Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Robert went by his quarters and grabbed a bottle from his first aid kit before he went to suit up. In the weapons room he grabbed some armor, a ceramic and composite P-90 with ceramic rounds (you never know if they have a ferrokinetic with them), and a field medic kit. I always have to be the medic. I should really learn to fight better. He also made sure he had a few key songs keyed up on his I-pod, and that it was connected to a portable speaker system. He tapped his earpiece to verify that it was working, then sat down and pulled out his phone, playing some game until the others arrived. When Catia got there he threw her the bottle he had gotten from his room. "Hangover medicine. Hasn't exactly gotten FDA approval yet, but I have my ways, and more importantly, it works like a charm." Xyl he challenged to a contest. "I bet you one all you can eat dinner at the Mexican restaurant in town that I can take out more people with my powers than you can. You know you want some steak tacos."
After getting a reply, he waited for the portal to engulf him and drop him in the middle of battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Unlike some of the others, Annabelle didn't grab any weapons from the armory room as all she stored there was her mercenary suits among other clothing items. Sometimes she might use some of the gear they stored there, but it was a rarity considering her powers which made using GEAR a bit of a hassle, besides with her powers she had no use for weapons. She still remembers the time when she tried to use a pair of night vision goggles which snapped off her head when her hair turned to solid diamond. As she grabbed her suit from her locker she shrugged that thought away, closing the locker again before getting changed in one of the stalls, overhearing the conversation between Rob and Xyl. She would emerge a few minutes latter, tugging the material around her wrists so it fit more comfortably before she smirked towards the two. "You'll have to play for second place..."she teased before she'd join everyone at the portal. Unlike the suits owned by the others, her's was made from a reactive synthetic which allowed the suit to transform with her powers, meaning it wouldn't be torn or ruined upon activation of her powers. All of her clothes had to be designed this way, which made shopping for new clothes a real headache.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BattleShovel
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Techno looked at Annabelle as she inquired as to the communicators "Sure it'll transform with ya, that's the entire idea" he responded with a laugh and a wink. He laughed more as he watched the chair fly into Robert, bowling him over, when something caught his eye, Jia-Li, for a moment, her usually annoyed face softened for a quick second, he wondered why, she opened her mouth to say something, and something was about to come out, or so Techno thought anyway, but then the moment was over and she sat back down.

Techno followed everyone to the weapons room, spilling out details on the general weaponry as he opened several gated and locked hangers with but a wave of his hand, the toys suddenly becoming available to all present, came in all shapes and sizes, large, small, medium, XL, rough, smooth, and somewhere in between. All present took what they wanted. As he watched El Tee take some of his new NeuroShock Tasers he made a casual warning to the large man "Just be careful using those big guy, they tend to pack more of a punch that the standard run of the mill tazers, also I haven't worked out all the bugs yet so, yeah" he smiled weakly as he was treated to one of the famous El Tee glares, and then prompty shut up.

