Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PerniciousIntent


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Airthel Sos'Thae

Airthel stands at 5'7" and weighs only 135 lbs. He has a lithe figure that corresponds to his race with long willowy limbs and an angular face. His hair is long, straight, and black. It falls below his shoulder blades, and a thin braid runs down the center of his hair. When he has time to prepare for battle he braids his entire head. His eyes are slightly almond shaped, and are a striking violet with indigo flecks. His skin is unblemished and tanned from his time spent outside (though most still consider him light skinned).

Airthel's vallaslin is in honor of the god Dirthamen. Almost the entire tattoo is a dark burgundy that seems more purple than red and stretches from his face down his back. On his face, there are six crooked lines, two on each side of his forehead, his high cheek bones, and just a little lower than his mouth on his jowls. The lines face down and in toward his face, and almost resemble simplified insect legs; they are thicker at the top than the bottom, but jut to the side in certain spots. Ribbons of labyrinthine pattern connect the lines on his face. The ribbon has a complicated geometric pattern of squares and rectangles, with dots aspersed artfully inside the blocks. These ribbons are all continuously an inch thick. There is a single ribbon that runs across his forehead, in a manner that complements his natural bone structure. Here, as well as at several other junctures, the ribbon transitions smoothly into the jagged lines on the sides of his face. On his forehead, under the ribbon, is a different pattern of circles that interlock together in an unfollowable pattern. Another ribbon of the square pattern runs from the bridge of his nose and under his eyes, connecting with the lines near his cheekbones. The jagged lines on the sides of his face are connected with a thinner, more sinuous stripe of the same pattern. The ribbon then appears in two shafts coming from the bottom most lines on his jowls. The ribbons trail from his jowl under his jaw, slightly inward toward his neck on the bottom of his jaw, and then down his neck to his chest in parallel lines two inches apart. The ribbons continue down his chest just past his nipples, then turn sharply to wrap around his rib cage. The lines connect seamlessly on his back. On his shoulders is the only deviation of color his tattoo has. Two crows, black as night, are silhouetted with wings outstretched, facing upwards and past his shoulders with beaks open. They are identical save for a line of purple ink, the same as the rest of his tattoo, around the neck of the crow on his left side; there is a small purple circle at the neck of the bird. His vallaslin actually has significant spiritual references and philosophical inflections.


Growing up with the Dalish, he has advanced skills associated with survival, herbal alchemy (for both benevolent and malicious purposes) with an associated knowledge of various flora, and hunting and tracking in different environments. Airthel can survive on his own in the wild even though he prefers the life of more advanced civilization. Airthel prefers to stay away from close combat, and favors a bow as his weapon of choice. He's skilled enough with it to shoot from horseback or while moving, and can keep concentration and stance in melee combat, but he's more used to hunting than fighting and when he's caught alone it shows. He has the quiet grace of a hunter, and can move stealthily, but isn't too talented in that regard. Airthel has a preternatural link with animals. It is easy for him to befriend them, and it is not unheard of for him to be able to calm hostile animals, though he can't stop a rampaging beast if its determined. Airthel has had a few animal companions in his time, but they all returned to the wild after a time.

Airthel wears Dalish armor made of cured leather. It's a dark brown in color, and has many pockets and pouches for various herbs and other small necessities. He wields a Dalish yew bow, and has a small bundle of elvhen arrows (15 specifically), as well as two quivers of twenty human arrows. He normally has a decent amount of both because he spends as much time with humans as elves. He has an iron shortsword for emergencies strapped to his hip, but he only has a rudimentary knowledge of how to use it. He also has a small scroll kept within his tunic, inscribed with Ancient Elvhen writing. And, of course, he has a travelling pack with items to meet his basic needs, but because of his ability to use the environment, his pack is lighter than most adventurers'.

Airthel carries many herbs and other natural resources as he is skilled in using them as healing agents. (I would like to note that he does not know more of the more technical aspects of the herbs, he just knows what they do and how to make them do it. He doesn't know what a white blood cell it, for example.)

