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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 30 min ago

Good to see you, RBY! And I'm liking the look of your character as well. I wonder how she'll get along with Veitaru and Mila...?

You've also got the incoming Wizzrobe, Baklava, though only Jon knows when the sheet will be complete.

For the title of the first chapter, my nominations are 'Adventures Assemble' (I couldn't resist) and 'Heeding the Whispers'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thanks! I'll....actually not be able to get a post up before Saturday. Found out about two hours ago that I won't have Internet access until then. I'll spend the time catching up on the IC (thank goodness for multiple tabs/laptop batteries).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


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Baklava, since Corpy hasn't been around lately, I was wondering if you can collab a post with me between Izzaz and Lethe. I've been waiting for some time for him to post,but I really would want to have a bit of interaction between the two already in the graveyard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Baklava, you can't put a zelda after wind waker and have hyrule. Wind waker is centuries after the fall of hyrule. So, this is years to decades before ganon marched on hyrule with the help of the dark nuts canonically. And at the end of wind waker hyrule gets destroyed.
Just had to get that out my head first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Heilix-- yes I'll be getting a post up soon for Lethe. Sorry for the wait. I was hoping to let everyone evacuate the graveyard first, but I may as well move forward I suppose. I'm a little puzzled about what Magus is doing. Lethe is probably going to yell at him to stop being a lazy "stick" in the mud (lulz) and tell him to make himself useful.

I'm not sure what you're getting at, Jon. I know perfectly well that Wind Waker happens long after Hyrule's initial fall. This RP is in fact right before Ganondorf's reappearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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so in that case, the darknuts could or could not be known about. And i'm betting my money on them not being known about by everyone yet. I'm sure a person here and there will cause trouble with him though. I will edit his CS and repost it, along with posting that wizzrobe's. Yes i know the wizzrobe fought you in the games too. But as an order of magic, they'd have mysterious motives, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

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I may be placing an Ordonian here in not too long, or possibly an Ikanian since I've always liked Ikana (gonna draw from HTW a bit to explain that one).

Also, go a bit easy on Jon. He's got a tendency to twist information he's given, and I wasn't expecting him to use it the way he did when I gave it to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

My point is that because Ganondorf used them when he tried to take over Hyrule a second time, it's likely he used them when he tried to take over Hyrule the first time. And considering how dangerous a darknut can be, they'd likely be known at this time as well-- if only as a mere bedtime story legend to some. As if his canine appearance isn't enough, the fact that he's 81/2 feet tall and covered in a ton of armor that doesn't denote him as a knight of Hyrule would be enough to startle a lot of people. Not saying you can't do it-- just saying NPCs will react accordingly.

As for the Wizzrobes, I'm open to a lot of ideas-- like I said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

On second thought, I'll go for doing both.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Captain Epicoron
Age: 45

Race: Cliff Lord. Or as the gerudo call them, Dark Nut

Gender: Male


Under his armor he is an anthro canine, just like all cliff lords. He has short black fur on all but his belly, which has steel grey fur. He is eight and a half feet tall and three feet wide at the shoulders. He weighs 348 pounds in pure rippling muscle. His eyes are a brilliant green. The fur around his muzzle has started to go grey from age.

Theme Song:

Background: Epicoron was born in the village of Unyus, a cliff lord settlement in the cliffs between the gerudo desert and the ocean beyond. As a child he was mostly shunned because his mother was the daughter of a Dishonored. But in his adulthood (which starts at the age of ten for cliff lords) he was accepted like any other male, with scrutiny and harsh words. He toughened up quick to insults of all kinds. For 34 years he served his military with pride and honor, but in recent months he started to hear this voice, telling him to go to the hero of time festival. While he knew it would make him look bad to share it with friends or the higher ups, he decided to take it up with his superior. He put a hand on Epicoron's shoulder and said "Captain, I know you're insane, we all do. But this could help our people as well. Go see what this is about. Maybe it will help us in our reputation so we can get some damn support with these fokkas. The vermin keep stealing our food." Epicoron of course wasn't about to disobey. He did arrive at the festival, with surprisingly little resistance along the way. A few drunken soldiers and a farmer got a bonk on the head to wake them up, but that's it.

Open Minded

1. Master swordsman: All darknuts train in the ways of the sword. He is a moderate swordsman compared to other darknuts, but compare him to hylians, and he is a master.
2. Immense Strength: Much stronger than most other races, if he and a goron were to arm wrestle he would be a fair match. He's strong enough to wear his hulking armor and wield his sword and shield but still keep up with people without any armor at all.
3. Tactical Genius: A military genius, he can find a solution to a situation on a battle field quite easily.
4. Skilled Liar: He can lie quite well, but there are much better out there.
5. Moderate Cook: He knows how to cook a meal that goes down without much trouble, but don't expect much more.
6. Artist: has the talent, but it's not quite... there...

Goal(s): A good death in battle. Other than that, he wants to earn his place in the history of his people.

