Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Flynn relaxed slightly when he asked Twilla why she believed her wizard deserved the key. Meaning there wouldn't be a fight and Pea wouldn't be in any danger. He looked at Maria, not happy that he had brought out Twilla. The poor spirit looked like she was shivering in her boots. He shook his head, the poor spirit stammered for a reason that woman deserved this key. To him that meant she didn't deserve it. Pea was bouncing up and down when he got to her. She and Flynn both made a face when he used the word master. She shook her head, "Flynn doesn't use that word... But um... He should get it because," she shrugged, "He's Flynn. He wants the best for us and he is super duper nice to us. He gives us choices and doesn't tell us what to do. That's why Lepus runs off on him sometimes. He cares about us and knows us. He didn't want to choose me because he didn't want me to get hurt. But he knew that the others wouldn't like being watch or would just want to fight and be done with it. Me, I just want to help him. That's why we opened my gate... Spirits like being with him, that's why Florin asked to be found by Flynn," she gasped and covered her mouth, "Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that."

She shook her head, "But all the same, Flynn loves us and we love him!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Twila froze as Pea mentioned Floren asking. Had he told her? Did he tell her who was the one who helped Flynn? No. He didn't have to. Once the Spirit King found out, it had became public knowledge. Well, among the spirits. She glanced over at Maria. Though her mistress's face was calm, she sensed the rage beneath. If she ever found out that Twila was the one responsible....

The Curator smiled. "I can tell." He stated nodding at the excited spirit. "Thank you." He looked at the large boar. "And why, sir, should your mistress get the key?"

Aerok gave an answer about how she was kind to them, treated them like equals and how she deserved it. Though he was sincere, he was nowhere near Pea's enthusiasm. Apparently, having Pea there had been an excellent choice as her enthusiasm was clearly evident. Aerok was a fighter, not a passionate spirit.

The Curator nodded. "Those answers suffice." He looked at Maria. "I'm sorry. Though your spirit's reasoning was good, and you were honest and did not cheat, I cannot give you the key." She smiled politely but as soon as he turned she shot daggers at her spirit. "Though you were honest, and obeyed the rules, and respected by your spirits, I cannot give you the key." He told Amber.

"Thank you for the chance, anyway." She told him smiling. She then closed her gate, knowing that Aerok probably was ready to move on.

Turning to Flynn, the Curator held up the key. "You have proved ingenuity, cleverness, the ability to balance a healthy life between magic use and not, honesty, and," he looked at Pea. "Your spirits love you." He held out the key. "I give you Zhar-Ptitsa, spirit of the Gate of the Firebird. Treasure it. May it stay in your family for generations to come." He handed Flynn the key. Work complete, he turned and walked away.

Amber smiled at Flynn. "Congratulations Flynn! You were my second choice for the key." She told him beaming.

Maria scowled and turned. Going over to her spirit, she muttered something before closing the gate. Then stomping off, she went to find her comrades.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Flynn let out a sigh relief when the curator dismissed Maria. It made him incredibly happy to know that she was not going to win the key, he was getting worried for a minute there. He watched the man as he looked passed him and at Amber. Pea started to jump up and down when she too was dismissed. Flynn placed his hands on her shoulders, "Win gracefully, Pea."

The small spirit stopped jumping and smiled at the man as he spoke to Flynn. Flynn bowed to him as he handed him the key, "I will make sure of it."

He looked at the key in his hand, beaming. He attached it to his key ring and looked at Amber. He laughed and nodded his head, "As were you mine. Excuse me a moment, I have a contract to make," He looked down at Pea and knelt before hugging her, "You did well, kid. I've got to talk to Zhar-Ptitsa."

Pea nodded and the two of them closed her gate. He got to his feet and smiled at Amber, "I'll see you around."

He stepped away from the girl and held up his hand to his friends. He walked over to a quieter area and summoned the spirit of the yellow key. He smiled broadly at the man that stood before him, "Hey, I'm Flynn... Sorry I'm from out of the family that's been handing you down for years... But I hope we'll make a good team... Now... contract."

Zelia watched as Flynn walked a little ways away and summoned his newest spirit. She looked at Trex, "He did it! I mean, I knew he would but he actually did."

She looked over at the Caelum wizards and pursed her lips, "They don't look to happy about it... You don't think that they are planning something to get back at Flynn for winning?" She looked over to the white haired boy as he spoke with his spirit, "Maybe we should go over there... Just to make sure."
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Amber raised her hand in farewell and then went over to Chris. Though a bit disappointed that she didn't win, she couldn't feel to bad. Flynn was a great guy and his spirits loved him. Him and Lucy set the standard for celestial wizards. Something to strive for. Nodding at Chris, she smiled at his condolences. "Next time." She stated.

