Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda smile at Connor's statement, "Sorry, I had no guns or knives, and I figured my teeth and nails just wouldn't do. And you know, I needed clean clothes" She said, as she shrugged on a jacket, falling silent as Connor and Michael spoke, following along, throwing her duffel onto a couch.

She greeted the others, as she changed out of her clothes, unconcerend with modesty as her suit changed to a basic black colour instead of blending as her skin colour. She tied up her hair, watching Michael open up the elevator "Cool"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael entered the elevator, "my dad had this built under the mansion so the team could stay in one place. Didn't really work out, they went there separate ways as soon as the main mission was done." He sighed, "full name age," a computer voice rang out. "Michael Nathan Stark, 16, down to ground floor vlad." The elevator started moving.

"That's just a security protocol to make sure that no one else except us or the other avengers come, but they barely use this base now." The elevator stopped, Michael stepped out as soon as the doors opened, Connor and Zach following close behind, main room where we can take off our gear after a mission, down the hall and to the right is the debriefing room, and then the room that branches off from the right is the med bay just in case any of us are hurt during a mission. Then there's the training and sparring room, dad built it so it could withstand anything even Tory won't put a dent in the wall."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda looked about. She could understand why the avengers went their seperate ways-they were adults, and had lives, jobs, things to do. What did they have? School and training really. But the difference was, they had come together again, and she knew they would continue to do so. Kalinda had gained the independence she had thirsted for since she was 14, and she would do what she had wanted to do, since devising her suit.

Help people.

Kalinda walked with Tory and Hannah, behind the boys, looking about with eagerness. This was everything she wanted, since knowing she could do some good in the world with her abilities. A base, and a team. At the mention of the training room, she perked up. She hadn't trained in a few days, and she desperately wanted to, but knew there were things they had to deal with first, "what do we know about hydra?" She asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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"Not much since we thought they were gone without the cube there weapon system has gone down to regular guns from what I heard from my dad though is that they made Bucky a super soldier just like my dad but with a metal arm and such it looked like he didn't remember my dad." Connor had spoken up first, since his father had shared some stories of his past with him.

Michael nodded at the information, it wasn't much but it was something in the least. "We've got to expect that these people working for hydra are people in the higher ups with body guards and such. With them knowing what we do, we have to catch them by suprise. I'm good with hacking and pick pocketing when I was a bit more not the guy I am today I was a thief back a few years ago if you need me to get close to them or whatever I can do that easily."

He sighed, "I'm good at eaze dropping too I still have all of the skills of the thief I used to be. Dad always said some of the old skills I have would come in handy one day I guess I can get close to a hydra agent and see what excatly there up too just need to be careful not to get caught that's the only thing to make sure of."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda leaned back thoughtfully, "I can probably get some of my contacts to give me information" Some of her informants were very informed in things, and she could get information qucikyl from them. someone out there in the world had to have seen something of hydra. It was good to have those eyes and ears out there.

"Do we know where they are?" She asked, getting shakes of the head from Tory and Hannah, and Kalinda supposed it wouldn't be that easy. She frowned, still wondering hwo they would get in, and how they would surprise the hydra agents. surely they had security, camera's around?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael thought for a moment, "JARVIS has located one of the hydra agents. Looks like it won't be easy for your informants to try and see what they can get out of him I can probably eavesdrop on one of there conversations I would probably have to go on foot. Like I said before I was a thief before I became ghost that's where I got the hero name for myself because people would always talk about the thief they always said that I was like a ghost and try started calling me it it kinda stuck."

Michael got an old outfit, out of one of the lockers he kept down here. It was white with blue at the tips and the cuffs of the jacket the hood would kep his face hidden. While he got the old hidden blades out, just in case he ran into any trouble. He put the outfit on, "it's been a long time since I wore this thing." A leather belt went around his torso, "I'll be fine kali I'll make sure I don't get into any trouble."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda decided not to mention that she could probably sneak in without being noticed, with her suit. Given that it could make her invisible. Instead she just nodded, knowing she needed to train some, and let her body rest a bit more. "I'll still see what I can get" She said, taking her phone out.

