Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda started inside, and began to make a lot of noise, trying to provide the best distraction as possible, and defended herself, but didn't start to attack yet, despite the noise hs was making. She was also ready at a moments notice to activate her invisibility and move through the place unseen. But not yet. That was a last resort that she wasn't ready to use. She just had to hope that the others were okay, but she didn't dwell on them too much as she continued making noise.

Hannah was in position, ready to attack, and ready with her arrows, watching, prepared to let her arrows fly quickly and truly, as Tory readied herself to attack as qell
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael saw a few more of the agents go down the stairs, he was hoping that kalinda activated the invisibility when the fighting truly started. With that he pulled out his sword, getting out of cover he killed the first man from behind. He struck and his sword met the top of his spine which meant instant death. Bullets started flying, Michael rolled out of the way and a shield hit the agent, Connor and Michael's eyes met. They nodded, before attacking again, Zach came out of the ground on the ground floor. Shooting lightning at any close agents, taking them down.

Michael was shot in the shoulder, then the leg. He grunted, but ignored the pain for now. Still taking down any agents, he heard the call for back up soon follow he hoped Tory would take care of them. He threw one of his throwing knives, hitting a guy in the chest on his heart. He quickly ran forward in there confusion, cutting down any agents that came close to him. Blood loss was taking its toll on him, he rolled into cover. Hoping Connor would cover him, he stretched out the wounded leg. He grunted in pain, Connor spoke through the comms, "Michaels down took a shot to the shoulder and a shot to his leg he took cover and I'm trying to cover him as best as I can."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(sorry, I didn't want to write a half baked reply and I haven't been thinking well lately)

As more agents came towards where she was, Kalinda disappeared. She didn't even need to think about it too much, just pulled her hood up tight, and she disappeared. She began to make her way to where she hoped the others were, attacking anyone who came to near to her.

Her wrists braces enable her to attack and stun, rather then kill, and enabled her to move easily. She hadn't yet perfectted her own attacks, and therefore used her mothers, shifting between a low voltage Widows bite, and Widows Kiss, as well as with her explosives and when she could, with her dagger.

"I'm coming" Kalinda said in reply to Connor, and she began to run, looking about, she fired an explosive in front of her, dodging the blast herself, and managing to clear a space for her to reach Connor, as she heard Tory began to take down any stray agents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael looked out the window to see a helicopter, ready to drop more hydra agents on them. He looked for something he could break the glass with and take out the pilot, he saw a discarded gun. Must be one of the hydra agents with that he grabbed the gun. He didn't care if he was wounded in the leg and his shoulder. With a sigh he aimed the gun with his left his right shaking to badly to keep steady aim, he shot he broke the glass.

He threw the gun to the floor, his hand immediately going for one of his throwing knives on his belt. He grabbed the hilt of the throwing knife. Flipping it to where the blade was between two of his fingers, he left out a slow breath, relaxing as best as he could before he threw taking out the pilot. Watching the helicopter go down. He looked over the cover where Connor was keeping him from getting shot seeing Zach taking down any of the agents that dared to come close to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda slinked towards the guys, taking her good off. She was uninjured and didn't appear to have exerted herself too much, instead, she seemed to be full of energy, looking about, and taking down another hydra agent with a throwing star. Quick, easy, light, Kalinda could have many of them instead of just a few daggers. Plus she enjoyed using them.

She took out a first aid kit, tiny, holding a few bandages and that was pretty much it, and went over to Michael, quickly checking his wounds before doing a quick on Filene bandaging of them to at least prevent excessive blood loss.

"So I didn't really have any idea beyond 'cause a distraction'. Any ideas?" She asked, glancing about in case there were more agents around
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael shook his head, "I'm just trying to hold them off best I can till what's left of shield shows up." He tried to move, and grimaced when pain shot through his shoulder and leg he was in no shape to move yet. He wasn't really a person with Kali's fast healing he didn't really have any powers except for the suit he had built. He let out a sigh, he looked above the cover seeing more agents coming there way.

He clenched his jaw, this is not how the team was going down not by a long shot. He went through the small satchel he kept at his waist. He grabbed the round abject in the bag and pulled it out. He hadn't really tested these out yet, he pulled the pin on the shock grenade and threw it over the cover. It went off, shocking any agents that were near by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda pressed back against the wall when Michael threw the shock grenade. She waited a minute, before stepped back from the wall. She looked about, to see many of the agents down from the shock wave. She drew a gun, and in her other hand, she held a round disc, wich she was ready to throw at a moments notice.

"If someone can find a way to get us out of here, tat would be great. I have some explosives, and need three minutes or so to set it up, if I"m invisible" She said after a few moments, shifting slightly. They needed to get out of here, she thought. And the sooner, the better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael nodded to that, he swallowed then he heard the familiar voice he was glad for. "Looks like fade is back in action," a smile broke out across Michael's face. "Oh come on hawk really you better have brought extraction," hawk just laughed. "How could I not I knew you would get into trouble," that's when he heard the helicopter. "Just like old times hawk?" Hawk nodded Michael bolted over the cover, they both fought together in harmony watching each other's back.

