Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She felt mkre uncomfortable by the minute she was with him. What if she just aksed him to leave would that be a good plan 'No this person wouldnt just leave without fullfiling his job.' She looked outthe corner of her eye to studying him closely. As he began to move she retreated her gaze and stared in front of her again. He pulled out some sort of little metal bar shaped like a pen he placed it on his lips and inhaled. As he removed the sigaret light white smoke came out of his mouth 'must be some sort of healthy expensive sigaret.

He didnt need fire to light it so it must have been a electrical sigaret. She glanzed at him again 'what is up with this guy' she got an idea of how to ignore him for a bit. She took out her phone and some earplugs and placed one of the earplug inside of her ear on the side he was sitting on. She tapped her phone a few times as some heavy metal came gushing out of her earplugs. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sun as she tried to calm down at the same time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TimasheTiger
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TimasheTiger Last of the Tigers

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Trader Toke"

His grin faltered slightly, as did his eyelids, how disappointing... Looking over at his right, the girl had closed her eyes, plugged in her ear bud and completely blocked him out of her world. He sighed, resting himself against the brick of the building, disappointing indeed, but he grew more curious and curiosity led to opportunity. Taking another drag from the cigarette he placed it back in his pocket and pulled out a pen and a small business card. The card reads as...

"Trader Toke's Imported Goods"
For all your personal wants and needs

Flipping it over the back contained a phone number, he then wrote the card, just a single sentence.

Until next we meet, Little Raven. - Toke

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught his client of the day, Nobuyuki Ueda, strolling along the pathway towards the dorms. A smirk crept up on his face, his time here was done, it was time to conduct some business. Using the wall as leverage he pushed himself off the ground and turned to face his younger companion.

"Thank you for keeping me company, it made the wait that much more enjoyable," he gave a small smile, "I expect we'll be seeing a lot more of each other in the near future, that being said," he flipped the small card in his fingers and extended it out to her, "if you ever need anything, just give me a call." When she took the card he stood upright, gave a small wink and turned towards his client. Walking forward he checked his watch...right on time as always Ueda.

Raising a hand in the air, he shouted, "Yo Ueda! You're late!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomo turned a bit pink when he enthusiastically commented on her small performance. Her dark hair fell down her back and she pushed a lock behind her ear, smiling softly. She had woven something with her voice that she wanted to feel too. And as long as it had gotten to him somewhat, maybe it could grow. That last note had almost been a bit achingly struck. She hoped in someway he wouldn't be able to forget it. There was a light teasing in his voice and she couldn't help but turn a bit red. Beautiful. He had called it beautiful. With just that, she hadn't even minded his teasing on being a prime and proper princess.

But like the tides of the ocean, he changed again. He left with a small pretty words and... that was it. Gone. Imaginary Friend indeed. If he were, he would never be able to leave her alone. Alone again. In the small dusty forgotten music room. She ran her fingers over the keys lightly. Why did her heart ache like this? She thought she was doing so well too. Everyone had their own problems, and some might say her's were shallow. And maybe they were right. Loneliness. Something that seemed so laughable, yet still choked her and made her feel like she could cry crystals.

And then the anger washed over her. Anger. Anger at herself. Anger at everyone else. Why? What was so wrong with her?! Why couldn't she be like everyone else? Why couldn't she have at least a few close friends? Someone to talk to! Someone to tell troubles to! Someone to cry to! Slamming her hands on the piano it cried out with the strangled desperation she felt. Alone in darkness. Darkness. Darkness everywhere! It was in her veins! She couldn't breathe! She couldn't feel anything but pain! Darkness! Darkness! Darkness!

When had she started crying? She didn't know. But she was thrown over that lonely piano that sparkled in the sunlight, forever inked out of her sight. Sobbing, shoulders shaking, she couldn't help it. It had crawled through her and sought its way out. That ugly darkness inside her had torn its way out. And those tears, those selfish ugly tears, ripped through her like a swirling vortex of black water. Thrust into cold, lonely darkness. And until the panic lifted, she was alone. Always alone in pitch black, horrid, darkness.