Darknut Armor: This armor is at it's thickest two inches thick, at it's thinnest it's half an inch.
Darknut captain's helmet: a sturdy helmet. It would take a balista to pierce it with a single shot.
Darknut Sword: Sharp enough to cut into stone, and enchanted to never break or dull.
Longsword: A simple longsword, masterfully crafted by only the best Cliff Lord blacksmiths.
Darknut Shield: Three inches of black steel, it can block most ranged attacks.

Wallet: 23 rupees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Brother Cordock
Age: 158, so middle aged for a wizzrobe.

Race: Wizzrobe

Gender: Male

Under the robe he is avian in appearance, as his beak suggests. He has glowing light brown eyes and green and brown feathers in an almost dappled effect. On his chin the feathers are a little longer than they are on the rest of his face, in resemblance of a small beard. His frame is elegant and frail, and he isn't very strong. At 5'6" and 126 pounds he is quite small.

Theme Song:

Flamboyant (VERY much so)
Care Free
Open Minded

Backstory: Somewhere in the middle of the sea, hundreds of miles from any land, there is a dome of air on the bottom of the ocean, and a floating island above the water. Here there is the Order of the Wizzrobe, a monastery of magic and learning. It holds great magicians and wonderful minds. They do not discriminate, not even by race. Born about 158 years ago was a Wizzrobe by the name of Cordock. He grew up knowing what he was going to be. A geomancer. Just like his father before him was. He showed great promise at a young age, just as most wizzrobe do. He learned the way the world works, the races of hyrule and the lands beyond it, and of course of the three goddesses. He has lived for a very, VERY long time now. And he has seen many things, and been talked to by forces of both good and evil before (mostly after the other monks deciding to use magic for more... unorthodox alchemical creations.) but the one that had him awake at night was one telling him to go to a hylian festival, made to celebrate the hero of time releasing the land from ganon. He needed a good reason to go, and his reputation about such things was... broken to say the least. But he took a shot at it. He went to the high council and reported the voice. They went dead silent and looked at eachother, then nodded. Nostrum, the headmaster, then said, "Go, Cordock. This is of greater importance than your life here. The fact you have been chosen by her is interesting, to say the least. We will have a aquamancer help you reach hyrule. Good luck." He arrived at the festival unscathed, due to him, um, tunneling through the ground like a shark swims through water. He didn't want to meet any people... he wasn't good at people.

1. Scholar: Very intelligent, if he meets a beast he usually can name it and point out how it's best to go about 'whooping it's buttocks'. Besides that he knows history and the such, and is a very quick learner as well.
2. Geomancy: A powerful secret art that the Wizzrobe use to mold rock to their will, he can do tasks as small as moving a pebble to as large as shaking a mountain to it's very foundation. He can do pretty much anything with earth and stone. His control over metal is limited, but it is there.
3. Cooking: A really good cook, he has made gourmet meals before. While he can't do it with barely anything and the world around him, you'll most likely enjoy eating the meals he makes.
4. Stealth: After many a night walking around the monastery, he is dead silent even when he runs.
5. Skilled Merchant: He knows his way around the trade of haggling and such.
6. Alchemy: has earned quite the collection of knowledge on potions and how to make them. What he uses this talent for, he doesn't discuss with others.

Goal(s): To learn about *goes on about all sorts of things*
Yah no in all reality he wishes to one day get into the inner circle of the order of the wizzrobe.

His robe
A geomancer's staff, which aides him in his magic use, and it's always useful for bonking someone on the head.

Wallet: 56, his life's savings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

lols.... mordecai and rigby
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Cordock looks alright. Just a few small things.

-- 4-7 word limit for the personality! My goal here is to encourage people to pick out their character's most prevelant attributes and more fully help us realize their personality through the IC.

-- Geomancy... errr shaking mountains to their very foundation? That seems kinda OP to me. Maybe gigantic earth/patches of earth? Shaking boulders as big as a 5 story building? Something a little less like 'moving mountains'?

Epicorn is approved.
Working on that post for Lethe. Sorry for the wait. Been working with these new applicants and I've been pretty swamped with other matters. Should be able to get it up tonight though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


Member Offline since relaunch

No worries. I'm keeping posted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 30 min ago

Reap, is Jira ignoring Cain's request, or simply not registering it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Not registering it. He's having a little pity party so feel free to hit him if necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hello, I have returned, I have posted, and I hope it's to satisfaction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I imagine Cain would probably have long since impeded the progress of Jira's pity party before he got out of the basement.

RBYDark-- post looks fine to me!

Kalamadia-- I'm so sorry! I somehow missed your second to last comment. Looking forward to seeing the CS. I was hoping for somebody to make a character from Ordon.
In other news... WE'RE IN THE THREE DIGITS NOW! YAY! Now we definitely need a title for this 'chapter'. Adventurers Assemble... lol. I was thinking maybe something like The Gathering Of Heroes or The Chosen Ones. Something ironically serious/intense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 30 min ago

Gah hah hah! Yet another page I'm the first post on. That makes four out of six!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MercuryHg34
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MercuryHg34 Likes long walks on the beach

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hello, everyone! I've been in contact with Baklava in PM's and had this character approved, she'll be joining the RP soon!

