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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by August Tier

August Tier

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I think Roruuk would likely have sold her herbs and plants at some point (being a masterful botanist). Maybe one of the few he has encountered that he doesn't avoid like the plague. So not a personal relationship exactly, but they could be acquaintances, if you so like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm betting that Mila would know quite a few people, but that Roruuk would obviously stand out, so she would remember him. Maybe give him some discounted or free potions out of pity if she personally knew about his curse. Yeah, I'd go with that. Maybe not know his name, though, just his appearance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Looks good, Corporal Lance.... Lancy.... Corpy-corp....

Nicknames will soon be a thing I wager. Eventually... Hopefuly... just too lazy to spell out people's entire usernames most days....

I think I'll call August Tier Auggy-T.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Baklava said
Looks good, Corporal Lance.... Lancy.... Corpy-corp.... Nicknames will soon be a thing I wager. Eventually... Hopefuly... just too lazy to spell out people's entire usernames most days....I think I'll call August Tier Auggy-T.

Lug works fine for me, though those familiar with me (and my old username) usually call me Cav.

On a second note, tomorrow I will post my second character. He's quite close to Frore. Literally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Veitaru - Vei for short.

Age: 10

Race: Gerudo

Gender: Female

Appearance: Vei is obviously not a Hylian, possessing the round ears, prominent nose, brown skin, amber eyes, and red hair of a Gerudo. Said hair is kept in a high positioned ponytail, barely reaching past her shoulders. She has bangs swept to each side of her face in front, not all of her hair gathered into said ponytail. However, her clothes can make her pass for a Hylain, given the fact that few would be low enough to see her face when she raises the hood of her black cloak, given that she is some 4'1". Underneath the cloak, she is wearing tight dark blue clothes, a wrapped bodysuit. Silent, nonrestrictive. When she wishes to pass unnoticed, she wears the cloak, when she wishes to pass unsensed, she takes it off.

Theme Song:
Yeah, that's what I picked. She may be a thief now, but she's a hot-blooded one who'll probably grow up to be a far more directly confrontational warrior. If you survive the sneak attack, you're worthy to be faced head on.

Personality: Motivations: Vengeance, Justice. Boundaries: Honorable. Methodology: Klepto, Daredevil.

Vei is an Orphaned Gerudo Child, who was born in Hyrule proper. Her mother was prevented from returning to Gerudo Fortress when a particularly harsh winter set in. Being too pregnant to attempt a dangerous crossing, the mother gave birth in Hyrule. Her died before taking the girl to Gerudo Fortress, and thus the girl grew up in Kakariko, receiving only a name and her bloodline from her mother. Upon being old enough to toddle, she lived up to that bloodline and had the habit of stealing everything. At first, her attempts were cute, but as she got older she actually started getting good enough at it that, combined with the fact no like Gerudo, she got kicked out of the orphanage while still rather young.

Living as a petty thief, Vei had the good/bad fortune of trying to steal from one of the remaining Sheikah. That wasn't going to work. However, the child made a good enough shot at it that the Sheikah, being more politically minded than most, thought about the potential of raising the Gerudo child to be an infiltrator against her kin. The Sheikah, being far more skilled than the child, was likely the only one properly capable of raising the child, and did a fairly good job of it, the child now having morals. She'll still steal everything just to see if she can, but she'll give it back afterwards, because she wouldn't want to disappoint the man she now considers her Father. However, when the darkness crept into the land, this Sheikah was one of the first to attempt to stop it. No more was heard of him. But Vei was not going to wait in an orphanage again, and set off to find him.


1. Sneaking (SS)
Vei is a thief, first and foremost.

2. Evading (FS)
This also makes her hard to catch.

3. Sleight of Hand (SS)
Did I mention Vei was sneaky? Well, she's got quite the array of "magic" tricks.

4. Parkour (SS)
Did I mention Vei was hard to catch? She's not just tricky up close, but is built like a gymnast.

5. Thrown - Small (FS)
Vei practiced throwing stones as a child, and her caretaker gave her training in Deku Nuts and similar objects. If it's a small, thrown object, she's probably pretty accurate with it. This is not lobbing a bomb or boomerang though, too big.