  • Tea Tree: A spindly tree that almost looks like a small rotund pine. It grows in wet or swampy ground in colder regions. Tea tree, either pressed into an oil or made into a cream, is good for various skin ailments, but Airthel mostly uses tea tree oil as an antiseptic for wounds both large and small.
  • White Willow Bark: Willow trees are large, spindly beings that grows near water. Usually, their boughs hang low to the ground and have thin, slim leaves. Airthel carries a lot of this at once, because it is the main ingredient in his pain alleviating tea.
  • Devil's Claw: A small, usually unnoticeable plant with pale leaves that resides near deserts, devil's claw grows vibrant trumpet flowers the day it rains, which turn to a prickly fruit in just a day. It grows in areas with free-draining soil, and typically is found in warmer climates. Devil's claw is good for pain. Airthel combines devil's claw with willow bark in a tea for a useful pain treatment.
  • Calendula: A plant that has a small, circular golden flower at the top, with big dark leaves and thick stems. Calendula grows almost anywhere, as it is very adaptable, ranging greatly in climate and geography. Calendula is an anti-inflammatory, and contains antioxidants and antiseptics. He uses this plants for wounds, either in a salve or a tincture.
  • Echinacea: A red flowered plants with long stems. Grows in open woods, glades, and edges of fields. This plants is used to shorten a cold, or as a treatment for wounds because of its characteristic to raise white blood cell levels, increase antibody count, and increasing interferon levels. He carries dried echinacea root with him, and in winter carries a pouch of its flower and leaves, which are good for colds. The roots are used in a tincture for wounds, and the leaves and flowers are brewed into a tea.
  • Aloe: A heavy leaved plant, Aloe is comprised mostly of thick, syrup and flesh filled leaves with small, weak spikes at the edges. Aloe grows in warm dry climates, growing in loose soil near beaches and desert borders. The syrupy gel and flesh applied to the skin is great for burns, and is in general good for skin health.

  • :

Airthel is a good natured man, who is calm and quiet but not introverted. He is easy to talk to and kind, but he's is also a firm believer in his moral code and dislikes anyone whose principles differ too greatly. He believes in the wholeness of family and loyalty, and is undyingly committed to those he considers family. He is easily offended by racism, but knows he usually has to let things go in a world run by humans. He can be witty at times, but is usually too focused to be comical.

It is unknown what Clan Airthel was born to, and he still has yet to discover from where he can trace his lineage. The Clan he was raised by found him while they were traveling. It was early summer, and the Clan was going south into cooler territory. Yarhiel's Clan normally stayed in the Tirashan, a more forested area where they felt comfortable, but were driven past the Nahashin Marshes when one of their own killed a human in self defense. That is where they found Airthel. As far as they knew, no other Clans lived in the vicinity, and they could not figure out why he had been left there of all places. However, the infant was swaddled in a Dalish hide, and they knew he was one of their own. After they stopped fleeing, they found themselves in the Western Approach, and were traveling down and around Orlais, thinking of heading toward Fereldan. They actually wound up staying inside the Arbor Wilds for the summer, and weathered a harsh winter, then returned north to their home.

Airthel was given to two hunters that had no children of their own. He was raised by the Way of the Hunter, and was an easy-going but quiet child. He spent more time with animals than other children. which wasn't strange to the Dalish, but wasn't common either. He didn't have many friends within the Clan's children, and proved to be smart for his age. He had more conversations with adults than children when he was young. The Keeper, Yarhiel, and his First took an interest in the young boy. At first, Yarhiel believed his way with animals was a magical ability, but dismissed the possibility after a while. Still the boy had wonderful memory, and Yarhiel took the boy as an apprentice of sorts, not in leading, but in lore.

Over time, the two became close. Airthel was a comfort for the leader, and the young boy idealized his leader's kindness and warmth. More and more, Yarhiel found himself confiding in the boy for matters that neither concerned him, or seemed to be appropriate to share with him. After a while, is was as though Airthel wasn't even a youngster - he was more a trusted advisory by the time he was 14. He never told anyone anything, and even had an affinity for working things out for the benefit of Yarhiel with the trusted information. Although he was young, he seemed to have wisdom beyond his years. He became Yarhiel's second hand, almost, but he fit the position, and it caused little trouble within the Clan.

