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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Early morning...

"Yornley, huh? Doesn't look like much. Do you reckon the folks are friendly?" A young girl stood at the edge of a ridge. She was teasing herself, slowly leaning forward to look down below. Had a gust of wind blown through the land she may as well have fell right off. Out in the distance she could see the town of Yornley. It consisted of a single main road with a series of buildings constructed around it, as well as a few smaller roads leading to a few other buildings located off the main road.

"If you were expecting a big city, you might as well head in the opposite direction; northeast to be exact." A man was not to far from her, saddling up a pair of horses and fixing the belongings so they would not fall out on their trip.

"I didn't expect it to be a big city... I just... you'd think that if gold miners stopped in the area they'd do with some fixin' up the place, you know? But no, just another muddied, boring town, where everything is made of wood. I don't get it."

The man sighed, a bit annoyed at the girl's seemingly constant chatter. But he couldn't complain. He was the reason she was here, after he allowed her to join him on the expedition. What a mistake, he thought to himself, then again, I suppose I'd have wanted the same treatment. He didn't know what exactly, but there was something about her. Something that made him feel like his old self again, when the only thing that mattered was getting a hard day's work done. Could it be that she... no, he shook his head to dismiss the thoughts. He tied the final knot on the horse to secure the drinking flask and looked over at the girl, "you ready to git on with it?"


Later that morning...

It was the same old thing. Another settlement built to exploit the gold miners who traveled across the frontier. There was the saloon, just as big as the others. It had to be big, especially to accommodate the colorful folks who needed a place to rest. The whores inside invited the men within its walls, and the saloon-keep smiled as the cash came flowing in. There was a general store, selling food and other such supplies, no doubt stocked up by the surrounding farms and ranches. You had your doctor's office, for anyone fixing for some remedies or questions of the sickly nature. It was a somewhat functioning town of people who were just trying to get by.

"Stay close to me, Lillie, and let me do the talkin', you here?" The man yanked on a rope tied up to the girl's horse, pulling her up closer. There was no telling what the folks in this town would be up to, as he had never been. He was as much a virgin to this town as any other place he had never been. But it was all the same, to him anyway.

"I'm right behind you, sheesh, John. Let's just go to the saloon and get acquainted with-"

"Go to the saloon? Get acquainted? Well ain't you the frontierswoman? Let me feel the town out first, get a sense of how these people are." Lillie rolled her eyes and sighed. Sometimes John just seemed to do unnecessary things. She'd have strutted right into the saloon, popped a few questions off the barman, and carried on her merry way. Then again, she was only twelve years old. "Tell you what," John began, looking up at a two-story structure entitled 'The Holly Hotel', "hitch the horses there, we'll get a room. You'll be safe there, for a little while anyways. I'm gonna get in touch with a few of the locals and see what I can find out."

"What," Lillie exclaimed quiet loudly. "This is such bullshit! I want to come with you-"

"Hey, watch your damn mouth, girl, you're eleven for cryin' out loud." John hopped down off his horse as soon as he steered up to a hitching post just outside the hotel.

"I'm twelve," Lillie responded smartly.

"Same difference. Now do what I said and hitch your damn horse."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KnightsTemplar
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U.S. Marshal Joshua Hawkes rode into Ft.Hadley and up to the entrance of the Livery stable then stepped down of the large bay quarter horse, he could see the man he was after on the far end unsaddling his horse. He'd been on the mans trail for roughly a month since He'd ran from Justice and now that Joshua had him cornered in the stables, he wasnt going to let him get away, Joshua had a hunch Blackie would stay true to his nature and would'nt be able to resist a bottle of whiskey, Saloon whores and a game of cards for long. He watched the man stop unsaddling his horse when the crunching of hay under Joshua's boots caught his attention, Joshua squared up then called out in a tone steady and confident,

"Dont turn around Blackie, I'm a United States Marshal, keep your hands where I can see'em, I'm here to take you back to Sweetwater".

Blackie tense at his words, then widen his stance but, but kept his hands up on the saddle and answered back with a slight hesitation in his voice," Take me back to swing from a tree you mean, dont you Marshal?", Blackie paused a moment to gathered his courage, " You rode a long way fer noth'in Lawdog cause I aint going back", Blackie paused again, he knew he was in a tight spot, but the fear of swinging at the end of a rope was greater then eating lead, he was about to make his move when the Marshals next words caused him a moment of doubt,"Alive or dead Blackie, it dont matter to me much, but your going back to Sweetwater", Blackie gritted his teeth and his lips curled into a twisted grin as he spun on his heels to face the Marshal, his hand going for the pistol on his right hip.

