Still room for one more? If so, here's my CS:
Name: Richard Hinkler
Age: 18
Offence: Fascist agitation
History: From a young age, Rich has had a keen sense of injustice. Ever since he was given the shorter half of the chocolate bar at four years old he's dedicated his life to fighting the bastard who divvied them up - and his digging has revealed the truth: behind the man with the knife and the chocolate bar there is a spectral Jew controlling who gets what portion. Well, not this Hinkler! Rich won't be a pawn in their Jewish mindgames any longer. An upper-middle-class childhood marked by social isolation, bullying, sadness and fear that manifested in long hours spent reading Nietzsche and Hegel has evolved into extremism that is only just manifesting, as well as a healthy dose of paranoia. Sadly, Rich's first act of resistance was to be his last. The Council did not take kindly to having their walls painted over with a big blue "GAS THE KIKES, RACE WAR NOW" and Rich is about to make planetfall. But how will this political bent manifest itself Earthside? Can Rich power through his adversity on the wings of the Imperial Eagle or will he falter and fall like his ancient ancestors? Only time will tell.
Other: Don't expect anything useful out of Rich. Philosophy is interesting but doesn't lend itself well to real-world applications.