Connor and Zach, started running toward the helicopter. While Michael and hawk kept the other agents busy, "kali go get the bomb in place we'll hold them off and don't argue just go and do it!" He returned his attention to the other agents he was fighting with hawk. They both watched each other's back, any agent that got past one was taken down by the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda blinked, looking over when Hawk appeared, relieved to have more help, having been worried what they were going to do. How they were going to get out. She seemed to hesitate, opening her mouth to respond to Michaels request not to argue, then closed her mouth and nodded, "remember, three minutes. Six, with me installing it" she said, leaving unspoken her own fear that she might not be fast enough to get out.

Right then though she didn't care, as long as the others for out. She would do her damned best to get out, and if she placed it right, she could vault herself out a window, or use an actual exit. As she ran downstairs invisible, she checked to make sure she had her communicator. She swallowed, and chose the spot for the explosives, setting them up. "Three minutes" she said through the communicator, and started the timer. She rose, took a deep breath, and started to run. She ran up the stairs, counting the seconds off in her head. 2.59, 2.58, 2.57...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael heard the countdown over the comm, he bolted over the cover he was in. He held his side with one hand as the gun in the other shot any agents that came toward them, he felt a sharp pain go through his leg. He stumbled and fell to the floor, that's when he noticed the dagger sticking out of his calf. He groaned in pain, he pulled the dagger out he looked over his shoulder bullseye was there. He got back to his feet, putting most of his weight on his left leg.

He heard the countdown go down to one fifty nine, he had to get out of here but with bullseye in front of him he couldn't go anywhere. He let out a sigh, grabbing his gun and sword. He swallowed
he didn't know if he could get out in time. "JARVIS if I'm not out in time get the others out of here." He heard JARVIS respond, he went forward and started to attack bullseye. It was a bad choice, but it was the only one he saw at the moment.

Once they broke apart, Michael was bloody while bullseye only had a few scratches on him. Michael was breathing hard, he knew he wasn't getting out of this building now. "JARVIS tell kali I love her," "yes sir" he let out a sigh before letting bullseye charge. He blocked the attacks, he was supporting most of his weight still on his right leg. He heard the countdown go to thirty, he took a deep breath he let it out. He started to run from bullseye, he sensed one of the knifes going for his head. He ducked, he felt a knife graze his side. He put pressure on the wound to help keep the bleeding at a minimum.

He kept running, it got down to fifteen seconds. He jumped through the window of the building landing on the building next to it. He was breathing hard, then he finally felt the pain in his side. It felt like his side was on fire Michael knew the knives weren't poisoned it just felt that way. The building blew up taking bullseye with it, Michael just lay there on his back his hand on his side. "I'm alive and kicking but wounded bullseyes knife got a deep graze on my side I need medical attention." Every word was agony for him, it hurt badly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda was covered on blood as she fought her way upstairs, causing her invisibility to fail, and making her climb more difficult then it had to be. All through it she was aware of the count down in her head. 1.43, 1.43, 1.41...

"I will not die here!" She bellowed and charged, three knives in one hand, she threw them towards the attackers blocking her way, getting three of them square in the hearts, and leaping up in the air, kicking and bellowing her rage. She managed to escape, but had the tail of the ones she had left alive.

1.21, 1.20, 1.19...

She fled as fast as she could, stopping and flinging more knives at her followers, but was stopped once more. If she was going to escape without dying, she needed to be on the roof. She screamed in frustration, and closed her eyes a second. And then she brought out her arsonsel of smoke bombs. Her own inventions. She smashed three, which combined to make a sleeping gas, causing her attackers to fall as she held her breath and fled up the stairs.

48, 47, 46...

She was nearly home free, until she came up to a locked door, leading to the roof. She cursed, and retrieved her lock pick. She took three deep steadying breaths, and inserted a pick. She wriggled it around, and heard a click.

10, 9...

She ran across the flat roof of the building, pushing herself, her feet pounding heavily.

8, 7, 6...

She let out a cry, and pushed herself faster as the edge came closer,

5, 4, 3...

She was near the edge of the building, Michaels I love you from Jarvis ringing through her ears,


She pushed off with all her strength, and leaped from the building, reaching for the roof of the next building just as it exploded, caving in from itself from the bottom foundation. She yelled and caught the roof of the next building, and hung there for a few seconds. She started to laugh, as she pulled herself up.

As the others began to check in, she had to stop and take a few breaths, probably giving them worry. "I'm fine. Bloodied, battered, but fine. I'm climbing down from the building next door" she began to do so, taking her time, wincing at every ache and pain. "From the building on the left"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael brought his free hand to the comm ear piece, he let out a sigh of relief that kalinda got out in time. "Alive and kicking........wounded in the side though bullseye got a lucky shot before he went down in the blast." Michael groaned in pain, keeping the pressure on the wound to help keep some of the bleeding under control.