The piano cried with her, it's strangled notes suffering through her sobs, even as they started to calm. Slowly she lifted her head, face red from crying so hard. Selfish, selfish tears. Ugly, ugly fear. She was being ridiculous. Wasn't she that princess, the one that everyone called her? Perfect, prime, proper, without a single care in the world just because of her status. Was she suppose to be that person? Then why did she feel this...this thing tear apart her insides every time she found herself in silence, perfectly alone? Because even with money, even with safety, even with comfort, she was always alone. Ever since she had been born, she had been alone in terrifying darkness with only sounds and scents to soothe her. But she wanted more than that. Greedy Princess Tomo wanted more than that. She wanted warmth and soothing touch.

"Selfish," her voice sounded weak and wavered when she spoke, "When did I become so horrible?" Rubbing her tear stained cheeks, she let out a shaken breath. It had passed, like sea storms usual do. But it left her shaken and trembling as always. Hunched over the ivory keys, she probably looked like a sorrowful and pitiful ghost in that forgotten room that smelled of dust and smoke. Pressing her fingers on the piano's keys, she decided one last song might cheer her up and push down that achey feeling in her throat. And as she played on that lonely piano, singing in her lonely voice, she did feel better. She felt the sunlight wash over her and drive away that darkness, that ugly sorrow, and replace it with that joyful numbing warmth. Captured in her own song, Tomohina fell into that dreaming song happily.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Junpei reacted to such a comment like he had been slapped in the face, letting out a small choked sound and drawing back, eyes wide as he hesitantly turned to stare at the other teen who had spoken. What this person said, a tip on onions and the crying it induced, implied he needed the advice. Implied, he saw the falseness of his face. This hadn’t happened before, and he always sort of dreaded it, even when he made plans just in case such a thing were to happen, but seeing the face of this individual…it actually felt so much worse. His hands trembled as he tried to get up, but once he slammed his hand on the table surface and forced himself up, what felt like a long stretch of time was spent trembling and staring.

A face. Was the expression friendliness? Pity? Disgust? Thousands of possibilities surged into his mind, but what did Junpei know? What did he understand of the facial expressions of others? All he did was observe and make conclusions of what sort of emotions they supposedly tried to make, but what did he really know? He couldn’t smile when he was happy, or frown when he was mad…no, he wasn’t like them. The idea that he couldn’t reach them, even with his efforts, that there was more he could never understand…it was nothing new, but such a rough reminder like this, it was terrifying.

A face was, could only be to him…a mask to mock his very predicament. Bitter jealously he had to choke down into his throat, that person better than him could easily say something so easily, like when Marie Antoinette was rumoured to ignorantly suggested her starving people gorge themselves on sweet bread. Always, he always admired the carefree faces of teens his own age…but was it worth it, attending school only to encounter moments like these?

The bitter taste in his mouth…it was the hard taste of iron. Without realising it, he had bit down hard on his tongue. The faceless boy had wanted to yell at the other teen, tell him to go away, to leave him alone…now, he just needed to leave. A small voice in the back of his head told him he couldn’t leave without his damn stew and rice, but his body acted quicker than what he willed of it. Pushing past the boy with light trembles to his body, Junpei reached for the metal pot still on the low setting stove.

Grabbing the side of the pot, not even the handles, not even noticing the scorching heat of the cooked metal—the boy pulled the pot off the stove and threw it all onto the ground by the far wall. The loud clang of the metal hitting the ground rang through the room, and even as he was the only one to feel some of the hot stew splash against the leg of his pants, Junpei didn’t flinch. In fact, his face was truly the blankest anyone had ever seen. Going over and swiping the rice cooker off the counter, the teen stepped over it all and left the area, slamming the door closed behind him.

Junpei didn’t know when he finally got back to his dorm, or when he started to feel the scalding burns of his hands and leg. Triple bolting his dorm room with his painful, shaking hands, he trudged over to his bed and just lay down. The faceless boy, who could only wear the cheapest imitation of what he could never have, just trembled under his blanket like a small child. He knew, he even knew that his reaction was like that of the most cowardly, foolish child. Still, he couldn’t stop trembling, couldn’t stop wishing he were just safe at home.
(Ash post to be decided...)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jupei. His name was Junpei. The fact that Isamu only realized this when the other boy was suffering from a massive psychological breakdown came as a stark reminder to Isamu: despite what everybody may like to pretend....the students at this school, for the most part, were probably not as accepting of their conditions as Isamu was. This was one of those moments where his cavalier attitude bit him in the ass. There was some stew on the wall and pooling on the ground. The rice had gone all over after Junpei swiped it off the counter. Sighing, Isamu went over to the wall and pressed a small button, calling a nurse immediately. The kid's hands had to be scorched pretty bad. He grabbed the pot by the sides, but given the circumstances....Isamu didn't hold that against him. He'd probably assumed that nobody was around. Still, he had to question the logic behind Junpei's actions: why do that in a public place at all? Anybody could have walked in and noticed.