6. Eye for Danger (SS)
Vei's honed a careful eye for easy marks, shiny things, and danger. That doesn't mean she avoids it, oddly.

7. Cloak and Dagger (FS)
Vei was beginning to be trusted with and trained in the use of a light dagger.

Note: Due to upbringing in Kakariko, does not have normal Gerudo traits of desert expertise.

Goal(s): Find the Sheikah that she considers her Father, or if her fears are true, avenge him.

-5 deku nuts, a Sheikah's first and often most reliable tool.
-leather water skin

Wallet: 13
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Everything looks good Gecko, although I think I better point out to you that the bridge was, in fact, fixed-- considering this is in the Adult Link Timeline and Link saved the carpenters so they were able to finish it before defeating Ganondorf. So I would try to come up with some other reason why her mother was unable to go to Gerudo Fortress. Maybe a really bad winter that made traveling really difficult? Or she was very sickly and on the brink of death. I dunno-- whatever you want to do. The bridge is and has been still there though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 5 days ago

I'm sorry, but I have to drop this rp. I might come back later on, but don't expect a CS from me anytime soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

That's fine Ridlins. I'll be keeping it open for quite a while.

In the meantime, I guess I better start getting the IC ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Cain

Age: 42

Race: Twili

Gender: Male


Like most Twili, Cain covers his milky-pale skin with shadows of his own creation. Actual fabric, though traditionally limited to only those in great power, was afforded to him due to his own position. His short, red hair lies beneath a cowl and a patterned cloth covers his nose and mouth. A sort of moon-shaped cloth drapes across his upper torso, and a belt secures several lengths of cloth around his waist. Finally, he wears a cape emblazoned with several swirling twilight insignias. On his arms are attached sleeves in which he keeps his weapons—huge clawlike gauntlets called Sacred Wolf Claws. Naturally, when in the world of light, he is nothing but a shadow, though he can alter it to be two or three-dimensional at will. When two-dimensional, he is invariably cast upon a surface, like a normal shadow.

Theme Song:

Personality: Sneaky, brilliant, wrathful, resolute, collected, grudging

A millennium ago, there existed a world very different to that of Hyrule; a dark world inhabited by pale beings who wielded shadow magic called the Twilight Realm. Though alien and hostile, this kingdom was peaceful and prosperous until the Usurper King Zant claimed the throne for his own in a bid to take over the World of Light that had scorned his ancestors. After his conquest, few Twili remained unchanged; one that did was Cain, the previous Royal Spymaster and a devious but loyal follower of Princess Midna—not to mention her secret admirer. Funnily enough for an expert information broker, Cain didn't find out until too late that the Twilight Princess, ruler of his realm, and secret love Midna, had been transformed by Zant and banished to the fabled, terrifying World of Light. Suffused with rage, he vowed to find her and help her win back her throne.

But with the Mirror of Twilight shattered, and no member of the royal family left untwisted to conjure a portal to the World of Light, he had to find another way. After months of searching, however, his growing rage got the better of him and he approached Zant himself. Woefully underestimating the Usurper's power, Cain was struck down by Zant's magic energies and forcibly banished from the Twilight Realm via a particularly powerful portal. Upon waking, Cain found himself reduced to a shadow in an incredible but deadly world--that of Light. Despite his initial elation, it didn't take long for Cain to realize that this world and the one he wished to enter were very different. In this world there was no hint of Twilight, not a peep about an extraordinary imp; even his race as a whole was totally unheard of. Cain found himself confused, lost, and very much alone. Luckily, however, he did find a companion in the form of Frore, a thuggish, easy-to-manipulate Chilfos as one-of-a-kind as Cain was himself. The two quickly became a formidable team; one was the body, the other the voice; one was the brawn, the other the brains. In the shadow of Frore Cain resolved to find a way to return home.

