The Wanderer said
deadpixel101 said
Vick is nominated to be guild lackey.
Silver Fox said
So many ships!!!*munches cookie waiting for Dead's post*
deadpixel101 said
You will have to wait for someone else to post before me!
Dark Revenger Knight said
Ares needs someone that isn't emotionally attached to keep an eye on him. Calm down guys, he's obviously discussing business with her. Heh.
The Wanderer said
I KNOW! Suicide bomber ability? Reduce health to zero in exchange for a 1 hit kill.... no? bad idea? .... ok
The Wanderer said
I KNOW! Suicide bomber ability? Reduce health to zero in exchange for a 1 hit kill.... no? bad idea? .... ok
The Wanderer said
I KNOW! Suicide bomber ability? Reduce health to zero in exchange for a 1 hit kill.... no? ? .... ok
deadpixel101 said
I swear to god if ONE MORE voltorb does that do me I AM GOING TO GERMAN SUPLEX THE STATUE OF LIBERTY
Dark Revenger Knight said
Volunteers for the front lines with Ares? I figured he's probably one of the hardest hitters so naturally he goes in first (also as guild master he won't ask anyone to go where he isn't willing to but he's down for anything so it doesn't really matter).
Silver Fox said
Prince will be there as well but he won't be a heavy hitter. XD just distracting the enemy and doing damage as he moves around them.
Dark Revenger Knight said
I figured Prince would be there. And I'm expecting Alessia and Lilith to as well.
The Wanderer said
Fool can't be on the front lines? D: But he can last a whole TWO hits against a troll. Perfect, right?
MissMaggots said
Whew, I fell asleep reading, woke up, worked all day, napped, and now I'm here. Still contemplating where to hop in at, I don't want to impede anyone's current scenes.