Still, he felt bad. He didn't know that such a reaction would have been the result of his comment. It was simply meant as a way to help out a fellow student. And it had only done the exact opposite. Sighing as he started cleaning up the stew and rice, Isamu raised his head as a nurse arrived after his page. "There's a student, Junpei, who burned himself on his stew. He ran off into the dorm, but I'm not sure if he went to the bathroom to clean himself off or to his room. He was doing the make-up for his facial prosthesis." A facial prosthesis. He could only frown at the nurse as the man went up the stairs in search of Junpei. Could he tell that this was Isamu's fault? Probably, the guilt in his eyes was obvious.

Sitting on the couch, Isamu dropped his face into his hands, running his four fingers through his hair in frustration. This is my fault. This is my damn fault. I should've just shut up. I know not everybody makes jokes about themselves like lobster boy, but hell, I didn't expect THAT! How, how COULD I have expected that?! Taking a few deep breaths, he put his hands onto his legs and forced himself to his feet. John McClane could wait. Right now, there was cleaning to be done.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She opened her eyes again to see the boy standimg in front of her. What was happening all of the sudden why did he stand up all of the sudden. Was he gonna kick her or something worse. He handed out a card to her and was acting all nice to her why do people have to be like this he acted nice to her all the way but it all seemed to cold to her what he did. To be precies he didnt do anything wrong it was herself that was lying to him. He walked over to his friend while calling his name she didnt really care to listen what his name was. She moved her knees higher so she could place her arms around them while moving her head between the gap of her knees and body. She trew her phone somewhere in the grass while the earplugs flew behind it. It was not the time to listen to heavy metal. She letted go of the card in her other hand it slowly descended to the ground as she muttered "Why" She didnt want the boy to see her at the moment or he would tease her even more next time. Small tears fell down from her eyes as she was only slightly sobbing.

She grabbed her bag and headed of into the schoolbuidling almost tripping when she stood up from her place at the building. She covered her eyes so no one could see her crying and headed inside the hallways of the school. Her phone and the card where still lying on the grass outside. She did t even try to think about them the only thing that bothered her at the moment was finding an empty classroom or something like that anything was fine with her aslong as it was empty.

Her pace Increased and she was almost running through the hallways but it didnt last long before her prosthetic locked itself between the two parts of her lower leg and her foot "Crap" She said as she could feel her body fall down towards the ground. The wound from before opened up again on her knee. Blood drips fell down from her knee onto the ground her left cheek was also hurting. She reached her hand towards her cheek feeling if there was any blood "Ouch" It was only a little scratch on her face but it still hurted a lot. She stood up as fast as she could and grabbed her bag again that was a few feet in front of her. Only a few students where watching her trip and didnt do anything she needed to get away from this place.

She headed into one of the rooms of the schoolbuilding and didnt even care what was in there. She closed the door behind her with a loud bang and sat down next to the door on the ground with her bag somewhere on the other side of the door. She got hold of her knees again and placed her face in the gap again so it couldnt be seen by whoever was in the room. She heared the sound of a piano playing she was curious to know who it was. She looked up her eyes where red, she had some blood on her forehead from the wound on her knee and she didnt have the best hair day either. A girl was playing the piano right in front of her, She didnt mind the music it felt somewhat calming to her. She stayed for a moment to listen to the music of the girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

