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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm terribly sorry if I happened to rub anyone the wrong way! I swear I didn't mean to!

When I wrote things about Mila and Sir Orca Halbert, I was just writing fluff I pulled from nowhere thinking it sounded good. I figured 'hey, bad attitude means bad morals, right?' and colored him in the wrong light. And I totally didn't mean anything by it! I'll go back at once and edit out any mention of his being dishonest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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It's fine! Really, I'm not upset about it at all. ;; I didn't really specify whether or not to allow it freely, so I'm just clearing it up now for future reference. Haha, I mean-- you guys were close though. He is a major butt-- but not the criminal sort of butt. I just don't want anyone to get the impression that Hyrule Kingdom is totally corrupted. That's a story for another RP~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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Defying those obvious associations makes for interesting characters. An elite knight with a bad attitude who is secretly corrupt, thus justifying everyone hating him? Seen it. A good guy with good intentions who still manages to piss off everyone he encounters and, by extension, is helping to protect, thus making internal conflicts? That I can get behind.

Also, I'm going to need you to post as Lethe before I can, Baklava. I'm assuming you're already in the process of doing so, but you broke your pattern of doing a double post from different perspectives so I am less than sure.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

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Baklava said
It's fine! Really, I'm not upset about it at all. ;; I didn't really specify whether or not to allow it freely, so I'm just clearing it up now for future reference. Haha, I mean-- you guys were close though. He is a major butt-- but not the criminal sort of butt. I just don't want anyone to get the impression that Hyrule Kingdom is totally corrupted. That's a story for another RP~

Makes sense. Now that his personality is painted a little clearer, I can see he's more of the Gaston type of character. Not really evil or immoral like I assumed right off the bat, but more of a self-absorbed dick. The Lawful Stupid type of character. Think I might grow to like him. Regardless, the little Kokiri girl will still not. Free-wheeling fairy girl and staunch knight narcissist don't have the best personalities to mix. :P

Made my edits, I'll have something shortly. Also, no boom for you. I don't really need to add to the chaos, and it would make more sense for Mila to demand payment before taking a couple hours and resources to brew her concoction. I'll have her exuberantly describe what her potion does and try to break a deal with the Twili instead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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I've got it in the works, Lug. Haha I had a feeling you'd point it out. I ran out of time to do the second part and I'm not really following any specific order of who to respond to first, so yeah.

And Corpy Corp-- yeah, Gaston would be a pretty good comparison.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Baklava said
"Everyone begin rushing to see whose character gets to sit on top of the windmill dramatically in 3... 2... "

Kal-El... You are aware that Veitaru is already on the windmill, right? It's like... the third post in the IC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

And thus Mila and Magus, possible the two least likely beings ever to do so, shall join forces and make a super team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taka
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Taka The Last Son of Vegeta

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Typed the post right before falling asleep. Have to edit the post tomorrow and change what he was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Wizard
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Got to drop out. Couldn't find the courage/inspiration to post. Sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeilixAxel42


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Quite a shame, Golem

In any case, here is my final character sheet that I've been making.
Name: Izzaz
Age: 41
Race: Shiekah/Wolfos Lycanthrope
Gender: Male

Shiekah face

Izzaz stands 6 feet, with fair skin with a hint of pale, noting the fact that blade and claw scars littler his body that he keeps hidden under his own ranger outfit. Similar to the typical ranger outfit, the additions he has are a pair of steel arm guards and leggings for more protection, giving him medium-light protection while still being able to maneuver quickly. In addition, the source of his curse comes from a Twili artifact in his left arm that he keeps hidden from prying eyes and wrapped in bandages as the artifact that gives him the curse glows a heavy red and glows bright when changing into his Wolfos forum.

Wolfos Izzaz
His Wolfos forum is more terrifying as it is almost as tall as a horse (4.5 feet) and with a length as 6.3 feet. His coat is that of a deep crimson with white highlights and the classic Shiekah markings on his forehead. Strong enough to toss a guardsman a few meters and not easy to take down, he would require multiple fatal blows to take town alone. His most vulnerable spot would be the brightly glowing Twili artifact that wraps around his left front leg.
*note: Izzaz knows amputation of his left arm/left front leg would remove the curse at the expense of being an amputee, but considers that fate to be worse than death.

