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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dizzmcd


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I've gt to figure out how to get him there. Can it be a time portal or something? Or maybe I'm not sure where I came from, so we don't have to deal with the issue of my race being from a different time? He wakes up on the top of Death Mountain with no recollection of how he got where he is, only a memory of his home village and his family?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yar, do you need to have the first IC post, or can we start introducing our characters to one another?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

I think he wants to send us PMs before we begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Wait until the IC post. I'll be posting it tonight.

Dizzmod: do what you think is a good idea. The NPCs will react accordingly however. A suggestion: look over all the other CSes to see what has and has not already been done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Gotcha. Patience incoming. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Kal-El said
Look so we can just get this out of the way, the main thing is the wiki, both of them, just state that Impa is a name of several female members of Sheikah. Doesn't actually say they are all descended from each other. Like Impaz is heavily implied to be descended from Impa but it couldn't be the same Impa from OoT because his Impa opened up the Hidden Village to outsiders aka had control over the village to do so. It does not have to be the same family line but just one of the Sheikah of the generation that happens to be named Impa. This about to overtake a whole page. lolz

Impa was the name of the Shiekah who was said to have been the first nursemaid for Princess Zelda (SS)-- helping her and the Hero of Time save the world of Hyrule. Impa from OoT never was said to have been the leader of the Shiekah, so the same shall be in the RP-- she was not/never has been the leader of the Shiekah. Impa will be the name passed down for Shiekah women destined/expected to take on the role of Zelda's nursemaid.

Kai, For simplicity's sake, I would prefer if you just make your character the son of someone who is held in very high respect within the Shiekah tribe, as I expect we may butt heads if he's the son of the leader and/or Impa. Not a requirement-- but a strong suggestion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Takuma Accardi
Age: 20

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male


Takuma is around 5'8", with very light skin. He has pointy brown hair, and light blue eyes. He usually wears a plain red cap. He will usually wear a dark blue shirt, which he usually has the sleeves rolled up a bit, to around his elbow, with jeans that have a rip on the right knee area. He also has a brown jacket that is a size too big for him, which usually has it blowing in the wind, and black shoes. He has a skull earring on his right ear, with a tattoo of a wolf's face on his left hand. He has a very short beard which he usually has cut.

Theme Song:

Personality: Alert, Dedicated, Athletic, Calm, Casual,

Backstory: He was born in Castle Town, where his father lived, though he lived with his mother in Lake Hylia. His father would often go out for adventure, and to simply make some money. Because of this, he had to always be with his mother. His mother taught him how to fish. He would often do this to earn food and money. Whenever his father was home, he would usually go over to visit him for a few days, until his father had to leave again. When he was about eleven, his father taught him how to hunt and fight with bows and swords. He got fairly good at this, though when he was fifteen, his father left, and never came back. A few days after this, he found his father's dead body. He stayed with his mother for a few more years, before going out to live on his own in the wild.


1) Swordplay. Because of what his father taught him, he can fight on a higher medium level with his sword

2) Bow. He can hit a target from up to around thirty feet away from him.

3) Hunting. He knows how to get food out in the wild.

4) Sneaking. He has learned how to sneak up on small animals, and can sneak around enemies.

5) Resistence to cold. He can resist cold very well. However, because of this, he is vulnerable to heat.

6) Trap making/spotting. He can make traps to catch animals and other people. He can also see some of the more common traps.

Goal(s): To make money, and to find out who killed his father, then kill him or her

1) Medium bag
2) Steel sword
3) A wooden bow
4) A quiver with 12 arrows
5) String
6) Animal meat
7) Rope
8) A grappling hook

Wallet: 137 Rupees
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@xiledx: Just one thing....

"5) Resistence to cold. He can resist cold very well. However, because of this, he is vulnerable to cold."
I have no idea what this means.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xiledx
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Meant to be vulnerable to heat. Fixed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago



This is the "whisper" for today's IC day:

For the past month every single one of your characters has heard a voice speak to them in the night-- repeating the same thing each night. The voice is faint... Weak, but perfectly audible. A woman speaks their name. She sounds kind... the voice of someone you can trust... the voice of someone who seems desperately in need of help....

[Simply replace the name "Link" with your character's name.]



Go to the Hero of Time Festival. The fate of all life in Hyrule depends on it.


You must go, Link….


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@xiledx: Alright, cool. Accepted.

Everyone please check to make sure all your characters are on the character roster.

Edit: @Heilix: Agh! I almost forgot about dear old Elder Lyontus. My bad!

Firstly... his theme songs are hilariously contrasting. But I love them. It's all cool. I just wanted to point that out, because I seriously lol'd.
Secondly, o ho ho! Looks like he MIGHT actually reach his goal by the end of the RP! I mean... given he doesn't croak before then.