God damn it woman, just leave me be... Fuyuki had two ways to deal with this situation; escape, most likely by either ignoring or insulting Matsushita, or attempting limited reconciliation. He didn't particularly want to make up with someone who had just lamped him, but by her reckoning he probably deserved it and leaving on a negative note could impact his reputation on campus... To his surprise, Fuyuki found himself chuckling at himself, marveling at his own insistence on analysing everything that happened; just this once, regardless of the high stakes, he decided to play it by ear. 'I will live.', he replied, leaning his back up against the wall. '... You probably resent me for what you perceive as a form of persecution or invasion of privacy. For what it's worth, I was not trying to perve over you. I have more important things to do.' The pain faded once more and Fuyuki pushed off from the wall, testing his legs. He didn't dare look Matsushita in the eye, lest she figure him out. The best he could do was try to blag his way put of the conversation. '... I am sorry for upsetting you. But hitting me was uncalled for; for that, I say duck you. Fair?'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Caught in the delicate tendrils of the dream-like song, she was swept along by her own peace. It was lifting, like flying through mist and finding a sunny meadow away from fears. This was why she loved music. It could help you in so many ways. This affectionate piano, she really felt as though it could live and breathe beneath her fingertips when she played. Once her song was finished, she sighed in relief. Fixing her hair, rubbing her eyes lightly, she felt decidedly better. But that was when she heard something.

Tilting her head to side in curiosity, she listened carefully. Putting a hand out, she was able to find her white cane and she turned her body on the seat to face the door. Yes, that was where it was coming from. A wavered breathing, like someone who had been running or crying. In her teal kimono, Tomohina sat with her back straight and a gentle smile brushed over her lips. A doll-like girl who held a serene air of maturity and poise. No wonder people called her Princess Tomo in such a light manner.

"Hello," her voice was just as gentle and as kind as her smile, sightless lavender eyes like depthless pools of color, "Are you alright?" She held out a hand, moving slowly, like someone trying to coax a bird into their palm. "My name is Tomohina Mizukimura," she gestured to the piano seat, "Would you like to sit somewhere a bit more comfortable?" Her head tilting to the side, her smile kind and soft like falling sakura blossoms. "It's only me in here," Tomo coaxed, "No need to worry about little blind me." She laughed softly at her small self-teasing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mariko glanced around to both sides of the corridor before opening the door. The room, while being festooned with brightly coloured papers and crafts, was empty. Nope, this definitely was the place. Every Saturday, at five, Origami Club. The O.C, except with paper instead of post-modernism. So where was club president Mizushima? It just wasn't like her to be late. She usually arrived a good fifteen minutes early to plan out the meetings. Maybe she was trying a new pair of crutches? Or maybe it was the fact that the wall clock inside the room read half past four? Mariko crossed over to it, and unhooked it from its nail. She pulled out her phone, and turned it on. Same result. She'd arrived half an hour early. She put the clock back into it's regular position, sat down at her regular chair, and sat and thought for a while.

She thought about what had happened today. Not much, admittedly. Apart from the mute guy she'd found stalking her, the day had been normal. Average. Ordinary. Expect with someone else's high-risk glamorous life suddenly transplanted in for about five minutes. There had been no foreshadowing of any of that at all. No prior warning. The dude had seemed normal, disinterested in her or in anyone else. People came to his desk, usually alone, in between classes. She'd never even bothered to ask why. It was like asking why the angry one armed guy in the same class always looked like he was about to punch something, or why the tall scowly guy refused to change his face to anything other then perma-death glare, or why that cute first-year she'd met last week kept taking pictures of everything around her like she was afraid it'd vanish. It didn't really matter to anyone except them, it didn't impact her. (Except if that american used her as an impromptu punching bag.) in any real physical way. She was a rock. She was an island. And she was perfectly happy with that. Which was probably why she'd overreacted so hard when she'd seen Fuyuki-san up a tree near her window.

And afterwards, when she'd seen what her actions had indirectly provoked, she wasn't thinking straight either. When she'd heard the guy was stalking her, she'd freaked. Her hand still stung a little from that particular incident. And after that, when Fuyuki had tried to apologize for his actions clearly not remorseful in any way for his actions, she'd wanted to show him how badly it'd scared her. She'd wanted to grab him by the neck and not let go until she couldn't feel either of their heartbeats. Even then, she would've settled for explaining, in soul-crushing detail, exactly how badly he'd made her feel, staring into those tiny hate-filled little eyes and laying out the trauma of those few minutes onto him, and finally, as some sort of punishment, explaining exactly how she'd exact her revenge on him via hacking that tablet he used and controlling each and every little thing he said at the most inopportune times so that EVERYONE he ever met and would ever meet would know of what that malodorous little prick had done to her, and turning off the machine while she was monologuing so when she walked away, he wouldn't even be able to get a good comeback even if he thought of one. She grinned. That would've been sooo good.