With a yellow flash, the tall, muscular spirit appeared. His long hair was tied back in the style of the eastern countries. Clasping a fist in his hand, he bowed. "It is an honor to serve under you, Master Flynn." He declared. He straightened. "I hope to serve you, and perhaps your family for generations to come. As for the contract," He paused. "Whenever you need me, I will be there. Day or night, any day of the week or any time. Anywhere and for any reason." He smiled at Flynn's look. "You are spoken highly in the celestial world and I know you will not abuse your power. If ever you need me, call and I will come."

Trex shrugged. "Well, their loss." He replied. As they headed toward Flynn, Trex smiled. "Though, doubting your friend, Zelia?" He sighed. "I thought you were better then that." He teased, a glint in his eye. "Hey!" He rubbed his shoulder and scowled at her. Then he shrugged. "Alright. So it was called for." He smiled. "Though, you do need to practice your punches." He informed her. "They're getting a bit girlish again." Wincing as she smacked him again, he held up his hands. "Alright. Not so bad now. Practice on someone else."

As they made their way over to Flynn the crowds started to disperse. Now that the key had been rewarded there was really no reason to stick around. Celestial wizards left disappointed, some even angry, growling about the unfairness of the whole thing. Standing a respectable distance from Flynn, Trex waited until he finished with his spirit before moving in. "Congratulations." He declared slapping Flynn on the back. "Another key. Soon you'll be the powerfullest one in the team." He smirked. "Though you got a long way to go to beat me."
Ryzo sighed as Maria ranted and raved. Finally holding up his hand, he cut her off. "A slight roadblock." He informed her. "Not something to fret to much about. Tye is at this moment setting up the method to relive our 'friend' of his keys." He informed her quietly. "Soon, all his spirits will be without contracts and free for you to have."

"Assuming of course, his team doesn't take the keys and give them to another celestial wizard. Fairy Tail does have another." Maria complained.

"Trivial." Ryzo replied. Though he wasn't foolish enough to not take that into consideration, he and Tye had discussed it. They will get the keys from the team and give them to Maria. Before the others even realized who had them, they would be gone out of the country. The Phoenix Master had messaged where the next key might possibly be. It was in the eastern countries, outside of Fiore. After getting Flynn's keys they would leave. When, or if, they came back, everything would have blown over or it would be to late to do anything. "Now, follow me." He declared.

Heading over to the Fairy Tail wizards, he gave a slight nod of respect to Flynn. "Congratulations, wizard." He stated. "It seems you were the best celestial wizard after all." Giving another nod, he led the group away. "Don't want to appear poor losers." He told the other three. "Though they will undoubtedly suspect it was us who took the keys, we don't need to add to their suspicion. Come. Tye said she'll meet us outside the city when she is ready." He nodded to Zen.

With a flash the wizards disappeared, leaving the square behind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zelia looked up at Trex as he teased her. She punched him and made a face, "Four against one just doesn't sound like something that will work out..."

She hit him again when he told her to practice on her punches. She laughed as he told her not to use him at a punching bag. She shook her head and walked over to Flynn. Flynn grinned at his new spirit, glad to know that he had made such an impression in the celestial world. He nodded, "Thank you... But let's avoid the word, Master. I don't owe or control you. We have a partnership nothing more. I'll see you around."

He closed the gate with his spirit when the others came over to him. He smiled when Trex said he was on his way to being the strongest in the group. When he mentioned that he had someway to catch up with himself, Zelia punched his shoulder again, "Cocky isn't a good colour on you, Trex," she smirked and looked at Flynn, "Trex has agreed to being my new punching bag."

Flynn laughed and clapped his hand on Trex's back, "Good luck with that one, buddy."

Flynn looked up at Ryzo as he walked over to them. He nodded his head in thanks then looked at Maria, "It helps to respect your spirits. They are willing to go to great lengths for you."

He watched them as they went before attaching his keys to his chain. He looked at his friends and rubbed his hands together, "Alright, what do you guys say to going home?"

Zelia nodded, "I wouldn't protest to being home... I don't know about you boys but Skye are in need of a reward with money to keep up with rent."

