Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Morgan Freeman said It was simply another day inside of Fujimi Academy. Birds were chippering amongst siblings, teachers sat inside of air-conditioned classrooms, boredly taking role, while students meandered the halls, either skipping, or carrying out an errand for a lazy professor. Unknown to the populace...this wouldn't be a simple school day, like the rest of the days. It would be a Hell of a lot worse...'cuz zombies n shit.

Yami frowned boredly, turning away from Mrs. Nemu's lecture on the correct geographical structure of yada yada yada. It was all very, very dull, and the boy could only cringe inwardly at the fact that this was the second or third class in the school day - meaning that he still had hours of torture to sit through. His eyes glanced over the small stack of paper footballs he created, and the boy smirked deviously, lining up the triangular wad of trash and flicking his fingers carefully.

"Mr. Kitsuga-"

A chorus of loud, childish laughter and giggles rang throughout the classroom. Nemu slowly reached into her tight bun, grabbing the paper triangle and throwing it on the floor. "Leave." With a melodramatic flourish, she pointed towards the door, spots of red touching her wrinkled cheeks. A grin appeared on Yami's face, and the boy stood up from his seat, grabbing his black backpack on his way to the door.

"Time to...waste time. Woop!"

He exited the classroom with a 'bang', just in time to hear his butthurt teacher yell about going to the principal's office.

God damn it.

(So, I'll post the whole zombie-starting fiasco in one of my next posts.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sinopa couldn't handle it. She wanted to pay attention, she really did, but she just couldn't. She started doodling on the corner of her notebook. It wasn't really a doodle, it was a diagram of the human body. Sinopa marked out vital organs and veins, as the teacher drones on. Finished with her diagram Sinopa thought back to her days volunteering at the hospital. Even checking people in at the hospital was more fun than this, at least stuff was happened there. Man, sometimes I wish I could go back to America, Sinopa thought. Oh how she wished for something exciting to happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 days ago

Angelo was writing all the important things that the teacher pointed out but he knew he was going to die of boredom soon. What he wouldn't give to find a kindred spirit that shared his love for helping others. Angelo stayed near the corner seat by the door, he always had the same philosophy when it came to class 'first one in, first one out' he always made sure to get to work early so he could leave even earlier he had hoped he would get to the medical classes soon so he would be able to actually find interest in something a teacher says. Although Angelo was board out of his skull he never stopped working to his best abilities.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiro's Prelude

Sitting in class was such a pain when outside was such a nice day. Hiro was a good student an tried not to cause trouble or make waves but sometimes being locked indoors was like being trapped an today was one of those days.
She focused on her class book reading the lesson data provided and could find little to interest her as new. She knew that should she appear to waver in her attention that the instructor would call on her and try to trip her up an make her look foolish.
This was seldom accomplished because Hiro's memory was her best asset and her teacher's mostly too lazy to formulate a question outside of the core data. All she had to do was make sure to read ahead and memorize the class books as if they were part of a play she was in and solve any problems ahead of time then she was safe.
Today's lesson was set in a military Academy and this teacher was a spy for the bad guys sent to cause her failure so that they wouldn't have to face her in the tournament. Hiro's character was the slightly dizzy type that was in fact a genius of the present subject. If the teacher asked her a question her response was supposed to sound as if she were guessing every answer with uncanny accuracy.
Hiro was one day going to be an international actress who's skill at taking on any role would become legend. She didn't want to be the type of actress that depended on her looks, in fact she wanted to take on roles that people thought she couldn't play. She wanted to be the hero, the villain and even the lead's best friend or even maid, Hiro wanted to act and no part was beyond or beneath her.
The instructor was inspecting her attention on the lesson so she gave him a vacuous smile like she was simply there.
She could see him about to ask her a question till he focused behind her and found a better target.
She for her part wondered if she'd over sold her character an scared him off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Everyday was the same; Wake up, eat, go to school. An endless cycle that only pauses momentarily in the summer. We were all puppets, no matter how rebellious or 'unique' we were.
Itoe sat in her math class, her attention was focused on the blank lined piece of paper in front of her. She didn't appear to pay attention, nor did she care anyways, she could easily take notes from an unsuspecting victim. The girl appeared to lost in her thoughts, her eyes were blank and almost devoid of life. The fingertips of her right hand gently pulled and twirled her extremely short black hair, a slight habit that she picked up as a child whenever she felt bored. A small sigh managed to escape her lips as she turned the blank page over to another blank page as a futile attempt to look like she was actually reading something.
Itoe was intelligent and passed all of her classes with flying colors, so currently, school work wasn't important to her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Matthew sat on the roof of the school, while everyone was being bored to death, he was sitting up here relaxing.....Also being bored to death. Drinking the rest of his soda he tossed the can off the building, maybe someone would get hit by it. He sighed, thinking he should probably head back down and go to class. He could probably learn something, and raise his grade....But on the other hand get multiple glances by all the students, hearing the whispers, hell even the teachers didn't feel comfortable around him.