But in real life, people don't get second chances. Even if one tries again, time would've already passed by and the second attempt would always be marred by the first. Neither of the two of them had wanted to look each other in the eyes, both obviously embarrassed about making a scene. She'd just agreed to his terms to never bring it up again and just parted ways then and there. That's how she'd ended up here.

She sighed, mind coming up with a few good lines she could've said had she been a little bit quicker at coming up with retorts, and waited for the rest of the people in the O.C to arrive.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Latino


Member Offline since relaunch

The total was ¥8 200, it was slightly more than she had thought but still well within her budget. She was reaching for her money when she heard Kyle speak up.

Kyle: "I hope you're not seriously thinking you're paying this all by yourself... I agreed to help you carry the food if you cooked it, but I think we can both pay for the food since we're both eating it, right?"

Kaori almost instinctively slapped his hand down with the strength you would expect from an articulate hand without even losing her smile. "Don't be silly Senpai, I'm happy to pay for it." She pulled a ¥10 000 bill from her purse and handed it to the cashier who immediately rang it up and handed her the change of ¥1 800. The cashier bagged them up and Kaori hung each of them on Kyle's arm and briskly led him out of the store. She was quite happy with their little outing so far, she had even saved a bit of money on the Tofu thanks to Kyle. Before she got too far she turned to Kyle and said: "Senpai, is there anything you want to do in town or should we head back to Yamaku?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


She gazed towardas the girl int he corener of the room next to the door and didnt reply at first. She didnt feel like talking at first but it must have been rude to not talk to a blind girl even tough she tries to start a conversation "H-hi, I'm f-fine" she said quietly to the girl on the other side of the room. How did the blind girl even know how to play piano she clearly heared her play when she entered the room "C-can you play p-piano by yourself, I'd like to h-hear a small part" Her mouth was behind both her legs and she didnt speak that loud to begin with. She wiped her tears from her eyes with her arm but it didnt help at all her tears kept on coming out of her eyes with nothing to be done about it. She digged her face deeper into her legs as she tried to calm down some more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lennon79
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Lennon79 Senpai

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It wasn't often that a conversation ran away from him so fast, but Matsushita's apparent desire to leave and forget this ever happened took Fuyuki completely by surprise. While he had the impression that he might have scarred the girl and, more importantly, his own reputation, he was more than happy to depart the building with his secret still hidden; not the method he had planned for, but results were all that mattered. Still... something about it didn't quite sit right. He couldn't decide whether he was just annoyed about being assaulted (twice!) or if he might actually be feeling guilty for upsetting the girl. The ends always justified the means, but perhaps he should follow up... Then again, Matsushita's body language had made it abundantly clear that further contact would not be taken kindly.... Fuyuki sighed deeply, marveling at how such a mess had stemmed from simple bad timekeeping.

Surfacing from his thoughts, he realised he had been wandering aimlessly through endless corridors. For a moment he cast about in confusion, unsure of where he had drifted. Fortunately or perhaps unfortunately in this case, he soon heard a gentle melody drifting from a nearby room; piano and a soft voice he recognised... There was only one piano in the school and thanks to that he finally got his bearings. Confident once more, Fuyuki leaned up against the wall, wondering how to waste his remaining Saturday afternoon; it had been pretty eventful thus far. Spending it listening to Princess Pretentiousness waffle on didn't sound like an enjoyable way to go. Fuyuki pushed off the wall with another sigh, determining to go watch some TV or something, when another voice floated out from the music room, peaky and strangely muffled. Nevertheless he recognised the nervous tones of the girl he had spoken to the other day. Azusa, was it? He had actually enjoyed her company, rare as that was, probably because she had a... calming air, in a frightened mouse kind of way. Fuyuki decided to listen in for a bit longer, curious as to how Mizukimura would handle Azusa's nervous disposition... and, he forced himself to admit, he was a bit worried about the younger girl's upset tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomo could feel the person looking at her, if that could make any sense to any seeing person. It was sort of like that prickly feeling on the back of the neck when someone stood behind you. With a tilt of her head, like an animal listening closely, Tomo's gentle smile stayed on her lips. A soft stammering rose up from the direction of the door. A girl's voice, small and timid and sacred. Almost like she had felt earlier. A protective feeling rose up through her, like warm water finding every part of her.

