Name: Ireane Calinde to humans, Sam to those that know her past.
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Alignment: Shade.
Personality: While it would be a bit much to call it a split personality, Ireane has clearly noticable moodswings.
Most of the time, she feels like every other 23 year old girl, with the slight difference that she feels the incredible urge to hurt people. In this mood, she will laugh and joke around, and while she might not be able to resist poisoning you a bit, she would never overdose. She feels sadness at her memories of Lilith, but realizes that they are only memories. She will fight Paladins, but doesn't go out of her way to find them.
Other times, she is tired of it all, having seen and done the worst the world has to offer. At times like these, she recognizes her previous lives as part of her own, and pushes her identity as Ireane in favor of the Shade Sam. She will not smile, and is determined to kill the Paladins as a last gift to Lilith before she ends this life as well.
Sometimes, she lets out her anger at the world, and hatred at the the ones that took away her Lilith. Annoying her in this mood is as good as a death sentence if you are a human or Paladin.
Power: Ability to turn water into poison.
Weapons: A sword, also depicted in her picture,
History: For 10 happy years, the Calinde family believed they had it all. But on the night of their daughter's 10th birtday, something happened to her. She had nightmares of past lives, full of murder, death and pain. Over the course of one year, she remembered it all, every moment of her four previous lives. At the end of that year, the happy little girl had disappeared. The only moments that she seemed even close to happiness were the moments she swung her sword, so her loving parents decided she should take classes. Soon she became the best of the entire class, beating even those who were years older than her. However, she was violent, and was sometimes consumed with rage for a to her parents unknown reason. She had to be taken off of fightsports when she almost killed a girl who made a joke about suicide. Her parents took her to a psychiater, who put her on medication. It was then that she started geting her moodswings. Her parents rejoiced however, because most of the time, it was almost as if they had their little girl back. At her sixteenth birthday, she walked out of the house, never to return again. She has since lived with other Shades, teaching her new body the ropes again.
Brief history of previous life/lives:
First life:
Carima Hovery.
Carima Hovery was refered to by some as a saint, taking care of all those in need without a word of complaint. A nurse by profession, she was often called the only ray of sunshine in the cruel world of the chronic ill. It was all to mask her crimes, as she went out of her way to make people miserable. Often the people she helped were victims of her ploys, and so they grew to love her, not knowing she was the one hurting them. She smiled and helped out the unfortunate, but only those she knew would spread the word. For years she went on, perfecting her act and rooting herself in in the society. She died in a fire at the hospital. People believed she was there to try and save patients, but the truth is that she started the fire herself to deal with one of the patients who had realized her true nature. On her way out however, she was knocked out by a falling beam, never to wake up again. The new hospital built on the same place is named after her, and her patients believed until their death, that their sudden increase in health was a result of her watching over them as an angel.
Quote: "I know honey... Drink this, it will make you feel better..."
Lived: 1844-1898
Sam SmallSam was an orphan on the streets of a big city. Left alone by those that should take care of him, he started showing his psychopathic side even before he remembered his past. He started out small, hurting those around him for fun, but got around to arson later. He took especial pleasure in hurting those more fortunate than him, as deep inside he felt betrayed by the world. When he regained him memory of his past life, he went straight up to murder. Not yet used to his new powers, he didn't show the refinery he would get later. His victims were all gutted, and while most of the innards could be found around them, the spleen would always be missing. As a serial killer who trusted in his superior strength to get away, making no effort to conceal his tracks, Sam murdered countless of victims before gettting caught and killed. While this life has been a short one, it is the source of the name Shades know him by, and has had the highest deathcount so far.
Quote: "Keep your money big guy... It's your spleen I'm interested in!"
Lived: 1898-1916
Christian LewisWhen Sam reincarnated into Christian Lewis, he decided to do things differently. This time, he took great care covering his tracks, and went back to the strategy that had helped Carima so well: Making everybody think you are an amazing person. He was incredibly friendly, even towards those he would kill. Often he would keep them alive for days, talking to them as if they were his friends. He would often feel guilty about killing his victims in the end, as he truly started to like them. In the end however, he would always kill them, although more than once he would cry as he made them drink the poison. It was in this life that Sam met the other Shades. He made many friends, or as far as Shades go as friends, and learned the tips and tricks he didn't know about yet. Christian Lewis didn't have many relatives, and spent most of his time as Sam, as both the Shades as his victims knew him by that name. However careful Christian was, he made one mistake. Most of his victims were missed by their relatives, who called the police. After an investigation that lasted almost a decade, Christian Lewis was caught by the police, and given the death penalty.
Quote: "Honey please don't cry, don't make this harder on me than it already is... Death is not as bad as it seems, believe me."
Lived: 1916-1957
Venon DeWitt.Venon DeWitt was born in a family of high social standing, and grew up loved by those around him. As with the other reincarnations, Venon learned about is past when he turned 10. This time too, he started to live the live of a shade to its fullest. He got back into contact with the other shades, and continued the work he started as Christian, trying to keep his victims limited to those that wouldn't be missed.
However, this time would turn out to be different. One day, while he was walking across a bridge, he noticed a girl, holding on to the railing as she was about to jump. Venon wasn't one who enjoyed the suffering of others if he wasn't the source of their suffering, so he decided to try and rescue her. At first the girl hadn't moved, ignoring him as she cried, but after a while she had started talking. She told him that she had been raped, and that her boyfriend had broken up with her because he believed it was her fault. Venon held her hand, told her that life would become better, and kept her talking throughout the night. They talked about everything, from the cruelty of life to the taste of cake, and when the sun came up and warmed her face that was wet from tears, the girl still hand't jumped. That day, his face was in the newspaper, her family thanked him for saving their daughter once every breath they took, and Venon smiled, knowing that he was loved by every single person he knew.
As the years passed, he would have forgotten all about her, had she not one day stood on his doorstep to borrow a cup of sugar. Ten years after saving her, fate had brought them together and made them neighbours. He smiled at her and called out her name.
Lilith... She recognized him instantly, and he could see in her eyes her adoration for him. Back then, he still believed he was simply using her, but when they married two years from their fated second meeting, he knew she was more to him than a mask. He had fallen in love with her.
For three years, they lived as husband and wife. His urge to hurt people still existing, but was tempered by her love. While he didn't break ties with the Shades, he no longer hated humanity as he once had. And so this could have been the story of how a man would redeem himself through love. Yet fate is a cruel missus, who decided his happiness couldn't last forever. Thus came the day that Lilith found out who he was. A misguided Palladin had told her, wanted her to run from the evil he recognized in Venon, not knowing that Lilith had never been in danger. Pure as she was, Lilith couldn't live with a man so vile, a murderer... She screamed and cried, and in the end she left. 15 years after he saved her from a bridge, he lost her to one again. Venon was hardbroken, and followed his love after two years, in his last days only a shell of his former self.
Quote: "Kicking those who are down... There is no sport in that. Go after the happy ones, they have something to lose."
Lived: 1957-1990