Flynn stuffed his hands into his pocket, "I'm scrapping the bottom of the barrel for rent too...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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Trex scowled at Zelia. However, he quickly replaced his expression to a closed look, when the Caelum wizards headed their way. After a brief discussion, they walked off. Keeping an eye on them, he nodded. "Then it's settled. We'll head back to Magnolia and look for another job." He declared. "Don't worry Flynn, if there is another key, we'll head out to find it, but as we don't know where to go, let's earn some money." As they got there stuff, said goodbye to Amber and Chris, Trex kept an eye out. Though it seemed Ryzo and his pals were not directly confronting his team, he wouldn't put it past them to try something now that Flynn received another key. Reaching the train station without incident, Trex purchased four tickets. It was a good thing they were going to get a job. His funds were a bit low and he usually kept a reserve. Another couple weeks like this and he wouldn't have any money to pay rent or buy supplies. Boarding the train, he found seats for them. "Well that was eventful." He declared. "Let's try not to fall asleep." He stated, face serious, as he looked at Zelia.

The train ride was uneventful. As the train came to a stop and the four exited, there was suddenly a shout. "There he is!" A man called out. Looking around, they spotted an older man with six Army soldiers. "He's the one." He pointed his finger straight at Flynn. "Arrest him!"

"Hold on." Trex said stepping in front of them. He held his hands up peacefully. "I wish no harm, however, my friend is a celestial wizard. To avoid confusion or mixups, I would like to know what is going on before you just rush in and arrest him. Any arrest could forfeit all contracts he has with the spirits." He shook his head slightly as the others, ordering them not to interfere. If all three jumped in, the army might think they are just defending him. In that case, they might fight.

The captain, a man stationed in Magnolia for a good ten years nodded at Trex. "Understandable." He agreed. He shushed the old man and looked back at them. "If your friend comes willingly to the magistrate, we will not arrest him. However, any resistance and we will have no choice."

"That will be fair." Stepping aside, Trex looked at Flynn. However, the older boy had already stepped forward, also seemingly to agree. "Hang in there, we'll get to the bottom of this." Trex told him quietly.

"Arrest him, I tell you!" The old man yelled.

"Silence." Petro, the leader of the guard, glared at the man. "The magistrate will decide the punishment. If he finds Flynn here guilty, then we will arrest him. But until then, he is coming willingly."

The old man, someone never seen by them before, glared at Flynn. "I'm going to make you pay for what you've done." He declared. "You'll pay!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zelia gave Trex a look and nodded, "I will do my best. I think my sleeping schedule as been screwed with enough after all."

The time seemed to inch by as Flynn looked out the window. He could hardly wait to get back to Magnolia and hopefully show Lucy his brand new key. Although he knew that the rest of group and agreed fully to chasing down the keys for him, he couldn't help but feel bad with everyone struggling for money. This was the second time they had gone out of their way, wasting money, to get him a new key. He'd being willing to take on a hundred year quest if it meant lightening the money problems they were all having now.

The train came into the station and they climbed off. They were met by the army and he found himself being pointed at and being called to be arrested. He was greatly thankful for Trex, when he stepped in. Flynn was in a state of shock and surely would have lost his keys then and there if his friend had not stepped in. Flynn stepped forward and nodded his head, "I'll come."

He walked over to them and looked at the man as he called for him to pay. He smiled at him and nodded, as if he had not just been threatened. Zelia looked at Flynn then the man accusing him. She walked over to the elder and spoke quietly, "May I ask... what is it that he will be paying for?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

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The man glared at Zelia. "Don't think you can try and threaten me." He snapped. "I'm going to testify the truth. Your friend is going to pay." He quickly scampered after the army, occasionally sending a glare Zelia's and Skye's way.

Walking alongside the Captain and Flynn, Trex glanced at the man. "What are the charges?" He inquired quietly.

Petro shook his head. "Theft. Destruction of property. Coercion. Threatening." He shrugged. "Some seem a bit out of line but he has witnesses." He looked at the two. "I'm sorry Flynn, but it might be a solid case to convict you. The magistrate will decide."

Trex frowned. That didn't seem correct. "Don't worry, Flynn. We got your back." He declared. "The magistrate is just but fair." Falling back, he meet up with Zelia and Skye. Explaining the charges, he looked toward the accuser. "See what you can find out about him. It sounds bogus but if he's got witnesses, Flynn can be in trouble. I'm going to stick with Flynn, make sure they don't arrest him or do anything."

Pausing in front of the courthouse, the group was met by the Captain of the army in this area. Captain Rellex was not the best man. Sometimes a bit cruel and known for harshness he was also known for stringency to the rules. Frowning, he scowled at Petro. "Why does he still have his keys?"

"He's not under arrest." Petro replied saluting.

"No. But assume he is guilty and arrested, he will be a hassle with his keys." He glared at Flynn. "Hand them over. If you are cleared, you will get them back."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Zelia looked at the man as he yelled about her not being able to threaten him. She looked back at Skye, unsure about the state of mind the man was in. She followed with the other woman as they walked slightly behind Trex and Flynn. Shortly after, Trex slowed in pace and explained to them what was happening. She shook her head, "That makes no sense, when on Earth would he have had time to commit that many offenses.... We've hardly stopped moving to give him the chance."

