Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfiniteEmbers
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Drake Baku said
I dont know, how would he react, I mean is he against assassin types? would he feel betrayed? would they fight?it also depends on how he finds out I think, if the queen is the cause due to a hit on her and in the end he gets caught, then the queen would be in command of his punishment so then the situation for your char's reaction would be different would he think back on the good times and help mine or would he feel betrayed and keep him locked or something

He is not against assassin types due to the fact that the kingdom has assassin's working under them. He wouldn't be betrayed but he would want to know why he decided to keep it a secret from him. It can really go either way if the queen was the hit. My character could be assigned to capture him with the feeling of betrayal burning hatred into his heart due to the fact that the hit was placed on the queen. He would feel like his childhood friend spat upon what he is assigned to do which is to protect the queen. The queen could give him a number of guard to quest out to his capture. This could really spark a lot of twists and turns in the story as this childhood friends go neck and neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I know, and best is, all we decided now can all be changed once we really start XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfiniteEmbers
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Drake Baku said
I know, and best is, all we decided now can all be changed once we really start XD

This is true, haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shoryu
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Hmmm, the 'lieutenant' could be a favored 'whipping boy' of the eldest prince [Who i'm going to be making once there's a CS and more details to work with] =3 that is to say, someone he 'spars with' on occasion and seems to use to show off, but ultimately is just 'maintaining his princely demeanor' while helping to nurture a guard showing potential over the rest, even he does so in a way that hurts... he wouldn't be the only one of course, just, so far, the only one controlled by a player XD

To be more specific, full contact sparring, forcing someone into a position where they can't 'hold back because he's a prince' and allowing him to both keep himself sharp and inject a bit of more viable experience into the guard... afterall, nanny pandering around him being a prince and making it easy would just leave him a less suitable swordsman should he ever need to 'defend the realm' XD

In the same vein he understands that holding back because someone's an ally, more than is necessary to avoid crippling injury at least, would weaken the experience of the training, I see him taking the kingdom's defense very seriously, and thus the quality of it's defenders as well, even though he's not officially in charge of the guard [I don't want to take that position from someone else D:] He'd be the type to 'drop by' sometimes to see if he can enhance the training a bit. =3 Expect 'evil shiny glasses glare'!

I could see this also making him a bit of a 'scary sparring partner' because he takes it seriously, he may at some point help in giving instruction to the young queen if she ends up interested in that sort of thing... of course, in 'that' situation he would certainly hold back for the sake of learning... she'd probably just get a few bruises out of it =D

OH! OHHHH!!! IDEA! I've been considering things about magic, What if the 'public reason' this older prince turned down his succession to the throne, was because he took upon himself the 'burden' of learning magic so that 'someone' could use it to train the Kingdom's defenders in fighting someone using magic, and perhaps the potential for being 'changed' by the magic brought his suitability for the throne into question. Sure, that's 'probably' not the real reason he turned it down, but the public doesn't need to know his personal preference against having the 'chains of authority' be placed on 'himself', or that he'd rather affect the kingdom from 'behind' the king/queen while trying to make them better... oh, maybe magic 'has' changed him, made him more 'sneaky' in his methods of helping the kingdom >.> Of course, one can imagine there are others who'd be sure he's plotting something, stupid magic hating bigots =P

My brain is having fun cooking up these wild ideas!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Was it not that magic is looked down on in this rp as a bad thing?
So a prince learning it soundd... I dobt know
like a reason to lose his head more then losing his chance fpr the throne?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Well, he's doing it as a martyr of sorts so that the non-magic users can learn how to better fight a magic user. The goal may or may not justify the means depending on one's viewpoint. That being said, having the prince out of all people fill that role would be... unlikely. If they would do any such thing, i'd think they would leave it to less important people. Letting the potential future king learn magic would be a huge risk that would probably alienate him from his subjects.