One situation outweighed the other, he'd stay up here until school ended, hopefully don't get caught by teachers or the principle. Hell, he'd leave right at this minute. Standing up he walked back into the school, heading down the stairs with his hands placed in his pockets. Can't really blame 'em for not being comfortable around me though, big guy, history of violence....Could still get to know a guy before judging him, like Alex, he thought to himself, then began thinking of Alex. His raven black hair, light brown eyes, those lips.....Matthew snapped out of it, noticing his flush he began looking at the ground. Wish you were here....

Continuing to walk down the hall to get to the other staircase he noticed someone leave their classroom....Was that that Kitsugaia kid? He began looking closer, and as it turned out it was him, Matthew would have had said hey if it wasn't for the fake personality. He stood up straight with a cold face, as he walked past Kitsugaia he muttered, "Asshole stole my haircut," but loud enough for him to hear. He gave a smirk afterwards but it disappeared quickly. Atleast he knows not to be boring, unlike the rest, Matthew thought from the evidence of him leaving the classroom.

Now.....Time to get out of here, go home, and cook some steak over rice. His stomach began to growl after that comment, yet it seemed his stomach always growled at the mention and thought of steak over rice, nothing could really compare....Except for Pizza, anyone who didn't like Pizza were wrong and deserved to get hit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hitsumi, Sakura

Sitting quietly in the middle of her class Sakura idly scribbled notes, occasionally looking up to see what to write down next. She softly sighed under her breath, lazily resting her cheek in her palm with her elbow propped on the desk. She slowly stopped writing notes and began making little animal doodles on the edges of her paper. Today was her birthday and her parents missed it again thanks to business trips. Though they made sure to send her some sort of expensive gift; though she left the box unopened on her bed. Expensive gadgets couldn't sate her loneliness and desire to see her parents more.

She eventually gave up, no longer wanting to sit around in class.

"May I be excused?" She asked in a soft tone after raising her hand. The teacher looked back and nodded before turning back to the chalkboard.

Sakura set her pencil atop her notebook and pushed herself to her feet. Going across the back of the class to leave was simply her style, out of sight from her peers. She pushed through the sliding door and closed it as quietly as she could. Turning around suddenly she slammed into someone, bouncing off him and falling hard onto her rump. She winced, "Owie.." she whimpered under her breath as she rubbed her backside.

Looking up she noticed him. The same guy most of the kids were telling rumors about; she thought she remembered that his name was Matthew, but she wasn't one hundred percent sure. "I am sorry." She apologized softly, shyly looking away as she pushed herself back up to her feet. Brushing the dust off the back of her skirt and flattening the creases. "Here, let me get you something from the vending machine to pay you back for bumping into you." She offered, turning to look down the hall at the two vending machines motionless next to the other.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As he continued walking he closed his eyes for a second, but from that one second he had bumped into someone immediately stopping, annoyed that it took that quick for him to do so with his eyes closed. He opened them and looked down with his eyes narrowed and arms now crossed. "Owie.." he had heard the girl say as she rubbed her backside, inspecting her face more he recognized her. Sakura was it? He had class with her, classes he hardly showed up to anymore. He knew she was Japanese American like he was, probably the only fucking thing they had in common.

"I am sorry," he heard her apologize as she stood up brushing off her skirt. "Whatever, I guess," he replied.