She crossed her arms and looked at the old man again, she didn't trust him before but now she was thinking he was up to something. She nodded to Trex, "I'll try and see if I can get a word in without him yelling about me threatening him..."

She shook her head and walked over to the old man again. She held her hands up in surrender, "Sir, I promise I don't wish to intimidate or threaten you. In fact, it seems to me like you might have a case... I was just wondering what this wizard has done to cause so much trouble. Do you think you could elaborate on his charges?"

Flynn looked at the Captain then at his keys. He removed them from his belt and looked at him, "I'm not under arrest though, I retain all my contracts with my spirits... Do you think that one of my friends can keep hold of them? If I am found guilty, I want them to go to a wizard I can trust."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Petro looked at the Captain. "I don't see why not." He stated.

The Captain frowned. "No. Unacceptable. If it comes to an arrest, they will be just as much a threat in stopping us." He declared. "No. We have to take the keys. You will receive them back when we are finished." He waved another guard over. "In fact, the keys should not be in this vicinity due. Otherwise he might grab them. This private will keep a good eye on your keys." He declared.

The man held out his hand. "I'll safeguard them," He declared a bit bored like.

Trex frowned. "How about a compromise." He declared. "We take them to Master Makarov of our guild and he can safe guard them until after the trail." He faced the captain firmly. "Unless of course you doubt the honor of the Master?" It was a serious accusation if he had. Makarov had been granted the guild by the Council. Refusing would be an insult not only to the entire guild but could also be an insult to the Council, who he served.

The Captain, seeing it was a good compromise, nodded. "Agreed. Petro will take it to the guild." He stated. "Just to ensure it does go there. Formalities and all." He looked at Flynn. "Unless you would prefer I send it with another guard?"

The old man scowled as the two approached. He settled slightly when she mentioned how he probably had a case. "Of course I have a case." He declared proudly. "I have witnesses. You magic wizards all think you can get away with destroying stuff without punishment. But I got one of you this time. There is no way he can get out of this." He frowned at them.

"Destroying my livelihood is a serious crime. And I'm going to make sure your friend suffers for that. Just the fact that he loses his keys isn't punishment enough. He must suffer." Crossing his arms he looked at them. "Now if you excuse me, I have a trail to attend to."

Skye frowned as she watched him walk away. "Passionate." She noted. "It is interesting though how the wizards are kept in check here." She noted. "Caelum there is no such rule." She quickly looked at Zelia. "Not that I think Flynn is guilty or should be punished either way." She added, feeling guilty.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Flynn looked at Petro and nodded, "I'm fine with that," He thought about it a moment, "Also, could you tell him, Lucy?"

He smiled at Trex and clapped a hand on his back, "Thanks for the quick thinking. If you knew anything about Celestial Spirits you'd be my number two. But you don't so you are quite a ways down on that list," he was quiet a moment, "Would you mind going with Petro. I'm sure he is a very qualified person but with the people we've been dealing with... I don't want to take any chances..."

He laughed a little and turned to face the captain, "Thank you for being understanding and willing to compromise. My spirits mean the world to me and I don't want them falling into the wrong hands," he pressed his lips together into a thin line, "Well... I guess we should go and find out what it was that I did..."
Zelia watched as the old man walked away. She pursed her lips, deep in thought, as Skye spoke. She smiled softly at the girl as she tried to climb out of the whole she had dug herself, "Don't worry about it... I get what you mean. You aren't used to the rules for Wizards... simple."

She crossed her arms, still looking at the retreating man, "Know what is bugging me? That guy was awfully mad about whatever Flynn did but refused to actual say what it was he has done... And I don't think it is just because we are his friends...."

She shook her head and squinted her eyes, "For such a... passionate man, that he would say more about the charges than he destroyed stuff... I'm not buying it. Fairy Tail destroys things on a regular basis and we are hardly ever arrested for it and it is not just because people don't tell anyone.... Something isn't right here."

Zelia looked at Skye, "You think so too, right?" She sighed, "Well, let's see if we can figure anything more out from the trial...."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Petro nodded. Taking the keys he held them up. "I'll keep them safe until they get to your guild hall." He promised. He conversed with the captain a few minutes.

Trex smiled briefly. "Yeah. I would have no clue how to handle spirits. I would probably mess it all up." His brow furrowed. "Though, you're not losing your keys. We'll get to the bottom of this." He replied. "You'll be out of here in no time." He declared. Turning, he nodded at Petro. The two walked off leaving Flynn alone with the guards.