She couldn't just sit around and do nothing, and if this was what she could do to help, then she would do it, even if it didn't give any useful information. "You should take Hannah, in case you need any rooftop cover or something"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael nodded, pulling up the hood, it had been a few hours he was leaning against the wall of the entrance to an alley way. Hannah was on the rooftop holding her bow just in case they had found out whrlere Michael was. Like he had gotten the hydra agent showed up, handing an envelope to the guy that was waiting for him.

Once the hydra agent was gone the guy started walking, so did Michael fast walking going to catch up to the guy. Michael had pick pocketed the guy, the guy turned just as he put the envelope in his pocket. Michael realized what had happened he started running, he ran around the corner and got into cover, watching the guy run down the street before he got out of cover starting to walk back to the base he got there throwing the orders down onto the counter before sitting down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda did what she could, but mostly, she ended up training with her phone on loud speaker as she moved through her informants. She happy worked her muscle's, loosening them and essentially making herself feel better. By the end of it, she didn't have much, but she asked if any of them had information, to contact her.

Other then that, she didn't have much to do. If she had her laptop, she could have done more, but she didn't. She talked with the others, as they waited for Michael and Hannah to return, looking up when Michael came back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael leaned back in the chair, not bothering to change. "I think those are orders from what glimpse I've seen already I'm not for sure though I could be wrong," He sighed, keeping the robes he was wearing on. "I haven't really been truthful to the team really, you know that old assassin Fade." Connors eyes widened, "I've had a few run ins with him back then he had a team and one day he just disappeared after an explosion in a warehouse." Michael flinched slightly at that, "yah he used to have an old team, he didn't exactly disappear he just decided it was time to move on well I'm Fade, its been a long time since I've worn these things."

He saw Connors and Zach's eyes widen, "I guess this can be my unpredictable fighting style because ghost and Fade have way different fighting styles and most of the hydra agents think he's dead since I kind of heard them saying they didn't need Fades file so they don't know his fighting style. So then it won't be hard for me to fight them since Fade has been claimed dead for a few years, I guess its time to bring him back I'm not rusty on the old fighting style because I keep practicing just in case the fighting style comes in handy again." Michael got back up, went to the locker and grabbed, his throwing knives along with his sword strapping the throwing knives to his waist while his sword went onto his back.

He turned back to the team, "I know a few of you had a few run ins with me, Connor, Zach. I know I didn't tell any of you and I had a good reason not to, I'm not really one to recall the memories of when I was Fade even on that day an explosion went off in a warehouse you can ask Kalinda if you want to I'll be training if you need me." He went to the training room, grabbing his sword out of its sheath, and asking vlad for robots, he started slicing and attacking the robots letting out his frustration.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda sighed. It hadn't been hard to find out, especially with the nasty hints Rhino had told her, about some of Michaels passed. And then it really hadn't been hard to figure out when he said that it happened in a warehouse. She but her lip, and watched Michael go. She didn't follow, letting him have some space. She looked around at the others, and decided that honesty was probably best.

"All I know" she said softly "is that Michaels little sister was part of the team. And that Rhino was involved. I wish there was some other way, but...sometimes to do good, we have to be things we don't want to be" she ran a hand through her hair. With that, she turned to her duffel, taking out weapons and gear she didn't think she would every use, but still kept on hand. She clapped on two thin metal bracelets, and a belt, filling it with disks, some with some offensive gas and others with other weapons in them.

It meant she'd be changing her fighting style, combining her own, and her mothers, and hopefully making it more difficult to fight against. She didn't know, but she would try. She shifted with the comforting weight of the various weapons, then sighed again. "Okay."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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After a couple of hours passed, Michael was breathing hard. He flipped his hood down, he still knew all of his old moves which was good. He put his sword back in its sheath, then walking out of the training room, walking to the main room he saw the team still there.