Blackie may of been a murderous scoundrel, But Joshua wasnt the kind of man to shoot another in the back no matter how much of a dirty dog the Outlaw was,but he also knew Blackie wasnt the type to go peaceably and Joshua couldnt blame him for trying, the thought of dying by having your neck stretched out wasnt a pleasant thought even to him. So he waited the few seconds for Blackie to spin on the heels of his worn boots and go for his gun, Joshua's own hand flashed like lightening, gripping around the handle of the Colt.45 and bringing it up out of the holster, thumb cocked the hammer, and squeezeing off a single shot before the barrel of Blackies gun cleared the holster.

The dark red spot at the center of Blackies upper chest grow instantly and he was dead before his body hit the dirt floor of the Livery Stable. Joshua holstered his pistol then took out a piece of paper and began unfolding it as the crowd slowly crepted up to see what had happened. It wasnt long before the Towns Sheriff and Deputy came bargeing in with guns drawn, stopping to look between the body on the floor and the only other man standing inside the Stables. Joshua held out the unfolded piece of paper, already knowing the Sheriffs question, he cut him off with the answer, "That man was wanted in Sweetwater for the murder of a Rancher and his family", Joshua nodded toward the dead Blackie, "I'll need you to bear witness that the man lying deads the same one on this wanted poster, then put your mark on it".

thought taken aback by the nonchalance attitude of the Marshal, the Sheriff took the poster then walked over to the body and knelt down to examine the face then the picture on the poster, after a minute he stood up and walked back to the Marshal, "Yup, that be the same man, I'll call for the Undertaker, you can come by the Office later and pick up this here poster and reward money". Joshua nodded then turned to go,"Didnt do it for the reward", was his calm reply as he stepped outside, then looked around for a saloon, wanting a drink of whiskey to cut the taste of trail dust from his throat.

Joshua walked back to his horse then stopped and noticed it wasnt going to be long before it got dark, and decided he better get a room first. He grabbed the reins and lead the horse inside the Livery stable just as some of the local menfolk were carrying the body of Blackie out. He paid for a stable for the night, unsaddled his horse then paid the Stableboy alittle extra for him to give the good hay and some oats to his horse. Grabbing his Saddlebags, He left the Stables and made his way down the boarded walkway, tipping the brim of his hat to the Ladies and nodding his head toward the men as he passed them, but for the most part they seemed to more interested in staring at the silver star pinned to his chest.

He made his way on down to the Inn, noticing it was across the dirt street from the Saloon he asked for a room towards the back of the building as he signed his name in the Inns ledger and paid for the room. The Innkeeper had a boy run his saddlebags up to the room. Joshua asked for and got instructions from the Innkeeper on how to get to the telegraph Office then stepped back outside of the Inn, took out his tobacco pouch and rolled a smoke, striking a wooden match on the post next to him, he took a puff then glanced over to the Saloon before crossing the street, then turning to his right and walked down the wooden planked walkway till he came to the Telegraph Office at the end of the row of buildings. He sent off a telegram to the Judge in Sweetwater informing him of Blackies death and requested his next assignment. He asked the Telegraph agent where he could get some grub and was about to tell the Agent to bring him any reply message when the telegrph ticker began clicking wildly, he waited for the Agent to write down the letters of the various alternating clicks, then took the piece of paper the Agent held out for him when he was down writing.

--- To Joshua Hawkes U.S. Marshal stop---
---Being reassigned to judgeship in the town of Yornly Wissleon County stop---
---requested you as my Marshal stop---
---meet you there, secure building for new courthouse stop---
---be there as soon as business concluded here stop---

fortunately the Telegraph office had a wall map of the surrounding area and with a little help from the Agent, he was able to locate the tiny black dot the represented the town of Yornly, Wissleon County, which looked to be a few das ride from where he was at. Since it was now dark and he'd already paid for a room, he thought twice about going to the Saloon for a drink and instead made his mind up to get a hot meal and a good nights sleep, then head out for Yornly at sunup.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alexander rode into Yornly late in the morning in his cart. The town had a very lonely atmosphere. Alexander reflected internally. "Would a infamous deviant such as Bill Sharp really be hiding near such an insignificant town?"(Bill Sharp being Butcher Bills full name) Still Alexander decided he still had to be prepared should the information he received be correct. Thus the trap must be set.