Turning to look at him, Captain Rellex shook his head. "Alright, take him before the judge." He ordered.

Still a bit guilty Skye was grateful that Zelia let it drop. However, she still mentally kicked herself. How long had she been in Fiore? She should have known that by now. It was just that she rarely saw it and if she did, it normally always surprised her. Not that excuses would matter. She shouldn't have mentioned it. She glanced toward Zelia as she continued speaking. She frowned thoughtfully. That didn't make a lot of sense. Wouldn't someone like to express why they were angry? In her past experience people usually complained about whatever they could in cases like this. It didn't matter to who. In fact, some would have proudly stated why if only to rub in the fact that they disliked you.

She listened as Zelia continued. She smiled slightly. True. Fairy Tail was a reckless guild sometimes. She remembered reading a lot about the damages caused and the many lectures they received before joining up. Even Team Natsu was still known for wrecking towns and villages. The pink haired wizard, though improved over the years, still sometimes got a bit carried away. Not to mention when he and Gray got at it, they were more powerful now and caused more damage. When Zelia looked at her to see what she thought, Skye nodded. "I believe you are correct." She stated. "It doesn't make sense."

Skye nodded. "Alright." She had never been to a Fiore trail. However, in no way was she going to enjoy it. Flynn was there and despite only knowing him for a short time, he was a member of her team. There was no way she wanted him to be arrested.
Tye swore under her breath. "The guard was supposed to be alone." She stated looking at Ryzo. "I swear it."

The other wizard eyed her coldly. Looking back toward where Trex and Petro were walking he shook his head. "You never did take into consideration all the factors." He declared.

Balling up her fists and aware that the rest of the Caelum wizards were watching, Tye tried to refrain from attacking him. "I did. Who could have foreseen that one of the team would have gone along?" She demanded. "What would you do?"

Ryzo looked at her. "I thought you were capable of handling the mission on your own." He declared. "Apparently I was wrong to entrust such a valuable part to you. The Master will not be pleased."

"We can still fix it." Tye declared.

Ryzo turned. "How? Any move we make they'll know. Zen can telaport the guard or Trex away. But that would quickly lead back to us. Maria can use her spirit to put them to sleep but again, that would led them to us. Even Narsica has shown them what kind of magic she uses." He shook his head. "And in no way are we revealing yours or my magic at this time." He frowned. "No. We don't have time to fix your mess. The Master wants us in Bellum to find the key there. If we come back this way, then I'll worry about a way to get them myself." He declared. He nodded to the other wizards. "Let's go."

Face red with anger, Tye followed. How dare he make her look like an imbecile? Soon. She thought looking at his back. Soon she would get him and he will pay. Nobody makes her out to be a fool. No one!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Flynn looked at Trex and shrugged, "I'm just taking precautions, making sure that nothing happens to them. Having all my bases covered. I don't have to worry about losing my keys because I don't have to worry about them going to a unkind wizards because I don't have to worry about someone attacking Petro. I'd rather not worry about it if it goes either way."

He smiled at his friend, "Just make sure if something does happen, Lucy gets them."

Flynn turned and looked at the Captain. He nodded his head as two guards came took him into the building. He was brought before the judge and decided that the time for jokes and talking was over. He was here to listen defend himself against whatever the old man said he did. He just hoped that being out of town often would help his case.
Zelia walked into the building. It wasn't as fancy as she had thought it would be but she supposed it didn't really need to be. Flynn stood in the open space before the judge who was slightly elevated in comparsion to everyone else's seats. She could see the old man standing not to far away from their white haired teammate. She took a seat with Skye and looked at him, worried. She had never seen him so serious before. Even when he was doing the competition, everything was in good fun. Most there was a smile and even when there wasn't, one still played at the corner of his lips. Here, there were no smiles. He stood serious and ready to hear what he had supposedly done to warrant him losing his keys.
Narsica looked at Petro and Trex as they walked together to the guild. She scribbled into her book, marking the one move they chose out of the many she had come up with. She closed her book and looked at Ryzo and Tye, "There were twelve other possibilities... that the Fairy Tail clan could have done. After others that would have happened through pure luck. This was one of the most.... foreseeable...."

She left it at that as the two spoke about the Master and fixing what had gone wrong. She looked at Ryzo and Tye, "There is a high probability of us getting this key... With Team Trex both distracted and no clue where to go, it is highly unlikely they will beat us... I'm not sure why we chose to go after the yellow key," she looked at Maria, "There was a very low percentage that we would receive it..."