He sighed, his frustration and anger out of his system. He looked up to the team, before he just stood there in the old assassins gear he thought he would never wear ever again. He looked to each one, before he sat down in a chair, he sighed, "alright well we better get going we better to take down hydra."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda had a map that she had printed out with several pages to it. She was trying to find good entrances and exits, and tried to figure out the best way to sneak in, even though she was sure that's what they would expect. Which was why she was thinking that it was a good reason to know, and then just burst in from the main entrance like they owned the place. It was all about being unexpect, right? She frowned.

She looked up at Michael's footsteps, nodding, folding the map, she rose, gathering her gear, seeing Hannah and Tory doing the same. She was more the ready, or at least as ready as she thought she could be. She still felt strange changing her fighting, but if it needed to be done, then it needed to be done. Hydra had to be stopped, after all. "Right, let's go"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael nodded, following the others out of the base. Bringing his hood back up, he was following the rest of the team by rooftop. Making sure there wasn't trouble ahead, while he followed he was hard to spot and the sky didn't help with it being cloudy it just made him fade more into the background.

He followed the team, to where the envelope said hydra would be, it was a big building maybe three stories at best. It didn't look like any working place either, he had to guess this is where hydra would meet up. He didn't go barging in, he waited for what the rest of the team would say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When they got closer to the building, Kalinda pulled her suit's hood up, but didn't activate the invisibility of it just yet, as she studied the building. "We should use the roof as an escape, if we need" She said softly, "I doubt they would expect that, and it doesn't look like they have anyone on the roof" She said, rising from the crouch she had slipped into when studyign the building.

She looked at the others, "Do we all go in together, or in groups? So far we've been splitting up, and they might expect it" She said, frowning slightly. It was hard to think in different ways, to try and not be predictable in their fighting and she found it frustrating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Michael looked up at the building, then at the rest of the team. "They'll know that'll happen because we've been splitting up they expect us to just barge in like we did with rhino." He thought for a moment, "there's a few tunnels running under the building itself, we can use those to get into the building itself I don't know what the tunnels were exactly for."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kalinda thought for a minute "they probably weren't for anything beyond escape routes, and were probably out in there after the building was built." She shook her head, frowning. "They might expect that. So we give them something they expect. One of us just walks right in the front door. Distraction, while not getting themselves killed" she said thoughtfully

She bit her lip, "I should do that. That way, I can go invisible if I need and escape or make my way through the building" she said, thinking that that was the best option, even if it was potentially suicidal. "If I have a communication device, I can keep in contact@
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

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Michael nodded at that, He looked up seeing a way for him to climb up. "I can probably climb up to the third floor while there distracted with you on the first floor we hit them from two flanks Connor your with Zach while were doing the distraction I guess you guys can go in the tunnels and hit them from below. Hannah do what you do best, fire arrows into there ranks, Tory you may be going last but believe me there'll still be things to smash since I'm thinking they'll call for back up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Excellent" Kalinda said making sure she had everything, "I'll see you all in there" She said, as she started to make her way to the entrance. She walked confidently, and with her weapons in hand, her gun, a dagger, the bracelets on her wrists, and various other weapons around her body.

"Hey!" She yelled, "Anyone want to come at me?" She said with a cockiness that she didn't feel right then. But it was better then sounding worried and scared. She waited for any responses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xion Demente
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Xion Demente Survivor

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Michael heard footsteps running down the stairs as he climbed the building, opening the window as quietly as he could he got into the building itself he saw a hydra agent ahead of him. He threw his throwing knife it hit the back of the guys neck instant death. He got into cover as he saw the others coming toward there now dead comrade.

They had there guns hoisted off of there shoulders, aiming them in his direction. Michael slowed his breathing, waiting for them to calm down before he attacked. Zach and Connor were under the building waiting for the full fight to start out then they would hit them with everything they had.
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