Name: Ketalla

Age: 15

Race: Deku Scrub

Gender: Female


Ketalla is a juvenile female Deku Scrub, and is therefore quite small and lean in stature. She is approximately 3'2'' tall and weighs a whopping 50 pounds. She has orange eyes that glow like any other Deku, and her wooden body is a medium-brown color as seen in the picture. Unlike other Deku, Ketalla's hair (made of leaves) is a deep and rich green hue instead of the yellow that most Deku have. Perhaps this is simply because she is still young and her hair has not changed color to reflect the aging process. On her face are no notable scars or tattoos, but due to her personality she appears to always be blushing. The clothes she wears are seen above, a small green dress with frayed hemming along the bottom and a small green flower sown onto the front. The buds on her head are actually a sort of headband she made herself, and not part of her body. She wears a pair of green cuff-links to match her outfit and carries what seems to be an over-sized backpack filled with her inventory (explained later).

Theme Song:

Personality: Timid, Caring, Determined, Innocent, Perceptive, Creative, Clumsy

Backstory: Ketalla is a Deku that comes from deep in the Lost Woods. She was raised in a family of Business Scrubs, who were quite prosperous for a time. She would travel between the Lost Woods and the Kokiri Forest to visit friends and pay homage to the still-young Deku Tree. From both the Kokiri and the Deku Tree she learned how to become one with nature and to always assist those who needed help. Following this philosophy, she took it upon herself to learn practical first-aid for both Deku and Kokiri.

Her family's only customers were other Deku however, and soon the Deku of Lost Woods needed her family's services less and less until no profits could be made at all. It was around this time that she began to hear the whisper, beckoning for her to come to the Festival of Time. Eventually she explained what she heard to her family. Not knowing what to make of the "the world depends on it" portion, they determined that it was a sign that it was time for Ketalla to leave the forest and pursue the life of a traveling merchant. Having already decided at a young age that she would follow in her father's footsteps and become a Business Scrub herself, Ketalla set out on her journey. The first place she will try to sell her goods is Kakariko Village. Since the Festival of Time is happening, many people will be there buying all sorts of things so to Ketalla it seems like the perfect business opportunity. Deep down, however, she truly believes that she has been called to perform some greater feat, for the benefit of everyone.

1. Entrepreneurship (PS)- Raised in a family of merchants, Ketalla is familiar with the basic ins and outs of entrepreneurship, including basic principles of economics and bartering skills. More often than not she can get the better end of a deal, or minimize her losses in an unfavorable deal.

2. Forest Magic (MS)- For both combat and practical uses, Ketalla is adept with the magic of nature. She can fight by summoning plants to fight for her or to whip at foes with thorny vines, etc. She does not like to fight,however, and mostly uses her magic for healing and curing purposes. She is also able to summon a Deku Flower to hide inside of or fly with.

3. Deku Flower (PS)- Ketalla can hide most effectively in a Deku Flower and can spring upward from it at a moment's notice. Once airborne she can use petals gathered from within to keep herself aloft, hovering slowly in any direction she chooses until she runs out of momentum.

4. First Aid (SS)- Besides using Fey Magic, Ketalla is able to perform basic first-aid on both plants and animals. She is able to address minor wounds easily and can heal serious wounds skillfully if given the time and concentration. She is unable to use these skills to heal anything inorganic, and cannot use these skills on Gorons (although pure fey magic can still heal them to a degree).

5. Agile footwork (CS)- Due to her small size and light weight, Ketalla is prone to being physically wounded. However, she is also able to move very quickly, and is better at dodging attacks than an average human by a noticeable margin. She can also run very quickly for someone of her size, especially over uneven terrain. Lastly, she can hop across water (or any other fluid she is more buoyant than that doesn't impede movement or set her on fire) for as long as she retains momentum.

6. Light Magic (MS)- Though to a lesser degree than Forest Magic, Ketalla can use Light Magic at a basic level to heal herself or allies with pure energy as opposed to using the various herbs and plants she specializes in. This is especially useful for treating wounds on something inorganic like a Goron, and is generally faster for healing than Forest Magic.

7. Sewing (PS)- Ketalla is able to sew clothing back together and create new clothing if she has the materials.

Goal(s): Ketalla's goal is to become a renown Business Scrub. She believes that by doing this she can make her family proud by saving them from going bankrupt, as well as help people from all over the world by selling what they are looking for (which is a genuine concern of hers).

Inventory: (Because she's a merchant she carries a lot of things with her in a large backpack, which holds enough for one person to hike a mountain if they wished. That doesn't mean that she can properly utilize or has a need for everything she carries for personal use.)

Merchant Items
- 30 Deku Sticks
- 50 Deku Nuts
- 100 Deku Seeds
- 1 Deku Shield

- 3 days of rations (various fauna, I'm assuming Deku are vegetarians)

Healing Items
- 3 Health Herbs
- 1 Antidote Herb
- Deku Flower Pollen

Misc. Items
- Needle and thread
- Spool of yarn
- 5 Small Deku Leaves

Wallet: 30 Rupees
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