Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda would have gone even without Michael wanting her to. She didn't now what his father would do, but she would support Michel, and do so through thick and thin. "Alright" She said, "I'll come alone" She looked around at the others once more, She didn't know what she could against Michael's father, but she would do what she could if needed.

she laughed softly for a few seconds, "Do you think we'll get in trouble for blowing up a building?" then she sobered and winced, "I hope no civilians got injured" She looked out the window, then sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael shrugged, a sigh escaping him. He heard the jet and helicopter, "alright then Zach Tory Connor and Hannah, head back to the mansion. I guess me and kali will, pass out at the tower after dealing with my dads." With that, he headed over to the helicopter. Getting onto it.

Zach and Connor nodded, before heading toward the jet. They had done good today, getting rid of the hydra agents. Connor was sill worried for his dad, since he had gone missing after taking down the flying ships. Michael held out his hand for kalinda, to take.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Both Hannah and Tory got onto the jet. Tory appeared a little worse for wear, dark shadows under her eyes, and her skin pale and sweaty, but she waved off any help, stating that she was fine, just tired. That it had been a long, hard battle. Hannah saw that Connor seemed to be brooding, She nudged him gently. "Hey. It will be okay. If your dad's as tough as you are, he'll be okay" She gave him a smile.

Kalinda smiled, and took Michael's offered hand. finding them a place to sit on the helicopter, she looked towards the plane. It seemed whenever they split up, something happened. She hoped nothing happened this time. "So, this is gonna be fun"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael sighed shaking his head, "it's gonna be a fight on our hands with my dad. Anyways looks like I can't go back to ghost fades back in action for the rest of the time I'm gonna be a hero." Though he didn't mind that one bit, he wouldn't get to see sunsets Kali's face and all that other stuff. A sigh escape him at that, his black hair falling in front of his face.

Connor only nodded, "they got a report that came in. They said they had seen my dad falling from one of those flying ships. Ever since they haven't found him they presume him dead that's what I'm worried about. I already lost my mom, I can't loose him also." He looked at the floor of the jet, it wasn't normal for him to be spilling out like this but the frustration and stress had finally gotten to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I might be just a tiny bit scared of my mother, but Ive dealt with her my whole life. Your father should be easy" Kalinda decided, trying to bring a bit of humor to everything that had happened. She reached over and brushed back his hair, and kissed him softly, almost tenderly. "What ever happens, we will figure out a way to make it okay. You have Jarvis. And me, the team. You could use Jarvis to help sense things around you, right?"

Hannah sighed. "I can't say that he'd be alright. That he would be alive, but I'm more then sure if he wasn't, then someone would have come s ross his body of equipment and there would hVe been a big fuss over it. So he's alive, he could have been captured or something like that. We will find him, Connor. It might just take some time"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael sighed, then kali kissed him he responded immediately. Once she had pulled back, he shook his head. "I don't need Jarvis to know what's around I used to be blind till my dad did something that made me see. Dad had sent me to daredevil to try with my other senses my others senses have been better than my eyes that's how I was able to throw the shock grenade without looking." He sighed, "I just won't get to see your face anymore, that's the only problem I have with this blindness."

Connor nodded to that, then sighed. "I'm just worried since my mom died a few years back I can't loose him also Hannah I just can't." He wouldn't break down not here, he just sat down as the jet took off. He was worried, that's all he ever was he never had a time that he never worried for his father.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That was probably the sweetest thing she had ever heard. She gently took one of Michaels hands. "There's otherways to see. You can see with your hands" she said softly "somehow, we will make everything alright. We will find a way to keep the team working, and everything else. But first, we have to deal with your dad" she said, managing a slight laugh

Hannah sighed softly, and sat down next to him, easily maintaining her balance on the air craft. She hesitated for a brief second, before hugging him. "What ever happens, you aren't alone here. We are all here too, with you. When we sort everything out, I'm sure we can go searching for him"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael nodded to that, "we will and everything though dealing with my dad might be hard though." The helicopter landed on top of the building, he swallowed then he shook his head. "Ok maybe I'm not blind my vision just came back though we'll still have to talk my dad into letting me stay on the team."