1) SHADOW MAN – in the World of Light, Cain employs several natural abilities to remain both undetected and alive. First and foremost, he can hide in the shadows of living beings. While hidden, he can still speak. For a limited time he can also regain his full-bodied form and solidify himself to physically interact with things in the world of light, but any length of contact longer than a few seconds will kill him (magic/survival)
2) SPYMASTER – using skills gained during his time as the Grand Spymaster of the Twilight Palace, Cain is adept at stealth, covert operation, and quickly obtaining information (practical)
3) DARK TRAVEL – Cain can dissolve himself into hundreds of tiny, angular black particles and teleport great distances. However, he must be in full-bodied form to do this, and since doing that in the world of light is lethal, this isn't a very useful talent at the moment (magical)
4) SAVAGE – years of training with his clawed gauntlets have made Cain deadly with them (fighting)
5) TRICHOMANCY – like all Twili with any degree of magical power, Cain can manipulate his own hair to serve as a weapon, usually to make a giant, clawed hand when greater strength is needed. (magical/fighting)
6) SELF-RELIANT – spending lots of time alone, either to remain covert or survive in the wilderness, Cain is very capable of finding and obtaining food, water, and shelter (survival/practical)
7) TWILIGHT BURST – when under intense emotional duress, usually anger but also applicable to sorrow and despair, Cain begins to unconsciously build up dark energies within him. At he peak of his emotional state, he will automatically and explosively release it all, creating a spherical field approximately fifty feet in diameter that is technically within the Twilight Realm. The air assumes a golden hue with black particles sifting throughout, and Cain can assume his full-body form and access all of his powers within the confines of the field for up to ten minutes, at which point the field dissipates and the feedback strikes Cain unconscious. When active, the stationary field can be entered at will but only Cain can let an entrant leave (magic/fighting/survival)

Goal(s): Originally, to find and rescue Princess Midna. Now, he seeks a way to return to his own dimension.

Inventory: Sacred Wolf Claws, telescope, satchel w/ provisions and canteen, several strands of leather and string, a small bedroll, flint and steel

Wallet: 84
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Baklava said
Everything looks good Gecko, although I think I better point out to you that the bridge was, in fact, fixed-- considering this is in the Adult Link Timeline and Link saved the carpenters so they were able to finish it before defeating Ganondorf. So I would try to come up with some other reason why her mother was unable to go to Gerudo Fortress. Maybe a really bad winter that made traveling really difficult? Or she was very sickly and on the brink of death. I dunno-- whatever you want to do. The bridge is and has been still there though.

Oh, kay. I was assuming the bridge going out and then being repaired was a fairly common thing, and that Vei's mum just caught it at a bad time. But I can totally change it to the winter one or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

I thought that at first, too. But after thinking about it, I need the bridge to have stayed up this whole time. It's a plot thing that may come up later.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


"...eons after the Hero of Time had beaten Zant himself. "

Mmmm... well-- in an entirely different timeline, yes, but not this one. The Gate of Time wouldn't have just transported him into the future, but into an entirely different part of the Zelda fork in time where Ganon was never in the Twili Realm and thus never conspired with Zant. Twilight Princess follows the Child Link timeline. Perhaps, as a compromisable alternative, Zant could have banished him into this dimension with magic at some point? That way we also wouldn't have to casually throw in something as quintessential as the Gate of Time, either....

So basically Cain would be searching for Midna in a dimension where she's probably doing just fine in the Twilight Realm. He just has no knowledge of it.... which is kind of ironically tragic, but... yeah. You get the picture.

Also, Bellicose seems pretty vague. Attaching a power-up to an emotion.... It's not that it's necessarily OP or anything, buuut... I dunno. I don't have a problem with the whole "You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry" trope, but coupled with the fact that he seems to be a pretty angry guy.... It's like he's going to be at his all-time high power-wise whenever he actually fights. Instead of making it a power-up, I think maybe a one-time a day/really exhausting sort of move would work better if you don't want to give him something else entirely.

