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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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@Helix: Mmm, I'm about to go to bed, so I'll read over your CS tomorrow-- but to answer your question:

The main thing I want you to keep in mind here is that every character sheet you submit is going to be a candidate for receiving these ominous "whispers in the night"-- which will be urging certain characters to do certain things or to go certain places. Sometimes the voice will tell everyone the same thing and other times it will be more specific. I'll be PMing everyone what the voices told their characters once night falls at the end of each day in the IC. This is mainly because I don't really /want/ everyone chatting amongst themselves like "Hey, so what did YOUR voice say last night?" At least not at first anyway. Anyone who attempts to do so right off the bat obviously doesn't really care whether or not other people think they're loony.

The thing about being an "antagonist" is... while the character may be an antagonist for YOUR character... he won't really be an antagonist for the RP. If the Crimson Hound is receiving the same messages as everyone else-- urging him incessantly to accomplish the same goal as your personal protagonist-- that might get kind of confusing.

Now, I'm not saying you can't-- but you do have to keep that in mind. The wolfos' way of life will definitely be affected if Hyrule as a whole is said to be in grave danger, so the Crimson Hound may have reasons to join along in the quest, but if that's not really what you're looking for, then I would suggest trying something else. What you may wish to do is simply keep the characters you don't want to be as involved as NPCs. I have no problem with you doing that. Just understand that I expect every OC with his/her own CS to be very involved with what's going on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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@Kai: Ehhh, well that certainly is a theory. As long as you understand that the original Impa isn't alive, that's fine with me. If he's going to be a descendant of such a reincarnated "Impa", however, just understand that that's one particular NPC I will likely be using later on. So even though she's closely related to Idrina, I would prefer that you not make use of her. Not without PMing me about it at least. (Like, "Hey, Idrina wants to talk to his mommy... can we collab a post?" That sort of thing.)

"As a Sheikah, Idris has a certain need to move quickly and function effectively in situations of pursuit. Through practices of obstacle courses and active duty, Idris has developed skill in fluid and quick movement. Parkour has become a skill which he has developed to a fairly decent degree. He has spent the good part of his life, since he was fourteen, developing his ability in parkour, as such his body is conditioned to the point where it is convenient for such movements. With aspects of the environment being either high up, or very small area platforms, balance becomes an important aspect of parkour. In most cases, Idris will be able to keep balanced on surfaces. He has a good degree of balance where he could walk on something as thin as a railing and have no problems. Functioning well in the condition of small surface areas to walk on, as well as the quick speeds at which he functions. In an environment where he will be undisturbed, Idris will be able to keep his balance during parkour"

All of the bolded parts pretty much just sound like the definition of parkour to me... thus contributing to the kinda non-brief description, which is what I'm mainly looking for. The definition of parkour is literally just getting from point A to point B as fast as possible. Scaling buildings, jumping across platforms, and being fast and agile simply fall into that simple definition by default, I think. In essence, I'm really just asking that you narrow down the length of the description a bit.

I still feel like "Shiekah Training" would envelop a whole lot more than just agility/speed/stealth, though. "Shiekah Training" sounds like... well... just like it sounds-- everything. Saying you're skilled/talent at your training doesn't seem to effectively communicate what your skill/talent really is. I don't really think of a simple combination of agility and stealth when I hear it, but... maybe that's just me. Do as you will with that one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


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Thanks for telling me, Baklava. I'll think it over during that time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Character has been edited and awaits approval!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

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Cool concept! I love RPs that give players secret information. On a second note:

much sheika. many stealth. sneaky sneaky. wow.

I might have a Goron sheet up later, but maybe not in time for the start and definitely not present at the beginning or hearing the voices. Also, got a quick private question for you Baklava. You'll get it in a PM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Baklava said
@Kai: Ehhh, well that certainly is a theory. As long as you understand that the original Impa isn't alive, that's fine with me. If he's going to be a descendant of such a reincarnated "Impa", however, just understand that that's one particular NPC I will likely be using later on. So even though she's closely related to Idrina, I would prefer that you not make use of her. Not without PMing me about it at least. (Like, "Hey, Idrina wants to talk to his mommy... can we collab a post?" That sort of thing.)

Actually that's not a theory. Impa has been in Skyward Sword, Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages, A Link Between Worlds. The Legend of Zelda, The Adventure of Link and Ocarina of Time. I actually forgot about her in Ocarina but, I just looked it up to remember. Also in Wind Waker, she was on the a glass mural with the other sages. Not to mention she lives for thousands of years as in living in the Goddess Era and then showing up in the Sky Era in Skyward Sword as an old woman. Kakariko is even her home (and Idris's hometown) in Ocarina.