Connor only nodded to that, "if I know him he's probably going to go after Bucky though I won't see him for months on end." He sighed, letting silence take him. He kept looking at the floor of the jet, he knew the others were worried about him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda managed to smile once more, and said, "We just blew up a building...which is probably easier then convincing your dad of anything. Still, I'm stubborn. So...we shall see what happens" as the helicopter landed, she swallowed and made a move to climb out of it, careful not to fall. She knew she probably still looked like a mess, bloodied and battered, but she found she didn't care.

Hannah didn't know what to say, and she sighed lightly. "If that's true" She said softly, "Then at least he's alive. Maybe we can do something to help him, then" She wished she was abe to help more, but she was totally clueless about what to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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(4 years later)

New York was in pieces buildings were on fire while others had completely collapsed, the stark tower included. News was saying that Michael stark was presumed dead, since he had been it the building when it collapsed on itself. Michael flew through the sky his suit and him were battered and beaten, he was trying his best to keep flying.

He landed-well more like crashed in the snow, he took the mask off looking up at the night sky. He wondered if Kalinda was watching the news, he winced when her name came into his mind. She had left him and Connor alone that what was left of the avengers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda looked up at the night sky, alone in her little yard, quite around her. She hugged herself, but she could still hear the woman's voice, the news reporter, as she conducted her segment, emergency broadcasting.

"...it is believed that Michael Stark, son of Tony Stark, and follower in both the Iron Man legacy, and the Avengers team, is dead, after the Stark Industries tower was destroyed..."

Even after all this time, it hurt to think of Michael. Or the others. But Particularly Michael. Kalinda had left the team, left S.H.E.I.L.D after she had been asked to go on a solo mission. She hadn't returned to New York for two months, due to the unfortunate fact that she had been in a coma. No one, expect perhaps her mother, and of course, Fury, knew what had happened to her, and she had simply said that the mission had taken longer then she expected, and she had had to go undercover.

It had been a fright, and one she never wanted to repeat. So she had chosen to leave, which meant severing all ties. Including leaving Michael. She had found out that most of the others had left too. And while it hurt, she couldn't make herself go back. she always said to herself that she would. But she didn't.

She got herself a job, as a police officer, worked her way up and for the last year had been riding a desk. She kept her skills sharp, and every so often, she would bring out her suit. But she never put it on.

Her lip trembled, and her eyes filled with tears. She had always meant to tell Michael. But now it was too late. She sunk down to the ground, wrapping her arms around herself, and let herself break down. And then she rose, drying her eyes. She went inside her little house, kneeling down and petting the puppy she had only just adopted, and said softly, "I'm going to ask Lisa to look after you for a while. I have something I need to do" Lisa was her neighbour, and adored dogs.

After sorting everything out, Kalinda went to what other people would use as a study, but she used as a room for her gear. Her weapons, her tools of her trade, and her skills. She knelt under a desk cluttered with gear, and pulled out the box which held her suit. She stared at it for what seemed like the longest time. And then she put it on. Despite the fact that she was slightly taller, and older, the suit still fit comfortably, like a second skin. She slipped daggers, and other various weapons around her body, and just as she was heading out, she heard the blades of a helicopter.

"never miss anything, don't you, Fury?" She muttered to herself. "Eyes everywhere indeed" This lead her to wondering who he had watching her. That was a problem for another time.

If someone had killed Michael, then she would avenge him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael groaned in pain, but still he had to move or he would freeze. He got out of the suit, it was no good anymore, though it had served him well. He started the long walk, occasionally he would find another pain that bothered him, a sigh escaped his lips he still had his feeling for Kalinda he had never dated anyone else. He kept moving, till he came across a shed.

He pushed open the doors, the hinges were protesting. Though he didn't care at the moment he had to get another communicator up and running so he could get JARVIS to send another suit his way. Though te rubble would make it a bit hard, but they weren't deystroyed. Maybe all night or something, he started working glad for his dad's ADHD it helped keep his fingers moving.

He let his mind wonder, while he was working on a new communicator. He would have to get Jarvis to send a new suit for him, his mind wondered to kalinda his heart ached when he actually let himself think of her. He was now twenty two, a sigh escaped his lips. Before he finally got the communicator up and running. "Jarvis you there?" Next thing he knew he was hearing Jarvis's excited voice, "sir your ok thank god I think tony would have had a heart attack." A soft chuckle escaped him, "send another suit my other one is out of commission from my crash landing."