When Airthel was 17, Yarhiel judged him ready for his vallaslin. He chose Dirthamen, keeper of knowledge and secrets, master of fear and deceit, as a specific insipration for the boy's tattoos. But after the ritual, Airthel felt a change in Yarhiel. He looked at the boy with unknown heritage differently, with a far away look that seemed as if he did not trust the boy as he once did. After a few days with his vallaslin, his mentor gave him a small scroll inscribed with Ancient Elvhen writing. With his knowledge of lore, Airthel could translate this, but at first did not out of respect for his mentor. After he did, he became confused, and asked Yarhiel about it. The only thing the Keeper would say about it was that the verse had come to him in meditation just before his adulthood ceremony.

As he got older, Airthel felt a compelling desire to learn more of his peoples' culture, and decided to leave his Clan. Although saddened, the Clan watched him leave with a pleased attitude. It was a matter of pride to have someone so knowledgeable about their people among their number. Airthel started to travel around Orlais and Fereldan, visiting different Clans and Circles of Magi to learn about his people. He is specifically interested in his people's lore on the area in which he was found as a baby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Both are accepted. I'll have my character and the rp up fairly shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Name: Armelle

Class: Warrior

Skills/Talents: Shield Bash, Shield Pommel, Shield Defense, Shield Block, Powerful, Indomitable

Items: Standard issue armor, a standard issue shield, and a standard issue sword

Bio: Armelle is a simple Orlesian woman who hasn't done a great deal of note so far in her life. Born to a working class family, she has spent her life doing whatever she could to earn money. She has learned various trades over the years, although most of the skills she has learned are useless outside of the jobs they're already used for. The most expensive item she has ever owned is a decent iron sword, which she enjoys training with, but also uses out of necessity. She may have little worth taking, but people in her position are also seen as easy targets. She had the opportunity to practice on thieves on a few occasions, but that has so far been the limit of her actual combat experience.

When the news came that Ferelden had fallen, the Orlesian military began recruiting as many as it could, and prepared to begin conscripting people of fighting age out of necessity. The promise of decent pay and the chance to do more with her life than struggle to get by, Armelle enlisted and has recently finished knight training. She is nervous about what's to come, as most anyone would be, but she is eager to she what new experiences the times ahead will bring her.

And because everyone else has one, her approximate appearance: http://dashinvaine.deviantart.com/art/Female-Knight-and-Griffin-351066349
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Alright, sorry for the triple post but as a bump/update, I think it's about time to say last call. Dawnstar has told me that he'll pm me with his sheet soon so we're basically waiting on him. Aside from that, I don't think we'll be needing to accept any more character sheets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Balla, I hope it gets up soon. I'm going to be gone for some part of the night, going to an orientation meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Character name: Rasie a "Witch of the Wilds"

Race: "Kossith" (Qunari prior to the Qun)

Age: "21" looks and is physically about 21, but she is technically centuries old.

Class: Shapeshifter/Arcane Warrior (Restrictions noted in skills and talents)

Skills and talents: (Is unable to access spells from the creation, primal, and spirit trees. i.e. can only use entropy and arcane spells in addition to specialization spells)
Spider Form-The shapeshifter can transform into a giant spider, gaining a large bonus to nature resistance as well as the spider's Web and Poison Spit abilities. The caster's spellpower determines how powerful the form is.
Combat Magic-While this mode is active, the arcane warrior channels magic inward, trading increased fatigue for an attack bonus and the ability to use Spellpower to determine combat damage. Additionally, regardless of whether the mode is active, an arcane warrior who has learned this spell may use the magic attribute to satisfy the strength requirement to equip higher-level weapons or armor.
Drain Life-The caster creates a sinister bond with the target, draining its life energy in order to heal the caster.
Disorient-The caster engages in subtle mental manipulation that disorients the target for a short time, making the target a less effective combatant by inflicting penalties to attack and defense.

Skilled in Runecrafting and Herbalism.