As the others headed for the meeting point to be ported in, Techno headed for his control room, filled to the brim with monitors and tech, it was where he spent most of the missions, he flicked his hand and the comms all turned on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Catia had a lot of guns on her...she liked guns. Provided they couldn't do much against most mutants but for the ones they could...well she had luck on her side. Literally. Okay that was a bad pun. She shook her head before checking her straps again and then going downstairs.
She caught the bottle with ease and took a dubious look at it, and then at Robert but shrugged.
"I really should be cautious of you, again I apologize for the chair, but my head hurts something fierce and my stomach feels like I ate three servings of my mom's Kholodets, so thank you." She said, before knocking it back. She rechecked all her straps before leaning against a wall to wait for everyone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xyl ported himself back to this room and paced around his room. after ransacking his sock draw and finding more guns than socks. He strapped on a few guns, all of which with blanks. only one side arm had regular bullets in them. The rest he normally charged with his powers to create psionic bullets that gave him a telepathic influence over his victims. it made for a fun way to mind rape people. he walked down the hall tot he meeting room where he was propositioned by Robert. A competition with taco's on the line, "i do enjoy taco's. you got yourself a bet" He glanced around his surroundings real quick "since im on team one i have to port team two first. its only a couple seconds between the two ports. can only hold them open for 5 seconds. " he holds up his hand and opens a portal for team 2. ''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Robert jumped into the portal, and found himself standing outside a wrecked prison fence, dead guards, swat, and MCD troops littering the ground. Sensing that one of them was still alive, he went over to the half-dead man, a Swat Team member. "Let me help you," he said, letting the man's trust fall away. "I'm from Jupiter Security. What can you tell me?" He pulled out his medical kit and removed the gauze, holding it on the man's wound.
"Great, mercenaries, and their muties to boot." Robert pushed harder on the man's wound, making him wince. "'Course, if you're on our side, I guess I can't complain much. I think I know who they're here for. You can't let them have him. He'd destroy us all." The man suddenly seemed out of energy, and started to lose consciousness.
"WHO?" shouted Robert, giving the man a gentle shake to try and wake him, but he only got one word before the man passes out, and any images Mindbreaker was able to gleam were too disjointed to be of much use.
He got up, leaving the unconscious man there, and looked at his two nearby colleges. "He lost too much blood, and will need to be evacuated soon in order to survive. He said something to me though. He didn't think that they were here for Sabretooth or Juggernaut. He thought thy were here for another man, another mutant. Have either of you ever heard of a Mutant named Hammer?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Iron Man arrived shortly after the rest of the Order. No one bothered to tell him the plan. Topanga thought to herself, "Typical leave the robot to figure it out for himself. Still it beats living in that hole in the wall they call a base."

She hovered over the prison for a few minutes, she downloaded the prison schematics and had the on board VA (virtual assistant, precursor to full on AI) hack the security systems. She started talking to no one in particular with her external mic on mute. "Mostly crappers. Few heavy hitters. Hammer never heard of this one, guards are scared shitless of this one."

She then noticed a lifer heading towards Mindbender who was hundled over some guard. She shot the lifer, at that level of power the lifer was knocked unconcious. Iron Man descended to the ground. She turned on the mic and the voice filter. "Back. Watch it." Iron Man pointed to the lifer. "Unconscious, several hours. No one told Iron Man the plan. Should Iron Man assess and work as sole player like normal?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

El Tee stepped through the portal, taking in the 'Jupiter Security' comment. We're going to have to work on our communication he thought to himself. As Mindbender works on the Swat member and Iron Man does his thing over the prison, El Tee glances over the scene where IN dropped them off. Just as he expected with only Swat and MCD here, it's total chaos and anarchy. Pyro torching some cars, Toad jumping on, spitting at, and licking people.....And the Swat and MCD trying their best to get things under control or contained. El Tee smiled to himself, This is going to be fun.
He looks up at Iron Man, "Yes, Normal operating procedures, Iron Man. Be our Eye in the Sky, and do what you do best. If you leave any for me or Mindbender, let us know, heh." Only one thought pops into his head when Mindbender mentions Hammer, "Only if this governmentally funded prison has enough clout to hold Thor. Only Hammer guy that I can think of."
"Techno, are you online," he asked softly. "I'm about to start tagging. I'll tell you, if I can, who's who when I tag. In the meantime, see what you can come up with about this Hammer fellow. Go over their files again and see what you can find." With that, he takes out the odd looking pistol from his thigh holster, pulls on the barrel slightly and extends it into a small rifle. El Tee then starts to aim at all the good guys, popping each one with a tracer beacon (They feel something like a rock hits their back or leg) as he tells techno, "Green for Swat, Swat, Swat Commander, MCD, Swat, MCD, MCD Lieutenant, Swat, MCD." He continues this until they're all tagged, then he changes magazines and starts aiming at the baddies. As he starts popping them, he aims at the furthest baddies first, attempting to name them if he can, or describing them if he doesn't know who they are. "Red for baddies...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BattleShovel
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

When he heard Mindbender say something about Hammer, Techno's finger's flew in a motion that looked like he was playing the piano, meanwhile the keyboard on the other side of the room had its keys pressed up and down furiously, he was searching databases, street cameras, pictures, anything he could think of and thinking to himself that, for a top-secret organization that has some of the best tech on the planet, and he should know, he created most of it, with some of the best decrypted files on the planet, and one of the best minds on the planet operating all of it, he was sure coming up with a whole lotta nothing. "Ain't no natural mutants we've ever heard of codenamed Hammer" he said after a moment, though, ever the conspiracy theorist, he began "Although with all this mega-DNA in one place, is it possible that the US gov has started up that whole ultra-mutate thing again?" he asked to no one in particular,yet it came over the Comms as he added that to the search.