Theme Song:

Personality: Dauntless, Cynical, Arrogant, Embittered, Disconnected, and Stubborn

Backstory: Although born and raised in the tradition of the ways of the Shiekah, Izzaz often felt little connection to the tribe he had belonged to, favoring the ways of the Hylian lifestyle and ways of direct battle rather than the traditions of his forefathers of stealth and secrecy. But as he started to openly express his admiration for them, his tribe began to disapprove his desire forcing him to become a loner that plagued him throughout his teenage years, moving to Castle Town as he became of age. He served as a Ranger and the Guard Blacksmith, as did it well as a mercenary for hire, but his lifestyle of solitude made him a suspicious character to those who were not close to him, and to make matters worse, those that did know him saw him as an embittered and cynical man, caring for only food, drink, and courtship when he needed to satisfy his desires.
After he felt his service was completed, he packed up only his necessities and headed into the forest near the outskirts of the Lost Woods, deciding that he would rather live in solitude among the animals feeling that he felt no connection among the people, Shiekah or Hylian. But he quickly became connected with a tribe of Wolfos, sharing with them scraps of meat in which he hunted for them and then domesticated them after killing the alpha of the pack. The source of the curse came to him when he found the artifact abandoned deep within the Lost Woods, finding strange markings that were similar to his tribe despite being completely alien to him. It was harmless at first, but a confrontation from a Skull Kid, who jabbed it into his arm during a fight, activated it and dug its magic deep within his arm. He changes into a feral wolfos from time to time, mostly during nights on the full moon, gaining a secret identity as the Crimson Hound. He wishes to get rid of that is making his mind more feral and perhaps opening up can help him how to get rid of his curse without losing his arm.

1 (FS) Master Swordsman: Izzaz has gained a reputation being a master of swords and blades, in particular his twin short-swords that he carries with him at all times and only takes them out during combat, or when hunting large prey when riding.

2 – 3 (FS/SS) Shiekah Training (Agility/Balance): Trained in the ways of the Sheikah, agility and balance are advantages that he has excelled in well. He prefers a more direct approach to fights than using stealth, although he can be convinced in using the element of surprise.

4 (PS/SS) Wolfos Alpha/Tamer: During his time living in the woods, he has made himself the head of the Wolfos of the Lost Woods and tamed them for assisting him in the woods, making hunting a lot easier. Since it is best effective in the Lost Woods, the effectiveness is reduced farther away he is from the forest. Going beyond Lon Lon Ranch renders it void and Wolfos not native to the Lost Woods are openly hostile to him.

5 (PS) Journeyman Blacksmith: Izzaz can repair most armors and uses this skill to maintain it. He won’t be able craft any armors without the use of a forge unless he can gather the necessities to make one.

6 (SS) Forest Forger: Living in the woods has made him proficient on gathering food and creating shelter, as well as talking care of himself without the assistance of others has made himself reliant on his own projects. Plus, he can create a nice moonshine for cuts and drinking.

7 (PS/SS) Patchwork Surgeon: Carrying around a portable surgeon kit and plenty of strong alcohol with him for disinfecting wounds and cleaning his kit, you may have a nasty scar, but the only thing that matters to him is that you’ll live.

Goal(s): Be able to rid himself of the curse without becoming an amputee and live the rest of his days in the Lost Woods in solitude and care for his pack.

Large satchel of food and berries. (currently containing 2 pounds of jerky and some leftover berries)
2 bottles (1 empty, 1 with moonshine)
2 Hidden daggers (one in each boot)
Surgeon kit and 2 rolls of bandages
Medium waterskin
1 all-purpose rope (100ft)
2 shortswords for combat with leather sheaths
1 sharpening stone.
Wallet: 60 (Lost Woods stash: 1000)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Bright_Ops said
And thus Mila and Magus, possible the two least likely beings ever to do so, shall join forces and make a super team.

A meek little girl and a living scarecrow... guess we need to find the Tin Man and Cowardly Lion, huh? :D I think I know who the last one might be with our new character sheet...
That being said, ya done got the hyperactive kid excited. Shouldn'ta did that. Magus will find out quickly why at Mila's emerging trait of not-shutting-up-ness.