*realizes i haven't introduced myself*

O hai, i was lurking this thread. I'm an acquaintance of Nobody but i kept quiet cause i didn't have much to contribute. Just watching how things unfold.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

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Lol Hello! :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

glad that you said something at least, would not hurt to say you joined at the least right XDXDXD
I know that might sound, irritated ro something, its not meant like that, I am smiling here at the thought of having an other player here to make this rp so... great sounding XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfiniteEmbers
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shoryu said
Hmmm, the 'lieutenant' could be a favored 'whipping boy' of the eldest prince [Who i'm going to be making once there's a CS and more details to work with] =3 that is to say, someone he 'spars with' on occasion and seems to use to show off, but ultimately is just 'maintaining his princely demeanor' while helping to nurture a guard showing potential over the rest, even he does so in a way that hurts... he wouldn't be the only one of course, just, so far, the only one controlled by a player XDTo be more specific, full contact sparring, forcing someone into a position where they can't 'hold back because he's a prince' and allowing him to both keep himself sharp and inject a bit of more viable experience into the guard... afterall, nanny pandering around him being a prince and making it easy would just leave him a less suitable swordsman should he ever need to 'defend the realm' XDI

Yes, a sparring partner would be an interesting involvement for this character within the role-play. I am more drawn towards my character and Drake's wet-boy character to be childhood friends and at some point down the line being betrayed by Drake's character. Thus the role-play leading off to the capture mission of Drake's character which leads my character and his character through a series of locations. Awesome hunting time.


I might also involve a father figure into this role-play for my character. I am still trying to decide whether they will be related or not, this father figure. While the mission to chase and apprehend Drake's character is waiting to be accepted, he will try to convenience my younger character not to go. At some point perhaps the father figure will follow him and be killed by Drake's character which will dramatic change his thinking, perhaps turn him evil through the obnoxious blame of others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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For sure interested
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

maybe I should go ahead and name my char's, keeping to call them "assassin or Wetboy" and "the girl with no memory's" and such is getting annoying XD
uhm.. for beta time I think... Azoth for the wetboy and Runa for the girl (trough she would get her name from one of the castle people as she cant remember it, the Queen's player (imp) and the one finding her should both discus with me what to call her XD

btw guy above this post (forgot to check the name before going into edit mode XD)
your a whovian I guess XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

hmmm sounds interesting i would like to be a knight or bodyguard
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Is anyone interested in being a parent or sibling with my character?(She's a witch in secret and watches over the queen as her servant)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

depends Ajah and by the way WOT Rocks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I know right! Best book series ever! I'm only on The Great Hunt though but it's still amazing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

finished the series and do you want a non-magical body guard or knight for a brother?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

ah you did? No spoilers XD And hmm.. Either sound cool, I guess if you were a knight you would probably be more involved in the story line. But whatever one you want :) If you're going to be my characters brother, do you want to have parents or have them deceased?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

I don't know either can move the plot along and also give us each different character traits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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I'll need a name for the Queen too. Something regal sounding and made up I would think. Something with "belle" or "lilli" in the name might fit the bill.

She would want the sword training so she doesn't have to only rely on the guards to protect her, which would put far more stress on them than if she could carry her own weight. She'd insist that he train her like anyone else to show her determination. Than again it would be odd for her to be showing up to public events with black eyes and stuff. Maybe if he promises to avoid the face. But she would have makeup/powder anyways.

Some magic users could be executed as witches, but there could probably be some exceptions. Most of the magic user killing is done by radicals who are doing "vigilante justice" against them in outskirt towns where the laws don't have as good of a reach and those in charge of the towns hate/fear magic. Some kings and queens have made magic killing legal but some made it illegal, which is what the new queen will do. As such it would be hard for the vigilantes to carry out their goal against someone in as much power as a prince. Of course there will be lots of protests and assassination attempts directed at not only the prince but also others who side with him. Most of the soldiers/royalty, at least in the capital, will side with said royalty against the vigilantes. If soldiers in other towns don't share the same sentiment then things could turn into a civil war to overthrow the queen and put in someone who will destroy the magic users. With this fear of magic they are probably very untrusting of elves too and wish to sabotage our relations with them to force us to eliminate them in war. Maybe weaken the royalty and it's forces in war and than strike when the opportunity arises.

The OOC should be posted today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Enalais said
I don't know either can move the plot along and also give us each different character traits.

Okay I'm kind of favoring not having parents
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