Also..Impa is the Sage of Shadow in Ocarina....meaning Idris is descended from a Sage. I didn't realize that until now. How could I forget such important things?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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The theory being that Impa is the name of every (female?) leader of the Shiekah. Not so much that the name itself is passed down, which it obviously is-- just like Zelda. It's been the name of each of Zelda's caretakers but I'm pretty sure Impa isn't the leader of the Shiekah in every one. After she became a sage in OOT, she had other responsibilities anyway so it's actually quite likely they would have elected a new leader. They probably did it after she was elected to be Zelda's nursemaid actually. It's unlikely she was both at the same time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by August Tier

August Tier

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This one's a little out there, as she came to me a in a dream, so I understand if you feel compelled to deny her.
Name: Lady Peregrina Shousou
Age: 28

Race: Hylian

Gender: Female


Peregrina stands at 6’2” in height and weighs roughly 170lbs. Her body is does not reflect a sedentary lifestyle despite her self-proclaimed nobility. It is clear that she travels often by the toned muscle beneath her pale skin. Her dark copper-colored eyes almost gleam in the light. From her wrist, up to her shoulders, she bears tendril-like vine tattoos with a single rose inked on each palm

Theme Song:

Personality: Ambitious. Cunning. Proud. Arrogant. Determined. Spiteful. Maternal.

Backstory: Peregrina was raised around stage magicians, by stage magicians. Her family was not her own, having been sold by her drunken, selfish mother to a magician’s troupe at the age of four. She became close to them and accepted them as her family. She quickly learned by example the art of flashy and impressive performance magic. It only took a few years before she was allowed to perform alongside the other magicians, finding her favorite place to be the center of attention at festivals and parades.

A tragic incident involving a band of Gerudo pirates led to the capture and presumed enslavement of much of her troupe. She was saved however, by a lone Goron wearing what she called “the bull-faced helm”. The hulking Goron left her on the beach where she last saw her “family”, surrounded by the corpses of several Gerudos. Several years later in her life, her faux magic entranced and enthralled a small band of Bulblins who took to her as if she were a goddess. To this day the six Bulblins follow and serve her. She once detested them, but the constant worship eventually took to her head and she couldn’t imagine life without them now.

1. Illusion (MS/PS)
Having grown up with a troupe of stage magicians, performing illusory feats is something Peregrina excels at. From basic sleight of hand tricks to making a flock of birds appear from a flash of light and a handful of flower petals, she takes pride in her art and refuses to be outdone by another performer.
2. Charm (PS)
A sliver tongue and hypnotically soothing eyes make Peregrina more dangerous in a conversation than in a battle. On more than one occasion she has found herself sleeping in a man’s bed… while the man slept outside. This has also made her bargaining efforts more fruitful.
3. Pyrokinesis (MS)
Being the only genuine component of her magical abilities, Peregrina’s fire-casting capabilities may only consist of igniting small points and the formation and casting of fist-sized fireballs, she has ambition when it comes to experimenting and learning more diverse ways of utilizing her skill.
4-7. Performance Art (PS, FS, PS, PS)
The ability to awe an audience is key for any stage performer. Juggling, knife throwing, and her eerily graceful singing and dancing can all act as a buffer between illusions, as well as distraction to set up a particularly difficult situation in her favor.

Goal(s): Short Term: Attaining recognition for her performing Bulblin troupe. Long Term: Attain the position of power she believes she is entitled to.

-Four honed, double-edged throwing knives
-Rose-based lipstick
-Shrill whistle (used to get her troupe’s attention)
-Brass hip flask containing Ordon pumpkin spirits
- Silver Emerald ring
- Copper Ruby ring
- Gold Sapphire ring
- Garnet pendant

(Her troupe lugs all of her clothing and essentials for her)

Wallet: 112

NPC’s (Awe-inducing, Blood-chilling, Curiosity-inspiring Shousou Bulblin Troupe(!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Baklava said
The theory being that Impa is the name of every (female?) leader of the Shiekah. Not so much that the name itself is passed down, which it obviously is-- just like Zelda. It's been the name of each of Zelda's caretakers but I'm pretty sure Impa isn't the leader of the Shiekah in every one. After she became a sage in OOT, she had other responsibilities anyway so it's actually quite likely they would have elected a new leader. They probably did it after she was elected to be Zelda's nursemaid actually. It's unlikely she was both at the same time.

Its just that she can live super long from what Skyward Sword shows. But I'm not saying its the same one from then. Its the Impa from the actual game. Well the Sheikah are considered mostly extinct by Ocarina and by Wind Waker Impaz is the only remaining person with Sheikah blood. Which is why I named Idris and everyone else applying for Sheikah are saying they are the last of the race. Sheikah get pretty fucked over in LoZ and its sad cause they are so interesting. Well in A Link between Worlds, Impa is watching over Zelda. The true sad part is in every timeline, the Sheikah are either mostly extinct or completely extinct.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


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Kal-El said
The true sad part is in every timeline, the Sheikah are either mostly extinct or completely extinct.