Perhaps a talent in playing the Twili Harpsicord? Then Cain be all like: buahahaha
(Totally kidding btw.)

In the end, the Bellicose thing is up to you. That's just my two cents on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Changed my bio to the winter version.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I was thinking that the way I said it ultimately wouldn't work. I'll change things around somewhat, including the ability.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Awesome. Thanks!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Character is ready and awaiting judgement.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 1 day ago




He stands just shy of 6 feet tall, with a lithe and lean frame that bears no excess weight at all making him quick but not as strong as he could be. This giving him a fragile, and, somewhat, feminine appearance, which he has been known to use to his advantage. Long white hair falls to his upper thigh, braided neatly and bound around with colored linen. His fringe however falls untidily about his pale face, cropped shorter then the rest so that it can’t be braided like the rest, often getting in the way of his surreal red hued eyes.

Theme Song:

Brave, Fun-Loving, Boisterous, Proud, and Mischievous.

The Sheikah were a noble race of ninjas that acted in protection of the Hyrulian Royal Family. They were infamous for their skill and agility. Idris was born to the leader of the Sheikah known as Impa. Throughout his entire life, Idris was trained in the art of the Sheikah and constantly reminded of his duty to the Royal Family. Freedom to travel the world was upon Idris's mind instead so, when he turned 18, he left to begin his journey. For several years Idris traveled, meeting a variety of people and defeating all manner of creatures/villains. It was not until he learned of Ganondorf's seige that the Sheikah ran back to Hyrule. He would attend the Hero of Time Festival as the last Sheikah and bring an end to Ganondorf's evil.

Sheikah Training (FS/SS) - His strengths lie more in his swiftness, reflexes, agility, dexterity, and grace of the Sheikahs. This aids in his ability to disappear when he wishes, seemingly as if into thin air. The Sheikah’s stealth is unrivaled even by thieves and assassins. He can stalk another as if he is part of the shadows himself—in any setting.

Swordplay (FS) - Idris is very skilled in the art of the blade. Unlike most who are trained in a strength-oriented style, the Sheikah taught Idris to rely on his speed and dexterity to outmaneuver and counter his enemy's attacks. A one handed style is preferred to allow him to actively use his magic and darts. The blending of all his skills come in to play when using the style of swordplay that Idris has trained in, mostly including his hand to hand.

Hand to Hand (FS) - Idris is skilled in hand-to-hand combat. He does not always need his sword to defend himself. He was taught in the martial arts of the Sheikah. It is a very graceful and fluid style. It often has flips and other contortions that require a nearly magical sense of balance. It seems nearly inhuman. It is more about speed and agility than strength.

Parkour/Balance (FS/SS) - As a Sheikah, Idris has a certain need to move quickly and function effectively in situations of pursuit. Through practices of obstacle courses and active duty, Idris has developed skill in fluid and quick movement. Parkour has become a skill which he has developed to a fairly decent degree. He has spent the good part of his life, since he was fourteen, developing his ability in parkour, as such his body is conditioned to the point where it is convenient for such movements. With aspects of the environment being either high up, or very small area platforms, balance becomes an important aspect of parkour. In most cases, Idris will be able to keep balanced on surfaces. He has a good degree of balance where he could walk on something as thin as a railing and have no problems. Functioning well in the condition of small surface areas to walk on, as well as the quick speeds at which he functions. In an environment where he will be undisturbed, Idris will be able to keep his balance during parkour

Herbs (SS) - Idris is knowledgeable of many plants and herbs that aid in many uses. Some medical and some poisons and other types of drugs. He can use this knowledge to aid his own injuries and the injuries of others. Of course, this cannot be done in the midst of battle.

Crafting (SS) - He is talented in crafting little traps for animals, but he’s clever enough to adjust this for people also. He can create many things out of just the raw materials of the forest. Should he run out of darts, he could simple make more out of a hard wood nearby.