In response to El Tee's tagging, he replied "That's good, keep up the tagging, El Tee, I got a system map here going of the inside and out, your tags are helping a lot, though feel free to join in on the action, I know you like to show off a little big guy" He chuckled slightly, teasing the large super-soldier was fun, but he was still worried about Hammer, still searching the databases, every one that he could find and gain access to, which was pretty much all of them, he kept himself busy though, ordered a pizza on one screen while constructing the map of the area on the other, he was till waiting on team one to report in, their silence was incredibly unnerving. Suddenly a pinging noise was heard by Techno as one of his searches turned up a match, (it's a very sophisticated, complex algorithm, that goes ping) he turned his attention toward it and began reading the files, his face becoming more and more sickened as he continued "Guys, I got good news, I got bad news, and I got worse news. The good news is that I found a classified government file on the HAMMER, the bad news is that, yes, they did restart the project and gave it the teribble codename, and the Hammer, or as we used to know her, Rich dude turned asshole turned vegetable Justin Hammer's incredibly goodlooking, starlet of a sister Justine, wow they had cruel parents, happens to be the one they put other mutants inside.....ew, DNA modulation is so gross" Techno said lightly, but the extreme worry in his voice was still there as he continued to read over the file.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Once Xyl Ported in team two he opened up the portal for team one to get inside the Facility. He hopped through it waiting for the others to follow through. apparently they were supposed to be mischievous and cause massive amounts of confusion and what not. Making noise. mind bendind any freed inmates into doing the same things. if there were any freed inmates that was. All this low key stuff didnt really make sense to him but he quickly realized he had been hoodwinked by senor Mindbender. There were more enemies outside than inside so far so he was at a disadvantage. Nuts. Well the sooner this operation was a go for team one the sooner he could figure out some sort of way to rack up numbers without lying. Xyl was a lot of things... a Liar he was not....ok that might be a lie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Revans Exile
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Revans Exile

Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

After being told to engage in normal operating procedures. "Engaging pacification protocol." Iron Man flew to the sky and began shooting prisoners with basically a stun ray which was the Repulsors on an extremely low setting.

After pacifying all that she could from the sky she cut all thrusters and dropped to the ground. Once the cloud of dust settle Iron Man was it's signature pose.* Standing up Iron Man began shooting other prisoners. Since no one thought it a good idea to give Iron Man any details on who was attacking Topanga was forced to find them on her own by scanning each person individually but the place was big and she hadn't found any yet. This led Topanga to one conclusion, the Order's base and membership must be bugged. They expected an obedient lap dog robot so that is what she will deliver at least on the surface.

An example: http://kyspeaks.com/photos2/iron_man_4.jpg
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mindbender scanned the minds of mutants that managed to survive Iron Man's assault. Interesting, he thought, not all of them want to kill the humans. Some of them are just desperate enough to do what they have to, others are afraid of the leadership. I can use that. Opening up their minds to the part of them that didn't want to hurt people, he selected a song and started playing it over his suit's speakers.

