Got bored. Here ya go.
Lord (Any 1 Weapon)
> Great Lord (Learn 2nd weapon)[Can Learn 3rd weapon or be a mounted unit] Brings strength to allies when on the field of battle
Tactician (Sword & Anima)
> Grandmaster (Sword, Anima, Light, Dark) [Ability to Learn a new class] Brings strategy and able to Rally allies when on the field of battle
Cavalier (Sword & Lance)
> Paladin (Sword & Lance) [Average armor and mobility and can dismount during battle]
> Great Knight (Axe, Sword, Lance)[ More weapons options and hardest to hit. Cannot Dismount in battle and has inferior mobility]
> ____ Knight (1 Weapon)[Weapon specialization. Greatest mobility and able to dismount in battle quickly.]
Knight (Lance)
> General (Sword, Axe, Lance, Bow) [Least mobile promoted unit. Nearly impenetrable armor]
> Great Knight (Axe, Sword, Lance)[ Great weapons options and hardest to hit. Cannot Dismount in battle and has inferior mobility]
> Lancer (Lance) [Quick foot soldier with superior mastery of polearms]
> Swordmaster (Sword) [Greatest critical and speed of all sword wielders. Lightly armored and close quarters combatants]
> Hero (Sword & Axes) [Balanced fighters. Strong and quick with the ability to fight close and distance enemies]
> Assassin (Sword & Bows) [Always carrying at least a knife, usually agile and silent one-hit killers]
> Assassin (Sword & Bows) [Always carrying at least a knife, usually agile and silent one-hit killers]
> Rogue (Sword) [Ablity to pick locks and steal from enemies without tools. Quick on their feet, but light in armor. Can barter the best and charm others]
> Trickster (Sword & Staff)[Elusive phantoms with the ability to steal and pick locks. Staves make them double trouble]
Mercenary (Sword)
> Hero(Sword & Axes) [Balanced fighters. Strong and quick with the ability to fight close and distance enemies]
> Bow Knight (Sword & Bow) [Usually rangers or nomads, they are in tune with their mounts and have great mobility and firing range]
> Rogue (Sword) [Ablity to pick locks and steal from enemies without tools. Quick on their feet, but light in armor. Can barter the best and charm others]
Archer (Bow)
> Sniper (Bow) [One of the most terrain friendly units. Accurate, piercing, critical shots. Can use specialized bows and ballistae]
> Bow Knight (Sword & Bow) [Usually rangers or nomads, they are in tune with their mounts and have great mobility and firing range]
> Assassin (Sword & Bow) [Always carrying at least a knife, usually agile and silent one-hit killers]
Fighter (Axe)
> Warrior (Axe & Bow) [A hunter and trapper, this seasoned fighter can take down a squad of pikeman and still bring home a deer to feed his family. Great terrain movement]
> Hero (Sword & Axes) [Balanced fighters. Strong and quick with the ability to fight close and distance enemies]
> Axe Knight (Axe)[Weapon specialization. Greatest mobility and able to dismount in battle quickly.]
Barbarian (Axe)
> Berserker (Axe) [Power and the lust for it is the goal of this beast. With the highest rate of critical hits and the ability to steal weapons, he can stay in a bloody battle for a long time.]
> Warrior (Axe & Bow) ) [A hunter and trapper, this seasoned fighter can take down a squad of pikeman and still bring home a deer to feed his family. Great terrain movement]
> Griffon Rider (Axe) [The beast in the warrior finds companionship in his mount. They become inseparable during battle and can carry two other people.]
Corsair (Axe & Sword)
> Berserker (Axe) [Power and the lust for it is the goal of this beast. With the highest rate of critical hits and the ability to steal weapons, he can stay in a bloody battle for a long time.]
> Axe Knight (Axe)[Weapon specialization. Greatest mobility and able to dismount in battle quickly.]
> Conqueror (Axe, Sword, Lance) [Mounted and versatile, this one-man army delivers death without consequence]
Mage (Anima)
> Sage (Anima, Light, Staff) [Versatile fighters and healers with the ability to travel terrain easily]
> Mage Knight (Anima & Staff) [Able in one tome art with an additional skill. Mounted unit that can unmounts easily in battle]
> Druid (Anima, Dark, Staff) [A defensive dark practitioner. Slower than their light counterparts, but harder to kill]
> Mage Flier (Anima & Lance) [A mobile flying unit with both a weapon and magic specialization. They find it hard to part from their mount]
Dark Mage/Shaman (Dark)
> Druid (Anima, Dark, Staff) [A defensive dark practitioner. Slower than their light counterparts, but harder to kill]
> Sorcerer (Dark & Anima) [Critical strikes and able to absorb life from other sources with speed, but easily struck down]
> Dark Knight (Dark & Sword) [Able in one tome art with an additional skill. Mounted unit with great mobilty that can unmount easily in battle]
> Summoner (Dark & Staff) [The power of darkness and life in its ultimate form: Resurrection. This dark mage brings corpses to life to fight for their cause]
Light Mage/Monk (Light)
> Bishop (Light & Staff) [Well practiced healers who now are able to fight for their beliefs. Easy to take down, but can travel through many different terrains easily]
> Valkyrie (Light & Staff) [Able in one tome art with an additional skill. Mounted unit that can unmounts easily in battle]
> Sage (Anima, Light, Staff) [Versatile fighters and healers with the ability to travel terrain easily]
> Light Flier (Light, Axe) [A mobile flying unit with both a weapon and magic specialization. They find it hard to part from their mount]
Cleric/Priest (Staff)
> Bishop (Light & Staff) [Well practiced healers who now are able to fight for their beliefs. Easy to take down, but can travel through many different terrains easily]
> War Cleric/ War Monk (Axe & Staff) [hand to hand combatants that take care of their allies. Mobile units in different terrain]
> Valkyrie (Light & Staff) [Able in one tome art with an additional skill. Mounted unit that can unmounts easily in battle]
> Sage (Anima, Light, Staff) [Versatile fighters and healers with the ability to travel terrain easily]
Troubadour (Staff)
> Valkyrie (Light & Staff) [Able in one tome art with an additional skill. Mounted unit that can unmounts easily in battle]
> Mage Knight (Anima & Staff) [Able in one tome art with an additional skill. Mounted unit that can unmounts easily in battle]
> Staff Flier (Staff & Bow) [A mobile flying unit with both a weapon and magic specialization. They find it hard to part from their mount]
> War Cleric (Staff & Axe) [hand to hand combatants that take care of their allies. Mobile units in different terrain]
Pegasus Knight (Lance), Pegasus Archer (Bow),
> Falcon Knight (Lance, Sword & Staff) [Easily taken down by bows or magic, but their mobility over great distances and terrain makes up for this]
> Magic Flier (1 Weapon & 1Magic) [Weapon specialization. Greatest mobility and able to dismount in battle quickly.]
> Dragon Lord (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow) [Riding the ultimate beast, these lords of the sky can only be harmed by magic]
Wyvern Knight (Axe), Wyvern Merc (sword)
> Wyvern Lord (Axe & Lance) [Easily taken down by bows or magic, but their mobility over great distances and terrain makes up for this]
> Griffon Rider (Axe) [The beast in the warrior finds companionship in his mount. They become inseparable during battle and can carry two other people.]
> Dragon Lord (Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow) [Riding the ultimate beast, these lords of the sky can only be harmed by magic]
Feline (Cat, Tiger, Lion)
Canine (Dog, Coyote, Wolf)
Manaketes (Fire, Ice, Earth, Air, Sea)
Dragons (Red, White, Black)
Demon Dragon
Divine Dragon