She turned with the others and walked with them as they left going to find the other key.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The judge entered and glanced toward the accuser. "What's your grievance?" He inquired ready to start the case.

The old man stepped forward He pointed a finger at Flynn. "These wizards think they can get away with everything." He declared. "They think just because they have some power and that they are part of some guild means that they can just walk all over the rest of us." He shook his head disgusted.

The judge folded his hands. "What exactly did he do?" He inquired.

The man turned back to glare at Flynn. "He destroyed my cart and everything in it. He destroyed my entire livelihood!" He declared angrily. "When my assistant tried to stop him and have him pay for his mess, he attacked him viciously, leaving my poor assistant badly injured, perhaps permanently." He said pointing toward a man on crutches, looking like he had been through a lot within the past few weeks.

Skye frowned. "That doesn't make sense." She whispered. "Flynn was with us the entire time."

"I have witnesses." The man continued, calling up three different individuals, a merchant, a docks man, and a soldier. All three testified that they witnessed Flynn do exactly what the older man had said.

"I'm ashamed that I was not able to stop him." The soldier stated, finishing up. "I tried to go after him but he sent one of his spirits after me. I barely escaped." He frowned at Flynn.

The judge frowned. He looked at Flynn. "You've heard the testimony against you. What do you have in your defense?"

Skye shook her head. Why would all four of them lie? She glanced at Zelia. "Flynn was with us hunting for the green key at the time." She whispered. "They have to be lying."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"You've heard the testimony against you. What do you have in your defense?"

Flynn was slightly stunned that so many people were lying about something he hadn't done. He looked to the judge and shrugged, "They make a good argument against me... But I wasn't even in the city on day that they are saying I supposedly destroyed this cart. I was in the North... Searching for a celestial key. I have two people here who would say the same. The third is taking my keys to the guild and I could get more. Like two Pegasus wizards whom I met on the trip. Or the owner of the inn that we stayed in, who isn't a wizard," He looked from the soldier to the judge again, "On top of that, I would never send one of my spirits. They aren't attack dogs... Nor would I ever attack someone who was trying to make me pay for a mess, that is sadistic and cruel."

He looked to the witnesses then back at the judge, "Would it be possible to ask them to describe my spirit that I supposed sent on the soldier?"
Zelia nodded at Skye, "This is just getting more and more wrong. Flynn is smart though... He should be fine."

The older wizard started to talk then and Zelia smiled, "See... And I think.... I might know who sent that man after Flynn..... I hope Trex is okay..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The opposition was a bit surprised as Flynn rattled off a list of those who could verify his alibi. The judge, remaining as closed as before nodded. He looked over at the soldier. "For the sake of the court, please elaborate on what the spirit looked like."

The soldier nodded. Standing up, he opened his mouth to speak only to pause. He frowned in confusion. What happened. He knew he had been attacked but thinking on it, he couldn't even say what the spirit looked like. Glancing down ashamed, he shook his head. "I'm sorry, your honor. I can't...I can't remember." Bewilderment was evident in his tone and when he looked up, it was obvious that this puzzled him. Either that or he was a very good actor.

Apparently, the judge did not like that answer. Frowning, he glared down at the soldier. "What do you mean you can't remember? You testified that you went after him and he sent his spirit at you. You stated, and I quote, 'I barely escaped'." He narrowed his eyes at the soldier. "Can you at least attempt a description?"

The soldier closed his eyes in concentration, trying to think. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead as he tried but unsuccessfully remember what the spirit looked like.

When Flynn listed his alibis, Skye nodded in agreement. Yes, he would be fine. Glancing at Zelia, she frowned. "Who?" She inquired. "Who would be behind this?"
Though, she did have a guess. And looking at the soldier, her guess become more solid. The fact he couldn't remember... She chill ran down her back. She hoped it wasn't. She hoped he was stupid or extremely clever to try to pull this off. She hoped it wasn't real.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Flynn looked to the man as he seemed unable to give a description of any of his spirits. That was great for him but it wasn't something he had expected. He had expected a description but he had also expected it to be incorrect, not for there to be none at all. Surely, whoever was setting him up thought more into it. He looked to the judge again, "Your honour.... I believe these men have been put under a spell of some sort to make them think that I acted this cart when it is clear I have not. The caster must not have gone into much depth with the story, making them believe they saw me and a spirit but didn't make a spirit for them to actually see."