After the lyrics started, some of the mutants paused, giving the non-mutants they were fighting the opportunity to defeat them. Others who weren't in battle simply stopped fighting and started to walk back to the staging area. "What do you think you're doing?" asked Pyro as one of them walked by him.
"I'm sorry sir, I just can't do this anymore. It's not right" he said, and kept walking.
Pyro started barking orders to the deserters, and Mindbender could tell that Toad, who was standing on a MCD officer nearby had a problem with him giving orders. The feeling was close to the surface, so it was a simple matter to push Toad to the point where he couldn't take anymore. "Oh, just stow it," he said to Pyro, "you're not a real leader anyway. The only reason you're in charge here is because Scarlet Witch requested it. Makes me wonder exactly what you did to earn her favor."
"What's it matter what I did?" asked Pyro. "I'm in charge and it's none of your business what I do or who I do it with."
Normally, that would be the end of the conversation, but under Mindbender's influence Toad wasn't willing to take it. He yelled and jumped at Pyro, causing the leader to stop fighting and defend himself.
This lead to several other Brotherhood members remembering old grudges, which Mindbender quickly used to his advantage. With a little musical help he soon had them at each other's throats, settling old feuds.

"There," Mindbender said to the others in his squad, "that should make things easier."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

El Tee smirked as he began to see the infighting due to Mindbender as well as the stunned and downed mutants due to Iron Man. "Team One, pacification is under way." After he finished tagging the people on the field, he pushes the barrel back into the rifle, making it a pistol again, and then holsters it on his thigh. He then draws out his sidearm, checks the magazine and makes sure one is chambered, then starts looking for dust trails that might be Quicksilver.
"Techno, are you sure about this Hammer girl? Am I understanding that she should be inside as a prisoner? Or are these mutants being used and abused, whether it be with or against their will?" While listening to the reply, he begins to take a very careful and steady aim at Pyro's fuel canister on his back. Thinking to himself, This will certainly piss him off, but eh, oh well.
"Seventy five meter shot," El Tee fires, missing by about a foot and hitting the dirt. He then takes a deep breath, lets it out nice and slow, and squeezes the trigger again, this time puncturing and exploding the fuel canister. He mutters to himself as the explosion blasts Toad and Pyro into different directions, "Gotta work a bit more on that aim."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BattleShovel
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Nice shooting Tex, must be getting soft in your old age" Techno liked teasing the old super soldier, it was all in good fun, and there were generally ample opportunities to do so, finally realizing that The Iron Man was on the scene from some weird static on the radio, Techno wired a version of the plan that a robot could understand to 'Old Iron Butt' as he called it, which he did mostly because whatever program the robot was running wouldn't let Techno work on it, and kept Techno from scanning it, hacking it, or 'upgrading' it, and that stuck in the large Technokinetic's craw a little bit. Techno, after wiring the aforementioned plans, continued "El Tee, I'm sure that's what the file says, as for where she is, I don't know, could be that's where they keep her to recover from the procedures, could be she pissed off the wrong people and landed there, although it seems unlikely that they would be able to hold her anywhere considering the people she's had put inside her. Or it could be just a training exercise for her, hell if that's the case it could all just be a trap for us, the X-Men, the Brotherhood, SHIELD, even the Avengers, or anyone who decides to show up" Techno conjectured "the file isn't really helping, and neither is anything else I'm finding, whoever these people are, they keep incredibly cryptic notes and mostly all on hardcopy I'm guessing, jeez, don't they know that it's much safer to keep everything you have online" Techno was frustrated, he didn't like the feeling of frustration, so he turned his attention to something else "Team One, how we doing?" he asked, slightly worried that no one from Team one had radioed in yet, he snapped his fingers and a cold bottle filled with a fizzing beverage flew to his hand from his minifridge that he kept at the back of the control room, the label read "X-Ale, take a deep breath and X-Ale, you'll feel better" Techno liked puns, he smiled as he popped the cap and drank deeply, awaiting responses, his fingers still flying across the keyboards, trying to find out anything else useful about Hammer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After everyone who needed to come through the team one portal came through the portal Xyl started to play. He took on pistol out of its holster and slid through another portal on his own into another corner of the Prison. If the intel was right Quicksilver and Scarlet witch were in here. everyone was worring about Quicky but the lady in red was a bit more of an issue honestly. That and he had no idea who this Hammer person was, didnt matter. what mattered is that if he didnt start offing people Mindbender would get a head of him in their bet and that was a bid no no. So he poked his head around the corner. one of the security guards looked at him, but Xyl shot first from a portal he opened up behind the guard. Jackpot instant access to the mans..womans sorry, mind. All the riot gear makes it hard to tell jeesh. This way he found out where this alleged Hammer chick was in the building. For a mutant holding facility it sure had some lax security, who tells the normal officeres where the high profile people are. they had to have been bragging. that must be it... well portal time. lets see whats on the other side
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Winter


