Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Lily, I love it." Rose said while watching Lily. Suddenly Lily put the flower in her mouth. Rose couldn't help but giggle. She shook her head at Lily

"You're not suppose to eat that, Lily." She took the flower from Lily and smelled it, closing her eyes as she did. Then Rose handed back the flower to Lily.

"Rand, can she stay with us? I can take care of her and all the responsibilities. Please?" She asked, with a slight tone of begging. Her head was running through a list of spells she could use. There was one that gave something the power to speak her language. Maybe it would work? She would have to get Lily to her house first though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yes, go ahead, sir dwarf," the queen said to the dwarven ambassador, allowing him to continue with the message that he came here for. It quickly became evident that he was doing a poor job at selling this offer, so perhaps was not the best ambassador that the king could have sent had he known how it would work out. Still, an honest ambassador was refreshing, she supposed. Better than lying through his teeth to try and make this peace treaty seem like it would lead to some sort of utopia.

She read over the letter to get more of the details. It was outrageous sounding indeed, even by her limited understanding. Her kingdom would go broke just to pay for land that was rightfully theirs before this horrible war began. As much as she wanted peace she couldn't accept this as is. Perhaps sounding tough will work out?

"You tell the dwarven king that unless he wishes to get in a war with the Kingdom of Kaer and the Elves as well, he better rethink this amount to a fair and realistic level." Of course they had yet to solidify any agreement as of yet, especially with the elves, but hopefully this would be the truth soon enough. "If that is all, I'm very busy talking to King Alexander." She nodded to the young man standing besides her, confirming his identity for him. Perhaps this would add to the intimidation factor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alex felt a scowl grow on his face when he heard the terms that the dwarf king wanted to end the war. Alex thought to himself "It shows how poor your leadership is when your ambassador doesn't like your policies." Alex then took a seat to prepare to talk to the queen.
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