Earth/Geokinesis (MS) - Idris discovered a strangely natural ability to manipulate the earth, rock, soil, and minerals in the earth around him. He can make rock turn to sand and back again. He can create shields harder than diamond if he really puts a lot of energy into it, which would require more than he currently has. Thus if he attempted it, he is likely to make himself faint trying. He can make the ground shift and turn as long as it is made of some kind of stone/mineral. Idris can make bits of earth levitate and hover around him to hurtle at his enemies.

However, Idris is not extremely practiced with this. He’s just a beginner in geokinesis, though still very skilled and often at a higher advantage with this against most people. One could say he has great potential and raw talent with it. However, it needs refinement and toning still. Idris is just at the tip of the iceberg with this ability. His limits are 60 lbs max for earth and minerals. At the moment he is capable at moving all earth, and minerals, within a 100 yard (91.44 m) radius of him.

He has intense wanderlust, wanting to see the world and meet its people. He has no idea what he truly "wants", but he has a fixation on power, and the Hylians, fascinated with creation stories and tales of old. He worships the Goddess Din, praying to her once a week.

Ashi – A katana. The blade is two and a half feet long and one and a half inches wide. The hilt is seven inches long. The hilt is a combination of dark purple and blue colors over-lapping each other, and it is made of many colored threads woven into the hilt. On the end of the handle is a red tassel. Carved in with the same crimson red is an eye with a teardrop coming from it at the base of the blade next to the hilt: the Eye of Truth. Wrapped around the hilt is a silver chain that has a silver pendent of the Eye of Truth, the tear drop of the pendent holds a red gem. It was enchanted to resist breaking and extreme temperatures. It can cancel out shadow magic. It is tied to the wrap around his waist with a strap, on his left side.

Darts – Idris sometimes uses long needle-like darts. When he was living in the forest he used to make these out of a very dense wood. Now that he’s lived in Hyrule castle, he made some fashioned out of metal. They vary in size, so that he can know which kind of dart he is using. He knows them by touch more than by sight. They have different oils in their hollowed-out insides and on their sharp tips. His large darts are six inches long and a half a centimeter wide. His medium darts are four and a half inches long and less than half a centimeter wide. His small darts are three inches long and thinner than his medium darts. They have no feathers on their ends. Idris can throw these at blurring speeds with just a flick of his wrist.

Waterskin - Hanging on one of the belts Idris wears; Idris’s waterskin is made of leather and can hold up 2/3rds of a gallon.

Pouch of Food - A small cloth pouch hanging next to Idris’s waterskin. Contains small amounts of food, usually dried meat or berries.

Deku Nuts - These are used by the Sheikah to create heavy smoke clouds for the Sheikah to use as a cover.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Golem: CS looks good. Just please specify an amount for Luca's wallet as it may be important later on when/if characters are trying to purchase things. Also please number Luca's skills.

@Kai: Oh man. That song-- right in my old 13 year old otaku. *cue tear of nostalgic reminiscence* If you could convert that link into the same form as everyone else, however, that would be preferable.

With the personality section... I can definitely sympathize with the longing to delve into greater detail when describing your character's personality-- hoping and praying that everybody understands and adores your OC in the same way you do, but for consistency's sake and also because I would like the characters' personalities to come to light more in the IC, I'm going to have to ask that you simplify it into a simple list of adjectives. We'll get a chance to see what he's really like once the IC starts up.

Also, I'm afraid it's rather impossible for Idris to be a direct descendant from Impa since it's been hundreds of years since she was alive-- given she isn't immortal. He could still be related to her, but not so directly.