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Annabelle's form transformed into a beautiful crystal clear diamond form, the lights catching and reflecting a prism of color you could see within the minerals if you looked hard enough. As she landed on the other side it appeared she'd been ported slightly away from the others, something that happened occasionally and something she'd need to report to Techno so he could take a look at it again. Although honestly he likely already noticed. She turned around to see two slightly stunned looking prisoners that looked too each other momentarily before one blasted her with a plume of fire which washed across her form. When the flames dissipated she took a step forwards before stating, "You have no idea how much trouble you're in..." she said telepathically before she lunged forwards, uppercutting the one with Pyromancy in the stomach so hard that he was taken off his feet into the air before she grabbed the other and threw him into the other who was now falling. sending them both flying down the hall. She waited to see if they got up again before she opened up her COM using her mind, "Techno, this is Diamond. I'm in but I've been dropped away from the others, how about playing GPS for me?" she asked as she checked around for more prisoners.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Mindbender, get inside and find out what's going on with Team One. Maybe one of the Mutants inside is jamming our signal or something? Plus, you and IN have a bet going on. Looks like, at the moment, Iron Man and I can handle the goons out here." With that, he taps his mic and says, "Techno, Mindbender needs a ride inside, get IN to get him to whatever action is on the inside, please."
Without getting a response, El Tee jumps over whatever they were using as a barricade and holsters his pistol. He runs, flat out, towards the nearest section of fencing. On his way, in a surprisingly calm and un-winded voice, he speaks over the comms, "Iron Man, El Tee's on the field. Support as necessary, but cover your Six." Just as he finishes, he leaps up onto the prison's first fence, climbing it with practiced ease. He cuts his hand and arms on the barbed wire, which heal over as he jumps from the top of the first fence to the top of the second fence. Some more minor scratches as he flips over that set of barbed wire and onto the ground. He looks around and bellows a fierce challenging cry to whatever prisoners remain in the basketball court he landed in.
Two guys and a woman take up the challenge and begin to rush El Tee. He dances around them, dodging, blocking, tumbling, and trading punches for about a minute. During this time, El Tee's brain analyzes their individual fighting styles and begins to produce counter attack routines. Another fifteen seconds later, one of the guys throws a punch from about 10 feet away, stretching his limbs to reach that far. El Tee grabs the offending fist, yanks hard, and tosses the man into the fence. He dodges the woman's scratch, noting that her nails are metal. He deflects her next scratch into the other goon, and notes that her claws are really sharp, as the fingers sink into the man's stomach.
During the next fifteen seconds, El Tee gets punched in the back of the head by Mr. Stretchy. He uses this force to propel his own head into the nose of the Claw woman, breaking it and blinding her with pain and blood. El Tee takes a peek around, noticing that the other goon's blood is hot, boiling lava. He's out for the count as the goon tries to scoop the lava back into his stomach. El Tee dodges the next punch from Mr. Stretchy, and deflects it into the broken nose of the Claw woman. Bam, out for the count as well.
As the fist begins its return home, El Tee grabs it again. This time, he yanks Mr. Stretchy towards the Lava guy, slamming rubber body into hot lava. He retains hold on the arm as he stalks towards the duo on the ground. He then ties Mr. Stretchy around the Lava guy's stomach. "You two play nice and keep each other alive, why don't ya?" El Tee walks over to the Claw woman as she begins to stir and football kicks her in the head. "G'nite."
He taps his earpiece, "Three goons down. Sitrep, please." El Tee glances around for more targets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BattleShovel
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Techno spun in his chair as Annabelle radioed in, bringing up the relevent map on his holoprojector, he saw where the pretty transformative mutant was and typed a few things on his keyboard before reporting back to Annabelle, sounding only a bit frustrated "Sorry 'bout that Diamond, we'll take another crack at it after this mission, I swear one of these days we'll get it right, luckily, this time you're only about two hallways down from the rest, take a right, then your first left, then follow that hallway to the end, you should run right into them" It frustrated Techno that he couldn't figure out a way to make Xyl's teleporting work more accurately for Annabelle, but he didn't really have time to focus on that rght now.

