“The night was calm, the moon full overhead, just starting its slow ascent into the sky, announcing that the dominion of the walkers of night had begun once more. The Night brought out the best, and worst, of all sorts that could be found, from the Vampire clans and their ilk, Kindred that forwarded their own agenda's, as well as those of their Clans, and one such being was out that night. He was a member of the Camarilla, stewards of the Masquerade and a sort of balancing, status quo between the Clans and preventing the increasing population of humans to realize their existence and drown them in a tide of hunters and manpower. Others did not agree with their goals, but they had tools and political power enough to make their goals the goals of many of the Kindred.
Said Vampire held a role of importance, a Sheriff of the Camarilla, an enforcer of the laws and traditions of their sovereign prince. This one was of the Brujah clan, powerful warriors in their own right, and this was without the inevitable power that one of the Sheriff role would no doubt hold. His name was Karl Shore, and he was not happy, an understatement if one had ever been said. A harsh scowl permeated his face, hard, solid jaw making this all the more intimidating and clear to those that passed him by. Most wouldn't have trouble justifying placing his home, or his bloodline's home, somewhere in the German lands, though mortals wouldn't dare dream of how old this one actually was. Of average height he was, with brown hair swept back into a pony tail that ran down his back, keen, almost hungry, and certainly predatory blue eyes gleamed out at the night, taking everything in, in a way that mortals couldn't. He was on a mission, a job from his Prince, and he would see it done.
The building he had arrived at was ruined, at least to his eyes. Others assumed it was just abandoned, and as the Sheriff entered, they wouldn't appear to be wrong. But the dark hallways gave way to the scent of death, of blood and instinctual terror. There was blood splattered across the ruined halls, clear evidence of fighting and struggling, the symbols of a very clear opponent to the Camarilla. The Sabbat, those that believed themselves the sword of Caine himself, and would sweep the world clean when the time came. Fools that they were, outcasts and renegades often found membership in their ranks, and that made them dangerous, as such creatures often found themselves talented and without fear of punishment from their former watchmasters, the Camarilla. But the thoughts of the Sheriff were interrupted, as a scream from deeper within, past the bodies that he had started to find, suffering clear injuries from many forms of armed combat.
But this was only side information in the Sheriff Shore's head as he walked into a room, the originating point of the scream, and only a dust pile remained. He kicked it, scattering the dust, finding it was unusually fresh, when a sound made him turn, straight into a blast of twelve gauge buckshot. The creature with shotgun scowled from the doorway, having expected easy prey, but Karl Shore was no easy prey. With a snarl of his own, paired hatchets came from his belt, no fear of breaking the masquerade here, and both flying hatchets struck home, throwing the offending creature to the ground with a gurgling noise. The gut wound from the shotgun wasn't pretty, even for a being of his capability and prowess, but it lacked any specialty or potency to cause long term difficulties. The vampire that had inflicted the wound, and was now down on the ground with a hatchet in his throat and stomach was clearly a shovelhead, petty footsoldier of the Sabbat, literally beaten over the head and kicked off into fighting. No real match for a Brujah like himself, and a Sheriff at that.
Karl approached the wounded vampire, hand wrapping around the hatchet buried in the vampires neck, and glared deep into the beings eyes. It started laughing, pointing out behind the Sheriff. Despite himself, he turned, hatchet in hand, staring dead into a sight he did not want to see, ever. It was a werewolf, and while that was bad enough, something made it worse. It stood in its Crinos form, the feral war form of the Garou, and he barely had time to open his mouth, to let fly a scream of fear, or of rage, or of something else entirely, but such things as these are not nearly as uncommon as one would think. For this is a World of Darkness, maintained behind the Masquerade of the Vampires and the Veil of the Garou, but such things are fragile, and all it could take, is a nudge, to send it all spiraling down into bedlam and chaos, a helter skelter, as it was once called.”
Welcome to the world of darkness, where the dark of night is filled with creatures of your worst fears. Boston has always been a city that harbors in it’s shadows the dregs of society, but it also holds the secrets of a long held masquerade. A Prince with great ambition resides here upsetting the balance of the world around him, his own followers seem to be disconcerted with his actions and his greed. The wolves in the hills of New Hampshire grow restless with each night that passes as their lands grow smaller and smaller by the day.
This will be a rp based off the World of Darkness by whitewolf. I realize that there are a lot of different races and classes to choose from, but with so much variety everything would get so muddled the plot would disappear. So I’m sticking with the most well known factions. Kindred (Vampires), Hunters (Humans), and Garou (Werewolves) will be the three playable races, I’m sorry to those who love mages or changelings, but I feel like that would just be throwing to much in the mix.
To give a little insight to what’s going on with the RP the Garou have reactivated a Caern in the New Hampshire forests and vampire territory has encroached upon it enraging them, Anarchs have grown displeased with the current Prince of Boston, Sabbat have struck out in the city against everyone in a crusade, The Prince in his greed filled lust has begun stepping on everyone’s toes not caring about guidelines that are in place, and Hunters have come to Boston with all the red flags that have gone up and are hunting down the Prince.
The typical rules apply to this RP, don’t make yourself overpowered, don’t god mod, be respectful etc etc. This is a advanced RP so I expect everyone to have the common sense to know what is expected of them.
(I’m adding in Hunters again because of the interest I have received in them. Now I’m posting a link to the Society of Leopold as a idea of what you can work with. You do not have to be part of the Society of Leopold, but I’d highly suggest at least working with the hunters that are. A lone hunter usually doesn’t last long among vampires and garou, especially on this scale.)
Helpful Character Creation Info
Vampire Clans
Clans Disciplines
Hunters Society of Leopold
Limit of 5