As for his skills: Shiekah Training seems suuuuper vague. Judging by your description of it, however, I don't see why you don't simply rename it "Shiekah Stealth". And with the Parkour/Balance bit-- and this is just my opinion, not something required-- I think all you really needed to title it was Parkour and the description seems unnecessarily long. I think most people know what the definition of parkour is, so all you really need to say is that he's a trained Shiekah warrior that has trained a lot in this specific Shiekah/ninja skill (or something along those lines)

With Geokinesis... Turning things into diamonds really doesn't seem like a skill a beginner should have unlocked yet. The hardening of rocks/minerals/etc. itself, I think, should be a move entirely of it's own anyway. Just saying he has control over everything earth-related on top of that seems really vague and on the brink of OP, although I do acknowledge the fact that you were obviously trying to make it so it wasn't. Start with either Earth-moving (and make sure to specify the weight/amount of earth he is able to move) or earth hardening/softening and if you're good he can gain the other ability a bit later. That's what I would highly SUGGEST for Geokinesis, but it's not at all required and totally up to you. Trying to keep my influence over character creation as light as possible here.

Oh, and make sure you number the skills also! But otherwise-- everything else is golden. Good job.

@Everybody: Working on the IC tonight! Hopefully it will be up tomorrow. I had hoped to have had it up sooner, but I just started my second job and it may take a little while longer for me to get into the groove of juggling it all, so I apologize for the wait! Thanks for being patient, everybody.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


Member Offline since relaunch

Thanks for the notice, Bak. I'll be sure to check up on the IC as soon as you post it. I'm extremely excited. Also I finished my second character sheet for Elder Lyontus that is mostly a support character.

Also, I'm curious if its possible to use my final character sheet for an antagonist that plays on the evil side and who's secret identity is the fabled 'Crimson Hound' (in which he would be cursed with a sort of lycanthropy that renders him feral and only would be controlled by you and whatever Co-GM's in place)?
Name: Naklov Lyontus (Elder Lyontus)
Age: 74
Race: Human (Hylian)
Gender: Male

Elder Lyontus stands hunched at 4’7” cloaked in robes that cover most of his fair skinned, yet frail body, in particular his legs in which he has trouble walking without his cane or wearing the Iron Goron greaves he keeps on beneath his robes and a long white beard travels below his chin down midway along his chest. Although he has a distaste of fine and priestly jewelry, he is known wearing his fine purple robes, a white stole with black Triforces stitched at both flanks, and a turban that covers his balding head.

Theme Song:

Personality: Calm, Shrewd, Wise, Humble, Intelligent, has little tolerance for evil motivations.

Backstory: Elder Lyontus is one of the higher-ranking priests that currently take charge of keeping the rituals and ceremonies inside the Temple of Time. He was born a many generations before the Hero of Time departed, but this has not stopped his fascination and admiration for the mysterious hero, even during the dark times and rumors of Gannon’s return. A man of great faith, he usually does not question the Will of the Goddesses, but does not believe that people should stand idle against the evil and chaos unprepared. But even he realizes that few believe in the possibility of Gannon returning and such has made efforts to convince the population to remain vigilant with limited success.

Regardless, he has remained friends with Kaiver and his family, blessing them, and he was the one able to give the man strength and courage to become a Ranger of Hyrule’s Royal Guard. Despite his priestly duties, he dabbles in a bit of magic, mainly such as alchemy, can craft potions in his shop in Castle Town, and has traded with "The Witch of the Forest" on numerous occasions for her ingredients in his potions. Even with his near-encyclopedic knowledge and wisdom, he remains largely ignorant in the sense that he has not traveled the land beyond Kakariko Village, and hopes to one day be able to visit the five other temples as a pilgrimage before his time comes.