As she offered to buy him something for bumping into him, it made him angry. Letting his arms drop he got closer to, looking down at her with the same narrowed eyes, "So you're one of those people huh? Just because you think I'll beat you up if you don't apologize doesn't mean you have to play nice and buy me shit, alright!?" he said angrily, he then noticed his tone and posture which made him back up and lose the angry look. Stuffing his hands back into his pockets he looked away, "I won't beat you up alright? I'm not like that..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Litepow
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Litepow Dastardly Deadpan

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nakamura let out a long winded groan as he stared at the clock. Time was virtually at a stand still, it appeared. The second hand of the math class clock appeared to be fighting against gravity as each grueling moment passed. Nakamura's leg uncontrollably bounced up and down, a defect of his damned anxiety. Cursing under his breath, Nakamura rested his hand on his thigh in hopes of nullifying his restless leg syndrome. Slow down, deep breath, happy thoughts, cute puppies, chill out, et cetera et cetera...

His thoughts soon turned sour as he glanced over to catch Itoe reading the blank pages of her copybook. The neutral expression on Nakamura's face turned into the perpetual scowl that he always associated with the "Ice Queen" of Fujimi Academy. Itoe was always one to boast about her supreme intellect and study habits, but here she was, putting on her smart-girl rouse in order to trick the plebs into believing her, but her gaze was fixated on the empty pages of her book. Always the hypocrite, Itoe. You keep trying to trick these assholes into thinking you're the top dog around here. Won't work on me, no sir. I know your game, I can see through you...

Nakamura's leg started back up. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, butterflies and parks and stuff. The day's almost over, no need to get worked up right now, Naki. Go for a walk, clear your head.

Nakamura raised his hand and asked his teacher calmly to be excused. The teacher allowed him to do so, probably because Nakamura is hardly ever a problem in class. Nakamura took his leave and let out an alleviated sigh as he made his way down the hall, hands in his pockets and head fixated on the floor. He let his mind wander, something he liked to do more often than not. A good walk, especially in the middle of the school day, would allow his mind to roam and to take his mind off of the things that triggered his anxiety.

"Ooof!" Nakamara spun slightly as another student, seemingly in a hurry, brushed past his shoulder. Catching a glimpse of the guy's face, he could see that it was the infamous Yami Kitsugaia: Troublemaker extraordinaire. "What's the rush, guy?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jake Sterling

As always Jake was sitting in the library, stacks of books were surrounding him. Barelly making him visible towards those who are aswell in the library.
As Jake scrolled trough his ipad, lostening to his music from his ipod and changing the page's of the book he is reading, he also always checked his surrounding. It was something he learned from his old school, something that slipped inside his mind for the bullies that always chased. As he took of his glasses to clean them he coudnt see much, just some blurred books infront of him and people walking by , he placed his glasses back on his head as he kept changing his pages. He already read this book for quite some times and always kept a notebook with important information in his small bag that was hanging on his belt.
But for this book there wasn't anything interesting anynore to write about in his notebook, so he closed it. Stood up and started to slowly place back the books he took from their shelves, keeping his eyes on his surrounding.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Damn teacher, damn principal, damn school, damn country..." If one were to look at Yami Kitsugaia at that exact moment, they would be both fearful and awed by the waves of pure annoyance and anger that seemed to be pulsing off of the tall, broad-shouldered boy in waves. Being sent to the principal's office wasn't something that was entirely new to him. After all, he was one of the biggest troublemakers in the school - and it wasn't just because of the rebellious hair and his refusal to wear the school's stuffy ass uniform. He often just did things that he wanted to do, whether it be making wonderful spraypaint art on the roof of the school's building - more often then not it being his regular 'symbol of vandalism', which is usually a large white skull with demonic red horns coming from it's cranium. Picking fights with the officers, starting arguments just to see the other part become pissed, and then beating their own skull into the ground under a false pretense of it being self-defense. All in the fun of things.