Items: Iron Heavy Armor, Iron crossbow

Bio: Born long before the current time, Rasie grew up during the First Blight. At approxomately -390 Ancient, her village was invaded by darkspawn. She had long since become a mage trained as an Arcane Warrior and jumped into the fray. In the midst of the battle, a massive magical blast erupted. To this day, Rasie doesn't know the origin. All she knew was that she was shunted into a form of extradimensional stasis, stuck between the Fade and physical realm. In this state, she lay physically immobile but mentally active. She was buffeted and bombarded by forces from both sides, her mind scoured by the competing forces. She felt her grasp of certain magic slipping away and her skills dulling to that of a novice. She knew she would lose it all, including her sanity, if she couldn't do anything. Her last ditch effort was to expend all the magical energy she could muster to try and break free. It worked but not without cost. To escape, she had to sever most of her magical connections. She lost the ability to form and manipulate elements, create effects, and harness spirit powers.

Her escape was met by the most pleasurable faceplant any mortal has ever experienced. Her face in the mud was plastered with a pained but wide grin as she barely dragged herself onto her feet. She took only a few steps before the backlash of her magic slammed into her. Another fall ensued, leaving her out cold in the Korcari Wilds. Rasie awoke to find a rather odd woman tending to her. The woman mentioned her name, but Rasie couldn't remember it until she spoke it a second time. Flemeth had apparently saved her from the wolves for whatever reason. She assumed it came from the relative grandeur of her reappearance into normal flowing time. At any rate, the Kossith woman was grateful and asked what she could do in return. In usual fashion, Flemeth was cryptic and evasive, though she did mention wanting to discover her potential. Rasie latched onto that and offered to demonstrate what power she had left if Flemeth might help her improve her now limited abilities.

What came after was a few grueling months of relearning basics and rehoning her magic. Flemeth seemed to know more about what had happened to Rasie than what she spoke, but her pupil was far too busy trying to perfect the training to realize. Flemeth realized what magic Rasie had to lose to return to the world and instead altered the training, teaching her to observe and become powerful creatures. Rasie took to this magic surprisingly well and mastered the spider form quickly. She also mastered a couple entropic spells again. Flemeth finished the introductory training and told Rasie to seek out heroes as, "The world will change again. Make sure we all have a place in it still."

With that, Rasie left. She began a small career as a mercenary just long enough to buy her crossbow and armor. Afterwards, she became a wandering adventurer, seeking new places and working for coin. Her travels led her to meet what she thought was more Kossith, but their mannerisms were utterly alien and she left before they attempted to turn her into a saarebas. She eventually also found that no one knew of the Kossith. They assumed she was like her cousins, the Qunari. As much as she tried to explain, only a few scholars and mages could understand her reasoning.

As Rasie learns of this new age and travels, she still seeks the heroes and sincerely hopes she can revive the Kossith line, free of the Qun.

Quirks: The scouring of her mind for so long has given her persistent headaches. She is never not in mental pain from these headaches, though it has become more of a dull ache for her anymore. Occasionally, when she is in the presence of a highly saturated area of Fade energy, she will enter what she calls a "scour echo" where she essentially gets a crippling migraine and is sluggish to move. During this time, she radiates a buffeting aura of mana that she cannot control. This leads to her always camping away from others and avoiding physical contact in some cases if she feels an increase in ambient magical energy.

Personality: Flippant in many cases, much to her mentor's delight and entertainment, Rasie is kind in general to those who are not treating her badly. She is hateful of the Qun, especially what it dictates must be done to mages. As such, she tends to try and free saarebas whenever it is feasible. Unlike her actual kin, she does not worship animist spirits as her time in stasis led her to lose faith. She is instead an atheist and follows her personal code of conduct and honor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Looks good so far, get a backstory in there and she's in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

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21308 said
As a general rule, try to keep your character from being much more powerful than the ones we first meet in the game.
In other words we have to play twenty something noobs because if your character is in his fifties and at that level then it will just be atrociously ridiculous.

Limiting what our characters can be to avoid being atrociously ridiculous, such a wonderful idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuNoHime


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So everyone, who's you favorite DA Character? Can be from any game, DLC or expanded universe media.