"It'll take a few hours but I can at least let everyone around you know your alright." Michael shook his head, "no Jarvis I want it to be a surprise that I'm alive and somewhat ok." He heard a sigh come from his electronic friend but now he would wait on that suit to come. Though he didn't know, it was an old one he made two years ago, vanguard he sighed as he waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda was furious, as she boarded the helicopter. She kept everything hidden, and knew she must look an effective sight. Suit, blank expression, and clearly ready for a fight. She was not at all surprised to see Fury. She wondered, fleetingly, how old he must be now. Not something she would ever ask.

"You promised" she said softly, her tone deadly "that nothing would happen to any of them. That you would keep him alive. You promised, in exchange for me coming back one day. Well here I am, it's just too bad you didn't keep your end of the bargain" she didn't care that she slowly lost her composure, and probably sounded hysterical.

"We don't know if he is in the rubble. We already have the scene secured and are searching the scene. If he's there, and can be saved, we will do everything we can, but until then, becoming a wreck is not going to help" Fury replied.

Kalinda sighed heavily and looked away, silent now. She looked outside, holding onto a railing, refusing to sit. As the helicopter flew, her hand went to the locket she had never given back, had had no intention of giving back, to Michael. No doubt he probably despised her. No doubt he would be furious if he saw her. She didn't care. From the moment she had stepped out her window to follow orders, and bring him to the team, she had known nothing would ever be the same again.

And it hadn't. Kalinda had been happy. She had felt like she had a place to belong, without even trying. She didn't feel like a freak, like she was always standing out. She felt...normal. She had let her fear consume her, had let herself be reassured that she wouldn't die, and leave her mother, her friends, grieving for her. Better to be despised, but alive, the dead and grieved over. Wasn't it?

The pain from her hand alerted her to the fact that she had slammed a fist against the side of the helicopter. It brought her out of her thoughts, which was probably a good thing.

"How many agents have you ordered to their deaths, whether intentionally or unintentionally?" She asked, the same question she had asked so long ago. She received no answer, just like she hadn't then. She scoffed, disgusted. "One day, you will take a good, long hard look at yourself. I hope you can stand to see what is there, Nick Fury" and then the helicopter landed, and she jumped off, surveying the scene, trying to distance herself. And failing greatly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael heard the suit before he saw it, he looked at his watch. Maybe five hours passed before it got here, though he knew he would fly faster than that. He looked at vanguard as the suit opened for him, he got in it. It was nice to be in a suit once more, he knew ghost wouldn't be coming back into action at all.

He launched into the sky starting the fly back to the city, he was angry furnace would pay for this, his anger only fueled him to go faster and he did. He knew the news went off on how he was dead he wasn't, he kept going not caring for what was going on around him. Till he hovered above the stark tower seeing agents clear rubble.

He hacked into the communicators of the agents and fury, "awwww I feel loved now but anyways I got some business to take care of." The city was in total chaos streets were torn apart and buildings were crumbling under there own weight, he looked to furnace before he started flying toward his again. Forcing his out of the sky, "you should know me better I would do about anything to stay alive bastard." With that they started the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda had done what she could, but news of other buildings beginning to fall prompted her into action. She couldn't selfishly just stand around. Giving a communicator, she started to do what she could, occasionally rushing in when no other agent would, to crumbling buildings and quickly searching them, a few times she managed to get people out. She was carrying a toddler out, who she had found under a bed, shrieking for his mother, when Michaels voice came through the communicator.

Feeling herself go weak with relief, she handed the toddler quickly to the woman that rushed up, assuming she was the child's mother. He was alive. Before she even knew what was happening, a camera was in her face. She had never done well with cameras. She froze, and glared at the camera man, the reporter that did seem to hesitate, before speaking.

"No comment" Kalinda said quickly, cutting the reporter off. She turned, and fled, someone was doing this mess, causing it, and she couldn't sit by when she could help. She pulled up her hood, rendering herself invisible, when mortified, she saw herself on a large electronic billboard, rushing in to the building to save the toddler.

Well. He would know she was here now. Still, she didn't speak. She ran through the streets, avoiding most of the damage, searching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael was punched back, sliding a few feet on his back before he managed to get back to his feet. "You will pay for this furnace in more ways than one." With that he flew at furnace once more, hitting his square in the gut. Keeping the momentum going till they hit a concrete wall. That was until he was uppercut fed back to the ground furnace had his helmet, and was slowly burning it.