And that small, timid voice wanted her to play again. To play for her like she had played for herself and for Ueda. Closing her eyes slowly her hand fell gently down to the piano seat. Music was comfort. Comfort unlike any other. It could hold more warmth and love than any one person, just within a song. So reaching, so caring, it was like having an accepting mother's embrace. No wonder so many people used it for so many things. Tomo set her white cane back against the piano and turned in her seat once more.

"Of course," she said softly, "I'd love to play for you." The other girl needed the music, just as she had. It was something she understood with all of her heart. Bowing her head over the keys of the piano, she let her fingers dance and build a happy dream for the girl. A comforting dream for the girl who wanted to lose herself in the music, just as she did. It was a confident melody, something she really loved hearing. Something sweet and flowing, like a song from a music box. She really loved this song. Perhaps once the song had ended the girl would feel just a bit better.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The girl placed her cane next to the piano and played for her request. Azusa hoped that she didnt matter to play something for her and relaxed a bit. She could feel comfort in this room. No it wasnt the room it was the girl sitting in the room playing piano she seemed so calm and sociable yet why was she all alone in a room in the weekend. Most of the people wouldnt do that for their free day of. She must feel sad to it must be something sure there are kids that arent social but she wouldnt be one of them right.

The music stopped and the girl was done with playing her song. Azusa wanted to praise her for her talent yet words werent coming out of her mouth she couldnt speak to a stranger out of her own will. She felt anxious when she only stuttered and didnt say anything it sounded weird. She covered her mouth and placed her face in her legs again. Its to difficult it will only get more akward by the minute it might even hurt the girl her feelings if she stayed she didnt want to involve the girl into her sad life. She only muttered a quiet ''sorry'' and continued to cry with only the sound of tears falling onto the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shambling out of the building and back into a world almost too happy and perfect where the grass was cut to a mandatory length and the birds always sang and those who would not have a reason to smile otherwise were smiling. In many ways this was what seemed inherently bad about the situation he had found himself in for what was he but an outlier in a seemingly perfect set. A camel in the ocean or a cynic at the good feelings convention for happy people. He figured that was how he found himself time and again falling through the cracks of the so called "perfect" world that Yamaku tried to present itself a refuge for those shunned from society and found himself in the fleshy darker bits were his reality was seemingly more present. Seeing the world from this deciding cynical view point has more or less has lead to meetings with some less than favorable figures. Broken souls and those with shattered dreams and had just given up. In short they were his people, his proverbial flock that he had somehow become the header of. The voice of somewhat reason where most would just say hang themselves and get it over with. And hence the wise man legend of Nobuyuki Ueda was born not out of some prophetic moment when he deiced to help people but because out of happenstance and serendipity of being the voice that just happened to drag someone from back over the edge.

Through his escapades over the past three years one such parasite that found its purpose living in the cracks was a man that most people only knew by Toke. The man with no past or no future, who will gladly sell you life in a bottle and then take it away just as easily. Ueda met him early in his first year back when he was still setting up and before the seedier circles of the student body began to frequent him as much as they did. In short Ueda knew exactly what was happening every time the two had a meeting he was Faust and Toke was Mephostophile. A deal with the devil to be able to feel something or anything really. They were stuck down the road to tragedy together wither they liked it or not but it was more preferable than walking the road alone. It was odd thing companionship and how it drove people together. How just having somebody to talk to even if you were convinced he was a sociopath that would gladly let you OD because it might be fun to watch. Or maybe it was because they were not so different from one another really both stuck on the same side of an unlucky coin flip.