Baklava, okay to craft Kaboom Potion in exchange for enchanted garments? Wanted to get your permission first because I didn't want to fudge the system on getting cool stuff before other players. I'm thinking either Bag of Holding (for the ability to harvest as many potion ingredients desired and hold onto them all at once) or enchanted boots of some sort (Hover Boots or Pegasus Boots pop out in my mind). Of course, if you frown upon such things, I can have Mila ask for something fanciful such as boots that buckle themselves or a color-changing blouse instead and the potion can just... have an unfortunate accident... in the meantime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Keep in mind Corporal that Magus's enchantments are shadow magic related. The side effect of this is that whatever gets enchanted turns black.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A Bag of Holding could be related to shadow magic. 'Specially with the Twili's little "Dimension Door" turn into pixels and teleport power thingy. Besides, Mila doesn't know that. All he told her was that he can do enchantments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Corporal Lance said
A Bag of Holding could be related to shadow magic. 'Specially with the Twili's little "Dimension Door" turn into pixels and teleport power thingy. Besides, Mila doesn't know that. All he told her was that he can do enchantments.

I called it 'Dark Travel'. There's no indication in the games that Dark Travel can link between dimensions, only places in the same dimension. I also limited my Twili's use of Dark Travel to only when he is in his natural, full-bodied form, which is near-impossible in the World of Light. That's just me, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Point. I guess it depends on the Baklava's judgement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Aw, man! Sorry to hear that, Golem. I was looking forward to meeting Luca. If you change your mind anywhere down the line, feel free to shoot me a PM.

Axel, I'll get to your CS in the morning. Same for Lug's post. Sorry, other matters just came up.

Corp: "Given time and an idea of what needs to be done, Magus can enhance an object with some Twili magic; effects can range from enhancing somethings defenses, giving a magic edge to weapons and of course, enchanting something so that the shadows they cast are highly resistant to the light. Depending on the enchantment, the process can take days."

Now... while I am willing to be flexible as far as Magus' enchantments are concerned, I think a Bag of Holding would be... well, yeah. Doesn't seem to fall into any of those categories. Besides, if Magus was capable of easily ripping open dimensions, I don't think he would have accidentally reduced himself to a puddle of shadow in the light world. To allow him to create something like that would pretty much grant him the ability to do a shiz ton of other stuff. Like create a giant deadly hoola hoop that acts like a warped version of the Veil from Harry Potter... basically anything that goes into it is just gone. It's a really big and confusing concept I'd rather not go into. Not now anyway... And I would also prefer he not go around easily recreating ancient relics of mystery like Pegasus Boots... nom sayin?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

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But, this is Legend of Zelda right? If you want a bag of holding, you just have to go ask the Gorons. And then store whatever you want to store inside of bombs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

If we were going to be following Legend of Zelda logic in terms of items, everyone would have undetectable extension charms on their pockets.

Don't even get me started on the Iron Boots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corporal Lance
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Corporal Lance Devil Dog

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lugubrious said
I called it 'Dark Travel'. There's no indication in the games that Dark Travel can link between dimensions, only places in the same dimension. I also limited my Twili's use of Dark Travel to only when he is in his natural, full-bodied form, which is near-impossible in the World of Light. That's just me, though.

Dark Travel's possible in the World of Light. In Twilight Princess, once you can selectively turn into a wolf, Midna can teleport you to a number of different locations using Dark Travel while you're in the World of Light, so I think it's cannon. I'm unsure about the same dimension thing, but you're probably right. I think only the Twilight Mirror could transcend the dimensions. But that doesn't mean that her Bag of Holding couldn't act as a Twilight Portal, breaking something into pixels and then sending it to itself. Portal (bag) closes, stuff stays in limbo until the portal opens again because it has no entry or exit point. That could work in theory, but don't quote me on that. I'm pretty much clutching at straws.

Besides, she doesn't have to ask for or even get a Bag of Holding. Mila could just as easily ask for something else or maybe the Bag of Holding isn't possible for Magus to create. It's just something enchanted that I think she'd ask for. Alchemy takes a lot of ingredients, and a little girl can't haul around as much crap as everyone else. When I mentioned Hover Boots and Pegasus Boots, same reasoning: Hover Boots would be like a kid getting those moon boots that actually worked like a kid would think they would, Pegasus Boots like a new go-kart. She'll throw out dozens of suggestions that combine childlike glee and generally useful, but she'll end up wanting something like a Bag of Holding more than, say, a self-sharpening knife or waterproof shorts.

EDIT: Ninja'd.

I get ya, Baklava. That's why I asked first, just in case it wasn't cool. She can always ask for something else.. although Mila will be very upset if her green tunic turns to onyx.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The major issue is that Magus can't dark travel in his current state. Nor can he enchant stuff do such a thing.
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