Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

You will all find out what land Lydiah wants to claim if Emperor Gabriel accepts Duke Elvahn's proposal *secret sneaky diplomacy*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

And I had to do some updating in order to get a few things covered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As I said in my latest post, Lydiah will be granted two or three coastal locations to found city-states under the rule of the Duchy in the Lance Empire's territory, in return for trade agreements and an alliance. Could you mark them as if they were very small countries gowia?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I have to admit that selling ships that were of a less then standard quality might not have been a good move, but repairing them would still be quicker and cheaper then building all of them yourself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

It would have taken me nearly double to build them myself, even fully repaired these will be sub-standard to my own ships. If I didn't have new age ship building, It would still have cost 5 Billion to build them. It will take less than 1.9 Billion to fix them, I'm sure, after all they are good enough to sail across the continents coast so they can't be in that bad condition. A bit of patching, new sails and possibly some wood work, and they'll be good enough, though I admit when you said they were outdated and damaged I didn't realise how much
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Gowia could he have a list on the OOC page connecting players to their Nations please I'd really appreciate it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Winston Smith said
Gowia could he have a list on the OOC page connecting players to their Nations please I'd really appreciate it!

I would like this too, if possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vinsanity

Vinsanity Gunbladeslingin' Mad Man

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nation Name: Brethren of the Coast
Flag: Crimson Sails with the letter "C" going through the holes of the letter "B" in gold and a sword underneath the letters in a horizontal fashion.
Form of Government: Confederacy
Describe the System:

There is a bi-weekly summoning of the "Voices", the Voices are appointed by the individuals of their community and have typically been nominated by the notoriety of their careers as privateers/pirates. The one who holds the last say in all matters falls on the founder and most notorious pirate of his time Captain Dante Carrera. The Brethren of the Coast are a network of pirate communities that fall under one banner and work cohesively together for a more permanent future with a constant evolving world around them.

Location on Map Desired: North West side of cove with a good stretch of coast on the unclaimed continent.
Capital: Port Iron Eye
Important Settlements:

Port Iron Eye


There is a distinct smell in the air, from the food basking out in the sun at the markets that litter the city streets, to the aroma rising off the skin and clothes of everyone populating the town itself. Some people can be seen relaxing and lounging around on barrels that are sitting outside of store fronts, while others hang their feet off the wooden porches that wrap around the Tavern.

The streets are teaming with life, kids playing, men and women walking from one store to another, as meetings are held and products are bought. Bottles in hand, and alcohol in their breaths a celebration down at the beach is carrying on, while another man is being mugged in the back alley of one the brothels. Dice are rolled and the four men throw down currency in bet of who is going to win and which one will be walking away with the winnings.

Ships can be seen off the coast, floating, and looking alive as sailors maintain it for smooth operation in the days to follow when out farther at sea. Tales of infamous pirates and sea faring stories are being told in public forums and the talk of other nations buzz around from ear to ear.

This is what a city would be like if it were under the flags of the Regency. Free with many opportunities and many obstacles.

Important Characters:


Captain Dante Carrera/Prince of the Abyss

Birth: Dante was born in Lancus, mother passes due to child birth.
7 years of age: Starts an apprenticeship under his father who is a Harbormaster.
11 years of age: Joins with the Lance Empire Navy and is a servant to one of the Captains.
13 years of age: Ship is attacked by pirates and Dante is thrown overboard by a barrage of cannons. Recovered by the attacking ship and recruited to be a servant for the Captain aboard the Pirate ship, Captain Edward Tyson, also named the "Snake" of the sea. He had a way of eluding military ships and hunters.
16 years of age: Dante has learned how to manage a ship, fight like a pirate, and drink like a man. His baptism of violence and the life of piracy has now become one of normalcy and Dante begins to push the boundaries of what not only his body can accomplish but also how far he can push himself to perform daring feats, such as diving off the mast and into the ocean without hesitation.
18 years of age: 5 battles have now been marked on his belt and the Gauntlet has took 21 ships and sent them to their graves. The last battle is on Dante's 19th birthday, an ambush off one of the island coasts in Ostlandet started at 7a.m., with a hungover crew and surprise attack wavering in the Ostlandet's favor the Gauntlet was successfully captured and Captain Edward Tyson was jailed until his execution in the capital of Ostandlet.
19 years of age: Dante evaded capture during the ambush and ended up persuading 32 individuals to a life of riches and fame, Dante used stories he had on his days on the Gauntlet to entice his audience and over the course of two meetings at a local tavern, Dante and 32 men captured a Ostlandlet ship.
24 years of age: Dante captains a Ship of the Line called the "Noble" that was docked on an Ostlandlet dock but flying under a unknown banner, later the ship is modified and renamed the "Abyss" and Dante's infamous stories begin to spread throughout the cities of empires and other government entities.
28 years of age: Dante has been captaining his own ship now for 9 years, and for 9 years with each ship he had been able to capture he would give them to his most trusted sailors which created sailors aboard his ship to stay loyal in hopes to one day receive their own ship. However, a mutiny occurred by an individual who thought his turn would never come but ended on the decks of the "Abyss". Dante personally rammed a broken piece of board through the mans heart and forced him to the ground with one hand. He then hoisted the dead body to the top masts with the stake in heard and hung by rope as a reminder.
29 years of age: A close call with a Lydiah brig sent Dante rethinking his entire career path and wanted more out of life than what he already had. Dante called for a summoning of pirates in a disclosed location in hopes that those he gave ships to and others he had helped along the way would answer the call. The summoning had a very high attendance due to Dante's renowned status among the pirate community and he announced his vision of a nation built away from the oppression of other Empires. A nation where those who had been outcastes could go and find freedom.
31 years of age: Dante and several others joined in creating "Brethren of the Coast", a connection of pirate settlements that would agree to adhere to the decisions of the "Voices" and Captain Dante Carrera. Many pirates did not sit well with this decision and decided to venture by themselves as they always have.
34 years of age: Establishes the territory of Brethren of the Coast.

Ship Type: Ship of the Line

Vincent & Maya/Shadows of the Brethren: These two individuals do not own or manage a ship, in fact they are not apart of any Voice or leader of any settlement. What makes these two so unique? Their unique ability to find out any information you ask for. They are the two most skilled individuals in espionage and hand to hand combat. They of course can wield a blade just fine, but prefer the subtle kills.

The Voices

Captain James Eros/Raven: They say if the a raven is spotted out at sea, you are as good as dead. Captain James Eros, a man who has defied capture on 4 separate occasions in four separate countries and even broke from jail on two accounts. His elusiveness is well-known and along with his edged weapon capabilities. A raven nests aboard his ship hence the name and can be seen venturing in the skies but never too far from its floating home. James is a smart man, patient, and versatile, his wittiness has allowed him to survive out on the open water as a outlaw for many years.

Ship type: Frigate

Captain Donovan Paynes/Red Tide: A man of many mysteries but one story has ignited over the years with placing him as a butcher among men. He was said to have once commanded a fleet of 4 ships and attacked a 7 ship convoy. Outnumbered, out gunned, and out manned, Donovan prevailed with no ships left to command but had boarded an enemy vessel and used it to confuse the convoy. The vessel he just so happen to capture was the one transporting many valuables and gold to a port city pay roll for their military. He sent many soldiers overboard to swim back to shore and kept many as slaves to work the decks under his command. The story goes that the incoming tide off the coast of one of the towns the battle took place at was completely red from the blood of the battle.

Ship Type: Frigate

Captain. Felix Harrow/Admiral: An Admiral once of a navy, he has been in countless encounters and won a majority of them. Except his last...his ship was sunk to the depths of the ocean and he ended up marooned on an island. Captain Dante Carrera spotted Felix and a bonfire he created which was near its last fumes. Felix was picked up and eventually given his own ship by Dante Carrera after earning his keep and showing loyalty to Dante. Felix resented his prior navy days because ultimately they never came searching for him, yet a pirate gave him everything and more to survive. They even gave him the nickname Admiral out of respect, and sarcasm.