Alexander walked into the town's saloon. There were many stares as he walked in with his formal clothing. It was almost as if they had never seen a suit. Perhaps some were planning to rob him. Alexander walked up to the barkeep and requested a drink as he took a seat at the bar. He spoke to the barkeep as he was presented with his drink. "Excuse me sir do you know how I would get to the Greenfield gold mine?" The barkeeper gave him directions. Alexander felt that would be a good place to begin his search. He would head out for the mine tomorrow. Still he would gather any information he could while in town. Alexander again spoke to the barkeep. "My name is Jeremiah Lexington. I am in the gold mining business and I am interested in purchasing the Greenfield mine. However I am concerned about a certain gang of outlaws led by a man called Butcher Bill. Id like to ask if this man has attacked the town recently." The barkeeper spoke. "Bills last raid was three days ago. He's a bane on the existence of all who live here. If I were you Id get out of town while you're still able." Alexander sipped his drink and decided to relax for a bit before heading out to further question the locals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The very first place John decided to check out rumors was not the saloon, but rather the unfinished church. It wasn't to far from completion, and only had a few more hours of work done to the outside before the inside could be worked on. The reverend, or who John assumed was the reverend, stood outside gazing upon the structure. John walked up beside the man and shared the view. That's when the reverend turned to notice John. "Oh, hello there my good sir, how have you been this fine day?"

"Good, I reckon," John replied, still looking at the church.

"Are you to receive a blessing, or seek advice?"

"No," John shook his head and smiled. He was never a religious man and found the idea amusing. He turned his attention over to the man. He was of average height, maybe 5'5, with a slim build and short, neat brown hair. He had a friendly demeanor on his face, but the wrinkles on his forehead showed he was clearly stressed. "I'm looking for... information, and I figure you would know the folks 'round here and so maybe you have what I'm lookin' for?"

The reverend held out his hand, holding his Bible in the other hand. "My name is Reverend David Milton, but you may call me Reverend if you'd like." John shook the man's hand and was about to speak again until the Reverend spoke up. "Just tell me what it is you're after and I can hopefully tell you where you need to be. If I can't, then I will pray so that He may guide your path."

"Yeah, Reverend. I ain't much of a religious person... anyway, I'm looking for a man named Bill, Bill Sharp. He's most commonly known by Butcher Bill though. Heard he was 'round these parts and here I am, come to serve him some justice."

"Oh yes," said the Reverend, ever so eagerly, "I have heard of the man. I only just arrived two days ago, but I heard he raided some folk not three days ago. a bit of luck on my part, is it not? But no, I don't know much. You could try the saloon across the way, maybe someone in there would know."

John laughed a bit again, "Yeah, I was hopin' to avoid the saloon. All manner of folks in there I'd rather not run into." John sighed and took a last look at the church. "Well... thanks anyway, Reverend. Good meetin' you." The Reverend said his goodbyes and John turned around to face the saloon. "Oh, brother..."


The one thing John hated about saloons was the possibility that a bounty hunter or lawman was inside waiting to spring an ambush to capture him. He had several outstanding warrants anyway, and was wanted in more than a few counties. He had managed to evade capture for a while, but his luck had to run out sooner or later. Fortunately, no one jumped up in an uproar when he walked in and everyone carried out their daily ramblings.

John walked over to the bar. He'd order a drink or two then question the barkeep to see what he may know. Unfortunately, someone else was already talking to him so John took a neat beside the man. Out of sheer coincidence the man began to ask questions that John needed to know. John overhead the man's name: Jeremiah Lexington. He seemed to be more interested in mining gold, but he was concerned about the possibility of Bill's gang attacking the site. The barkeep then warned Jeremiah of the potential dangers of such a place, but the man appeared unnerved.

"Some whiskey, please," John said when the two men finished speaking. Jeremiah began sipping from his drink and so John took the opportunity to question him. "Hey there, friend," John began, "name's... er... Jack." John was careful not to reveal his actual name, lest this man was familiar with his potential bounties. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the barkeep. Jeremiah, is it?" The barkeep placed a shot of whiskey on the counter in front of John, so he took it and gulped it down in one go. "I ain't to... knowledgeable in the layout of Wissleon County, but I've had a few encounters with ol' Bill before. I'd be more than happy to accompany you on this... endeavor. If you're interested, that is."
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