But, for some reason, he wasn't feeling the whole 'sitting in the office twirling a ballpoint pin intimidatingly' act was going to work. He had way too much energy due to being cooped up in that stifling classroom with that stifling, wrinkly-assed old bat that went by the human name of 'Nemu', despite her mother and father both being orcs that were sent from World of Warcraft to create an abomitable monster of a daughter. Yeah...it was pretty obvious to see that he was pissed. The hallways seemed to stretch on for hours as the boy walked towards the long corridor that lead to the entrance of the school - and therefore, to the principal's office. That is, until some wise smartass decided to walk by him with a muttered 'Asshole stole my haircut'. Asshole turned to walk to another hallway - just in time, too. Otherwise, an extremely sharp, extremely jagged, and extremely painfully wicked pocketknife would have been embedded inside of his pin-brain. Too bad the wall beside him wasn't lucky enough

"Fucker..." Yami cursed, rather loudly and bluntly, yanking the knife from the wall and swiftly pocketing the blade. That boy was...who? Oh....Matthew Humus? Matthew Hymen? Someone he didn't really know all that well, to be honest. 'Psh, let's go with that.' Chuckling to himself, Yami began walking once more, stuffing his hands into his pockets. The principal office waits for no one. Brushing past a shorter student on his 'rush to the office', Yami began walking away with a muttered apology, but was stopped by the sound of the boy's voice.

"What's the rush, guy?"

"The Principal wants to attempt molestation on another student before the feds decide to bomb this place. Anyways, yo." From the sound and appearance of the boy, he seemed to be someone cool and casual. Talking to him seemed moderately better than going to the principal's office.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 3 days ago

Once the teacher started talking about smaller details Angelo finally tuned out as he rubbed his eyes trying to stay awake which was getting more and more difficult as the teacher kept talking and he really needed to get something to drink so he raised his hand and asked the teacher to be excused and since Angelo was always writing down his notes he allowed it as Angelo got up and he walked out into the hall seeing a few people as he avoided talking to the people in the hall not wanting a fight or something to start because of him. As he went around to look for one of those juice machines wondering if they had soda or something
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by El_Tigre


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sakura cringed a little as Matthew glared down at her with narrowed eyes. She stared up at him, not having been afraid of him other than this very moment. As he seemed to settle his nerves and step back Sakura blushed. Embarrassed that she had gotten a little afraid. It wasn't like her to act in such a way. She cleared her throat, using her fingers to brush her hair back in line. She looked off to the side shyly, crossing her left forearm along her stomach and holding onto her elbow. (sort of like this)

"I wasn't worried about you hurting me..." She admitted quietly. "I was just sorry for bumping into you, is all.."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sinopa had waited long enough. She raised her hand to go to the bathroom. She was finally out of that classroom. She washed her face. I feel so refreshed, I don't want to go back to class but I guess I have to, she thought as she dried her hands. Sinopa wanted some excitement in her life and it just wasn't happening. All of her classes, except her class on medicine, were so boring. I really want something unexpected and new to happen today, Sinopa thought as she reentered her classroom and sat down.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hearing that she wasn't worried about him hurting her came as a shock to him, which showed in his face a little as he looked down at her. He sighed and spoke, "Well that's the first I've heard that....So t-thanks, I guess," he said, somewhat shyly as he ran a hand through his hair eyes drifting away before laying back on her again. "You shouldn't be sorry, it's neither of our faults really....I turned the corner just as you walked out of your class, I guess my size just got the better of you right?....I'm sorry for the outrage," he said as he leaned his back against the wall with his hand back in his pocket, "Not used to people being nice to me unless it's to stop me from punching them.....Just hope they'd realize nothing can stop me from punching them if I really wanted to." He noticed he was dropping his character around this girl, which caused him to say the last sentence. He didn't know why he started dropping character, probably because she genuinely seemed nice, atleast that was one person in the school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Litepow
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Litepow Dastardly Deadpan

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Seems like the usual Fujimi treatment," Nakamura said with a smirk. Yami was just as intimidating as the lunchroom chatter suggested: He was burly, mean looking, and even in his moments of what seem to be peace, he looked to be on edge and ready for a fight. He was the embodiment of what a higher education is afraid to produce, a true brute. Despite this, Nakamura tried to straighten himself out and put on a casual mask.

But I'm sure you're used to it by now. If I could hazard to guess, you're Yami Kitsugaia. If that's the case, you've pretty much become somewhat of a legend around here. Name's Nakamura Takei." Nakamura couldn't help but feel just the teensiest bit afraid of Yami. After all, there was only about a 4 inch height difference and Nakamura was obviously not strong based on an eye test alone.