Ship Type: Brig


King of the Seas: Your nation has a glorious Maritime history and a navy that matches, many grand ships fill your docks and sailors are viewed as hero’s in the eye of the public. -3

"We take the best, we leave the rest...or kill them."

New Age Ship Construction: New ways of shaping the wood and newly discovered types of wood has led to advances in how ships perform. However these come at a cost, making ships more expensive than usual. +/-0

"I may be a pirate, but I'm damn good at it, I know my way around these hulls and can make 'em better than any sea mate around!"

Conscription: Your army conscripts men from the countryside to fill out it’s forces. You have large numbers of men that can overrun positions however they have next to no training and break very easily. -1

"Every man must earn his keep, take to your torches and pitchforks, there's a job to be done and no one else is gonna do it but you!"

Outdated Army: Your army has weapons that not even your grandfather remembers, not to mention they use tactics that are theories of old. +2

"We take what we can and use what we have, I'm a pirate...not a noble...improvisation is my specialty!"

Ambitious Generals: Your generals all want a piece of glory. Sometimes even going to backstabbing each other and arriving to another’s aid ‘late’. +1

"You can take the word pirate and give it another name but at the end of the day, I...as are you...we are still pirates."

Sealegs: Your sailors have spent some time at sea and so can deal with storms and rough weather better than those of other nations. -1

"Its a pirates life for me!"

Off the Beaten Track: Your nation rarely if ever sees a supply of merchants, only those that bring in the goods on order. Sometimes you wonder if it’s even worth an import tax. +2

"We take what we need, what's trade?"

Free market: Your economy is not controlled by the state, it can fluctuate completely freely. This means that it can rise incredibly quickly making you very rich, however you are vulnerable to recessions and collapses. -1

Army: (I will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I don't think we are accepting people anymore :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Plus that and after all adding up all your stats you score needs to be 0 or higher.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vinsanity

Vinsanity Gunbladeslingin' Mad Man

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I've been in touch with Gowia via PM, it was just a matter of finishing the NS and of course a measly two points can be fixed to be 0. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yay :D More people!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Wait, how come he gets to choose what ships he gets for his important characters (Including a ship of the line, which is supposed to be a trait) :/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vinsanity

Vinsanity Gunbladeslingin' Mad Man

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

If you are really concerned with me choosing I can delete them, I find nation Roleplays to be large scale stories not a competition to see who has what and who can conquer all. I only did it because I am a pirate based nation, which means I have huge disadvantages when it comes to combatting all of your nations, and being that its a pirate nation it was only fitting to assign my important characters...who are all pirates, their own ship, since that's what would make them pirate captains to begin with.

The only reason I put a ship of the line with Dante is because he is my most important, and has the most notoriety among the seas. Just because his nation does not have technology to build a ship of the line, does not mean he could not have commandeered one. ;)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Wouldn't it make more sense to choose your characters flagships after you knew what you had? Since naval numbers are dependent on rolls, you could potentially give one of your characters a ship type... But then get unlucky on the rolls and not have any of that ship type
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay there should be a quarterly update up by this evening. Just a note I enjoy reading but with time constraints I simply cant keep up with 30 odd posts a quarter for me to update about. If it's possible could people please try and limit the number of posts they make per quarter. It will speed up my updating and mean that the time it takes to contact other nations is more realistic. Thankyou.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

gowia said
Okay there should be a quarterly update up by this evening. Just a note I enjoy reading but with time constraints I simply cant keep up with 30 odd posts a quarter for me to update about. If it's possible could people please try and limit the number of posts they make per quarter. It will speed up my updating and mean that the time it takes to contact other nations is more realistic. Thankyou.

That's fair enough. That's what I generally try to do in order to make things easier to track.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrFoxNews
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MrFoxNews The Boss

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Limit should be about 2.

3 if absolutely necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 1 yr ago

MrFoxNews said
Limit should be about 2.3 if absolutely necessary.

I definately like that idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Iluvatar
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Iluvatar The British

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Is that like a post-order? You have to wait for your turn to post?
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