"Nice to hear your alive kali," every word he was letting out was pure agony. He took a deep breath, "location on the building two buildings down." He groaned again, not moving with the pain in his side. "Bullseye went down in the blast though one of his knives grazed deep into my side, I don't think I can get down to the ground not in the condition that I'm in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda more stumbled then climbed down the stairs, leaning against the wall as she did so, probably leaving blood smears as she did, but not caring. As sh arrived at the ground floor, she found a first aid kit, and she smiled, snatching it up. She managed to catch her breath, "okay then. We'll all come to you then" She said over the communicator, "I've just stolen a first aid kit"

She was glad to be outside, but she was sure that she was a horrible sight. She stripped off her suit, revealing her shorts and tank top underneath, glad she rarely dressed in her suit without clothes on underneath, and folded it up in her arms. She tried to tame her hair and clear it of debris and whatever else as she began to walk to where Michael was. and began to climb up the building, groaning slightly, but made the climb.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael groaned, as he hauled himself into the sitting position. Blood was seeping through his fingers, "damn and this is how I go down bleeding out I thought I would at least go down in style." He looked to his left, seeing smoke rising up from where the building used to be. He put his hand to the ear piece finding it hard to lift his hand, "guys hurry up I don't know how long I can last like this."

It was true, his legs felt heavier than they are. He found it hard to even do the simplest movements. He coughed, blood running down the corner of his lips. He knew he could last for at least thirty minutes tops before he would pass out from the blood loss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I'm coming" Kalinda replied, now that the battle was over she was finding that she had several aches and pains, some persistent, some throbbing and others mild, and she knew she would be black and blue all over. She worried that she had some serious injuries, but put that out of her mind, focusing on reaching Michael. She started to shiver, despite the exertion of climbing, and her thoughts went to shock. She gritted her teeth and continued.

She finally found Micheal and she smiled wearily at him, heading over. She got straight to business, finding injuries and putting pressure on them to stop the bleeding
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael felt his hand being moved away from his side, then another pressure went onto the wound. He opened his eyes, but he didn't see anything but black. He swallowed, he didn't need to panic. His dad had taught him how to see without his eyes. His father had said that, when he had been born he couldn't see he put something in his eyes to let him see for a few years he said it would wear off though.

"Kali I can't see anything," it was true the blue in his eyes was still there though. Still all Michael could see was nothing, he sighed to that. He knew he would go back to being blind in a few years that's why he was taught to be fade first, because a warrior of an assassin doesn't have to see what's in front of him to attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda paused, but otherwise didn't react as she bound Michaels side, working smoothly and efficiently. She wasn't too sure what to make of michael saying he couldn't see. Her skills with medical attention were pruly battle field first aid. But she didn't think it was a good sign. After checking any other wounds and injuries she leaned back.

"It's okay. I won't let anything g happen to you" she said softly, taking his hand in hers. She didn't think there had been any damage to his eyes, because they were still blue, but a blow to the head could, she suspected, mess with the senses. "Does anywhere else that I haven't treated hurt?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael nodded to that, he shook his head to answer her question. Just as Zach showed up, "I heard over the comm you can't see Michael I don't know if you can stay on the team." Michael pushed himself to his feet, slowly not to push himself he walked up to Zach, before upper cutting him.

"Don't you dare say that to me, I was born without sight dad had put something in my eyes to let me see for a few years. Before that I trained with daredevil to learn how to fight without my sight that's why fade came first and not ghost you idiot." He took a deep breath, Connor was there by his side in an instant helping him stand up straight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda watched as Michael rose doing the same, but she didn't stop him from hitting zack. She sighed softly, but didn't say anything, as Hannah entered the room, blood splattered over her face, still pouring slightly from a wound above her left eye. Kalinda set about cleaning it, and putting a bandage on it. Her biggest fear for them all was infection, but she pushed that aside. She herself had fast healing abilities, and the others weren't push overs either.

Then she looked over at everyone, and she spoke softly, but enough that her voice carried "the minute we doubt each other, we aren't a team. We're just people bein stupid and fighting without trust" she turned to Zack, "if you trust Michael, you'll let this go. Otherwise, there's no point to being a team." She fell silent, but didn't look away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael nodded to what kalinda said, "you know she's right if we don't have trust then were going to fall apart as a team." Connor had michaels arm around his shoulder, holding him up. "We better get back, I already know Connors worried about his father you guys can probably go back to the mansion once the plane picks us up I gotta go to talk to my father."

He couldn't see anymore, he had gotten used to it when he was a few years younger than he was now. "Kali I would want you come with me if dad suggests doing the same thing he had done a few years back I don't want it I need to get used to this, I don't need him pushing me into it either."
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