He saw the devil ahead talking to what seemed to be a first year and he thought about intervening but the girl seemed to be handling herself well enough without any intervention. So instead he leaned against the side of a tree on the path and watched the exchange continue to progress. A self stylized man with a grin that could freeze water who proclaims that all he does is walk about spreading joy where ever he goes bringing happiness to the community. This usually meant doing as he did now lurking about and finding the antelope isolated from the pack that type that usually would appreciate his services and pouncing while the meat was fresh. Sometimes you would find him hanging around groups of first years talking in extravagant tones like a showman at the circus and before they knew what was happening he had them hooked. Once they were hooked well Toke made it very hard for them to get out of his net. He had a skill at picking at peoples brains and finding what they hated most about themselves, along the same line as Ueda's own talents but used in a much darker form.

Though a minute or so later Ueda finally deiced that he was going to relieve the girl of the devil standing on her shoulder and walked out from under his spot under the tree and towards Toke allowing his associate to see him. Walking forward at a casual pace he allowed Toke's own attempt at fishing for a catch to end as the girl and he parted ways. Toke and Ueda met in the middle of the walkway and exchanging formal greetings they sat down on a bench on the pathway together as a dart of birds flew overhead from one grazing area to another the spring of life fresh and bountiful. They looked like an odd pair with Toke in his varying shades of black on top of black looking more and more like a living shadow each day and Ueda with his cane and seemingly winter attire for a fresh spring day. His heavy overcoat that he always wore looking more at home in the trenches of the first World War than at a school though he was never seen without it not even on the hottest day of the year mostly because it seemingly bulked up his near skeletal frame at that point making him look as odd as it sounded more alive than he normally would be.

"She seems a little young for you don't you think Tokey Toke?" Ueda mused in a dry tone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TimasheTiger
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TimasheTiger Last of the Tigers

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


The strength and speed with which she used to smack away his hand was startlingly surprising, though it wasn't so much the skill she used that had his mind occupied. All his life Kyle had to struggle in the dirt to find a higher calling, his situation with his missing limb was no different, despite that what he had earned had been taken away in a flash. In this instance, this girl was providing him with food, Every Day, and he felt more than obligated to reciprocate that offer with money, which in the past he had none of. Now, finally with a way to pay her back, she rejected it and although her voice was sweet, spoke with no worry and only kindness, there was something about her smile that made Kyle question things. His overall perception of her was very good, yes, but that smile and frankly this whole situation, made him feel incredibly put off. It wasn't until she spoke up that he realized he was on auto pilot trying to deal with what just happened.

"Yea...school or... damn it Kaori listen, I can't just accept this food without paying for it, it just doesn't sit right with me..."
"Trader Toke"

They had exchanged their greetings, like the mad men they were trying to fit into established society, and just as quickly escaped from it on a park bench. The words were quickly silenced, not really enjoying one another's company, just merely waiting in silence until one of them broke it. Eventually, Ueda was the one to do so.

"She seems a little young for you don't you think Tokey Toke?" Ueda mused in a dry tone.

Toke replied with just as dry a chuckle before fishing out the e-cigarette from his pocket, "fortunately for me, my good friend, your country's laws would greatly disagree with that comment," he paused briefly, a quick drag and blow before continuing, "fortunately for her I have higher standards," another chuckle escaped his throat. For some it would be hard to believe that the devil himself would have standards to begin with, despite the rumors though he was just another human being, albeit a bit of a twisted and sick one. Ueda was just as sick if not just as twisted, though his morals were set in a better place.

He shrugged slightly, "My latest gambit doesn't really matter though, my connections run deep enough through this school that one little trout slipping away is not much of a concern. That being said, never in my life though have I seen someone so... hm... terrified of human interaction before, quite phenomenal really, I imagine our paths will continue to cross throughout the year, it'll allow me more time to grasp a better understanding of her."

To some, that would actually mean what it meant, to Toke though, understanding meant picking apart a person's psyche to their core, to see them break if possible, though that usually resulted in trouble for him. In essence, he wanted to see how far he could take things, if he gained another customer, there was still no loss.

He smiled of course and sighed, "ahhhh but I'm sure you're not interested in hearing about my business ventures though, I imagine you'll be wanting the usual?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Latino


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"Yea...school or... damn it Kaori listen, I can't just accept this food without paying for it, it just doesn't sit right with me..."

