Iron Man was fighting prisoners on a basketball court when Sabertooth attacked. Iron Man sent out a signal on the Orders broadcast frequency. "Sabertooth on basketball court." Iron Man dodged Sabertooth's attacks. Topanga began talking to herself. "Time to put this armor through the paces." Turning the mic and voice filter back on. "Sabertooth mine, upgrade testing sequence initiated."

Iron Man fought Sabertooth for several minutes. Topanga dictated her thoughts to the VA "Mark VII phase one testing complete. Durability an improvement over the Mark VI not up to the specs of War Machine. Repulsors are twenty percent more efficient, rate of fire ten percent faster. Unibeam still a power hog, five percent more efficient, half a percent faster rate of fire, still can only fire once. Strength is vastly superior, thirty percent upgrade still not as strong as War Machine. After my encounter with Modok I'm glad I added the theoretical shielding against Technopaths, until Techno it remained untested. It works against Techno, remains to be seen if Modok the most powerful Technopath will be able to overcome it. Acquiring the plans for Magneto's helmet from the Germans all those years ago sure has made maintaining the ruse of the robot a helluva lot easier around telepaths, can't trust them." She turned her mic and voice filters back on. "Sabertooth down." Iron Man didn't want to risk Sabertooth waking up anytime soon thanks to his mutant healing ability so she wrapped him in the basketball goal, even finished it off with a pretty bow just to mock him.