It's all good. I'll add him to the roster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Rain SPIIIDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRR~ (as introduced by him) Jira Hinj aka "Rain Spider"
Age: 27

Race: Hylian

Gender: Male


Without mask:

Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Pale Blonde
Build: Stocky
Height: 6'0
Clothing: Typically covers himself in all black cloaks, masks, and hats too, as he says 'conceal his identity.' He would never admit this, but he just likes the coverage because it makes him look cool and mysterious.
Anything of note: Pointed ears, typical of Hylian

Theme Song:
Nilili Mambo by Block B

Personality: Cocky, Playful, Scheming, Persuasive, Charismatic, and Loud

Backstory: Adventurous from a young age, Jira Hinj was born to a farmer and his wife but was never satisfied with the constant chores. When he was old enough, he decided to become a nomad, travel the world and see what sights he could. His father naturally didn't approve and fought tooth and nail to pin him down, but there was no keeping Jira on the farm. So about his way he went. Jira got himself into more trouble than naught, finding he could never be satisfied with staying in one place, making friends here and there and dedicating his years to exploring the world.
There were times he was forced to resort to extreme measures, defending himself from attacks or stealing to make ends meet. And so, Jira taught himself how to use a weapon and gathered supplies, soon becoming a travelling merchant almost effortlessly, naming his shop 'The Rain Spider.' Most of his products were odds and ends, things that could break within two uses. Yes, he became a conman, but usually he was long gone by the time his customers learned they had purchased duds. Not everything in his wares are faulty, as time went on Jira recieved more and more weapons, items of high interest as they were sold to him.
One day, on a venture to perhaps bits and bobbles from a flea market, he happened to take a particularly pretty orb from the waist of an *ahem* truly asseted woman on the street. Later that day when resting, the same woman came to him in anger and snatched back her orb. Turns out she was a faerie that had taken the appearance of a young woman for what she deemed her own purposes. So to make him look more a fool than the always grinning Jira always was, she decided to curse him to only speak in raps.

Yes. Raps.

Now he continues his travels constantly rapping to customers and making music (albeit poorly) to go with his raps. It's actually sent sales through the roof, and its not a curse Jira, now calling himself 'Rain Spider' in his raps, is looking to get rid of anytime soon.

1.Evasive Maneuvers- When forced into close combat, Rain Spider has developed an effective method to just about dodge most attacks coming his way

2.Marksmanship- Specializing in Long Range tactics, Rain Spider makes good use of all weapons on him by practicing frequently on moving and stationary targets.

3.Demolition- He makes things go boom, and he's very good at it.

4.Con Artist- He'll make you believe shit was gold, this also helps in the art of persuasion, not just in the world of merchandise.

5.Merchant-He can sell just about anything you give him, or buy. He does like his coins. This also gives him the ability to store as much as he can into a little a space as possible

6.Cooking-A man learns how to boil water when starving.. in the wild... naked with no food for days... yeah you learn to take care of yourself.

-To find a pretty lass whose heart he can make go doki doki with his sick beats
-To make all the money
-Not at the top of the list, but to eventually get rid of his Rapping curse

-Smoke bombs
-Bomb bombs
-Grappling Hook
-Pots and pans

-Sword of Eons (1K Rupees)
-Food (5 Rupees)
-Hero of Time Bobbleheads (15 Rupees)
-Hero of Time mugs (20 Rupees)
-"Authentic" Ocarina (70 Rupees)
-Bombs (20 Rupees)

about 687 Rupees to date.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

You copy pasted some of this from a modern/apocalyptic roleplay, no? Still loved it, though.

Also, with our number of stealthers, we're going to have to either pull off some sort of ridiculous heist or have spy vs spy upmanship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

What? No I made this CS myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I wasn't saying you stole it, I was saying you originally made it for a different type of roleplay.

Or did you plan on using a gun in a Legend of Zelda roleplay?

ReaptheMusic said ran out of bullets

Cause unless we're talking about you trading sling fire with your opponents, that's kind of out of place, and you don't use a sling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

oh. I was originally intending for him to have firearms, but after realizing theres no firearms in the Zelda Universe i had to change to the more well known projectiles. Kinda bummed about that but hey. No, originally meant it for here. I'll fix that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Huh, that's odd. Wouldn't have thought. Anyway, nice to see you again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Reap: I'm about to go to bed, but right off the bat and I can tell you two things:

Firstly, you need to reread the requirements for the personality section. 4-7 words tops-- narrow that description down to 4-7 adjectives. You'll get a chance to better reveal his personality in the IC

Secondly, number his skills.

I'll read over the rest of it tomorrow. Until then... Goodnight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Curses, gecko! I came up with the idea of using the windmill first, I swear! I just took so much longer writing my post (reading the Zelda Wiki didn't help me make good time) that you finished first! I did go back and edit my post, though, to include a bit of relation to yours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I knew I should have called it.

"Everyone begin rushing to see whose character gets to sit on top of the windmill dramatically in 3... 2... "
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