Kaori jumped at his outburst. She wasn't sure what the words 'damn it' meant but she could tell it wasn't very nice and he was clearly upset. At that moment it was very apparent just how much taller he was compared to her. It was as if she had disturbed some ancient spirit and now it was towering over her in anger. Had she violated some American custom that she wasn't aware of? She really couldn't understand why it was such a big deal to him. She had decided to pay for the food herself because it wasn't an inconvenience. Kaori wouldn't have agreed to cook for him if she didn't think she could fulfill that promise.

She could hear other people talking who had noticed his outburst.
"Why is he angry at that girl?"
"Let's just leave them alone..."
"He's yelling at his girlfriend..."

This made her feel even smaller and she started to blush. She didn't like being out in the open like this for people to see. She looked down at the ground, unsure of what to say. Earlier, when he bolted after her to return her tripod, he had the same look about him. It was scary but there was something else about it, something she didn't quite recognize. It wasn't anger exactly, it was more like... something else. She stood there for a few moments, clearly he felt like he had been wronged but why was such a seemingly trivial thing being treated as a major offense? Kaori couldn't imagine why, all she could do was apologize. "I-I'm sorry... Senpai"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TimasheTiger
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TimasheTiger Last of the Tigers

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Kyle immediately regretted his outburst, between her jumping and shrinking, and the murmuring of the townsfolk surrounding them, he pretty much felt like a complete ass...again. He lowered his head and tightened his fist, he wanted to tell everyone surrounding them to fuck off, but even he knew that'd just cause more trouble, for once, common sense overtook initiation. There was only one thing he could do, man up.

"No, Kaori, I'm sorry... let's just get back to campus..."

The trudge up the hill was long and arduous, more so than the trip down, though it didn't help that he felt weighted by the guilt of his actions. Four times already he had upset someone with his temper, this girl suffered from it twice so far, she didn't deserve that...and he didn't deserve her offer... The trip up the hill was much quieter than the one down into town, Kyle couldn't really face Kaori right now and he was pretty sure she'd want some space after that. They had finally arrived back to the dorms, the sour mood in the air yet unlifted, though Kyle wasn't sure he had the strength to lift it at that moment.

"I'm sorry, again, you didn't deserve that," he handed the bags back over to her, "and I don't deserve this... please don't make lunch for me tomorrow..." He walked towards his dorm, his mind preoccupied, he wasn't sure if she shouted after him, but his mind blocked out any current sounds as he opened the door to his dorm and closed it shut behind him. Walking forward a few steps, he stopped just shy of the entrance to the common area before slamming his fist into the wall, "DAMN IT!!!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LovelyAnastasia
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LovelyAnastasia Miss Bloody Cute Chaos

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tomohina was quiet once the song was over. Listening intently she almost felt a bit restless. Like the anxiety from someone else had infected her. It must of been the other girl then. But why would she be feeling such anxiety? The stammering caught her attention before it was muffled. Like a hand being placed over her mouth. So she had extreme anxiety and a stammer as well. It hadn't just been the crying that had made her stammer.

So she couldn't comfort her, could she? Once someone was drown in sorrow like this, only someone who could completely understand would understand. Someone who knew what they were talking about. And even with all the darkness inside herself, there was no way she could understand what this girl was going through. Taking up her white cane, she walked towards the door the girl was sitting in front of. Opening the door, she placed her small hand on top of the girl's head before leaving.

Breathing. In the hallway. Another person had been listening.

"I hope you can comfort her better than I," she said to this unknown person, before continuing down the hall. The air was pressured and laced with anxiety. Something about this day had infected all of them it seemed. Tomohina glided effortlessly through the hall and finally left the building.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Isamu continued cleaning up, sweeping bits of rice and stew into a small dustpan, when he heard the door to the dorms enter and another student come over to the common room. His mind was already swimming because of what had just happened, but the outburst of this other student was met with a dry chuckle. The fact that it was in English meant one thing: this was the notoriously angry transfer student he'd heard....well, really just that one thing about.

"Wall steal your lunch money, or you just think it looks better with a few holes?" Shaking his head, he threw out some more of the garbage and shrugged. "Help me out a bit? I spooked some guy before and he kinda....tossed his meal all over the place. I could really use some help. These damned dustpans aren't meant for lobster use, I keep dropping them." As if to illustrate his point, the now-empty dustpan started to slip from his grasp, and he groaned before fixing his grip. Another shrug and a self-derisive smile were his response.
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