Mine's Fenris.

He gives me a girlrection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Morrigan and Flemeth are tied for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Morrigan, Varric, and Anders. Though I only really like Anders in DA: Awakening, in DA2 he was rather annoying I felt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Revans Exile said
In other words we have to play twenty something noobs because if your character is in his fifties and at that level then it will just be atrociously ridiculous.Limiting what our characters can be to avoid being atrociously ridiculous, such a wonderful idea.

For the record though there have been older characters in the Dragon Age series, Wynne for example, who starts out at the same level as every other companion character so I fail to see where this rule is bad even. Hell you think my dwarf character is twenty something? Flattering as that sounds he probably is more into his forties.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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Revans Exile said
In other words we have to play twenty something noobs because if your character is in his fifties and at that level then it will just be atrociously ridiculous.Limiting what our characters can be to avoid being atrociously ridiculous, such a wonderful idea.

It would be if that was how the games worked. Wynne probably isn't even in the double-digits when you first get her, but she levels up at the same rate you do. Maybe the older characters used to be tough and their version of leveling up is just them getting back into it. I don't know, it's your character, not mine. If you want to play an older character who's never stopped training and is as powerful as you'd expect them to be at that point, I'll at least need some reason to believe you won't abuse them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuNoHime


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Anders is a master of the lost magical art of Trollomancy

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

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21308 said
It would be if that was how the games worked. Wynne probably isn't even in the double-digits when you first get her, but she levels up at the same rate you do. Maybe the older characters used to be tough and their version of leveling up is just them getting back into it. I don't know, it's your character, not mine. If you want to play an older character who's never stopped training and is as powerful as you'd expect them to be at that point, I'll at least need some reason to believe you won't abuse them.

Technically my character is centuries old, so she is really out of it in this society. She luckily was from the colony and speaks the common language...and hates the Qun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

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Argetlam350 said
For the record though there have been older characters in the Dragon Age series, Wynne for example, who starts out at the same level as every other companion character so I fail to see where this rule is bad even.
Like I said atrociously ridiculous.

Argetlam350 said Hell you think my dwarf character is twenty something? Flattering as that sounds he probably is more into his forties.
I didn't bother to read yours or anyone's characters sheets.

21308 said
I'll at least need some reason to believe you won't abuse them.
So you need a reason to prove I won't abuse a character that is not atrociously ridiculous when it comes to power and age, my one, only, and absolutely last response in this thread or any related to this rp is learn to read subtlety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuNoHime


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Fenris can be such a romantic.

ok i'll stop now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Centuries? Can Kossiths even live that long? I can imagine a blood mage getting ageless imortality, nit nothing else about the other classes would suggest extended longevity. Plus Arcane Warrior is an Elven magic. I'm surprise the kossith, who are typically magic-phobic even outside the Qun, would know about such arts. Though I'm suspecting artistic licence for how or when kossith set up any sort of village in Fereldan(Given thats where Flemmeth lived most if her life).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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UnseenShade said
Technically my character is centuries old, so she is really out of it in this society. She luckily was from the colony and speaks the common language...and hates the Qun.

Zeynep is going to be interested in your character to say the least. Another Tal-Vashoth mage, at least in appearance to be Tal-Vashoth. Her love the Qun ended when she became Saarebas.

Also going back to the topic of favorite characters, going to have to say of all the companion characters we know about so far for Dragon Age Inquisition, Blackwall so far probably is my favorite. It will be interesting to hear the story of Blackwall since he is a Grey Warden.

Revans Exile said
Like I said atrociously ridiculous.I didn't bother to read yours or anyone's characters sheets.So you need a reason to prove I won't abuse a character that is not atrociously ridiculous when it comes to power and age, my one, only, and absolutely last response in this thread or any related to this rp is learn to read subtlety.

Yes because we care so much that this was your last post.
Ta-ta don't let the door hit yourself on the way out of the thread.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 21308
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I'm going to start this thing in about three hours or so. Dawnstar can still submit his character sheet and join in, but it seems like everyone is fairly eager and I don't want to drag this out for too long.
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