Which is interesting, because the last character that I have in mind is a Hylian raised as a Sheikah that is seen with contempt, or a Sheikah that has gone rouge that is seen as a traitor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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HeilixAxel42 said
Which is interesting, because the last character that I have in mind is a Hylian raised as a Sheikah that is seen with contempt, or a Sheikah that has gone rouge that is seen as a traitor.

Which is also interesting because the Hylian could be seen with contempt because not full blood or the Sheikah considered a traitor because its one of the last and it isn't even embracing their tradition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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@Golem: Everything looks good. Thanks.

@Auggy-T: Declining characters outright is something I'm trying to avoid in this RP. It's up to you whether or not you think it's a good idea to use her in the RP and whether she'll fit in with everything alright in that regard. But anyways....

Firstly, I think if Peregrina was really 6'2" and 130 pounds she'd resemble an emaciated stick much more than a woman... therefore there's no way she'd have enough cleavage to fill out that dress. Juuuuust sayin'. Also, with the whole Gerudo pirates thing... I'm guessing she's from some faraway land? Just need to clarify that. Also, understand that most people will most likely be horrified by her Bulblin slaves. I think you probably already get this, but I just thought I'd clarify. Everything else looks alright I think.

@Kai: I always figured Impa from SS was granted that ability because the Goddess Hylia knew she'd need Impa to help out Link and Zelda in the future. Regardless, the Impa from OOT will have died long ago by now-- for this RP at least. The main point I was trying to make, however, was that she wasn't really the leader of the Shiekah at the end of OOT, so they most likely appointed someone else.

@Helix&Kai: Luca and Idris seem to match the description of rogue Shiekah fairly well already if you ask me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by August Tier

August Tier

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Ah, I had changed her height from significantly shorter before without regard to changing her weight. Thanks for the heads up. Also, yeah I had intended her to come from somewhere else. And yeah the stigma for any goblin type would definitely be a problem in most situations, but I had planned to offset that with them being strangely obedient and docile... Unless she purposely riles them up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dizzmcd


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I was working on a character, and realized that, the Rito, the bird race of which i made my character, were born from zora after hyrule was flooded. So. i would assume that wouldn't fit in the timeline where this rp is set. But i thought i'd make sure before i scrap it.... Any thought on this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Matter of fact, didn't Ganon kill off the rest of the Sheikah which is why Impa hid with Zelda for those years? I would think that only Impa's line would exist but since non-canon.....others survived just so ya know we can have Sheikah in the rp. lolz. Idris isn't more so a rouge but learning by exploring and would one day come back as a skilled warrior that could truly protect the Royal Family. But i can see others seeing him as a rouge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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@Dizz: There are no limitations on race. But you'll have to deal with the consequences.

@Kai: No. They were not. They were *nearly* wiped out. The reason Impa hid out with Zelda for all those years was because Ganondorf was looking for Zelda... not the last Shiekah so he could "kill off the rest". That's canon. Feel free to look it up on the Zelda Wiki, but think about it-- why would Zelda disguise herself as a Shiekah if it was Ganondorf's goal to wipe them all out?

As I said before, it's unlikely Impa's line would be connected to today's Shiekah leader. She took up the role of a Sage and her last departing words to Link are a request that he look after Princess Zelda on her behalf-- because she's got Sage stuff to do and can't. All in all, she WAS simply Zelda's nursemaid-- albeit a badass nursemaid. It was never mentioned that she ever was the leader of the Shiekah. Not in Ocarina of Time and not in any other game either. That's canon.

Like I said in the first post, this RP will be VERY largely based off of what is canon. The Wiki will be like my Bible, as I said before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by August Tier

August Tier

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When you mention a wiki, do you mean the Zelda Wiki or Zeldapedia? Just so I know which source you're using.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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I use Zelda Wiki more than Zeldapedia, but both are generally the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Look so we can just get this out of the way, the main thing is the wiki, both of them, just state that Impa is a name of several female members of Sheikah. Doesn't actually say they are all descended from each other. Like Impaz is heavily implied to be descended from Impa but it couldn't be the same Impa from OoT because his Impa opened up the Hidden Village to outsiders aka had control over the village to do so. It does not have to be the same family line but just one of the Sheikah of the generation that happens to be named Impa.

This about to overtake a whole page. lolz
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Kal-El said This about to overtake a whole page. lolz

And it's entertaining too.
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