He looked over the witnesses and the elderly man who had accused him, "I've recently found myself the owner of three very strong keys. Stronger than any gold key. Celestial wizards who had gone dark, I'm sure, would kill for these keys," He returned his attention back to the judge, "I think someone didn't feel like killing and thought if I were to be arrested, my contracts would be void and my keys would be up for the taking. It seems they were willing to go to great lengths to get my keys... Luckily... It seems they weren't very detail oriented..." He bowed to the judge, "I apologize for using up your time, your honour, but it seems that if this cart was destroyed... It was by me."
Zelia sat back and listened to Flynn as if explained his own hypothesis on the reason the man was incapable of coming up with a description. Zelia crossed her arms as he continued to speak about the keys he had gotten, speaking as if he were talking about someone from Fiore. She shook her head and looked at Skye before whispering, "I assume, Ryzo and them... Very few people know that Flynn has those keys. Fewer still whom have already gone to lengths to get these keys... I hope the judge will wrap this up... I want to make sure Trex is okay and get us all a job, so we can make some money before we go find the next key."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
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Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"We are not under a spell!" The old man replied angrily. He looked at the judge. "So, he can't remember the spirit. He was too busy trying to survive. Trauma can do a lot to a person." He pointed to the other two witnesses. "What about their testimony. And my assistant? How did he get attacked?"

The judge gave a slight nod. "Very well." He looked at the two. "Did either one of you see this spirit. If so, what did it look like?"

The other two witnesses exchanged looks. Shaking their heads, neither could verify what the spirit looked like. Though the old man claimed it could be to the fact that the soldier had chased Flynn while the other two had not, even he had some confusion on his face. As if, he too believed what he was saying even though some of it made no sense. "He had to have done it." He muttered, more to himself then to the court.

The judge shook his head and then looked at Flynn. "Very interesting hypothesis, young man." He declared. "And though the guard's testimony is questionable, the others might not have seen the spirit. However," He inclined his head slightly. "I have a feeling that you are innocent. I will have several guards investigate your alibis and if they hold true then you will be acquitted of all charges." He nodded to the guards standing by Flynn and they stepped aside. "As I know wizards have to earn a living as well, you are free to go during this investigation. However, sometime in the next week or the week after you must report back here to see how your alibis held out. If you fail to appear I will go to your Guild Master and have him track you down." He gave a small smile. "And I believe Master Makarov will be a lot more harsh then this court." He pounded the gavel. "Case adjourned."

One of the guards standing by Flynn got a list of the names of Flynn's alibis before he and the other guard moved away. Flynn's accusers just stood there still not comprehending what had happened. To them, even though they believed he was guilty, there were to many holes in their logic. It didn't make sense. Leaving him alone they watched as he passed by, not saying anything just shaking their heads in bewilderment.

When Zelia confirmed her suspicion, Skye glanced away. It was as she feared. However, there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't even confirm it to Zelia and the others. Thankfully, Zelia moved on and the trail continued. When Flynn was acquitted, Skye smiled. Rising, she followed Zelia as they congratulated Flynn. When it was suggested that they go find Trex and see if he made it safely, Skye paused and took one more look at the still confused accusers and watched as they were escorted out so the next case could begin. Undoubtedly they would never understand what happened. No loose ends were allowed. She shook her head and turned her focus back to the others. It was wrong but there was nothing she could do. If her magic was different maybe, but no. The good news is, though they might not understand it, they would just put it down as a fluke or something or trauma and move on. They would never understand the depth of what had happened. And in a way, that was probably better. Quickly moving, she caught up to the others and fell in beside them.

Back at the Fairy Tail guild, and the keys safely in the Master's hands, Trex expressed his thanks once more to Petro and then turned to the master. He had already been informed on what had happened and, to Trex's surprise, was not worried. "Don't worry. He'll be acquitted." He promised. "Despite the number of witnesses, he has enough alibis to cover it. The judge is a fair man. Worse thing happens is there will be a more thorough investigation in which Flynn would still be innocent." He looked up at the taller wizard. "He'll be fine." He declared before leaving.

Though grateful for the Master's enthusiasm, Trex still felt slightly worried. Not because Flynn was guilty but because why would the individuals, who known of them knew, lie? It made no sense. Not unless something else was underfoot. As he headed back toward the door he passed the jobs board. Pausing, he turned and looked at it. They would need another job after this mess. However, if Flynn got arrested or was ordered to stay in town for a few days they would need something that would earn them money but would not require the entire team. Shaking his head, he frowned as he couldn't find one he wanted.

"Oh hi Trex." Mirajane said coming over with a few new job requests. "Looking for a job for the team?"

He nodded. "Yes. Something not too difficult or time consuming. Just something to get a little money while we continue to look for the keys." He replied.

Mirajane brightened. "I have just the thing. Some man wanted a package delivered to the Capital. He is paying a lot of money to ensure it gets there safely."