Please don't kill me, sir...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Act 1 scene 1 'Hiro's day drags on"

The Instructor looking at his watch told the class he was leaving early but expected them all to continue studying the next chapter because tomorrow was a test.
Groans were heard mixed with stifled cheers as he left them all to their own devices till lunch in 15 minutes.
No sooner had the Instructor left than half the class vanished and all but a few actually remained to study.
Weighing her options Hiro decided to ditch with the slackers then headed to her locker to fetch her lunch. Not a great cook Hiro had bought an extra large Lunch box from the store near her apartment. It was filled with prawns an rice her two most favorite foods and to drink she had two Red Monkey Juices, they were super sugary kids drinks from Okinawa that most out grew by her age.
Heading up to the small roof of the science wing she grabbed a spot she liked to look out at the city from. It was noisy there because of a nearby air circulator by that noise ensured that Hiro had peace during her meal.
She sat down in the shade the Circulator and opened her lunch box then took a long drink from her juice which even the Otaku in her club said was so sweet it crossed their eyes.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Litepow said
Nakamura said with a smirk. Yami was just as intimidating as the lunchroom chatter suggested: He was burly, mean looking, and even in his moments of what seem to be peace, he looked to be on edge and ready for a fight. He was the embodiment of what a higher education is afraid to produce, a true brute. Despite this, Nakamura tried to straighten himself out and put on a casual mask. Nakamura couldn't help but feel just the teensiest bit afraid of Yami. After all, there was only about a 4 inch height difference and Nakamura was obviously not strong based on an eye test alone.

"A legend?" Yami raised a sharp black eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest and giving the shorter, yet older teen a surprised expression. He understood that quite a few people knew him as the Close Quarters Combat captain, but a legend? Pshaw! "That's cool. I gotta head to the off-" he began, but was cut off by the intercom suddenly blaring from beside his ears. God damn it.

"Yami Kitsugaia report to the offi-"

"Shut the fuck up! Raptor Jesus!" He groaned, flipping the cameras the one-fingered salute, before turning back around and giving Nakamura the peace sign. "Gotta split. Peace out." Yami turned around fully, and jogging towards the office. If he kept the man waiting a second longer, than he'd have an aneurism.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jake Sterling

As Jake placed back the books, he still was quite looking around, aldo he wasn't bullied in this school. Once he placed back all the books he took from the stacks, placed his ipad back in his back and removed his earbuds, he started to walk for the door of the library to leave it.
Once out of the library he looked at his watch, to see how late it was... Lunch time, he walked towards the stairs to go to the roof, he had a spot there wich wasn't that crowded.
As he ascended the stairs, he still looked around him, to see if he was followed or if anyone was even walking behind him, it was something he always did.
As he came to the roof he looked around, it was quite crowded, but his spot was still empty, no one ever sat at the spot he picked out, because it was quite dark and the sun barelly touched it. As he walked for his spot, he took out his lunch, Jake knew how to cook so it wasn't that hard to make a lunch for himself.
As he sat down against the fence, he opened his lunchbox and slowly started to eat the sandwiches that were inside it. Still observing his surrounding, aldo his body was quite relaxed...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 4 days ago

Despite passing on to autumn, the culmination of the past summer seemed to linger.

Globules of sweat beaded down Howlite Maeda's face as he jogged around the grand track for the fifth or so time. Passing the drill instructor of a physical education instructor once more, the man raised his arm and pointed towards the shadow of an enormous tree at his flank, advising him to rest since he had completed his laps for the day.

Raising the bottom of his shirt and up to his face to dry it off, Howlite took a seat against the tree bark and watched as the rest of the gym class droned by, groaning as they had two more laps to complete. A detached group of students walked by, chattering rather loudly as they turned back and forth between him and their friends.

"Holy shit, he's already done," one of the boys said. "Who is that?"

"One of the upperclassmen, I think." another answered.

The last one snickered, "Probably one of those rich kids. What a showoff."

Howlite frowned at the last comment, scratching the back of his head. As much as he was used to ridicule for being one of those rich kids, he still never understood why it was such a big deal. Other than the fact that his family possessed all of that money, he was just a normal teenager who was lucky to have access to those privileges. It slightly annoyed him, how wealth was frowned down upon simply because of the mass stereotype.

Given, Howlite never let the thought bother him as it did before; the only thing that mattered to him was that he was enjoying each day. Seeing his friends and doing well in both school and sports, that was all he really needed. "Just have to wait, now.." he leaned back, resting up as he patiently waited for the class to finish.
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