1)Bartering (PS/SS): Owing a shop for many years has made his knowledge of making deals and bargains with many different people over the years. He is not a fool when it comes to money despite having little care for it.
2)Telekinesis (FS/MS): Elder Lyontus has learned how to move small objects with his mind, such as his cane, various vials and ingredients, and other things just as long he keeps his focus on them. His abilities are limited in such that he can lift a combined mass such as a pumpkin (20 lbs. max) and only can focus on three items at once.
3-4) Alchemist/Herbologist (MS/PS): From a simple hobby creating potions for the sick and travelers on long journeys, he has made a successful business out of creating high quality and very potent potions that is known throughout Hyrule. The thing that limits him is the equipment that he requires that he keep in his shop he has to have, although he can work with lesser equipment creating smaller quantities of his potions.
5) Aura Sight (MS): Being a Priest of Light has given him abilities to detect the presence of living things giving off an aura, but the power that is unique to him and the others like him is the ability to see the auras of other people, but only in a white to black spectrum and renders him colorblind for a few moments. His eyes glow bright yellow as he is using the power and most of the time describes it as “seeing stars in a sea of grey”, but has yet to find one that is purely black.
6) Encyclopedic Knowledge (SS/PS): A well-learned, wise, and intelligent man as he is, his knowledge mostly comes from his book smarts and near-limitless wisdom. He is willing to admit that most of his knowledge remains untested and ignorant of the outside world, but is willing to learn from his mistakes and revise his knowledge.

Goal(s): Travel Hyrule and make pilgrimages to the five other temples in hopes to explore the land before he passes away/gets killed.

• Walking cane
• Iron Goron greaves
• Knapsack of books:
One herbal encyclopedia
Personal journal
Ink feather and small ink vial (half full).
• Satchel of potion vials:
One green potion.
Two red potions.
Two blue potions.

Wallet: 75
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

Member Seen 1 day ago

Baklava said
@Kai: Oh man. That song-- right in my old 13 year old otaku. *cue tear of nostalgic reminiscence* If you could convert that link into the same form as everyone else, however, that would be preferable.

With the personality section... I can definitely sympathize with the longing to delve into greater detail when describing your character's personality-- hoping and praying that everybody understands and adores your OC in the same way you do, but for consistency's sake and also because I would like the characters' personalities to come to light more in the IC, I'm going to have to ask that you simplify it into a simple list of adjectives. We'll get a chance to see what he's really like once the IC starts up.

Also, I'm afraid it's rather impossible for Idris to be a direct descendant from Impa since it's been hundreds of years since she was alive-- given she isn't immortal. He could still be related to her, but not so directly.

As for his skills: Shiekah Training seems suuuuper vague. Judging by your description of it, however, I don't see why you don't simply rename it "Shiekah Stealth". And with the Parkour/Balance bit-- and this is just my opinion, not something required-- I think all you really needed to title it was Parkour and the description seems unnecessarily long. I think most people know what the definition of parkour is, so all you really need to say is that he's a trained Shiekah warrior that has trained a lot in this specific Shiekah/ninja skill (or something along those lines)

With Geokinesis... Turning things into diamonds really doesn't seem like a skill a beginner should have unlocked yet. The hardening of rocks/minerals/etc. itself, I think, should be a move entirely of it's own anyway. Just saying he has control over everything earth-related on top of that seems really vague and on the brink of OP, although I do acknowledge the fact that you were obviously trying to make it so it wasn't. Start with either Earth-moving (and make sure to specify the weight/amount of earth he is able to move) or earth hardening/softening and if you're good he can gain the other ability a bit later. That's what I would highly SUGGEST for Geokinesis, but it's not at all required and totally up to you. Trying to keep my influence over character creation as light as possible here.

Oh, and make sure you number the skills also! But otherwise-- everything else is golden. Good job.

My personality.....</3 Okay.

I'm taking the idea that was shown in Skyward Sword and the upcoming Hyrule Warriors that Impa is a lineage name given to the daughters and just so happened that this descendant happened to have a son. It's not the same Impa of the past. Sorry if i confused you there.

I wasn't more so explaining parkour to people but how it goes with Idris and his training since certain people are better at different aspects of it. Also the training was more to specify that he was an agility and speed based character which leads into his stealth. :D

Oh no. He can't harden Diamonds. That's why I ended the next few parts about him literally fainting just from even attempting. Also the hardening ability only works for rocks though that wouldn't be by much. But i can drop the hardening ability. I also will drop the metal manipulation part of it cause that's..rather op for a melee fighter. lolz
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