That was until a voltage of lightening came and hit him, "sorry I'm late came as soon as I could." Michael only laughed, "nice to see you again sparky." Zack only sighed, "still with the nicknames?" Michael only nodded, turning his attention back to furnace.

He didn't see him he cursed, that's when he felt fire hit the back of his suit, forcing him to an kneel he heard Zach grunt as he was pushed back, that was until he heard metal hitting something. He looked up to the top of the building to see Connor now all they were missing was Tory and Hannah then the team would be back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda looked up as an arrow wizzed passed, a rope tied to it, and Hannah came down easily, landing in a run as she rushed passed Kalinda, rushing into a building and just as Kalinda was about to follow, she came out once more.

"Clear" Hannah's voice was breathless, but still the same. She took a minute to breath and gather her arrow, looking about. Had she seen Kalinda? No, her suit kept her invisible. Could Kalinda face her? She didn't know. She hesitated, but then Hannah was heading down the street.

Kalinda sighed heavily, and continued on her way, still keeping silent on her communicator. Right up until she walked into what could be considered hell on earth, flames launching high into the air, cars stopped, and people running.

"Uh. I think I'm going to need s bit of help here" she said, "before the flames here engulf the city" she cleared her throat, and then began shouting, Ordering people back, telling them to either move their cars far away, or get away themselves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael heard kalinda a voice through the communicator, so she had come back after the news report. He only shook his head, getting an uppercut. He went stumbling a few feet, Connor and zack were dealing with furnaces other friends. Michael sighed, "I'm going to have to force him to the outer hemisphere for him to go down he won't go down easy." With that he flew straight into furnaces torso.

Flying upward, into the sky he sighed he knew his suit would fail once he got higher than he was supposed to. He got to the outer hemisphere, his suit was starting to fail and he saw furnace out cold from what he just did. His grip on the guy wouldn't go anywhere as he plummeted back to earth, bout when he went lower than the roofs. A yell echoed and somebody caught him, Tory set him gently on the ground looking at his prone form putting furnace not a gentle on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When there was no answer nor reply, Kalinda just about lost it. Not caring That she was on a communicator to just about every agent there, she blasted Fury, "Damn it Fury why do you always do this? This is why I left! You never back us up! That's why I got hurt! When i ask for help, I need it! Sometimes you have to take the risk!" She took a deep breath, and looked about her. Stop the flames from slreadknh. Great.
How? She didn't think a garden hose would do the trick.

Was everyone out of the way? She didn't know.'but she couldn't wait to be sure. If the flames spread,
This destruction, this street wouldn't exist anymore. And then it would spread. She spied fire hydrants around the street. That might work. It she was strong enough to break the valve and open it. She was stronger then a normal human, but that didn't make Her impossibly strong. But with each car, with each tank of gas the flames gobbled up, it just seemed to get stronger. She could already feel the heat.

She could simply run away. But then she would know she had and known she had been too gutless. She couldn't live with that. What she needed was...Tory. Or Zack. Connor might be able to do it too. Would any of them help, after she had left them all, without much more of an explaination then she couldn't do it anymore? She had to try. They were all she had ever been able to count on.

She took another deep breath. "Guys?" She was appealed at her tone. Slight fear, worry, hope, and...begging, but she kept on, "I need someone to destroy a bunch of fire hydrants...please"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Connor heard Kalinda, a sigh escape his lips. "Zach tey and wake Michael up." Zach nodded to that, "alright Kalinda what side of town are you on?" His tone was serious the old Connor was back again and he planning on not leaving again not with the teouble Michael had gotten himself into.

Once he knew the location, he was making his way toward her. His dad's shield on his arm though Connie went by a different name, he got to the street throwing his shield it hit the first fire hidrent. Bouncing back to him once it hit breaking it he did the same to the others. He stopped, looking a Kalinda , "nice to see you again." There was no disgust in his eyes or voice it was the same as always.

"Oh once your done here I guess you could go to Michael he's down from taking furnace out." With that he made his way back to the others, seeing that Michael was awake but not moving much. "Knew that fall would catch up with me one day." Michael said with a sigh looking at the sky to see everyone around him except Kalinda which he knew was here.
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