"Hear that IN?" he asked into his comm, bringing Mindbender's coordinate's up on the screen he took them and sent them to Xyl's comm, which would relay them into the psychic teleporter's ear, it was a feature that made life a lot easier for him that Techno had come up with a few missions ago, it made for much more accurate and quick teleporting than having to describe it all to Xyl. "Get him in there, the sooner you do, the sooner you can get back to your bet" Techno threw in as a little extra motivation for the teleporter.

"El Tee, Xyl's 'ports are on their way, and may I say, you appear to have not lost a single step despite your incredible age, also despite the silence on the part of the rest of the team, I heard from Diamond, seems she got teleported a few hallways away from the rest of the team, as usual, which means that whatever is blocking our signals, if anything, must be coming from one or more of the Brotherhood, or from Hammer herself, also there are two goons approaching from your 7 o'clock"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mindbender stepped out of the portal near a group of escaped prisoners. Apparently, when they had come through the area, the Brotherhood had released the doors in this small cell block. "You our ride outta here?" asked an eight foot tall monster-looking man.
"Actually, I'm supposed to keep you in here." replied Mindbender.
"You really think you can take on the Ogre?" asked the tall man. His mind quickly went to his toughened skin and Mindbender's gun, which he was sure he could withstand.
"How do you know I can't?" asked Mindbender. When he said that, most of the other gathered mutants started wondering what he could do. Super strength? Telekinesis? Shoot exploding deathballs from his fingertips? Mindbender played on this, knowing that even without his help their minds would quickly think up much more deadly possibilities. The fact that Mindbender was standing up to the most feared Supervillain in the cell block helped as well.

Mindbender started playing the song while tweaking their fears, and their fear increased. Once it had started to work, and he realized that Ogre was the only one not growing afraid of him, he pointed the gun at Ogre's chest and fired an entire clip into him. This knocked Ogre down, and made him start fearing Mindbender as well. When the Growl in the song occurred all but Ogre ran back into their cells. He slowly backed away into his own, making sure he kept an eye on Mindbender. Mindbender reloaded, and when they were all back into their cells, Mindbender walked over to the controls and closed the doors.
He surveyed the cells to make sure no one was missing, and found an empty cell with five-claw marks one the walls. "Techno," he said, taping his ear piece, "Cell block D, cell 7. Please verify that it's Sabertooth. The prisoner in that cell is missing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Xyl Threw up portals as he was directed. Sending his people on their merry way. when he got the message that Sabertooth had potentially escaped he got excited. He opened a portal into a crowded cell block and fired into it, catching one of the released inmates. Though he closed the portal he still had control of the inmates mind. It must have been his lucky day because this one was a lightning rod. so he made the poor soul overcharge. the electrical explosion downed a lot of people but it wasnt enough to kill anyone... ok it might have been but it would have not really been on purpose so it didnt matter. with most of them down in the room He ported himself in with his hand on the trigger. Prison has a culture, there is always someone who knows everything, they tended to be the leaders in riots like this. so he just had to find the one that fit the bill. Not necessarily the biggest, but the one that was in the center of the biggest crowd, possibly one who didnt even bother to leave their cell. Bingo. when a body was pushed over by another one across the room Xyl knew he found his mark.

He put a gun to the mans head "easy way i shoot you, Hard way you talk. Your pick, Who's the biggest name in this place?" The man looked up and glared at Xyl but didnt speak... so he pulled the trigger. delving into the mans mind was harder than he was used to but still got the information he was looking for... There was a Hammer in the toolbox..i mean prison. and a saber tooth. good news... hold on wasnt there someone else in there? the growing sound of a charging Juggernaut jogged his memory. "oh yea Marco polo" he said just as the wall bursted open and the Juggautnaut was coming straight for him. naturally he opened a portal beneath him so he slipped under neath the behemoth "guuys... i got the Jujubean"
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