the whisper-- yeah... pretty sure it's obvious enough. Glad you caught that.
Lug, I'm glad you liked it! Thought you would. :D Them boys are all yours. Do with them what you will. (Their names are Rigby and Mordecai by the way. Otherwise known as Mordecai and Rigby. Otherwise know as a totally shameless rip off of The Regular Show.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, i'll leave away from that, and i'll work on that geomancer. Bit better of a character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 24 min ago

Edit: Nevermind, as I posted this you answered my question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hey. Got told you had openings and, well, I'll give it a try. Caught up on the OOC, catching up on the IC.

Name: Ekra

Age: 96 (as a skull kid)

Race: Skull kid

Gender: Female (though indistinguishable until she speaks)

Her colors are the same as any other skull kid’s - woodlike skin, red-orange hat with the golden links, orange beak, the green over the orange shirt, light green pants, brown shoes. She’s roughly 4 feet tall, and tries to keep her appearance concealed under a red cloak and Keaton mask.

Theme Song:

Personality: Curious, talkative, nervous, light-hearted, lonely, forward, deceiving

Backstory: Ekra doesn’t exactly have much memory of her life before she was a skull kid. She suspects she was likely a Kokori, since the children of Hylians and others tend to become stalfos. She’s met other skull kids in the woods, each of varying temperaments, though with one trait in common: general mischief towards wanderers of the Lost Woods. Ekra was never above tricking and bothering these wayfarers, though she was often curious as to what they were doing in the woods - where were they headed, where had they come from, what things had they done and were planning to do? A few of the friendlier ones, she managed to persuade to stick around in the forest and talk to her about their own lives. While such chats were good, most couldn’t stay. Worse were the ones who no longer could find their path; those, Ekra watched become stalfos. She learned quite a bit - the variety of races scattered across Hyrule, the encroaching darkness, the tales of a hero long gone - and collected just as much from

When the whispers started, Ekra wasn’t sure what to make of them. She wasn’t even sure if skull kids could leave the Lost Woods - she’d never tried, nor had she seen any of the others (well, there was that story of one long ago who left and never came back, but they also said he’d always been strange and it was possible he’d wandered off to die). However, with the urgency of the whispers and the date fast approaching, she decided to give it a go. For the first time, she left the Lost Woods to see the world she’d heard so much about, and maybe learn where the whispers were coming from.

1. Flute-playing: while the vast majority of her songs are simple tunes picked up from travelers, she does know the Song of Healing, supposedly from the same person who gave her the Keaton Mask.
2. Ranged attacks: considering her main weapon is using her flute as a dart-shooter, it’s to be expected that she has fairly good aim.
3. Agility: she’s especially skilled with climbing and dodging between people.
4. Tracking: after years in the forest, she can follow just about anyone’s path through the forest. She has much less experience with sand and rocky ground, of course.
5. Sleight of hand: she can’t produce real illusions but making puppets seem alive? Pulling her flute from thin air? These are tricks she can do that are quite convincing unless close up or able to examine them at leisure.
6. Gathering: she’s quite good at picking out non-poisonous plants and berries from otherwise-identical plants.

Goal(s): While her overarching goal is to obtain new companions who won’t leave or be transformed by the forest, she’s also quite eager to learn about what lies outside the Lost Woods.


    [*] One (1) Keaton mask
    [*] One (1) red cloak
    [*] One (1) lantern
    [*] One (1) flute
    [*] Four (4) Deku sticks
    [*] Ten (10) Deku nuts
    [*] Thirty (30) Deku seeds
    [*] One (1) wooden marionette
    [*] One (1) brown satchel

Wallet: 4 rupees and far more cobwebs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

RBYDark-- accepted. I like her!

Tomorrow I'll add these two new characters to Lethe's original listing in the IC.
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