Trex frowned as he took the poster. It was a decent amount of money, especially considering the request. The danger level wasn't that high meaning either the man had lied about the danger or he was paying exuberant amount for nothing. "We'll take it." He declared quickly making the decision. If it was the former, he would rather a more experienced team take the job instead of having an inexperienced wizard get caught in something above their heads. If it was the latter, well, they would have a lot of money for doing nothing. "Thanks." He said putting the poster into his pocket. Now to tell the others and see how the trail was going.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Flynn shuddered when the judge said he would send the Master after him if he wasn't back when asked, "I'll be here, Your Honour."

He then turned to the guards and listed off the names, "Trex, Zelia and Skye are all on my team and were with me in the North... Then there is Amber and Chris of the Blue Pegasus who I met while up there... And the inn we stay in was," He lost track of what he was saying when he saw Zelia and Skye stand. Trex wasn't there. He hoped her hadn't gotten into any trouble with his keys....

Zelia stood and walked over to Flynn when he finished talking to the guards. She hugged him, "Good job, you kept a really cool head up there."

Flynn smiled and nodded, "Well, it wasn't just my own freedom at stake. I didn't want to get arrested and lose my spirits," he looked back at the men who had accused him, "I feel bad for them... They think they are right but they can't figure out any of the details... That must be hard," He looked over Zelia and Skye, "Trex isn't back yet?" Zelia shook her head. He nodded, "Well, let's get back to the guild and tell him the good news."

Zelia gave a small sigh of relief and lead the other two at a quick pace back to the guild. When they got in, she spotted Trex and gave another sigh of relief at the sight of him, "Good, you're okay. I was getting worried when you didn't come back."

Flynn walked in and smiled at him, "You missed quite the trial," he laughed slightly before looking around, "I'm going to get my keys... Oh, I'm good to leave but I have to be back to discuss their findings from their investigation about my alibis," He wandered off then in search for the Master and his keys.

Zelia looked at Trex and noticed the poster in his hands. She took it from him and her eyes went wide at the amount, "Just for transporting something... It must be important..." She looked from Trex to Skye and back again, "We could try and pull off what we did when we dealt with the Evil Sisters... But not the entire cart, just the item, since it'll be a longer trip... Flynn stays inside to protect her and you and I sit on the front and try to look normal."

She shrugged as Flynn returned, his keys back on his belt. He noticed the poster now in Zelia's hands, "We've got a job already? Sweet."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Black Ninja
Avatar of Black Ninja

Black Ninja

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Turning to leave, Trex was surprised as the trio entered the guild. "Hey!" He exclaimed as they headed his way. Looking them over, he smiled. It had to be good news. They all seemed a bit happy and Flynn was there so the charges must have been dropped. He frowned when Zelia stated she was worried he didn't get back. "Just dropping off the keys, explaining everything to the Master and well..." He shrugged. "Apparently the trial was faster then I thought." He nudged Flynn. "Though I'm glad you were acquitted. You were acquitted right?" He asked frowning. When Flynn assured him that he was good to leave, Trex relaxed. Good. Everything worked out. He watched as Flynn walked off and turned to the other two. "Well that was good." He declared.

He frowned as Zelia snatched the paper from him. "You can ask you know." He informed her though there was a twinkle in his eye.

Skye glanced over Zelia's shoulder, reading what was posted on the paper. That was a lot of money for transporting one package. What was in the package and why was someone paying a ridiculous price to send it to the Capitol? She nodded as Zelia discussed how they could pull it off. She could do that. Though, the journey was fairly long she didn't doubt she could maintain the illusion on an item that small. A small smile unknowingly crept on her face. She would actually get to be a bit useful on this quest. It wasn't often that illusion magic was required though she had used it in fighting before. The battle with the evil sisters came to mind as she remembered how she had hidden herself and attacked. Her hand going down to her stomach she remembered the wound, even though not a scare remained. That still boggled her. Sure the girl might have felt guilty but to heal an enemy? It was insane. Turning her attention back she watched as Flynn came back up. "I'm glad they let you off." She told him, a bit shy, as he came up beside her. It had been some time since she felt this type of connection with others. In some ways, it was better then her old gang as she knew that no matter what they had her back.

Trex nodded to Flynn. "Yes. Seems an easy job. We'll rent a cart, pick up the package and head to the Capitol. Your job is to ensure no one bothers Skye as she keeps an illusion on the book." He ordered. "Zelia and I will ride outside and try to detour any trouble." He stated. "This job seems almost to good to be true so stay sharp." He ordered. He nodded at Flynn. "Glad to have you back on board. Let's go."
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